
Chapter 594 Shocking secret, pointing at the holy city!

Chapter 594 Shocking secret, pointing at the holy city!
As night fell, the entire holy mountain was swallowed by night.But tonight is much better than last night. First, there is no wind, second, there is no snow, and third, there are a few stars that appear and disappear from time to time.

The girls had already fallen asleep in the temporary house built by Nightingale, only Tong Yan and Wan Gui Zhi'e were sitting on the trunk of a fallen tree outside the room.

Tong Yan wrapped himself in his leather jacket, and asked Wan Gui Zhi'e, who was eating roast pork, "Do you think it will come tonight?"

Wan Gui Zhi'e ate the delicious food, and said vaguely: "Who? Who is coming?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help laughing bitterly.This guy is not on the same channel as him at all, and he probably won't listen to anything he says until he eats up all the roast pork.

"Hurry up and eat, and I'll tell you when you're full."

"Yeah, this meat is so delicious. Boss, you can get more in the future, these are not enough for me to eat."

Tong Yan smiled, ignored it, and lay directly on the snow.

He stared blankly at the sky, not knowing when he would be able to return to the original world, maybe soon, maybe a long time.

A few minutes later, Wan Gui Zhi'e finally ate up all the roast pork, and then followed Tong Yan's example and lay down in the snow.

Tong Yan turned his head to see how funny it was, and couldn't help laughing. "Do you know what you look like now?"

"like what?"

"Like a pig being hung up, I don't want to be hung up, I think you better do me a favor."

Hearing this, Wan Gui Zhi's reaction was quick this time. "Boss, don't you want me to watch the night for you again? No, I just had a full meal and I need to rest. I'll go to bed first!"

Tong Yan was very patient, and smiled maliciously: "Of course you can sleep, but I don't guarantee that I will leave you with delicious food. Unless you are on a hunger strike, otherwise, there is nothing good to eat It's time to eat."

Hearing this, Wan Guizhi hurriedly turned over, and begged for mercy: "Boss, don't, don't. This roast pork is so delicious, you must keep it for me next time. Isn't it just a night watch? I promise, you go to bed!"

Tong Yan sat up, shook his head and said with a smile, "I can't go on like this forever. I think I'll meet that long-tongued monster today. Since it has been following us all the time, there must be some reason. We can feel more at ease if we figure everything out."

Ten thousand ghosts made a soft sound, and then said: "But you can't see it? Then why do you ask it?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Isn't there you? As long as you can see it, when it comes, just tell me where it is, and I will take care of the rest."

Wan Gui Zhi'e nodded and said: "Okay, it has come, and it is by your side."

Tong Yan was taken aback when he heard this, and immediately asked, "You're not kidding me, are you? Are you really here?"

Wan Guizhi smiled and said: "I'm lying to you, it usually floats, so how can it be by your side? It must be on your head...on top..." Speaking of this, its voice suddenly It became a little smaller, and finally pointed upwards with its paw, as if to tell Tong Yan something.

Seeing its ugly appearance, Tong Yan naturally guessed the clue.No need to guess, the long-tongued monster should be floating above Tong Yan's head now.

Tong Yan calmed down a bit, then raised his head and said, "Hey, friend! Now that you're here, why don't you show up to see us? From the time we enter the holy mountain, you follow, don't tell me, you're too busy to panic, so Find something to do when you have nothing to do. I think you can understand me, right? Come out, why hide?"

The long-tongued monster floating above his head blinked, as if thinking.After being silent for more than a minute, the long-tongued monster finally floated in front of Tong Yan, and slowly appeared.

This guy definitely did it on purpose, the distance between him and Tong Yan was less than five centimeters, and he trembled at the sight of the evil of all ghosts.

Its sudden appearance made Tong Yan a little flustered, it was too close, if Tong Yan hadn't been mentally prepared for it, even Hun'er would have been scared away.


A timely sneeze resolved the embarrassment in front of him.

The sneeze passed directly through the long-tongued monster's head, as if it was sprayed on the air.

Tong Yan didn't back down, even though he was so close, he also didn't back down.

"That... That friend, should we keep a little distance? After all, we just met for the first time, and I think it might be better to be farther away. Have you ever heard such a saying? Distance creates beauty! Well, also You don’t have to float so far, just two steps away from me!”

Seeing the long-tongued monster floating more than ten meters away, Tong Yan hurriedly called it back.

The long-tongued monster finally stopped two meters in front of Tong Yan, and then looked straight at Tong Yan without saying a word.

Tong Yan was still a little uncomfortable being stared at by it like this, but it was better than being separated by five or six.

Tong Yan sized it up carefully, and it was almost the same as what Wangui Zhie described.If there is anything that has not been described, it is the face of the monster with a long tongue, which is pale and bloodless.

From Tong Yan's point of view, the long tongue monster in front of him should be more like a ghost, but he can be sure that it is not.

So what is it?This is really confusing.

"Well... your tongue is so long, will it affect your speech? Why don't you make it smaller?"

Hearing this, the long-tongued monster blinked its white eyes, and actually retracted its tongue.

In this way, it may not be appropriate to call it a long-tongued monster, and it should be called a long-haired monster.

"I want to know, can you talk? Since you can understand me, you should be able to talk, right?"

But this time, the long-haired monster shook his head.That's right, without a body, even a head can't speak.

"Since you can't talk, let me guess, only you answer me with a nod and a shake of your head. Okay?"

Hearing this, the long-haired monster nodded slightly.

"Okay, then I have a question. Are you following us to harm us?"

The long-haired monster shook his head, Tong Yan was relieved by this answer.He went on to ask: "Have you been in the holy mountain for a long time?"

The long-haired monster nodded slightly.

"The reason why you follow us is to make friends with us?"

The long-haired monster hesitated for a moment, then nodded again.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked the question he knew best. "Why don't you have a body? Where is your body?"

This time, asking the question seemed to touch the taboo of the long-haired monster. It couldn't help but look up at the sky, and opened its mouth wide as if roaring, but couldn't make a sound.

It went on like this for quite a while before it lowered its head again, looking very lonely and very sad.

Tong Yan stared at it for a while, and suddenly a crazy idea appeared in his mind.

"You don't belong in this world, do you?"

The long-haired monster froze for a moment, and then unexpectedly nodded.

Tong Yan was shocked by the long-haired monster's answer. It seems that there are not as few outsiders who came to this world as imagined.He actually faintly felt that there seemed to be a big secret hidden behind this.

And all the answers may be hidden in the holy city, as long as you find the holy city, all doubts will be easily solved!

PS: There are 23 chapters in this outbreak, plus 12 chapters at 10 o'clock in the daytime, a total of 33 chapters.Yaren has stayed up all night for these 33 chapters. Firstly, he wants to fulfill his promise to everyone, and secondly, he also wants to fulfill one of his dreams.Today is very important to Yaren, and the successor of tricks will hit the highest sales volume today.If it is convenient for everyone, please donate a little bit, regardless of whether everyone donates a piece, and help me to make this book reach a new height.Of course, having said that, tipping is voluntary, even if you don’t tip, you are Yaren’s favorite readers.I wish you all a happy weekend and a good mood every day!

(End of this chapter)

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