Chapter 191 Allies
Venus, the command hall...

Qilin sat calmly in the command position, listening to the reports from the various fronts below.

The veterans who have been stationed on the defense line for a period of time can easily smell the smell of gunpowder in the air. From the series of actions of the defense line, they can easily judge that a big battle is coming.

In the command hall, the breath of war came earlier, and they were the first wave of personnel to face this kind of impact.But the soldiers were not particularly nervous, they had long been used to it.

"The moon base is ready, the logistics facilities have been fully activated, and all electromagnetic rail guns are in place."

"Two large-scale space oscillators have launched their mooring positions. They are expected to arrive at the predetermined position in 2 minutes and will be activated in 5 minutes. The moon base will provide coverage. All units should pay attention to the combat area."

"The Pluto Worm Bridge checkpoint has been abandoned, and the relevant super soldiers have been withdrawn and are awaiting orders."

"The quasi-book of Mount Tai is ready..."

"The Kunlun is in place..."

"The Huangshan is in place..."

"Huashan is in place..."


The various combat units reported their current status to the flagship. Judging from their reports, everything was proceeding in a calm and orderly manner.

This is the best state.

"What's the situation, who are you going to fight with!" In such an atmosphere, a voice suddenly broke in.

Before the person arrives, the sound arrives first.

The only ones who can be so unruly on the Venus are the Lord God Emperor Leina and her little followers.

Sure enough, at the entrance, the Lord God Mian put his hands on his hips, and walked in very unhappy: "Qi Lin, you are not mean. If you make such a big noise and don't notify me, what will happen to the good sisters you promised?"

Qilin shook her head helplessly: "We are going to fight the devil, and it is not appropriate for you to get involved."

"Devil?" Reina walked to a seat, pulled the chair and sat on it: "Why do you want to start a war with the devil?"

"It's hard for me to explain the specific reason, but this war must be fought. You are the Lord God of Lieyang. It is easy to involve Lieyang when you appear in the battle with the devil, so don't participate."

"Don't!" Lena jumped up, ignoring Wu Zhao's eyes behind her, and said very simply: "Allies who have agreed to advance and retreat together, you are going to fight the devil, what does it sound like I shrink back. No matter what How to put it, count me in!"

"That's right, we agreed to be each other's allies, but it turned out that you secretly fought against demons behind our backs. It's outrageous. Besides, no one in the known universe knows that wherever there are demons, we need our angels to execute judgment!"

With a slightly frivolous voice, Angel Yan walked in with a group of angels.

While talking, Angel Yan had already walked beside Di Leina, nodded to her, and then opened the chair next to her and sat down.

A look of unnaturalness flashed across Reina's face, but she recovered quickly.

Well, why both parties came.

"Qi Lin, Lie Yang and Angel, let them do it. Don't worry, I will take care of it."

Fortunately, Li Rui's message came quickly, giving Qilin an idea.

Now that everyone has arrived, it is inappropriate for her to sit in the command position and condescend.So, Qilin came down from above and sat in the middle of the long table.

With a wave of her hand, she turned on the three-dimensional projection of the entire solar system.

"Okay, let me briefly introduce the situation. Our main task this time is to contain, distract the demons, and buy time for the speaker's actions. After the speaker's actions are successful, we will face the devil's revenge , beat them back."

On formal occasions, Qilin also addressed Li Rui's position.

Angel Yan asked: "What is your Lord of the Stars planning to do?"

"It's a very simple answer. Break through the firewall of Devil One and intercept the data." Qilin replied calmly.

"Damn, you're so brave!" Reina almost jumped up in fright.

The angels were also taken aback, looking at each other not knowing what to say.

The corner of Angel Yan's mouth twitched: "Well, you may not understand that Devil One is a celestial-level combat unit, and it is also equipped with a celestial-level computer. Do you understand the celestial-level? That is, it is similar to your moon."

"Don't worry, we understand the situation, and we are sure." Qilin replied.

While speaking, she separated a part of the projection again, and the picture displayed this time made Angel Yan stand up abruptly.

There is nothing else in the picture, it is Demon One.

What is shocking is that the picture in front of me is not just the exterior of Devil One, but also the pictures in many cabins inside.

Among them, Atuo was standing guard at the gate of Morgana's bedroom with a weapon in hand, there was Thornton, the crocodile god, wolfing down a horse's leg, there was Heifeng staying in a small room and laughing strangely, and there was someone commanding the demons in the hall The scene of chatting and farting...

"Have you located Devil One?" Angel Yan looked at Qilin seriously.

She has already learned about it through the information, and knows how exaggerated Qilin's eyes are.After the data was transmitted, she was also fascinated by the shocking feeling.

However, Angel Yan also knew how many people helped him that time, and the position of Devil One was captured by accident.With the character of a devil, after being attacked, he must have shifted his location, and the chance of finding it again is very small.

But the current state, all show that Devil One has been exposed again.

Qilin nodded: "Well, Morgana is a little unlucky, and I caught her again."

"It's different to have a celestial-level supercomputer. This is enough confidence." Looking at Qilin's calm appearance, Di Leina couldn't help but admire.

Angel Yan was stunned for a moment, what if the earth has a celestial body?How could she not know.

The celestial-level supercomputer is huge. How could something so big escape her eyes?But listening to the conversation between the two, it is obvious that this thing already exists.

Strange, with the background of the earth, can a celestial-level supercomputer be built?

Angel Yan couldn't figure it out.You must know that celestial-level supercomputers are the embodiment of a civilization's heritage. Currently, there are only four god-making civilizations.The rest, even the top space civilizations, are unable to build them.

This involves not only technical issues, but more importantly, resources and time.Without the support of several river systems, don't even think about it without spending tens of thousands of years.

With a mere 5000-year-old civilization on Earth, it’s not that exaggerated to cheat.

"You talk too much." Qilin rolled her eyes at Leina, and then sent the communication codes to the angels and Di Leina.

Since people are invited to fight together, the computing power support must be sufficient.

Angel Yan immediately connected in, and she had to confirm whether the earth really created a celestial-level supercomputer.This is related to the evaluation of the weight of the earth in her place, and affects the degree of cooperation between the angels and the earth in the future.

"Start authentication, please enter identity information."

"Angel Yan."

After successfully entering the dark viewing angle, Angel Yan heard a sound of authorization verification, and she entered the verification code sent by Qi Lin.

"Angel Yan, the temporary third-level authority verification has passed."

"Welcome to use."

As the sound sounded, Angel Yan saw the supercomputer of the earth under the dark perspective.It was an oddly shaped bronze box suspended in a huge bracket-like structure, and countless stars were scattered around it.

Opening her eyes, Angel Yan looked at Zhi Xin next to her: If she perceives correctly, this kind of data flow and dark energy level are indeed celestial-level supercomputers.

Angel Zhixin confirmed her thoughts: "It is indeed a celestial-level supercomputing. There is still some gap with the sacred knowledge treasure house and the teacher's space-based computing cloud, but it has surpassed the ordinary dark matter supercomputing category and reached the celestial level. But their structure is very strange, I have not seen it at all."

Angel Yan chuckled and praised: "It's amazing that all of you have managed to produce a celestial-level supercomputer without making a sound! From now on, the earth, oh no, the Pan-Galaxy Alliance has already entered the ranks of god-making civilizations." gone."

"We are still very young, we still need to grow and learn." Qilin replied modestly, and then brought the topic back to the topic: "Okay, let's get back to business. At present, Devil One is under our surveillance, everyone You can rest assured that they won't be able to detect this kind of surveillance before they act."

"Unbelievable." Angel Yan exclaimed.

Di Lena also felt very surprised.

Although she participated in the construction of the proton computer all the way, she never expected that the effect would be so good that it could monitor the devil's every move silently.Look at this posture, the detectors have been put into the devil's lair, and there is probably no place in this known universe that can block the sight of the earth.

It seems that after going back, we have to work hard on this aspect.Otherwise, it would not be good for Lie Yang to be thrown away too much.

Well, when I turned around, I shot that old guy Pan Zhen to death on the beach!Leina secretly firmly decided to cooperate with Li Rui.

"There are three steps to action:

First, the speaker will launch a program attack to crack the firewall of Devil One.But this is just a false move, used to draw the devil's attention.The real ultimate move is actually hidden inside Devil One, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Second, we go to war.Rainbow Bridge will launch a cross-time and space strike to contain the computing power and energy distribution of Devil One.However, with the current accumulated energy of the Rainbow Bridge, it can run at full power for up to 15 minutes, and once it exceeds, the energy will run out.So, I need your help, Lena, to energize the Rainbow Bridge. "

"My specialty, no problem." Reina patted her chest, with a look of wrapping around me.

In fact, this is also good, so as not to directly conflict with the devil.

"Third, after Devil One is pinned down, the chairman will launch a killing move to intercept the data of Devil One. At this time, Devil One will definitely issue an alarm, and Morgana will be furious when she discovers our true purpose. She will personally come down to stop our actions. It is very likely that she will bring her army of demons..." At this point, Qi Lin looked at the angels: "At this time, everyone here needs to come on stage."

Angel Yan said solemnly: "It is the duty of an angel to judge the devil!"

(End of this chapter)

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