Chapter 194 Intercepting Data
"Oh roar?"

Soon, the proton computer found out of Demon One's core database.But there is a little trouble: there is a barrier of time and space nearby.

From a dark perspective, a huge metal door appeared in front of Li Rui.

Behind this is the data storage center of Devil One.It's a pity that the entire metal door was covered by something blurry, as if it had been mosaiced.

This is the external performance of the space-time barrier under the dark perspective.

"Tsk tsk, if it's someone else, it's really inevitable. It's a pity, a pity, Morgana deserves your bad luck." Li Rui sneered, and began to remotely operate the computing group composed of 1024 proton computers.

Thanks to the time-space affinity program he left behind in the proton computer, otherwise he would have to force his way in.

Soon, the space-time barrier in front of him was analyzed by Li Rui, who had the double blessing of the heart of space-time and the mother box.

Taking advantage of a gap in the work of the space-time barrier, one of the protons was fleeting and shot out.

At the moment when it was about to collide with the space-time barrier, there was a momentary blank gap in the space-time barrier in front of it.At this time, the proton computer swished through and successfully passed the barrier of time and space.

Immediately afterwards, Li Rui used the proton computer to launch a space algorithm, and dozens of miniature space-time gates large enough to accommodate a proton floated around the proton.

After just a few breaths, thousands of proton computers completed aggregation again.

The metal door in front of them couldn't stop them at all.Proton computers cannot penetrate walls, but they can enter the three-dimensional world from other dimensions, so the special metal door in front of them does not exist at all.

Soon, the data storage core of Devil No. [-] appeared in front of Li Rui - what appeared in front of him was a series of arrays of crystals, which seemed endless at first glance.

These crystals exude a faint light, which is the accumulation of demons for tens of thousands of years.

Li Rui, who saw this scene through the dark perspective, couldn't help but feel excited.This is really a mouse that fell into the rice vat. Without further ado, Li Rui directly ordered the proton computer to embed into these memories and launch an attack.


Just a few seconds before the attack was launched, in the command hall of Demon No. [-], Demon Ferro also successfully tracked down the computing core of the so-called Silver Star system.

Looking at the physical address displayed in front of him, Ferro's heart sank all the way.

Morgana's face was also extremely ugly, and she read out every word: "Venus?"

The bastard thing, it turned out to be an attack from the earth.In other words, the silver star system she always thought did not exist at all.

"I'll destroy it for the queen!" Morgana roared angrily.

Ferro didn't dare to say anything at all, and quickly implanted a sabotage program in the physical address in front of him.

"Queen, the implantation has been completed. All communications on Earth based on their Nuwa will be invalid."

In the picture, the lights of the battleship called Venus began to go out one by one, and the beam of rainbow light gushing out from the front of the battleship also gradually weakened.

Everything seems to indicate that the farce of the attack on Devil One is over.

Just as Ferro was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the piercing siren broke out again.

"Alert, alert!"

"The database has been compromised!"

"The database has been compromised!"

There was a moment of silence in the command hall, as quiet as a needle could be heard.


At the same time, on the Venus Star, the corner of Li Rui's mouth twitched slightly: It seems that the plan has worked.

In this attack, a target was naturally needed to attract Demon One's attention.Although there are many proton computers in his hand, they can't withstand the destruction of Devil One, and they will be discovered sooner or later.

Then what should be done?You can't directly expose the mother box.

Therefore, Li Rui used Nuwa's backup computing core, which was the original rune computing core of Venus.Since he didn't plan to want this thing anymore, Li Rui simply used it as a waste and left a little surprise inside.


Demon number one, several dazzling characters appeared in front of all the demons.

"Bichi, you've been tricked!"

Just ask if you are surprised or not?

At the same time, in the monitoring screen of Demon One, the lights of Venus, which had not been extinguished, were lit up one by one in an orderly manner again.The Rainbow Bridge, which had just been suspended for a second, was shining again.The entire line of defense recovered instantly without being affected in the slightest.

"Queen, the earthlings' attack power has suddenly increased, and I need computing power support!" Demon Yarrow exclaimed.

Nonsense, the database has already been invaded at this time, Li Rui will naturally not be polite to the devil, the power of the mother box is fully turned on, and the data of the devil No. [-] is intercepted like a whale.

At this time, he doesn't care about what data is useful and what data is useless, and he will go back and talk about it all.

"Warning, warning!"

"The database has been compromised!"

"The database has been compromised!"

Unexpected changes made Morgana's face distorted, especially the glaring big characters in front of her, it was like a resounding slap in the face, slapped her hard on the face.

"Capture the opponent's invasion route!" Morgana gritted her teeth and said every word.

At this moment, she wished she could bite into pieces.

However, the status of Demon One is the most important.Even if she really gritted her teeth, she could only swallow it in her stomach at the moment.

Ferro quickly gave the answer: "Queen, in our data repository!"


Morgana slapped him on the back of the head, almost deflated the guy's head: "Are you out of your mind, or am I a fool to be your queen? They directly invade the database, why don't you Say number one has betrayed!"

Fero was also very aggrieved, and directly sent her the analysis result: "But look at it yourself, the queen, the captured physical address is in our database."

Just looking at the data, Morgana fell silent.

The analysis results showed that the physical address of the computer where the other party launched the attack was in her database.

But now, the database keeps running out.The seven defensive lines were breached one after another, and she didn't have time to think about how that little bastard did it.

"The earthlings have used some method to directly invade our database storage. All the firewalls are ineffective for them. Now I can only create some false information to delay the further data reading of the earth. At the same time, the Our core data was moved to a standby database."

"How long can it last?" Morgana clenched her fists, trying her best to keep herself sane.

Ferro explained while operating: "We need to defend against the attacks of the earthlings, as well as external data intrusions, plus internal database intrusions, and transfer of core data, all of which require computing power support. Judging from the current state, our Only for 5 minutes."

"5 minutes?" Morgana twitched her lips with a half-smile, and said with a hint of sarcasm, "You're really capable."

After saying a word, cold sweat almost came down on Fei Luo's forehead.I don't know if the queen is saying that he is a waste, or that the children on earth are too troublesome.

I guess it's both.

As soon as this idea came out, Fei Luo was so shocked that his back felt cold, and he quickly speeded up the calculation.


"Yes, Queen."

Morgana said in a sullen tone: "For more than 1 years, even if we fight with angels, we have never been bullied like this. I have never felt so bullied by a group of children who are less than a hundred years old. To such a useless!"

To be fooled like this, to break into the database and steal data, even the Holy Keisha would not dare to do it.

Li Rui violated the devil's taboo by doing this.

A Tuo knelt down on one knee, put his hand on his chest, and planted the flaming sword on the ground. He lowered his head and showed shame: "It is a great shame to let the queen be humiliated."

"Then earn back my face for the Queen."

"Your will is the direction we are pointing to."

Morgana looked deeply at the demons in the hall.Wherever she saw, the demon stood up, beat his chest with one hand, and bowed his head to salute her.

At this moment, everyone can feel that the atmosphere among the demons has changed.If there was some slack and some jokes before, then now, it is the cold machine that is suppressing the anger in his heart and waiting for an explosion.

"Mobilize people and set off to the Chiwu star system. We want to give them a war! Let these children clearly understand what is the real..."


Morgana spit out two words softly, followed by a burst of chilling laughter...

(End of this chapter)

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