Chapter 195 debut
Near the Pluto Worm Bridge, demons appeared one after another.

Morgana stood in the starry sky, staring at the solar system defense line in the distance, and asked Devil One: "Is it only here?"

"Yes, Queen. Their two large-scale space devices cover a wide area. We currently have relatively tight computing power resources, and there is no way to free up our hands to crack."

Filo of Devil One replied.

In fact, Ferro didn't even try to crack it.Once he tries to crack it, he will find: Huh?Still can't help.

The current large-scale space oscillator is directly linked to Nuwa, and it is also supported by a celestial-level computer behind it, so it is not easy to crack at all.Once the already tense resources are invested in the cracking, it will only increase the speed at which the Devil One database is breached.

"Then start here." Morgana was kind and did not force Ferro to find a solution.

As she spoke, she glanced at the solar system checkpoint in front of her, and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

Having been with their queen for tens of thousands of years, the demons are very familiar with the queen's every move, and to some extent they are also very "understanding." Seeing Morgana's eyes, the demons rushed immediately. Go out and pass through the checkpoint.

The tall checkpoint in front of him was split into two in an instant, and was completely reduced to a pile of ruins with a series of explosions.

"We don't have that much time, go ahead and destroy those two large space devices!" Morgana ordered coldly.

The demons swarmed out, rushing through the ruins of the checkpoint in the blink of an eye.

As soon as they passed the range of the checkpoint, the demons immediately noticed that the micro-wormholes that they had perceived very clearly in the past had become extremely complicated at this time, and it was difficult for them to solve it in a short time with their computing power.

Morgana also frowned, although her wormhole algorithm can still be used, but it takes a lot of effort.If the difficulty of the previous wormhole algorithm was 1, it is now 10 or 20.

After thinking for a while, Morgana flipped her hand and figured out an amethyst bracelet.There is a thumb-sized metal block on the gemstone holder in the middle of the bracelet, which seems to be alive and slowly flowing.

If Li Rui can recognize it at a glance here, this is the K2 element he developed.This group of elements was supported and dismantled by the space bridge that the demons snatched back in the last war.

As a top scholar in time and space, how could Morgana fail to analyze the value of this K2 element.She tried many methods to artificially synthesize the K2 element, even including high-end methods such as direct atomic structure rewriting, but unfortunately, there was no Center of Time and Space as a stabilizer, and all of them ended in failure.

Because of this, Morgana also understood that Li Rui must have some kind of core thing in her hands, without this thing, she couldn't make it anyway.Therefore, Morgana had no choice but to make the best use of this small group of K2 elements to make this bracelet.

Putting on the bracelet, combined with Morgana's fourth-generation divine body, the influence of time and space restrictions brought about by the surrounding large space oscillators is immediately lifted.

Morgana calculated carefully, and couldn't help cursing inwardly: Damn, the coverage is less than 1000 meters.

After all, this small piece of K2 has a limited range of influence, and it is impossible for Morgana to completely lift the restrictions of the demons and only care about herself.

But something is better than nothing, Morgana's wings fluttered and she was about to fly out.

Her battle plan is very simple, that is to destroy the two large space devices, and then launch the doomsday bomb directly from No. [-], sending all the defense forces of the earth to the sky.

But as soon as Morgana moved, she had to stop because of the abnormal situation in front of her: she saw some white mist suddenly appeared at the front of the demons.

These mist seem to have consciousness, slowly rotating in the starry sky.Every time it turns around, the white mist expands by a fraction.Before the demons could react to what happened, the white mist rolled up a storm in the starry sky, drowning the dozen or so demons rushing forward.

A Tuo was startled when he saw this, and quickly issued a warning to the demons: "Be careful, it's the cold air of the Valkyrie, spread out!"

The demons braked one after another and turned around, but a few rushed too quickly into the cold mist storm.

The cold air felt by the skin caused the intruding demons to subconsciously shiver.

How long have you been a demon?Hundreds of years or thousands of years.The temperature regulation system implanted in the genes had long since made them forget what it was like to be in severe cold and scorching heat, but now, the bone-chilling coldness reminded them of the feeling deep in their memories.

Several demons flapped their wings in horror, wanting to get out of the range covered by the cold mist, but at this moment, the heavy feeling on the wings made them suddenly realize that in just the blink of an eye, thick solid ice had formed on the wings .


A thought flashed in the minds of these demons, and when they looked down, the cold ice had spread to their necks and was extending towards their heads.

Just as he was about to call his companions for rescue, one after another shimmering bullets rushed into the mist, and in an instant these demons who hadn't had time to break free were sent to meet Karl, the god of death.

Outside the cold mist, Atuo, who was flying at a high speed, soon found that the demons breaking into the cold mist were disconnected one after another. A trace of ferocity appeared on his face, and he mobilized energy into the flaming sword in his hand.

Following A Tuo's sword strike, a crimson heat wave rushed into the cold mist, splitting the entire mist into two like Moses dividing the sea.

The flame bombing program carried by the angel's flame sword does not have high authority for this kind of attack. It does not need to apply for authority from the knowledge treasure house, nor does it need the user's assistance.

Thinking about Ge Xiaolun's Void Great Sword Demon can break the authority, let alone a standard Raging Flame Sword, it is not a problem at all.

"Heh, you are also equipped with the flame sword!"

At this moment, a broken voice full of anger broke into Atuo's ear, followed by a long leg wearing high-heeled boots appeared out of thin air on Atuo's waist, and kicked him hard on the waist .

Immediately afterwards, the opponent approached Atuo at an extremely fast speed, attacked suddenly, and snatched the flame sword in his hand.

On the way of flying backwards, Ato's wings shook, abruptly stopping the backward trend.

Taking a closer look, a round-faced angel with a golden single ponytail came out of the wormhole, looking at him with a cold expression.

"Angel is cold!" A Tuo's eyes flashed coldly.

At this time, the cold fog cleared, and the soldiers from the earth side appeared on the stage one by one.

They arrive at the battlefield through wormholes, space bridges, or the space teleportation of the mother box.

At the front of the team, Qi Lin and Angel Yan stood side by side with a sniper rifle.

Behind the two, the high-ranking guardian angels, the Excaliburs, and the Xiongbing Company walked out of the wormhole one by one, staring at the invading enemy with stern expressions.

Farther away, a full [-] Heavenly Sword fighters were waiting in formation.

They set up a formation. The outermost layer is the Heavenly Sword Heavy Armor melee type responsible for defense, the inner layer is the medium and short-range fire suppression type, and the center is long-range snipers. The formation is tight and both offensive and defensive.

Morgana flew to the front of the line and looked at the two women at the front opposite: "That little bastard, why didn't you come out to see me!"

Qilin replied calmly: "You know what he is doing."

"You guys are quite capable." Morgana looked at Qilin coldly, as if she was looking at a dead person.Immediately afterwards, she shifted her gaze to Angel Yan next to her, and said sarcastically, "Why, you little bitch got mixed up with this bunch of country kids? You don't think it's cheap!"

For Angel Yan, Morgana is an old opponent.In the past 7000 years, she has fought with Queen Keisha often, so it is not false at all.

"Ah, as expected of a demon. Whatever comes out of your mouth is so harsh."

"Fuck, don't listen to it if you don't like it!"

Angel Yan sneered, and continued: "It's nothing surprising. In the face of the greatest evil in the known universe, righteous and kind people will always unite. After all, evil can never prevail against good."

"If you're afraid, you're afraid, why don't you find a reason!"

"Oh, you can say whatever you want." Angel Yan shook his head, then raised the flaming sword, pointing at Morgana: "Anyway, we have never finished with you. It is the duty of the angel to judge the devil!"

"Without Keisha's bitch, you bitch will be finished!" Morgana sneered and waved her hand.

The demons immediately swarmed out like wild dogs that saw the bones.

Morgana, the Demon Queen, was not to be outdone, and the Demon Claw greeted her face directly. Looking at her appearance, she vowed to scratch him to pieces...

(End of this chapter)

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