
Chapter 597 Showing off her talents for the first time, the power of 7 women!

Chapter 597 Showing off the edge, the power of the seven daughters!
As soon as this group of people appeared, Tong Yan heard hurried footsteps.He didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly followed the sound.By the moonlight, he immediately had a clear view of the visitor.

The concubine Yao was captured by men in silver armor before, so Nightingale concluded that those people were probably from the Holy City.Now that these silver-armored men appeared on the holy mountain and came aggressively, their identities were already very clear.

"Get up quickly, the enemy is coming!"

As soon as Tong Yan said this, the girls who were lying down immediately stood up one after another, and looked at the visitor together.

After all, they still lack combat experience. The enemy has already charged with weapons, but they are still in a daze.

Tong Yan drew out the soft sword directly, and shouted loudly: "What are you still doing in a daze? Have you forgotten what I taught you just now? Now there are enemies coming, so let's practice with them!"

After being reminded by him, the seven girls hastily set up the formation according to the star positions of the Big Dipper formation.

Among them, Shirley is the strongest, so she occupies the Tianshu star position; Nightingale's strength is next to Tianxuan star position; Lina's casting time is slightly shorter, and she is a group attack, so she occupies the Tianji star position; Aya's spell casting time is longer than Lina's. , but the single body is extremely powerful, so it occupies the Tianquan star position; Hongmei has a casting time of half a minute and can control the wind, so it is arranged in the Yuheng star position; as for the two ice blues that need to be close and difficult to exert their strength He Cuizhu occupies the two star positions of Kaiyang and Yaoguang respectively.

The seven people settled down one by one, and the Big Dipper array was also formed.

Seeing everyone finally set up a battle formation, Tong Yan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.Although he didn't know the strength of these silver armor men, as long as the seven girls did what he said, it was not impossible to win.

What they lack most now is combat experience. This thing can only be accumulated from battle after battle. No matter how much knowledge they have learned, it will be useless if they cannot use it by then.

So Tong Yan decided to give them a chance. Although it was a bit risky to do so, but with his own assistance, and the disaster of all ghosts, it shouldn't be a big problem.Unless the strength of these silver armored warriors reaches a certain level, otherwise, he still has this confidence.

This group of silver-armored soldiers moved very quickly, and they were less than 20 meters away from everyone in a blink of an eye.

Shirley and Nightingale were already on the alert, ready to strike at any time. As for the others, they also showed serious expressions, because they knew that if they slack off, they might die today.

After the Silver Armor team approached, they didn't act rashly, but looked at everyone coldly.The person in charge should play the role of captain.He scanned the crowd, and then shouted loudly: "This place is in the hinterland of the holy mountain, and it is the forbidden area of ​​my holy city. Outsiders are not allowed to take a step, retreat quickly, or you will bear the consequences!"

He didn't do it directly, he must have guessed that Tong Yan and the others were not weak.Perhaps, no one has ever been able to walk here, so they will take a high look.

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "Let us leave? Is it that easy? We won't leave unless we enter the holy city. But you, if you don't want to die, get out immediately. Otherwise, this place will be your last resort." The place of fate!"

When the captain heard this, he immediately reprimanded unceremoniously: "I really don't know how to live or die. If you want to take a step in the holy city, you will commit a capital crime. Since you don't know how to repent, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless. All saint guards listen Order, follow me to wipe out the intruders, leaving no one behind!"

As soon as he gave an order, he immediately pointed the silver long sword in his hand at Tong Yan, then touched the ground, flew up suddenly, and rushed towards Tong Yan.

Seeing this, a group of silver armored soldiers behind him rushed over quickly without any delay, their killing intent piercing people's hearts.

When Tong Yan saw it, he sneered and said, "Girls, since they don't know how to live or die, let's send them on their way. I'll deal with the leader, and I'll leave the rest to you. Keep calm and don't let I am disappointed!"

As soon as the sound fell, the squad leader had already stabbed with a sword.Tong Yan didn't dare to say anything, and immediately went up to him with a soft sword in his hand.

The sound of "Ding Ding Dang Dang" sounded first, and the girls didn't delay when they saw this, and then they took action to deal with the remaining silver armored soldiers.

The squad leader who fought Tong Yan fiercely is indeed quite capable, he has a good knowledge of swordsmanship.It seems to be a stabbing sword, but in fact this sword has several changes, either stabbing, chopping, or chopping, each move is vicious and difficult to guard against.

Tong Yan knew that he had encountered a tough stubble, so he didn't dare to underestimate him, so he poured his true energy into his legs, and immediately used the Big Dipper Step to tangle with him.

Besides those girls, Shirley's spider silk can't be fired continuously, and it takes a long time before she can cast the second time.So Tong Yan's suggestion to her is to wait for the enemy to come forward, and make a move after making sure that the opponent cannot dodge.If you don't make a move, it's fine, and if you make a move, you will take the opponent's life.

She raised her jade hand, just watched, and waited for the best moment.

Unlike her, Nightingale's water power is inexhaustible, unless she is exhausted, she can use it all the time.

The moment these soldiers moved their legs, she had already set up her water bow, and five water arrows greeted them unceremoniously.

If her water arrows were aimed at ordinary people, one arrow would be able to kill one, but these silver armored soldiers were obviously not ordinary people, and they seemed to have mastered some special abilities.

Before Nightingale's water arrow could reach them, they placed their weapons horizontally in front of them.These weapons look like long swords, but they can release invisible air shields, enough to protect half of their bodies.

The water arrows were blocked by the invisible air shield released by the long swords in their hands, and immediately there was a "bang bang" breaking sound.It's a pity that Nightingale shot dozens of water arrows in a row, but they didn't hurt them at all, but only slowed down their approaching speed.

But at this moment, Lina's five light spheres had condensed and directly hit the attacking silver armor soldiers.

Seeing that the ball of light was about to touch the air shield, Lina knew how to control them to fly upwards, and then smash them down from the top.

The silver armored soldiers didn't dare to raise their shields above their heads, because Nightingale's water arrows "swish" like machine guns.

But in this way, Lina was fulfilled.

Only a few popping sounds were heard, and the ball of light immediately smashed open on the heads of this group of silver armored soldiers.

Although the unlucky silver armored soldiers were not crushed to death, their eyes were blown to bloody blood, and they covered their faces and screamed loudly.

But this was just the beginning, Aya, who had condensed the lightning, was finally finished. She gave a coquettish shout, then moved to the side, and slapped directly.She saw a flash of white light shoot out from her palm immediately, roaring and blasting past.

Hearing a scream of "ah", a soldier in silver armor walking in front of the team was struck in the leg by lightning.A powerful electric current spread to his whole body in an instant, and within a second, he turned into ashes like this.

But is that over?A cold light flashed in Shirley's eyes, and finally it was her turn to act...

(End of this chapter)

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