Chapter 190 Another Challenge
Venus, the laboratory...

When Qiangwei arrived here, both Li Rui and Qi Lin were there, one was leaning on the medical bed, and the other was leaning on the equipment not far away.Qilin looked worried, as if she was worried about something.

"Teacher." Qiangwei took the initiative to knock on the door.

"Come in." Li Rui stretched out his hand in greeting.

Although Qiangwei felt a little strange in her heart, she still walked in.She didn't quite know why Li Rui asked her to come here, and he didn't say anything in the communication.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Qilin asked worriedly: "If it's just for revenge, I don't agree. It's easy to offend Morgana, and it will have extremely serious adverse effects on the nascent alliance."

Qiangwei was a little surprised, why Morgana was involved again.But Morgana?

An unnatural look flashed across Qiangwei's face when she said this name.

Neither person in the conversation noticed the change in her.

Li Rui shook his head: "Of course it's not just for revenge, I'm not so emotional yet.

You know, after the last incident, the knowledge of runes is likely to be cracked by demons. Although I upgraded the firewall, there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days.So this plan, revenge is only secondary, the main purpose is to capture part of the data of the devil, so as to create a special targeting strategy to deter the devil. "

"The risk is still too great, why don't you wait?" Qi Lin was still a little worried.

She also has some understanding of the status of the newly upgraded Nuwa. Although there are already tens of thousands of proton computers, and the external structure of Li Rui's mother box has been initially completed, it is really comparable to a real celestial-level supercomputer like Devil One. It should be more difficult for guns to fight.

"I can't wait. If we delay any longer, I'm afraid that Morgana will use the obtained data to create a plan against us. That would be bad."

Hearing what Li Rui said, Qilin couldn't help but fall silent.

She began to weigh who to choose between risks and benefits.

Li Rui's plan today is very risky.The reason is the program that A Tuo implanted in Qi Lin's body.Li Rui is worried that Morgana will crack the genetic data and develop a targeted weapon.

In addition, when analyzing the rose gene data, Li Rui accidentally discovered the devil's implant program in it. This program Li Rui is very familiar with, it was left when the black wind invaded his dream.

Therefore, Li Rui concluded that Morgana had already started getting her hands on Qiangwei.

But after finding out, Li Rui didn't startle the snake.A bold idea came to his mind: use this program to hack into the database of Devil One and steal the devil's data.The best is Morgana's own divine body data, so that he can win the round and take the opportunity to create a plan against Morgana or the devil.

Now, Nuwa has been upgraded, and the celestial-level supercomputer has been preliminarily in place, and Qilin also accidentally discovered the location of Devil One.Infiltrating the Devil One by invoking the proton computer through the core, attacking inside and outside, is likely to gain a lot.

That's why Li Rui called both Qilin and Qiangwei over today.

Hearing Li Rui's explanation, Qiangwei was a little stunned: "Teacher, you mean, I was invaded by demons?"

Li Rui nodded: "Your recent dreams must be very strange."

When mentioning this, Qiangwei's face turned red, and she adjusted quickly: "It's okay, it's okay."

What happened in the dream, only Qiangwei and Morgana knew, of course, there might be Heifeng, the operator.However, it is estimated that his mouth will be very strict.

Seeing this, Li Rui could not help but solemnly warned: "Don't feel embarrassed, and treat it with caution. It is known that cosmic demons are best at quietly influencing people's will."

"Yes, I understand."

At this time, Qilin finally made a decision. She picked up the hat on the table and put it on, and said seriously: "Since you have already made a decision, I will accompany you crazy. It is foreseeable that once we move Morgana will be furious after entering the Devil One, we have to be prepared. I will summon super fighters and prepare to meet the enemy."

"Well, thank you for your hard work." Li Rui nodded.

Qilin snorted lightly: "Who asked me to put on a lunatic like you. Let's go!"

After waving her hand, Qilin left the laboratory very coolly.

Li Rui smiled and did not refute.

Turning his head, he looked at Qiangwei: "Okay, let's get started."

Qiangwei said she received it, took off her coat and lay down in the training cabin.


Over a towering mountain range, several streamers of light flew past.

Here are the Baba sheep and the white elephant, a mountain range on the dividing line between the three families of Donglong. Going north across the mountain range is Donglong, and going southeast is the white elephant.

The demons in front flapped their wings desperately, and looked back from time to time, their expressions full of panic.

"Damn it, that idiot Bals already said that he wouldn't go to Baba Yang, that's the territory of the alliance. You have to go, this time it's okay, and it dragged us into trouble!"

A demon in front cursed angrily.

"Don't be such an afterthought, you just had such a good time playing there just now. I'm ashamed to call you a pervert!"

"Shut your mouths and run quickly. If you get chopped up by Hei Jia later, I'll see what you are still beeping here!"

The little devils cursed at each other, as bad as they wanted to be.But none of them dared to slow down, for fear of being overtaken.

"Sorry, this road is blocked!"

As the saying goes, fear what comes.

Before the little devils could finish cursing, a gigantic rock hand suddenly rose from the mountain below.

I saw a figure wearing black armor and holding a halberd standing up from the ground with a huge hand on the rock, and raised the halberd in his hand domineeringly: "I now declare that according to the eighth paragraph of Article 34 of the Security Law of the Union Act, all other Civilization invades the territory of the alliance without authorization, and those who destroy it will be expelled, and those who are serious will be imprisoned to the death penalty. You burned, killed and looted in the territory of Baba sheep, resulting in 128 murders and losses of more than [-] star coins, which is an unforgivable crime. crimes, I now sentence you to death in the name of the alliance!!"

"All those who have committed serious crimes, come down and accept the punishment!" Cheng Yaowen clenched his fists and pulled down hard.

In an instant, the little devils screamed and fell from the sky.

Heart of the Earth——After being fully upgraded, the real ability will also appear.Although on the surface, Cheng Yaowen's genes control the earth, in fact, what he controls is gravity.

So, in an instant, he changed the gravitational environment.

These little devils are very fragile, unable to withstand such a sudden change in the gravity environment, and immediately fell down like a bat with its wings broken.

"Go to hell!" At this moment, there was a soft shout.

A big knife fell from the sky, and cut the two little devils into two pieces with one knife.

Accompanied by the appearance of the big knife, a figure with a childish face twisted in the air and flew up again. The big knife in the spinning hand turned into a hidden weapon, killing a little devil again.

This is Rui Mengmeng. When they were upgrading, Li Rui sent the biological force field gene in the Kryptonian gene to Lianfeng, and asked her to load it for everyone.Therefore, at this time, they all already possessed air-to-air combat capabilities, and their combat methods were more flexible.


A black light flashed, directly piercing through the bodies of the three little devils.

Looking over along the trajectory, it was a silent figure - Shadow Hunter Wei Ying.

Seeing his companions show off their power, Cheng Yaowen was about to deal with a little devil, when the communication suddenly rang.

"Level [-] call-up order!"

"Now order the super fighters belonging to the alliance to give up all missions and return to the earth's defense line immediately!"

Cheng Yaowen was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously let go of his hand.

The gravity field was lifted, and the two remaining little devils seemed to be pardoned. They quickly adjusted their posture and escaped like a frightened hyena.

Cheng Yaowen ignored them, but looked at his companions, and they all had the same expression on their faces.

"Notify the team members, give up the mission, and return to the defense line as quickly as possible!"

"Yes, Brother Yaowen!"

"Roger that!"


At the same time, on the Venus Star, Angel Yan landed on the deck and walked in through the isolation cabin.

Not long after she walked out, she realized that something was wrong. The entire Venus Star seemed to be busy, and many soldiers even ran all the way to their destination.

Angel Yan sent a message to Angel Zhui: "A Zhui, is there any action on Earth?"

"Sister Yan, you also found something wrong?"

"Well, they seem to be very busy, and they seem to be preparing for a big battle. Are you going to fight someone?"

"I'm not too sure, our side is the same. I can see that many combat units have taken off, and their trajectory is the space defense line."

"Aren't you on good terms with the Lord of the Stars? Go ask."

In Juxia City, the angel who watched countless fighter planes take off was speechless after hearing this sentence, so he had no choice but to accept the job.Looking at the appearance of the earth, it seems that some kind of war is really being prepared...

(End of this chapter)

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