
Chapter 599 Get to the bottom of it, invade the body!

Chapter 599 Get to the bottom of it, invade the body!
He straightened up and walked directly in front of the crowd.Seeing the excited smiles on everyone's faces, he also laughed.

"Your Highness, how are we? Are we powerful? We killed these villains before they could get close." Nightingale said proudly, puffing out her already outstanding chest.

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and smiled and said, "Indeed, you really impress me. But I think you should be able to do better. In fact, Xue Li is the last line of defense in your seven-person battle formation. If Xue Li If you miss, have you thought about the consequences? Even if some of you can escape with agility, then people with different abilities like Hongmei and Cuizhu will be in danger. ? I think each of you needs to think again and sum up your combat experience this time. By then, I think you will definitely become stronger!"

The enemies in the future will only become stronger and stronger, so Tong Yan must remind them.If they are proud of a victory now, they will pay a heavy price when they face a more powerful enemy.But what is the price?I'm afraid it's not just as simple as being injured, maybe even life has to be lost.There is only one life, do it and cherish it!
Tong Yan's words made everyone fall into thinking. They were all smart and understood what Tong Yan meant by saying this.

Seeing each of them thoughtfully, Tong Yan smiled with satisfaction.

"Go and rest, everyone think about it, and you can communicate with each other. I need to deal with these corpses. Come back later!"

The seven girls responded in unison, then turned and walked towards the fire.

Although Tong Yan didn't see how they dealt with the silver-armored soldiers, he had already guessed everything from these corpses.The soldiers who were cut in half were obviously the masterpieces of Shirley, only her spider silk could do this.

As for the mass of ashes, it was naturally burnt by Aya's powerful electric current.And those dead with bloody faces and shot through their throats should join hands with Nightingale and Lina to kill them.

In fact, to be honest, Tong Yan is still very happy at this moment.After these girls had just accepted his theory, they could use it in actual combat and wipe out all the enemies.It was hard, but they did a great job.This is enough to show that these girls are malleable talents, and a good training will definitely bring huge surprises.

Tong Yan smirked for a while, and then began to deal with the bodies of these silver armored soldiers.He first dragged the bodies of these silver armored soldiers down the hillside, and then stripped off all the clothes they could wear.As for their weapons, he had already left them where they were, so as long as the clothes were on it.

As for why he did this, I believe everyone has already guessed it.

A small team in the holy city has such impressive strength, if they confront them head-on, it is tantamount to striking a stone with an egg.So he wanted everyone to change into the clothes of these silver armored soldiers, so that they might be able to sneak into the city.

Of course, there are risks, but it's better than going for it foolishly.

After searching, he finally confirmed one thing.Only the captain has a token, which means that the captain has a high status in the holy city.Maybe he can rely on this to lead everyone into the city safely.

After bringing the seven wearable armors back to the fire, Tong Yan began to study the weapons of these people again.He already knew about the silver awl, but he didn't study the silver long sword they used carefully.

He picked up a handful and looked at it from beginning to end, smiling unconsciously.

This silver long sword is indeed not simple. There is a gap on both sides of the blade. Through the gap, you can see the long red stone inside, and this stone is the holy stone.So it also shows that when the whole sword is actually being built, a groove that can be placed in the holy stone is reserved in advance. Why is it designed in this way? Beads are connected.

He tried to press the iron ball, but he didn't expect invisible air to be released from the gaps on both sides of the sword.He tapped it with his hand, and found that the gas had condensed into a gas mask, which could also be used as a shield.Release the iron ball, and the air mask disappears.

Such a design is really amazing, I really don't know who made it.But the question is, what kind of mechanism can trigger the holy stone and make it condense into a gas mask?
In order to find out this point, he decided to disassemble the silver long sword, so that he could figure out everything.

The hilt and the body of the sword can be separated, Tong Yan drew his true energy and pulled it hard, only to hear a "噗" sound, and the hilt was separated from the body immediately.

There is a spring under the iron ball on the hilt, and it is precisely because of this spring that the iron ball can rise and fall.

After the iron ball falls, it will collide with a long strip object similar to an iron wire.One end of this object is connected to the holy stone in the blade, so that the holy stone can be triggered to create an air shield.

And this also means that the key point of whether the real relationship can trigger the holy stone is actually this long object.

Tong Yan picked it up and looked at it carefully, and found that it was indeed not metal, it should be more like some kind of stone.On this elongated object, he could feel the flow of spiritual energy, rather than extreme yin energy.

As long as we can figure out what this long object is, the secret of the silver long sword will be solved.

He thought for a while, and then buckled the iron ball on the hilt of the sword.He tried to touch the long object with an iron ball, but an accident happened unexpectedly.

What does it mean that the iron ball and the long object are stuck together?It shows that this strip-shaped object is magnetic, and it should be something like a magnet.

Tong Yan probably already guessed some clues, the contact between the iron ball and this elongated object similar to a magnet can strengthen the magnetic field of the elongated object, and it is the magnetic field that really drives the holy stone.

The person who can design such an ingenious mechanism is definitely not an ordinary person, and Tong Yan even hopes to meet this "inventor".It is really remarkable that ordinary people can activate the holy stone.

After figuring this out, he can sleep in peace.It's almost dawn, if you don't take the time to rest, I'm afraid you won't be energetic all day tomorrow.

Holding this long object in his hand, Tong Yan lay down in the snow and fell asleep.

What he didn't expect was that the long object inexplicably emitted a gray gas after he fell asleep.And these gases slowly seeped into his body from his mouth, nose and pores...

(End of this chapter)

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