Age of Beasts: I became Groudon

Chapter 103 monstrous waves

Chapter 103 monstrous waves
"You can't escape, everyone will die." The masked man who was fighting with the female teacher looked at the students who were moving in all directions and sneered: "The great roaring whale has already used the big tsunami, all of you Everyone will be swallowed by the sea, dedicated to the great adults."

"What? You crazy bastards." The female teacher who heard this looked around, and saw that there was a huge wave on the originally calm sea, and the blue sea was like the blue sky. Covered all around the entire island.

The lonely island is in it, just like rice grains wrapped in a big bowl.

"Everyone, go back to the island, you can't go here, you can't go here, there is a strong wind blowing above, and our beasts can't fly."

The students who were about to flee outside saw the huge tsunami and wanted to jump over the huge waves to escape from above, but the huge wind above directly blew them back.

The students who staggered down saw the huge tsunami approaching, and hurriedly asked the beast masters to take them back to the island.

With such a big tsunami approaching, they could not walk from above, nor from below.

Now I can only hope that the island can help them withstand the impact of the tsunami.

"Everyone, find the tallest building on the island to avoid the tsunami. As long as you can withstand the first wave, the next wave will be solved." Ouyang Yahua shouted after falling back to the ground.

In an instant, everyone looked at the volcano not far away. On the entire island, only this volcano had the highest position, so everyone ran towards the volcano.

"Uh, what's going on now?" Xu Tingting, who was sitting in the crater, said that she was a little confused now.

The situation developed so fast that she didn't even know what was going on?She was suddenly attacked, and then everyone ran outside, but they all came back, as if she was the only one who was still standing still.

"Tingting, they are all flying towards us. What should we do?" Compared to Xu Tingting, who was a little confused, Gold Chipeng said in a panic as he looked at the imperial beasts flying in all directions.

These guys don't all come here to fight for real balls, do they?With so many beasts coming together, he couldn't bear it at all.

The big guy in the lava had to come out. Although he was reluctant to call this guy the boss, he had to admit that the ground dragon inside was really powerful.

"Don't panic, calm down. They should just come to hide from the tsunami, not to fight for the stone ball." Xu Tingting said looking at the huge tsunami around her.

She is not very afraid of such a big tsunami.

If it doesn't work, she can just jump into the lava, anyway, there is so much lava underneath.

Can the sea water really submerge the whole inside without sinking?
Ever since she made a contract with Gulardo, she discovered that the energy of the earth would find her automatically, and she was not afraid of fire or molten lava anymore.

Even putting his hand into the lava was unscathed.

Of course, she has never talked about this matter with others. After all, she looks too prominent and easy to attract attention.

"dong dong"

"dong dong"

Just when Xu Tingting was thinking this way, one by one flying beasts landed on the volcano. They looked at the stone ball on Xu Tingting's back for a while, and then quickly looked away. If you can't get through this right now?It's useless for them to grab the stone ball.

"Do you have earth-attribute beasts? Summon them all and seal the gap under the volcano."

"Otherwise, if the seawater pours in, we will be blown away by the seawater pouring in when we stand on the volcano." Ouyang Yahua, who landed on the top of the volcano, looked at the big pitted hole at the bottom of the volcano and said to everyone.

If the gap under the volcano is not filled, then they are equivalent to standing on a water pipe, as long as the water comes, they will be ejected.

"I have a stone bear."

"I have the Vigorous Rat."

"I have a Vajra pangolin."


After hearing this, the students released their earth-attribute beasts one after another, and then began to fill the volcano.

As for the instigators, Zhang Shouyue and others were silent at this moment and did not dare to speak at all. If everyone knew that they destroyed the volcano, they would probably be scolded to death.

"You guys are going to die." Looking at the huge waves getting closer and closer, the masked man said with a smile.

The imperial beast under him flapped its wings and rushed towards the tsunami, almost approaching the tsunami.

A gap suddenly appeared in the monstrous waves, allowing the masked man to pass.

After seeing the approaching tsunami, other masked people on the island also gradually evacuated.

"Damn, these bastards."

Looking at the tsunami that was getting closer, the female teacher gritted her teeth and cursed, and told the gorilla to go to the volcano quickly. Such a big tsunami would completely submerge the entire island.

Although the terrain of the volcano is relatively high, it cannot withstand such a powerful tsunami at this height.

"Teacher, what should we do next?" Seeing the teachers falling on the volcano one after another, the students seemed to have found their backbone, and all their eyes were on them.

"Although this volcano is said to be several hundred meters high, it is still a bit too short compared to the thousand-meter tsunami. If you have earth-type monsters, hurry up and ask them to increase the height of the volcano."

"In addition, there are ice-attribute beasts, don't hide them at this time, let them all out, and prepare for the first wave of tsunami." Several teachers who landed looked at the tsunami that was about to land on the island and said.

Such a big tsunami, even the emperor-level beasts may not be able to block it intact, not to mention that the only emperor-level beast among them has already distracted the enemy and is not by their side.

The only thing they can rely on right now is themselves.

"is teacher."

The students who heard this nodded, and then released a lot of ice-attributed beasts.

This made Xu Tingting a little dumbfounded.

Is there such a bad street for ice-attributed beasts?Why do they all have it?

"Tingting your Gulardo? Let him out quickly."

"Don't hide in the lava at this time, we need his help now." Ouyang Yahua leaned close to Xu Tingting and said.

Isn't Xu Tingting's Gulardo able to defeat a hundred with one?This is the time when he needs to come out to help.

"Uh, Gulardo might be sleeping."

"I called him several times, but he didn't answer me." Xu Tingting said, scratching her head in embarrassment when she heard this.

In fact, before the Sky Eye was attacked, she had already called Gulardo many times, but Gulardo didn't know if he was sleeping or was indulging in cultivation, so he ignored her at all.

And this kind of situation often happened when Gulardo practiced in the volcano before, so she was not worried.

"What? Your Gulardo didn't respond?" Ouyang Yahua was stunned when he heard this.

At such a dangerous moment, can Gulardo still fall asleep?Isn't he afraid that his beast master will be swept away by the sea?

"The current situation is like this." Xu Tingting said with an embarrassed smile.

"Okay, I got it." Ouyang Yahua was speechless when he heard the words, released the duck and shouted: "Duck, when the tsunami comes, I will use a big whirlwind to stop it."


Hearing this, the big-billed duck nodded his head, looking at the huge rumbling waves not far away, his eyes were full of horror.

But he didn't choose to run away, but stood beside Ouyang Yahua, ready to release his skills at any time.

"Everyone, let the beast masters get ready. When the tsunami comes, release their group skills. Don't use light waves. Only group skills can stop the tsunami."

The female teacher looked at the tsunami that landed on the land and destroyed the big trees like grass.

All the students looked at the submerged hills and couldn't help but swallow their saliva, and their faces were pale to welcome the arrival of the tsunami.

"It's time to unleash the skills." Looking at the tsunami less than five kilometers away, the teacher shouted.

Immediately, on the conical crater, the densely packed royal beasts released their dazzling skills. Huge trees grew on the bare black volcanic rocks. Cold ice and snow were blowing around, and the whistling tornado grew bigger and hotter. The flames formed a sea of ​​fire, and the towering stone pillars formed a stone wall.

But under the waves roaring from all directions, it looks so small.

"Do you think it's useful for us?" Some students asked with a pale face, looking at the beast mastering skills that were completely out of proportion to the huge tsunami.

"I don't know, but it's absolutely useless if you don't try it." Zhang Shouyue gritted his teeth when he heard this.

"boom boom"

"boom boom"

The moment the surging huge waves arrived, they destroyed the [-]-meter water blocking stone dam around the volcano, and the next second it was the second line of defense set up by everyone.

The huge trees did not play any role in front of the huge waves, they were submerged in an instant, and the roaring tornado was directly photographed by the flood without even a trace of movement.

The sea of ​​flames that illuminated the entire mountain was extinguished at this moment, and there was not even a white smoke.

"Is this the power of the tsunami?" The teachers and students watching this scene were trembling. Although they had imagined the power of the tsunami to the extreme, they had seen their efforts with their own eyes, but nothing worked.

Despair could not help rising in my heart.

"Using Freeze Rays"

Looking at the waves that were getting closer and about to submerge them, the teachers and students shouted.

Streams of white light spewed out from the mouths of the ice-type beasts, rushing towards the huge tsunami.

But this little ray of light seemed like a drop in the bucket in front of the huge tsunami, they didn't even see a little white crystal appearing in the sea water, the sea water had already appeared above them.

The strong sense of suffocation made everyone close their eyes tightly, preparing for the arrival of death.

(End of this chapter)

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