Chapter 206 Kill the Soul


The heavy pneumatic doors slid open to both sides, and inside was Li Rui's private laboratory.The original K2 elemental generator has been removed and moved elsewhere, freeing up a huge space.

In the laboratory, Li Rui was discussing some technical issues with a silver-haired angel.In front of the two of them, there was a huge bright silver metal ball, which looked natural without any seams or anything like that.

With Li Rui's finger, the metal ball in front of him cracked a gap, followed by a crackling sound, and after a very sci-fi-style deformation, the metal ball in front of him became a three-meter-tall robot.

"The deformation element you studied is a bit interesting. It can change the machine into a preset appearance according to the setting. But, for what?" He Xi asked puzzledly as he folded his arms and looked at the robot in front of him. .

What can Li Rui say, it can't be said that it is to unlock the mission.Therefore, he could only answer: "At first, it was just to speed up the progress of several large-scale projects of the Alliance, and wanted to find a multi-purpose robot to replace human production. The discovery of this element was purely accidental."

The transformation of the mechanical body in front of me has been very smooth, but the problem is that even though it seems to be the same as the transformation process of Transformers in the movie, there are still essential differences.

The deformation of this mechanical body relies on the program implanted in it, which is man-made manipulation, not from the mechanical body itself.To put it more bluntly, this thing in front of me can only be regarded as an empty shell, lacking a core soul.

"Accident?" He Xi stared at him with interest for a while, and joked: "You have a lot of accidents here, first of all, the K2 element that can affect the stability of time and space, this time there is this kind of element that can make the mechanical body Elements that produce deformation, the frequency of accidents is quite high."

"Well, I'm preparing, I'm preparing." Li Rui said very modestly, as if he didn't notice Hexi's teasing at all.

"Say you're fat and panting. Tell me, why did you ask me?"

Li Rui's face turned serious, "There is a description about 'spirit and consciousness' in the data I sent you, have you read it?"

Hexi was slightly taken aback, and found out after a little search: "You mean the book "Consciousness and Matter" written by Carl?"

"Yes, that's the one." Li Rui affirmed.

That book is one of the results of Li Rui's interception of Demon One. Judging from the contents, it should have been written a long time ago, during the period when Super Seminary was still cooperating with angels.

The book puts forward a point of view: spirit and matter, the two influence each other but maintain a certain independence, spirit is based on matter, but it is higher than matter.Under certain special circumstances, spirit can exist independently of matter.

Li Rui wanted to make a fire source, and there were solutions to other problems. The core problem was the soul.Transformers are not simple robots, they have souls like human beings, and belong to silicon-based life.True life cannot be created without solving the problem of the soul, which is the fire.

Li Rui was inspired by the book of Carl's work that was seized from Morgana.Spirit and soul are very closely connected, perhaps we can start from the spirit to pry into the mysteries of the soul.

"Spiritual body." Hexi murmured, and couldn't help but sigh: "Karl's form of existence is called a 'phantom body' in the known universe. Kesha and I once had speculation about the so-called phantom body. After all, this Gadgets do not depend on matter, are unpredictable, and have too much impact on the future. Now it seems that it should be a spiritual body that has broken away from material dependence."

"Actually, we have also done research on the spiritual body. In the sacred atom technology I studied, there is the issue of rebuilding the thinking body. After all, after the four generations of gods are broken into countless particles, how to maintain a complete thinking becomes a problem. the biggest problem.

Based on this technology, Keisha and I have also developed a mental body suppression technology, but compared with Karl's technology that allows the spirit to exist independently of the material, the gap is still too large. "

Speaking of this, Hexi looked at Li Rui: "It's a pity that the mental body suppression technology is highly encrypted, and I don't have permission to read it. If you want the mental body suppression technology, I can synchronize the data with the ontology. Decide."

Li Rui pondered for a while, and said: "Don't worry, I'll try it myself first, and see if I can figure out some ways."

"Okay, I respect your decision." He Xi nodded.

While speaking, the door of the laboratory opened, and Qilin in military uniform walked in from outside.

"What's the matter with calling me over so urgently?" Qilin nodded to Hexi, and then asked.

She knew the existence of He Xi, the clone doll, and she didn't intend to disclose it to other angels.After all, Qilin is Li Rui's closest person, and there are many things that cannot avoid her.

"Indeed, about some experiments."

"Experiment?" Qilin was slightly surprised: "What experiment still needs my help?"

Li Rui pointed to her eyes: "I need you to help me see something."

Qilin's eyes can see the soul, so she can clearly see some subtle changes in Li Rui's experiment.

Ever since the Kuntasha template was unlocked, Li Rui always felt that he had forgotten something.It wasn't until I saw Qilin that I realized what I had overlooked. It was actually very simple: In Asgard's technology, there is a micro-control technology that directly targets the soul.But this kind of technology is only manipulation, rather than directly creating souls. That is the forbidden area of ​​​​the gods, and Asgard has not been able to touch it.

It was precisely for this reason that Qi Lin was asked to come over to help.

As for why he told Hexi, it is actually related to the justice and order of the angels: they prohibit the evil body modification technology.

However, if Li Rui's template task is unlocked, life can be created directly, and the impact on angels' justice and order can be imagined.

Therefore, the reason why Li Rui sought Hexi's opinion was just throwing stones to ask for directions.At present, Hexi doesn't seem to have much objection.

"Do you still need me for the experiment?" Qi Lin pointed at herself in amazement.

Good guy, since this bastard tricked herself into the Torch Project in the name of a researcher, she has been studied by others, and she never thought that there would be a day to assist in the research.

At this moment, Qilin had the feeling of being a turned serf and singing.

Therefore, she immediately raised her airs: "Think about it."

Li Rui glanced at her in disgust: "Don't make trouble, come here quickly."

He Xi on the side couldn't help smiling, this young couple is really interesting sometimes.

After a while, Li Rui took out an experimental sample from the biological area of ​​the laboratory - a small white mouse.

That's right, it is the largest consumable in the laboratory.

Immediately, Li Rui mobilized the power of Odin, and mysterious runes began to condense on the tip of his right finger.

Seeing this scene, Hexi immediately cheered up.After obtaining the full set of runes and interpretations of runes, she also tried to write some rune sequences, and the effect was amazing.

After realizing the potential of runes, Hexi naturally would not miss any chance to learn.

Qilin also leaned over, her eyes glowed with a strange brilliance, apparently entering a mysterious state.Just kidding, she also wanted to see what Li Rui wanted to do.

Gradually, Li Rui's fingertips gathered more and more runes, and the number has exceeded the [-] mark.The rays of light naturally released by the many runes condensed together, making it seem like a small sun gathered at his fingertips.

Finally, Li Rui's preparations seemed to be completed. He uttered a strange syllable from his throat, and pressed his finger to the little white mouse in front of him.

The next moment, the light burst out.

The little white mouse in front of him screamed, and suddenly fell straight in the cage.

At this moment, the two people behind them showed a look of shock in their eyes.

"What did you do?" He Xi asked with a serious face.

In her dark perspective, the body of the mouse in front of her is still alive, but it no longer has the dark data that life should have.

Before Li Rui could answer, Qi Lin said, "At that moment, the soul of this little white mouse was killed. No, it can't be described as killing, it should be erased."

Kill... souls?
He Xi was stunned, not knowing what to say for a while.

Li Rui shook his head in disappointment: "The first time, it seems that I used too much force. Forget it, do it again!"

(End of this chapter)

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