
Chapter 598 So fierce, kill them all!

Chapter 598 So fierce, kill them all!
Although one silver-armored soldier died and four or five were injured, the remaining three or four silver-armored soldiers did not have any intention of retreating. They were still approaching, turning a blind eye to what happened to their companions. Kill and nothing else.

Shooting water arrows continuously, Nightingale was exhausted and out of breath. Seeing that the remaining silver armored soldiers were less than three or four meters away from everyone, she did not choose to continue shooting arrows, but directly turned the water bow into a water polo, and quickly centered on the water polo to continue shooting. Condensed into a huge wall of water.

As soon as the water wall appeared, she exerted force with both palms, and directly slapped the water wall at the silver armored soldier in front of her.

The water wall was frozen into an ice wall by the cold air as it advanced. Seeing this, the silver armored soldiers finally stopped using weapons to defend, and swung their swords to slash at the oncoming ice wall.

Hearing only a few "chuckles", the ice wall was immediately cut into several pieces, and then fell to the ground.

And at this moment, Shirley, who had been waiting for an opportunity, finally made a move.

She slapped forward with one hand, and white spider silk spewed out from her palm instantly.The silver-armored soldiers had been defending all the time, and now they seized the opportunity to rush forward and kill these hateful women.

Unexpectedly, before they raised their swords and slashed, the spider silk entangled them as quickly as lightning.The speed of the spider's silk was too fast, and the distance was too close. Even if they wanted to dodge, it was already too late.

The spider silk entangled one person first, and then quickly tied it to the others. In less than two seconds, these silver armored soldiers were entangled together by the spider silk.

When they saw it, they seemed to have sensed something, and they were about to cut off the hair-thin spider silk with their swords, but unfortunately, they no longer had this chance.

A cold light flashed in Shirley's eyes, and she pulled back abruptly. Immediately afterwards, an unbelievable and extremely bloody scene took place.

These spider silks were like sharp swords, and they easily cut through their waists without staining a drop of blood.

Several silver-armored soldiers were stunned for a moment, and before they even had time to scream, they were cut in half and fell to the ground with a "plop plop".

Blood gushed out from their two severed bodies, dyeing the white snow on the ground into a red "ocean" in a short while.

Shirley breathed a sigh of relief, and then threw the spider silk on the ground.These spider silks were also very miraculous, as soon as they left her hands, they turned into white smoke and disappeared without a trace.

The rest were the blind silver armored soldiers. This time, Nightingale didn't give them any chance to draw their bows and shoot arrows.The water arrows pierced their throats, and they finally didn't have to cry anymore. They fell to the ground and closed their mouths forever.

The seven-member women's team defeated the mighty Holy City Guards. They tasted the taste of victory for the first time. Although they couldn't bear to see the corpses on the ground, they might be alive, which was more important than anything else.If they had any compassion at all, maybe they are the ones who are lying in a pool of blood now.

Although their battle has come to a successful conclusion, the duel between Tong Yan and the team leader is still going on.

The captain's ability is really amazing, and Tong Yan has been on the battlefield for a long time, but he didn't expect that he is far behind this guy in terms of swordsmanship.

A person who can use the sword to this level can be called a master of a generation.But even so, this guy has absolutely no chance of winning.

Just because Tong Yan has always been reserved, he didn't use the flying sword, let alone use the sword art.If one of the two is used casually, this guy will undoubtedly die.

With his current cultivation base, it may be quite difficult to perform the sword art, and it is even more likely that his true energy will be exhausted.So he decided to use the flying sword to end this senseless fight directly.

Thinking of this, he immediately backed away, and with two beautiful backflips in a row, he finally opened the distance between him and the silver-armored captain.

Captain Yinjia took a look and thought that Tong Yan was trying to escape, so he took out a silver awl from his waist.

In order to wait for him to make a move, Tong Yan also revealed his flying sword.

The two looked at each other and immediately shot at the same time.The golden flying sword or the silver awl, who is stronger?

The golden flying sword and the silver awl collided accurately, and with a "bang", the golden flying sword smashed the silver awl almost without any accident.

Feijian's momentum continued unabated, Captain Yinjia suddenly turned pale with fright, and hurriedly protected the long sword in his hand in front of him.

It's a pity that although his long sword was hard, it couldn't block the powerful impact of the flying sword. He only heard a "ding", and the golden flying sword pierced through the long sword, and by the way, the silver-armored captain's body. heart.

Captain Yinjia's eyes were full of disbelief, he opened his mouth wide and wanted to say something, but before he could speak, he was killed on the spot!

There is no pity in Tong Yan's eyes, he has always been like this when it comes to enemies.

Not far behind the silver armored captain, he just picked up the flying sword that fell on the ground.It's a pity that with his cultivation base, he can't control the sword, and the flying sword he shoots can't be recalled.So it is better not to use Feijian unless it is really a last resort.

Putting away the flying sword, he glanced at the seven girls who won first, and couldn't help showing a gratified smile.

He guessed correctly, as long as these seven girls are in one place and work together, their combat effectiveness is simply stronger than an army of 10 people.Of course, this also requires the assistance of a large number of holy stones.

Tong Yan didn't go directly to celebrate the victory with them, but turned his attention back to the dead team leader.

This guy is from the holy city, and he still has that silver awl on his body.He is very interested in this awl, because he himself is a master of hidden weapons.During the years when he was in a wheelchair, he almost always used iron beads.The skill of hidden weapons leads to the same goal by different routes. He can use hidden weapons such as iron balls well, and of course he can also use this kind of awl.

Bending down, he searched the entire body of the silver-armored captain.Not only the leather bag used to carry the silver awl was found, but also a silver token.There is only one word engraved on this token, and that is the word "Holy".Presumably, one must have a token to enter and exit the holy city.Without a token, you may not be able to walk freely.

He took another awl out of the leather bag and looked at it carefully.The center of the awl is hollow, and a long, polished cylinder is embedded in it.He could clearly feel the flow of extremely yin energy inside, and it seemed that the cylinder inside was the holy stone.

And the function of this awl is probably specially used to deal with goblins like the demon concubine and the human-headed spider.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then showed an unpredictable smile.The holy city is getting closer and closer, and it's time to make a comeback!

(End of this chapter)

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