Chapter 101 Uneasy
"Lan Lan, look, I said that this group of guys is going to be unlucky. I have nothing to do when I'm full, and I don't know what to do if I block the boss?" Flame Chicken looked at the picture on the screen and said proudly: "My boss is not a good person. You mess with the imperial beast, a guy like this can be cleaned up by moving his paws casually."

"I've already seen it." Lan Lan said with a smile when she heard the words, and saw that other students began to grab the stone ball on the screen. It seems that the commentators also knew that after Gulardo entered the volcano, there should be no more students Come grab the stone ball.

After all, this is a ruthless character who can defeat a hundred with one.

Without being sure that he is sure, it is obviously not a good choice for Gulardo, why not choose other students to do it?
"Did you fall into the volcano? Why are you all burnt like this?" Ouyang Yahua, who was wandering on the island, asked in confusion when he saw the miserable appearance of a large group of students in front of him.

Just now she smelled the smell of burning pig hair from a long distance away, and thought that someone was roasting wild boar on the island, but when she walked over, she realized what kind of roasted wild boar it was?This smell is all emanating from these imperial beasts.

"Don't mention it, it's unlucky." The student who heard this complained: "We followed the radar to track the location of the solid ball, and found that the stone ball was actually inside the volcano, so we made a hole together, trying to put Release the lava to see if you can bring out the stone ball."

"Yeah, but the stone ball didn't come out at all, so we thought about bulldozing the volcano to see if we could find it, but before the volcano was bulldozed, the royal beast inside came out." Speaking here, Everyone couldn't help but sigh.

I knew I wouldn't listen to that bastard's bewitching, but now I'm fine, I didn't find the stone ball, and I was beaten for nothing.

I don't know if they can heal their injuries before the end of the third day, and then find other players with stone balls to do it.

If not?Then they are really a three-day island tour?

"Uh, there are royal beasts living in the lava? Is it wild?" Ouyang Yahua was stunned when he heard this.

There are monsters that can survive in a ghostly place like lava?This really sounds like a fantasy.

"Of course not, he is a girl's beast."

"That's right, that beast master is very powerful, at least at the level of a king. When he came out, he first injured our flying beast master, and then knocked down all my remaining beast masters with one blow."

Having said that, the students clenched their fists and said aggrievedly.

The failure this time was not because they were too good at it, but the opponent was too strong. Who knew that they bumped into a king-level beast just after the start of the match.

"A king-level beast? No wonder you are hurt like this." Hearing this, Ouyang Yahua nodded and continued to ask: "By the way, what does that beast look like? Can you tell me so that I don't have to worry about it?" The next time you meet him, will you match him?"

"He is an earth dragon, a bit like a dinosaur. He looks very fierce and has many spikes on his body, but he is not very tall, only a little over four meters." The student said while recalling.

"Isn't this the beast you are talking about?" Hearing this, Ouyang Yahua suddenly felt that what they described sounded familiar, so he took out his phone from his pocket, opened the photo album, found a photo and pointed it at the people asked.

"That's right, that's him."

Everyone who saw the photo immediately nodded and said, "Do you know this royal beast?"

Speaking of this, everyone's eyes on Ouyang Yahua couldn't help but gradually changed.

"Of course I don't recognize it. This Gulardo is a brand new beast master, so I paid attention to it. By the way, you don't care about the new beast master in the beast master guide?" Ouyang Yahua asked everyone, shaking his head when he heard the words .

"No, the competition is coming soon. Who is in the mood to take care of the Beastmaster's Illustrated Book?"

"Yeah, we just hate that we don't have enough time."

The students who heard this shook their heads and said.

"That's no wonder, a brand-new royal beast. You don't know his details, so it's normal to be caught off guard." Ouyang Yahua nodded after hearing this and said, "You guys take your time to heal your injuries. I'll go to the volcano Take a look at this imperial beast there."

"Okay, remember to be careful." The students reminded after hearing the words.

"Thank you for your concern." Ouyang Yahua replied with a smile, and then walked away.

Looking at the back of Ouyang Yahua going away, some students said: "This is a girl from that school, she looks so heroic and not easy to mess with."

"Yeah, it would be great if she could defeat that earth dragon." The other students couldn't help but nodded upon hearing this.

At this moment, there was a piercing sound of breaking wind above their heads. When they heard the sound, they looked up and saw a silver gorilla with four wings landed in front of them.

"The teacher who guards the island is here."

Looking at the sudden appearance of the gorilla, the students did not panic, they all knew the teacher responsible for guarding the island.

During the three days they were on the island, they needed each other's protection.

The woman with long hair and glasses in a fiery red dress jumped off the shoulder of the imperial beast, pressed the watch on her hand, and a large box popped out of it and landed on the ground:

"Hello, students. After the decision of the principals of the University Alliance, I have sent you an intensive healing potion to treat the injury of the beast."

"In the remaining two days like this, you will have time to compete for other stone balls."

"Really?" The students who heard this said happily, they were all shocked by the news.

"Of course, a royal beast and a bottle of enhanced healing potion, after you drink them, they will recover soon." The female teacher said with a smile: "Principals still hope that you will continue to work hard, but don't down here."

"Teacher, please help me say thank you to all the principals, we will definitely work hard."

"Yeah yeah."

The students who heard this said excitedly, after receiving enhanced healing potions for their beast masters to drink one after another, the scorched hair on their beast masters grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The students were very excited when they saw it.

The intensive healing potion issued by the University Alliance is powerful, and it made their beast masters grow hair in such a short period of time.

Waiting for a while will definitely heal the injuries of their beast masters.

"Okay, the potion has also been delivered, so you can stay here and accompany your respective beast masters. I have to continue to patrol the island." The female teacher said with a smile after seeing it.

"Thank you teacher, thank you teacher." The students said gratefully.

On the other side, Ouyang Yahua looked at the nervous Xu Tingting and said hello, "Don't be so nervous, I didn't come here to grab your stone ball, I just heard that there is a king-level imperial beast here, so I came here Come and take a look."

"A royal beast at the king level?" Xu Tingting, who was nervous about whether Ouyang Yahua would snatch her stone ball, was stunned upon hearing this.

"Yeah, that's what the group of injured students told me just now. I can't tell that your beast master is so powerful, but you still lied to me that he is average." Ouyang Yahua came to Xu Tingting's side, stared at Gold Chipeng, whose hair was standing up, said: "Is this your second beast master or your third beast master? It is well raised. The hair is like metal, but its strength is too weak, otherwise this You can walk sideways in a big competition.”

With such a powerful earth dragon, plus a golden-winged roc that also does not fall, then Xu Tingting should have no opponents in this competition.

It's a pity that she only has a main combat beast now. Is this golden-winged roc still an elite-level little guy?

"Where is it?" After hearing this, Xu Tingting made sure that Ouyang Yahua was not trying to grab the stone ball, so she let go of her vigilance and said, "Many of my classmates are very good, and the competition has just started. You look like this." Praise me, it makes me feel panicked."

"Why panic? I'm just telling the truth." Ouyang Yahua smiled and touched the giant-tailed white mink beside him.

But he found that the giant-tailed white marten was looking around nervously, with its limbs and claws moving restlessly.

He couldn't help being vigilant and said:

"What's wrong with Xiaobai? What happened?"

"I feel very uneasy. There are signs of catastrophe at any time. We'd better not stay on the island anymore." The giant-tailed white marten looked around and said in panic. Since she was born, she has never felt such fear. Woolen cloth.

"What?" Ouyang Yahua was shocked when he heard this, "Xiaobai, are you sure you can't stay on the island any longer?"

"I'm very sure, Yahua, we have to leave immediately. We can't stay any longer." The giant-tailed white marten said, and climbed up the big tree beside him, but still felt very panicked.

Suddenly understand that the danger is definitely not just from the ground, that is to say.

The giant-tailed white mink climbed to the top of more than 30 trees and looked towards the blue sea in the distance, and suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart.

Danger comes from the sea, and it's not just any danger.

"Yahua, what's wrong with your giant-tailed white sable?" Xu Tingting asked curiously, the giant-tailed white sable was fine just now, why is it jumping around suddenly?

At this time, Ouyang Yahua was not in the mood to inquire about Gulardo's information, but looked around and became nervous:
"Although Xiaobai is only a leader beast, she has a very keen sense of danger, and she can sense it an hour or several hours before the arrival of danger."

"From the moment I reached a contract with her, her senses have been very accurate every time, and there has never been a single mistake."

"It must be the same this time. I have to go to the teacher responsible for guarding the island and tell her about it. Xiaobai is urging me to leave here so urgently. It must not be an ordinary danger. Maybe our entire island will be affected. "

(End of this chapter)

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