Chapter 133 Attacked
Let time go back a little bit, and look back to the earth's defense line...

Today is still a day when the sun rises as usual. As one of the core members of the earth's defense line, the Kunlun ship is conducting daily patrol missions.

The Kunlun Fleet has [-] conventional warships, which are responsible for the defense work between the earth and the moon.Every day, the Kunlun ship will constantly change orbits and patrol between the earth and the moon to ensure the safety of the entire front.

There is also the Taishan Fleet doing the same job, but the Taishan Fleet is responsible for another route.

In the corridor of the battleship, after a four-hour rest, Ducao walked through the corridor while sorting out some messy buttons.

The soldiers who came and went kept greeting him, and he responded one by one.It has been more than a year since the Kunlun ship was launched, and his work is like this every day.

Walking through a cabin, Xin Zhao of the Xiongbing Company is coming out.Seeing that Ducao was obviously stunned for a moment, he quickly saluted.

"Chief. Chief!"

Ducao changed the ceremony and asked about the current situation: "How is the situation today, is there anything unusual?"

"Hey, what can it be? I just communicated with Captain Yuan of the Excalibur team, and there was some movement on Neptune's side, and everything else is normal."

"That's good." Ducao replied: "You guys are busy first, I will go to the command hall first."

"You are busy..."

The two passed by, but the next moment, a sudden change occurred.

A black bullet appeared out of the air, pierced through the back of Ducao's head at an extremely fast speed, and embedded into the distant metal wall with a ding.


Ducao's body fell limply to the ground, the impact caught Xin Zhao's attention, and he saw Ducao lying in a pool of blood as soon as he turned his head.

After being stunned for half a second, Xin Zhao immediately moved out his weapon, and shouted with a stern expression, "Enemy attack!"

A piercing red alarm sounded throughout the battleship...

In the command hall, the news that Ducao was sniped was received the first time Xin Zhao shouted.Li Yunfei, the deputy captain, made a decisive decision and ordered: "Activate the Starlight Barrier and notify the fleet..."


Before he finished speaking, a bullet from nowhere plunged his consciousness into darkness.

At the same time, all warships, moon bases, space stations, and observation stations on the Earth's defense line were hit.The sneaky sniper tactics of the demons caused heavy damage to the defense command system in just a few minutes. The commanders of the ships, including Ducao, were sniped before they played their roles.

To make matters worse, the communication of each ship was suppressed at the moment of the battle. Whether it was the intelligent brain based on Kryptonian technology or Nuwa based on dark communication, they all lost their function and could not transmit orders at all.


On the Venus, Captain Linley was in the command hall as usual, watching the situation of the entire defense line of the earth.Beside him, Gong Jianzheng, the instructor of the Divine Sword Squad, was guarding him every step of the way.

Therefore, when the bullet flew out of the wormhole, Gong Jian noticed it immediately.He threw Linley to the ground, and the bullets flew out as they grazed their bodies, but did not cause any damage.

Gong Jianshou covered his hat and raised his head, shouting, "Be on guard, it's a demon!"

During the study, Dr. Li Rui introduced them the devil's wormhole sniper tactics, so he recognized it immediately.

While reminding the surrounding comrades to be vigilant, Gong Jian carried out a set of rune armor and put it on Linley, followed by carrying out a one-person-high shield to block Linley.

Rune Armor, the third-generation armor developed by Li Rui.Since Linley didn't have the ability to be powered by dark matter, the set Gong Jian gave him was a complete physical defense armor.Sacrificing the dark matter computer implanted in it, the armor's defense ability has been greatly improved in exchange. Qilin has tested that this type of armor can even resist the God-killing No. [-] armor-piercing bullet for a short time.

Facing the sudden change, the members of the Tianjian team in the command hall immediately reacted. Several soldiers in heavy armor held large shields and filled the gap in Gong Jian's defense.

In less than a second, Captain Linley was under strict protection.

Only at this time did he have time to get up from the ground, glanced through the gap, and saw the devil's bullets raging in the command hall. Although there were soldiers organizing defenses, operators continued to fall down.

"No!" Linley cursed in a low voice, "Gong Jian, take me to the No. [-] laboratory. There is a space oscillator left by the doctor, which can stop the devil's wormhole sniper tactics!"

"But that's just an experimental product, it's not stable yet!"

Gong Jian moved his shield and once again blocked a bullet that was attacking Linley.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Linley shouted: "I can't take care of that anymore! The battleship's communications have been suppressed. If we don't organize our defenses, the defenses will collapse!"


At the critical moment, Gong Jian also made a correct response, calling two soldiers from the Heavenly Sword Team to follow them, dragging Lin Lei with one hand, pushing the speed to the extreme, and flew towards the No. [-] laboratory.

Along the way, the devil's bullets continued to hit them through the wormhole, intending to stop the actions of several people.In order to block the bullets, one of the Tianjian squad soldiers used his body as a shield to block Linley's side.

The bullet knocked him down in an instant, and the gene cracking program loaded inside frantically destroyed his genes, and soon he lost consciousness.

Seeing this scene, Linley couldn't help but gritted his teeth and forced himself to turn his head away.

The distance from the command hall to the No. [-] laboratory is so far away at this moment.

Finally, after 2 minutes, they finally arrived at the gate of the No. [-] laboratory.

"Authentication Passed"

"Captain Linley, welcome to Laboratory No. [-]!"

In the laboratory, there is already chaos.The main people here are scientific researchers. Although the demons did not take them as the main target, many people were still attacked.

The order given by Morgana was to destroy the battleship.So the demons didn't spare the bullets in their hands at all.

The two ignored the flustered researchers, passed through the crowd running back and forth looking for a bunker, and went straight to the innermost part, where there was another door, which was Li Rui's private laboratory.

"Please enter the authentication code."


Linley shouted at the fastest speed in his life.

"Certification passed!"


With the support of the pneumatic system, the door slowly opened.As soon as a gap big enough to accommodate one person was opened, Gong Jian rushed in carrying Linley.

Rushing in front of the blue sphere that seemed to be alive, Linley directly pressed his hand on the authentication instrument.

"Authentication passed."

"The fleet has been attacked, and it is judged to meet the certification requirements. Captain Linley, welcome to use."

"Start it up for me!" Linley roared with red eyes.

"The command is confirmed, the experimental version of the space oscillator is activated, the coverage radius has been set to the maximum, and the range is 50 kilometers.

fully charged
turning on"


The blue sphere in front of him seemed to melt, and dispersed into a group of particles in the blink of an eye, releasing a vibration of a special frequency to the outside world.

At the moment of starting, Devil One...

The demon Akun is the person in charge of the wormhole algorithm assigned to snipe the Venus.Since Venus is the flagship of the Earth's defense line, it received special treatment. In the entire wormhole algorithm for sniping the Earth's defense line, Venus alone accounted for 43% of the computing power.

"Damn! What is the principle of the second-generation super fighters of these earthlings that they can escape the wormhole attack?"

When he saw Gong Jian pounced on Linley to avoid the god-killing armor-piercing bullets fired by the demons, Ah Kun couldn't help but swear.

"Who knows, a similar situation happened at the Neptune Observatory. We didn't have enough intelligence in the early stage, and we can't analyze this group of second-generation super fighters just by relying on the Taotie gang of unlucky kids."

The demon companion on the side heard his complaint and echoed it.

"Damn! A bunch of good-for-nothings, I really hope they all go to see the fart god Karl." Akun complained unhappily.

While complaining, he continued to deploy the wormhole algorithm, constantly sniping and killing valuable targets on the Venus.The key target was Linley as the captain.

But Linley was so well protected, he could only adjust the algorithm constantly as Linley's coordinates shifted.

Then, in the midst of his cat-and-mouse game, something unusual happened.

Akun's wormhole algorithm suddenly failed, and somehow, the location of Venus could not be calculated.

"Damn it!" Akun yelled in disbelief: "What's the situation? Why can't the warships of the earthlings be counted?"

Akun's exclamation caught the attention of the demons.

Immediately afterwards, demons kept reporting errors, all for one reason: the location of the target could not be found.

The space oscillator drives new elements through a strong magnetic field, causing them to emit a special vibration frequency, thereby producing a coupling effect with the naturally existing wormhole, thereby achieving the purpose of forcibly disturbing the stability of the wormhole.

At the moment when the space oscillator was activated, within 50 kilometers from Venus as the center, the devil's wormhole sniper tactics were affected, and even a bullet couldn't get through it...

(End of this chapter)

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