
Chapter 596 Seven-Star Battle Formation, The Holy City Comes!

Chapter 596 Seven-Star Battle Formation, The Holy City Comes!
Tong Yan already knew the abilities of the seven girls, Nightingale and Shirley.But for these five witches, he didn't have a deep understanding of them, so that he mistakenly believed that these five girls were at most singing, dancing and calling the wind and rain like those witches he had seen.

But after they re-introduced themselves, Tong Yan had to admit that he was indeed a little rude.Not only that, but now he is grateful to the third prince. If he hadn't insisted on sending these five witches to accompany him on the road, how could he feel like a treasure at this moment?
Although these five witches all use the power of the holy stone to cast spells, their skills are different.

For example, Aya, who is the oldest (actually only in her early twenties), can use the power of the holy stone to shoot a powerful electric current similar to lightning.But she has a very fatal weakness, that is, she cannot be interrupted in the process of casting spells, otherwise the power of the holy stone will cause an extremely strong backlash to her, ranging from coma on the spot to directly killing her .Fortunately, her casting speed is not too slow, about ten seconds.In other words, if she can shoot lightning after ten seconds, she is safe.But these ten seconds were her most vulnerable and powerless time.

Besides, Lina, the power caused by her use of the holy stone may not be as powerful as Aya, but she can attack in a range.What is scope attack?Those who have played the game should know that some heroes in the game have group attack skills, and ranged attacks can also be called group attacks.Lina transformed the power absorbed in the holy stone into five small balls, which can be sent out at the same time.As long as the ball hits an object while traveling, it will explode directly.Of course, the explosive power of these small balls is very limited. Of course, they are powerful against humans, but if you deal with ferocious beasts like Warcraft, you may just scratch them, and even their thick skin cannot be broken. .Compared with Aya, Lina's casting time is not too long, about five seconds is enough for her to absorb the power of the holy stone and launch an attack.And she is not afraid of backlash, after all, her transformation power is relatively mild.

Now let’s talk about Hongmei, she is the girl whose calf was pierced by a white-haired wild boar.She can use the power of the holy stone to create wind, but her casting time is too long, almost half a minute.When encountering a fast-moving enemy, she might be dead before she could cast a spell.That's why she couldn't cope with the white-haired wild boar running towards her.

Cuizhu, she is the most introverted among the five witches, and the one with the prettiest smile.She can use the holy stone to bind the hands and feet of the enemy, but the problem is that she has to be close to the enemy.In other words, she was ten meters away from the enemy, and if someone shot her with an arrow, she would have nothing to do.But if she touches the enemy's body, it will be as if the enemy has been immobilized, and within a few minutes, the limbs will not be able to move.In order to prove this point, Tong Yan specially asked her to cast a spell on him.As a result, Tong Yan felt that his limbs were extremely heavy, not to mention raising his legs, he couldn't even raise his hands.As for the essence, she actually used the power of the holy stone to form a shackle-like aura on people's limbs.Tong Yan can easily get rid of it by dissipating his true energy.

But having said that, in the Extermination Realm, apart from Tong Yan, there is probably no other person who has true energy, so Cui Zhu's ability is quite powerful.

Finally, let’s talk about Binglan. She is the youngest among the five witches. Although she is well-developed and sensual, her real age is just seventeen.She has different abilities from the other four witches, even a little different.After absorbing the power of the holy stone, she can create a kind of ideological illusion on people.To put it more simply, it is hypnosis.If this ability can be magnified to the extreme, it can even create illusions.But with her current ability, she can barely hypnotize four or five people at most, and the hypnosis time is not too long, about an hour. After the time passes, people will wake up by themselves.

The above are the abilities of each of the five shrine maidens, which can be described as varied and capable of both offense and defense.

If it can be trained well, its combat effectiveness will be great.

Tong Yan began to think, he needs to guide each of them separately, and formulate an effective training method and challenge plan for them.

This is actually very difficult, but Tong Yan is very excited about it.He was even imagining the scene of them cooperating with each other to kill all directions in the holy city.

After more than an hour, a not-so-perfect idea finally appeared in his mind. Although it is not perfect, it can be gradually perfected.So he decided to tell everyone, so that they have a general understanding of this.

After clearing his throat, he spoke. "I really admire everyone's respective abilities. But the shortcomings of each of you are also very obvious. For example, the casting time is too long, such as needing to be close to the enemy, such as not being able to be interrupted, etc... These are all It may prevent you from exerting your strongest combat power. At this time, the role of the team is particularly important. As the saying goes, one chopstick is easy to bend, but ten chopsticks will not break. As long as you cooperate with each other and turn your back For each other, you are the strongest and most invincible team.”

"Wait, I want to ask a question!" Seeing Nightingale speak, Tong Yan nodded and said, "Go ahead!"

"Your Highness, you said that the ten chopsticks can't be broken. There is a problem. I can break them. How do you say they can't be broken?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan's face was filled with black lines, completely defeated by Nightingale's innocence.

"I'm just making an analogy. You don't have to be serious with me. What I mean is that your ability alone is very weak. Only when you are united can you be invincible and invincible."

"Your Highness, I still have to ask a question!"

"Shut up! You don't need to ask questions!"

"Okay, then I won't talk about it. Why does Little Black Ball call you the boss?" Seeing Nightingale sticking out her tongue, Tong Yan finally understood the truth that innocence is more terrifying than ignorance.

"I have thought of a formation, which is how you will respond when you encounter danger again. Now I will tell you, I hope some comrades can listen attentively, otherwise, she will be punished not to sleep at night."

Although Nightingale didn't know what the word "comrade" meant, she knew that Tong Yan was referring to her.After making a funny face at Tong Yan, she concentrated on listening.

Tong Yan followed the formation of the Big Dipper, exactly seven girls, and according to each person's ability, the corresponding star position is also different.He first drew the picture of the Big Dipper array on the ground, and then arranged everyone's position one by one, what to do in case of danger, how to cooperate, etc...

After he finished all this, it was already close to ugly time.Because he had to go on the road tomorrow, he told everyone to go to rest and review what he had said by the way.

But just when everyone was about to lie down and rest, a team in silver armor came out of the forest and rushed towards them with a murderous look...

(End of this chapter)

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