Chapter 102 Attacked
"What? Could it be that the emperor-level sky-eye fighters can't keep us?"

Xu Tingting, who heard this, said in amazement, there are emperor-level fighters above them, and the island is guarded by several teachers with king-level beasts.

Is there still a problem like this?What kind of danger is that?
"Probably can't be kept." Ouyang Yahua shook his head and said: "If it can be kept, the giant-tailed white mink won't react like this. I have to talk to the teacher about it right away. You are here, Tingting Just wait."

After finishing speaking, Ouyang Yahua released his flying beast, and flew towards the sky to look for the teachers who guarded the island.

"It's really so dangerous?" Xu Tingting looked at Ouyang Yahua's leaving back and muttered.

Then he looked at Jin Chipeng standing beside him and said, "Xiaojin, have you noticed anything unusual? The giant-tailed white sable is the imperial beast, and you are also the imperial beast. You must have noticed something, right?"

The teacher said that the senses of the royal beasts are much better than that of human beings, so did the golden-winged roc notice anything?
"There is no situation at the moment, Tingting." Hearing this, Jin Chipeng raised his head and said after scanning his surroundings.

What kind of danger?He didn't notice anything.

Moreover, he is not a bird that lives in the sea, and he is not very familiar with the situation at sea. Even if there is something wrong, he will not be able to detect it.

"Like this?" Xu Tingting was stunned when she heard this, and walked towards the volcano with the stone ball on her back.

Although she didn't know whether what Ouyang Yahua said was true or not, it was obviously the most correct decision to be with Gulardo now, no matter what dangers would happen?The first rule of a beast master is not to be separated from the beast master.

"Teacher, I have something to report to you." Ouyang Yahua, who was sitting on the other side of the Flying Beast, looked at the flying gorilla not far away, and immediately shouted.

"Hey! This classmate, what do you need for me?" The female teacher sitting on the shoulder of the four-winged gorilla asked with a smile, and looked at Ouyang Yahua in front of her.

"Teacher, something big will happen on the island. Can you let Tianyan detect the situation in the nearby waters?" Ouyang Yahua asked without too much hesitation.

"Big thing? Do you want to investigate the situation in the nearby waters?" The female teacher looked at Ouyang Yahua and said, "Did you find out what happened? Take it easy and don't worry."

"Teacher, my giant-tailed white sable keeps telling me to leave the island. She said that the island will be in great danger."

"But the danger does not come from the ground, but from the sea, so I want the teacher to let the Tianyan fighter plane detect the surrounding situation and see if there is a typhoon or a tsunami approaching?"

Except for the typhoon and tsunami that are prone to occur on the sea, she can't think of other situations that can make the giant-tailed white ermine nervous.

"Like this?" The female teacher who heard this thought for a while and said, "Then I will contact the Tianyan fighter plane now and let it scout the surroundings. Classmates, you can continue to compete, don't worry about other problems."

"Even if there is a problem, the teachers will solve it. Don't delay the competition, you know?"

"Okay, old..."

"boom boom"

Before Ouyang Yahua could finish his words, a huge explosion sounded from the "Sky Eye" fighter jet staying in the sky, and the dazzling fire rushed to the entire sky. All the teachers and students on the island looked at "Sky Eye" in astonishment. Looking at the location of the ship, I saw that the wings of the "Sky Eye" were broken.



At the same time, the viewers who were watching the live broadcast found that the mobile phone live broadcast room went dark, and all the players' game screens disappeared.

"What's going on? What's wrong with this?"

The audience in front of the screen looked at each other, not quite understanding what happened.

"Not good, something happened." Seeing the dim face of the principal in the live broadcast room, he immediately dialed the number of the university alliance.

The signal of "Tianyan" can be used for the live broadcast of the game. No matter it is a typhoon or a tsunami, the signal of "Tianyan" cannot be affected. The only explanation is that the "Tianyan" has been attacked, so there is no way to transmit the signal.

"Sorry everyone, I encountered a small problem during the live broadcast. Someone repaired the water pipe outside the live broadcast station and accidentally cut the cable connecting us with the Sky Eye."

"But everyone can rest assured that this problem will be resolved soon. You have watched it for so long. Why don't you relax now and go for a walk, and wait a few 10 minutes before continuing to watch."

"Yes, yes, after all, looking at the screen all the time is not good for your eyes."

It was found that the signal from the Sky Eye was broken.The commentators quickly responded and said with a smile.

"What's going on here? What happened?" Jiang Xiaoyun muttered in confusion.

"It may be that the Sky Eye has been attacked." Zhou Jia on the side rested his chin and said in thought, "Recently, our country has had a bit of friction with neighboring countries over territorial issues. It may be that they are messing around."

"Ah? Sister, you said they attacked Tianyan?" Jiang Xiaoyun said in astonishment when he heard this, are these guys so ignorant of martial arts?He stabbed a knife in the back.

"Keep your voice down. This is just my guess. After all, the recent wind direction is really not right." Zhou Jia raised his fingers in a booing manner and said: "The islands selected by our national colleges and universities are the same every year. One, and far from land."

"During this period of time, the problem of territorial contention has been discovered, so it is very possible to move the Sky Eye when other countries challenge it."

"But how do you know these seniors?" Jiang Xiaoyun asked curiously.

"I often browse the Internet, so I know some other things. It's just that I didn't expect that they would jump out and make trouble on the day when our National High School League is held." Zhou Jia whispered.

"Senior sister, do you think Tingting will have something to do?" Jiang Xiaoyun asked nervously.

"It shouldn't be a big problem. This time they must be going to the Sky Eye. Small shrimps like Tingting and the others won't pay too much attention."

"After all, something happened to the Sky Eye. The country will definitely send reinforcements immediately. Their time is very tight." Zhou Jia said looking at the screen.

"The despicable get out..."

The "Sky Eye" was attacked by a sneak attack. The fuselage quickly deformed, and soon became a huge robot over a thousand meters high. It looked at the sky in the distance and the surrounding sky, and directly launched a dazzling laser.

"pong pong"

The laser shot out, and the sky that seemed to have no problem over there suddenly trembled, and then a huge robot also appeared. It waved the hexagonal shield in its hand and easily resisted the attack of "Sky Eye" .

"You are the Apollo..." Looking at the huge robot that suddenly appeared, the flashing electronic eyes of the "Sky Eye" suddenly changed.

"Yes, it's me." The Apollo made a sinister voice: "Since you recognize me, it's even more impossible to keep you. This time, I will keep you here no matter what."

"Don't even think about it." After hearing this, the "Sky Eye" left the outer cabin and flew in one direction without looking back.

"Don't try to run away, you won't be able to get away." The Apollo with its shield put away said coldly, and quickly chased after it in the form of a fighter plane.

"Hurry up and don't stay on the island anymore. The Sky Eye has recognized the identity of the Apollo. It is absolutely impossible for the other party to let you continue to live. Take advantage of the Sky Eye to divert their emperor-level fighters, hurry up!" Let's go." The female teacher said while looking at the two fighter planes in the distance, and let the four-winged gorilla run towards the figure flying in the distance.

The enemy who came this time was not only an "Apollo" fighter plane, but also royal beasts at the king level.

They must go to meet the enemy immediately, otherwise the students will be in danger.

"Teacher." Seeing this scene, Zhou Jia couldn't help but have a complicated expression. She didn't think that she was in danger just after telling the teacher.

Unexpectedly, fighter planes from hostile countries attacked the Sky Eye, and now they are in even more mortal danger.

The beast masters of these hostile countries will definitely not let them leave safely, otherwise the country will catch them if they are rescued.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Yahua patted the imperial beast under him and said:
"Big-billed duck, let's go quickly. Don't be caught up, or you will be finished, and you will be turned into a roast duck by then."



Hearing this, the big-billed duck suddenly looked aside, and hurriedly flew into the distance.

"Everyone, don't panic, don't hide your head and run away. If we disperse, we will only lose faster. At this time, we should unite and help the teachers resist the enemy. It is the right decision to delay the aid."

Zhang Shouyue looked at the students running around and shouted, hoping that they would come back quickly, even if all of them were only lord-level beast masters.

That can't stand that they have more than 900 people. The total number of beasts in their hands, even if there are two per person, there are more than 1800.

As long as you join the battle, you will definitely help the teacher defeat the enemy.

"You idiot, do you think we will believe you? Do you know that the teacher is fighting against a royal beast?"

"Yeah, our more than 100 royal beasts can't even beat a king-level one. Do you still want to unite to fight a king-level one? That's like sending them to death, okay?"

"It's just you, you are too stupid."

The surrounding students heard Zhang Shouyue's words.Can't help cursing.

Does this idiot think that their beast masters are large enough to be useful in front of king-level beast masters?
It's as easy as crushing a group of ants to be crushed by king-level monsters, okay?

Where did this idiot get his confidence?

(End of this chapter)

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