Chapter 205
Inside the Da Chong Bridge, the radiant passage makes people feel like they are in a time tunnel.This is the scene inside the cosmic highway.

To go to the Angel Nebula from the Chiwu star system, one must first leave the Milky Way.According to this path planning, starting from the Pluto Worm Bridge, it takes four days to go through 14983 jumps before leaving the scope of the Milky Way.At the edge of the Milky Way, and then across the dark zone between galaxies through the Great Worm Bridge, you can enter the Andromeda Nebula.

After that, it will take another 16 billion light-years to reach the outer periphery of the Angel Nebula.The whole process takes 7 Earth months, which is a long journey.

But for angels, most of them have experienced the test of abstinence, and the boring mood has long since left them.Moreover, the usual cycle of performing missions is often measured in hundreds of years, so this time is only a short period of time for them.

However, Angel Yan never thought that this journey would be so thrilling!
Two days after they left the earth, when they were jumping for the 9483rd time, a dark chain suddenly pierced through the radiant barrier of the Great Insect Bridge, instantly piercing Angel Moy through the chest.

"Moy!" Angel Yan was shocked.

"Be careful, it's Morgana!"

Angel Moy spat out a name with difficulty, and the next moment, the dark chain suddenly came to life, accompanied by a rain of blood, Angel Moy, the right wing who had not yet taken office, died on the way back.

At the same time, another chain came suddenly, piercing Angel Chase's chest.

The crisis was imminent, Angel Chase didn't have time to feel sad because of Moy's sacrifice, and the Suyin sword in his hand slashed across with a clang.

But as soon as the Ansu silver chain was chopped off, the huge devil's claws were already chasing after him.


Angel Chase couldn't resist at all, and was blasted towards the barrier of the Big Worm Bridge with a punch from the Devil's Claw.

At the moment of collision, a series of sparks exploded immediately.Immediately afterwards, Angel Chase seemed to have broken through a certain limit, passed through the barrier in an instant, and disappeared from the passage without a trace.

In the blink of an eye, one of Angel Yan's left and right wing guards died in battle and the other disappeared.

Angel Yan made a decisive decision, his wings shook, and he rushed out from the nearest exit of the Big Insect Bridge.

As soon as he rushed out of the Big Insect Bridge exit, a stream of white cold air rushed towards him.Angel Yan had a bad heart, and before he could dodge, he was wrapped in cold air, and he was frozen into an ice sculpture in the blink of an eye.

The ice sculpture is so lifelike that it even maintains a swooping posture.

In the sky above planet K9L46 in the Milky Way, a woman with two horns on her head and a pair of bat wings on her back said with a coquettish smile, "Queen, I think this little angel named Yan is just average."

This person is wearing a one-piece tight leather jacket and has heavy eyeshadow. Although there are two horns on her head, she does not have Atuo's rough style, but adds a bit of seductiveness to her.

"Don't be careless." Suddenly, following this voice, Morgana walked out of the wormhole: "In order to block this small bitch, No. [-] calculated for more than a day to find her location. Our There is only one chance, and she must not be allowed to run back to the Angel Nebula. Otherwise, once that old aunt Hexi gets our data, the consequences will be unpredictable."

"It's already been frozen by me, so what can I do?" the figure said disdainfully.

But as soon as she finished speaking, Angel Yan's voice came to the ears of the two of them.

"No wonder, I said, why did you take such a big risk to intercept and kill us in the Big Worm Bridge. It turned out that you were afraid that I would bring the devil's data to Tianji King."


With the sound of an explosion, Angel Yan's wings trembled, and the ice that sealed her immediately shattered into countless large and small ice crystals.

"Demon Shae, the fish that slipped through the net on Star Kerr 4000 years ago, was sent by the devil Morgana to perform a mission on Sirius Star. It seems that the backbone of the stars is good, and erased a lot of your data. Otherwise, it would not be A After Tuo died, even this kind of stuff was transferred back.”

The first half of the sentence was spoken by Angel Yan to the new demon, and the second half of the sentence was addressed to Morgana.

The newly-appeared demon Shae suddenly showed anger on his face: What is this kind of thing?I really want to tear this bitch's mouth out!
Unfortunately, Morgana didn't want to waste time with Angel Yan at all.After going back and forth with Li Rui several times, she finally understood that talking too much is not only useless, but also makes her prestige go down.

So she didn't talk nonsense, and she shot with the devil's claws, aggressive, looking like she was going to kill Angel Yan.

At the same time, in the sky above the planet F57E32, which is [-] light-years away, Angel Chase, who had just been knocked out of the Big Worm Bridge, was also surrounded by demons.

The leader is none other than her old opponent - Crocodile Thornton.

As soon as she came out, Thornton hit her and cut a gash in her arm.Thanks to her sufficient front energy, otherwise her hands would have been cut off.

But looking at the more than 100 demons around here, plus a peak animal body, Angel Zhui knew in his heart: I'm afraid I won't get any benefits today.I just don't know, what's going on with Sister Yan?

"Hey, girl bun, let's meet again!" Thornton twisted his big buttocks, bloodthirsty in his simple and honest expression.

"Brother Thornton, don't talk nonsense with her, the Queen's order is to let her die here!" A demon next to Thornton shouted.

"Got it! How annoying!"

Before he could say anything, Thornton made a big jump and rushed directly above the angel chasing him, the weapon in his hand descending from the sky with the momentum of Mount Tai.

Angel chased with both swords in his hands, charged a little, and sent Thorton back to where he came from with a backhand sword.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yinjian shot out brazenly, and simply pierced a demon who wanted to sneak attack through his chest.

Suddenly, a big battle broke out.

On the other side, the battle between Angel Yan and Morgana broke out almost at the same time.Angel Yan moved out of Silver Wing immediately, and got entangled with Morgana.

The speed of the two parties is very fast, traveling through the sky of the planet, leaving a series of sonic boom clouds in the sky from time to time.

It wasn't until these two people fought that the demon Xue Yi understood why the queen was so afraid of this angel. It was indeed powerful enough to fight against the queen with a body of three generations.

Just as she was sighing, Angel Yan suddenly used two silver wings to restrain the devil's claw, and the flaming sword in his hand immediately hit a flaming bombardment close to his face.

"Hmph, don't I exist when I'm a sister!" Xue Yi snorted, and a long sword appeared in her hand, dragging a white cold mist to stop it before the flame bombardment.

The ice and fire collided, and a gorgeous flower suddenly bloomed in the sky.

Taking advantage of Xue Yi's effort to block the flame bombardment, Morgana jumped to the back of Angel Yan through the wormhole in an instant, and the devil's claw punched her on the back.

"Bastard!" Angel Yan turned around in the air: "What are you meddling in!"


The silver wings flew past Shae's hair, and the sharp blade even cut off the bangs on her forehead.If she hadn't dodged in time, I'm afraid her head would have fallen off right now.

Shocked, Xue Yi couldn't help burning with anger in her heart. Without saying a word, she followed Morgana and hit Angel Yan.

Although Morgana's state is incomplete, she is the foundation of the fourth generation. In addition, there is a third-generation demon Shay next to her who releases icy cold air from time to time to slow down Angel Yan's ability to move. After a while, Angel Yan's body is covered with wounded.

While resisting the two of them, Angel Yan thought of a way to escape.

In the end, she gritted her silver teeth and used her silver wings to form a shield in front of her body, forcibly resisting the repeated attacks of the devil's claws.At the same time, open the secondary biological engine and load the algorithm:

"Redefining the temperature constant..."

"Redefining Angel Yan: Indestructible..."

The next moment, Angel Yan struggled to get injured, and was directly grabbed by Morgana with the devil's claws.

Morgana was overjoyed, secretly finally caught this little bitch, and then manipulated the devil's claws with all her strength, trying to squeeze Angel Yan into mud.

But at this moment, Angel Yan resisted the pressure of the Devil's Claw, and manipulated Silver Wing to cut off an arm of Xue Yi who wanted to get close.

"Bastard!" Morgana felt astonished that she seemed to have been fooled.

But at this time, Angel Yan's second silver wing had already landed on Xue Yi's head. If she didn't return to help at this time, then Xue Yi, a god-level fighter who had been transferred back by herself, might have to return to the fire after the first battle. make.

At the critical moment, Morgana couldn't bear the death of her subordinates and chose to come back for help.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Angel Yan broke free from the devil's claws, and with a flick of his wings, he started cruising at sub-light speed, and disappeared over the planet in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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