Chapter 134
In the command hall of Demon No. [-], several high-level demons surround the three-dimensional projection in front of them to determine the direction of the battlefield.

The situation on the battlefield is very tense, and the atmosphere in the command hall is not relaxed. There are news of deaths coming from the battlefield every moment.

One of the high-ranking demons put his finger on his forehead and listened to his subordinates' reports through dark communication.

After just a few words, his dark face was a bit ugly, and he looked at several companions: "The personnel in charge of sniping the Earth's defense sent a report, and something abnormal happened."

"What's abnormal?" Artest asked with a cold face.

Atuo is not here, this time he is the top commander of Devil One, responsible for the backstage support of the two-line battle between the angel and the earth's defense line.

Don't look at super soldiers, gods and the like who are showing off their power outside, but behind them are a huge system supporting them.

Take the demons who are fighting the angels at this time as an example. They need background support at any time to capture the trajectory of the angels, deploy wormholes, replenish energy, and launch various levels of strikes, etc.

Among these people, the demon queen Morgana is the one who eats the most resources. Faced with the double pressure of Holy Kaisa and Li Rui, Devil One must not only pay attention to the reading of Holy Kaisa's data at any time, but also have to analyze it at any time. Pay attention to whether this bastard Li Rui will play tricks and transfer the queen to the sun.

After all, this bastard has a criminal record, and he likes to put people in the sun and burn them to death.

The speaking demon stretched out his hands, and a part of the three-dimensional projection in front of him was immediately separated, and switched to the screen of the Earth's defense line. The center of the screen was Venus.

"Centered on the warship Earth Guy, there is an interference area with a radius of 50 kilometers, which is interfering with our wormhole algorithm. The person responsible for deploying the wormhole algorithm reported that sniper tactics cannot be used in this area."

"Is there any solution?"

"Yes. Increase the computing power, eliminate this interference, and forcefully solve the calculation."

"How far has the earth's defense line been hit?"

"Uh..." Another demon hesitated, and said: "The first wave of attack is very effective, 84% of the predetermined targets have been eliminated, and the command system of the earth has been fatally damaged.

The ground troops, the Juxia fleet stationed by the Second Company of Xiongbing was sent to the sky by our doomsday bombing, but some personnel were not on the Juxia, escaped the bombing, and are currently in a stalemate with our elite demon squad.

In addition, the monkey at Huaguo Mountain and the goddess at the Neptune Observatory were both surrounded. These two operations required the deployment of a large amount of resources to maintain captivity, accounting for 77% of the computing power resources of the Earth's defense line. "

"Are there any extra resources to deploy?"

The demons looked at me and I looked at you, and shook their heads.Most of the computing power is on the Queen's side. Facing the Holy Kaisa and her angels, Devil One needs to go all out. It is already very good to be able to squeeze out such a small amount of resources to deal with the earthlings.

Artest pondered for a while, then ordered: "Let the gluttonous fleet launch an attack, we have given them a lot of face by fighting them for this.

Now the focus is on the battle with the angels above Venus, and it won't be too late to deal with the people on Earth after cleaning up the roast geese. "

"Then recover the resources occupied by the Earth's defense line?"

"No, just maintain the status quo. After all, the queen has explained that the earthlings should not be too easy. Especially the place where the two gods are besieged, they must be trapped so that they cannot affect us."


Just as Artest passed the order on, the reporting demon suddenly swears.

"Damn it! What's going on, Nima!"


At the Neptune Observatory, Lin Guoliang drew out his Tang Dao the moment he was besieged by demons, planning to charge up.

"Don't act rashly." Qilin stopped him, "This is a space cage, no matter which direction you break through, you will be teleported back."

With Li Rui being such a master in time and space, Qilin is very familiar with such methods.What's more, Li Rui once showed her the power of the space cage, so she knew very well that with their abilities, they would not be able to crack it for a while.

"Sister Qilin, what should we do now, we just sit and wait?"

Qilin's eyes exuded a strange brilliance, staring at the vicinity of the earth.

"Trust our comrades in arms."

In her line of sight, everything that happened on the Earth's defense line is very clear.

The defense line was attacked by demons, the command system was destroyed, and the dark communication was suppressed. It was impossible to organize an effective defense. Many conventional warships were blown up before they even had time to open their shields;

On the Taishan ship, the demon has broken into the battleship through the wormhole, and is fighting against the soldiers headed by Yuan Lang;

On the Kunlun ship, demons rushed into the command hall, Qiangwei and the others were struggling to resist;
On the moon base, several large orbital guns were all attacked by demons, and the soldiers headed by Jess were trying to regain control;
The Juxia fleet on the ground was bombed, it was a blow above the nuclear level, the huge waves over [-] meters high submerged the entire Juxia fleet, and rushed towards the coastal area of ​​Donglong at an alarming speed;

A few super fighters headed by Cheng Yaowen escaped by chance because they were training outside, but now they are besieged by the demon squad and are fighting fiercely;

In Huaguo Mountain, Sun Wukong received the same treatment as her, and was trying to forcefully break through the blockade of the demon squad by flying at extreme speed.

The battle situation everywhere is not very good. Suddenly facing the devil's wormhole sniper tactics, the earth can be said to be completely at a disadvantage, and the losses are astonishing.

But at the same time, she also saw the interior of Venus. Under the cover of Gong Jian, Lin Lei was running towards the No. [-] laboratory, intending to activate the space oscillator.

As bad as the situation is, it's not completely defenseless, and there's hope.

Outside the cage of time and space, the elite demons were nervous at first, but seeing that Qi Lin had no intention of resisting, they couldn't help chatting in secret communication.

"What's the situation, why doesn't the goddess of the earth resist?"

"That's right, I've been preparing for it for a long time."

"Come on, ravage me to your heart's content!"

"Damn it, you guys are so perverted, you really let her out of trouble, we don't even have enough money to beat her up."

"Tch, so what if a little doll becomes a god, I've never seen a real man before!"

"Hey, goddess of the earth, why don't you use your gun to make the uncle feel good?"

Some demons even started to provoke Qilin. They looked at Qilin as if they were looking at a wild animal trapped in a cage.

Finally, as Linley arrived at No. [-] laboratory, the space oscillator was activated.

The long-awaited opportunity has finally come!

"Oh, if you want to see my gun, that's fine, but I'm afraid you won't be able to enjoy it!" After the words fell, Qi Lin's eyes burst into a brilliant brilliance.

In the sky above the distant earth, the front defensive armor of Venus suddenly cracked open, exposing a cannon port.

Although the dark communication was suppressed, Qilin's gene bottom layer has the rune sequence that drives the Rainbow Bridge engraved, even if it is separated by hundreds of millions of light years, as long as she wants, this connection will not be cut off.Moreover, this connection is above the level of the Venus Star, and she can completely activate the Rainbow Bridge alone across the Venus Star.

Just like Heimdall in the original book, even if Asgard is destroyed, he can still use magic to send Thor away when facing Thanos.

Charge the Rainbow Bridge, launch!

The demons panicked and found that one second they were still triumphantly taunting the beast trapped in the cage, and the next second they were surrounded by the radiant beam of light.

TM, what's the situation?
The demons exclaimed in their hearts, and then they were reluctantly sent back to the resurrection pool again.

With their disappearance, the space ball used to besiege Qilin was declared broken in an instant.

But looking at the oncoming rainbow beam of light, Wu Zhe and Lin Guoliang were also dumbfounded: Suicide doesn't take such a joke!
Bombarding themselves with the main battleship, they haven't experienced it yet.

So, today they experienced it, and they can blow a wave after they go back. They have been bombarded by naval guns.

After the beam of light passed, the figures of Qilin and the three disappeared in the Neptune Observatory immediately.

As soon as the screen changes, Venus.

Wu Zhe and Lin Guoliang hugged each other, screaming pitifully.

"What's your name, get up and go back to the team!" Qi Lin reprimanded.

The screams of the two stopped abruptly, and only then did they realize that they had actually arrived inside the Venus, on the platform behind the Rainbow Bridge.

It was Wu Zhe who reacted first, and exclaimed in surprise: "Oh my God, Venus' main cannon can still be used for space teleportation!"

"Hey, it's really a heifer standing on his head!" Lin Guoliang also reacted and realized what was going on, and exclaimed.

After a brief exclamation, the two immediately realized that the posture at this moment was a bit indecent, and quickly pushed away the comrade who was still hugging each other in disgust.

To be honest, don't talk about them before that, except for Li Rui and Qilin, no one knows that Rainbow Bridge also has the ability to teleport through space.Because the instant strike ability is already terrifying enough, and with space teleportation, Li Rui is afraid that the hearts of those god-level civilizations will feel bad...

(End of this chapter)

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