Why did the husband run away

Chapter 121 No hurry, lick the bag first!

Chapter 121 No hurry, lick the bag first!
Half of the corpse appeared in front of Lin Bei's group. In the man's hand, he was still holding the amulet tightly.

But this amulet did not save the opponent's life.

"Brother Lin, this."

Both Yue Hui and Guixie looked at Lin Bei.

During the daily relationship between the three of them, Lin Bei has become the backbone among the three of them.

"Things may be a little bad."

Lin Bei frowned slightly.

"Let's move on, be careful."

"En." Yue Hui and Guixie nodded, and walked into the depths of the forest.

As they walked, the three heard the sound of fighting.

The three of them looked at each other and hurried over.

And when the three rushed over, the sound of fighting just stopped.

In front of the three of Lin Bei was a man.

The man tremblingly held the long sword in his hand. The long sword was stained with blood, and his body was also stained with blood.

And in front of this man was a corpse.

Hearing movement in the bushes on one side, the man slowly turned his head and looked at the three of Lin Bei as if they were broken.


The man choked up and opened his mouth, tears streaming from the corners of his mouth.

"I did not do it on purpose.
i. i thought he wouldn't die
I am not trying to kill him.
I just wanted to grab what was in his hands.



Suddenly, Lin Bei yelled loudly, and while Lin Bei yelled, the three rushed towards the man immediately.

But it was too late.

The huge worm opened its mouth full of teeth, swallowed the man in one gulp, and then burrowed into the swamp.

The three of Lin Bei failed to save each other.

This is no longer a coincidence!

Two more monks died!
And the amulets didn't work.

The first dark night in the water shadow secret realm.

Lin Bei and the others stopped in front of a cave and did not continue walking.

It's just too unsafe at night.

The three of them ate dry food in silence, roasting the fire, and the atmosphere was very depressing.

From entering the water shadow secret realm to seeing the first corpse.

In the back, the three of Lin Bei saw more and more corpses.

The three of Lin Bei can be sure.

Either there is a problem with the Water Shadow Secret Realm, or there is a problem with the amulet!

In other words, if my group died in the Water Shadow Secret Realm, then they were really dead!
It should not be a problem with the amulet.

The production of amulets is carried out in the palace, the whole process is strictly monitored, and each amulet has passed strict inspections!
Furthermore, even if there is a problem, it is only one or two at most, it is impossible for so many people to die!
Therefore, if there is a problem with the amulet, it is not an accident, it is Qian Guo who deliberately harmed these monks.

It's just that the possibility of this is almost minuscule!
Because Lin Bei really couldn't figure out the reason why Gan Guo did such a thing.

Qian Guo really wants to wipe out the sects in Lihuozhou and establish a great unification headed by Qian Guo, that's right.

But Gan Guo would never use such outrageous methods.

For what is the advantage of such a means?

There is no benefit at all!

Furthermore, the death of these arrogances will indeed have a huge impact on the future sect.

It is even very likely that there will be a fault in the sect.

But these Tianjiao are still in the stage of recruiting and developing.

As far as the present is concerned, the strength of these Tianjiao has no slight impact on the current combat power of the sect.

And when the proud son of heaven died, those sects would definitely be furious, and even all the sects would unite to attack Qianguo!

How could Qian Guo be so angry!
In other words, the Qian Kingdom is the last force that does not want the amulet to have an accident. No one wants these monks to return safely than the Qian Kingdom.

In other words, it wasn't that the amulet was faulty.

It wasn't that there was something wrong with the amulet, it was this secret realm!
Could it be that time has passed for too long, and the law of heaven in the secret realm has changed, causing the amulet to become invalid?

Not too possible.

From time to time, Lin Bei wandered around the Tianmojiao Library, so Lin Bei knew about it.

There is a periodic change in the law of heaven in the secret realm.

It will only be revised once in at least ten thousand years.

The last time the law of the water shadow secret realm was changed was 4000 years ago.

Even if the change occurs earlier, it will not be so much earlier!

"Someone is playing tricks!"

Sudden!Lin Bei's heart was shaken, and he subconsciously expressed his thoughts.

"Someone is playing tricks?"

Hearing Lin Bei's voice suddenly, Yue Hui and Gui Jiao raised their hearts at the same time.

Ghost shark and Yue Hui naturally knew what Lin Bei was referring to.

"Brother Lin, I don't think it's possible."

Yue Hui touched his chin.

"This is the law that interferes with a small world!

As far as the current situation is concerned, people who come to this water shadow secret realm are all suppressed to the early stage of Dongfu realm, and no one has the ability to do this.

It is even more impossible to use magic weapons.

A magic weapon that interferes with the laws of a small world is not something that our small cave environment can work on. "

"I agree with Brother Yue's statement."

Kisame also nodded.

"Well, I just know."

Lin Bei sighed and rubbed the corners of his eyes.

"But other than that, I can't think of any other reason."

Kisame and Yue Hui also lowered their heads.

They are not fools.

They also know that, as far as the current situation is concerned, other than someone playing tricks, the other possibilities are even smaller!
"Forget it, all in all, the three of us must not be alone.

It won't be long before most monks will know that the amulet is invalid.

Without the protection of the amulet, plus various sects mixed together, this is another land without owner, and no one knows what happened inside.

The true nature of many people will be exposed.

We must be careful. "

Lin Bei rubbed his hands, obviously it was summer in this small secret place, but the evening wind was as cold as a cold wind.

"En!" Yue Hui and Guixie nodded.

After eating some dry food, the three of Lin Bei entered the entrance of the cave to sleep.

Although it is said that monks in the cave state do not need to sleep, sleep is still the fastest way to recover physical, spiritual and spiritual power!

The three of Lin Bei didn't take turns to watch the night because Yue Hui released five mechanical dogs and one hundred mechanical mice.

If there is anything unusual within a radius of [-] meters, the mechanical mouse and mechanical dog will issue a warning!
Silent all night.

It was a very safe night.

Early the next morning, Lin Bei and his party continued on their way.

Lin Bei saw more corpses.

Various wounds were found on the corpse.

Judging from the wounds on these corpses, some of them were killed by wild beasts.

There are also some wounds that have been blurred. It should be that the murderer wants to conceal his identity.

Anyway, after these people died, all the items around them disappeared.

Sure enough, after knowing that the amulet was invalid, many monks began to kill and rob.

It is better to wait for someone than to search a city.

Rather than looking for resources in the Water Shadow Secret Realm, it would be easier and more enjoyable to just kill people and get goods.

The three of Lin Bei continued to walk forward.

While walking, Lin Bei suddenly stopped.

Ghost Shark and Yue Hui also noticed something strange.

"I don't know what's going on with you guys?"

Lin Bei shouted.

The bushes rustled.

The next moment, a total of sixteen monks came out of the bushes and surrounded Lin Bei's group.

Among the sixteen monks, Lin Bei also met Ruolan.

When seeing Ruolan, Lin Bei was still a little surprised.

However, Lin Bei still admires Ruolan's communication skills.

The reputation of Tianmo Sect is not very good, and many sects don't like Tianmo Sect.

If Ruolan wants to gain the other party's trust, she must not rely on the reputation of Tianmo Sect, she must make up a sect at will.

Everyone is not a fool, and this can convince the other party.

There are only two possibilities. One is that the other party really believes it.

The second is that the other party doesn't care at all, they are just coveting the other party's body anyway!They felt that Ruolan was harmless at all, but they could indeed take advantage of her.

"I don't know what's the matter with you?"

Lin Bei quickly glanced at the fifteen monks except Ruolan.

In fact, they are three different sects, and they wear three different sect uniforms.

"Hahaha, little brother, what can we do.

Hand over all your valuables.

Don't hide magic weapons or anything.

If you cooperate, we won't do anything.

We keep you safe. "

"Brother, this guy is not bad, why don't you keep him?"

Among these sects, Brother Jie said.

"Save the hammer! We are decent people!"

The man patted the other person on the head, then smiled at Lin Bei: "I'm sorry brother, I have some problems with my junior, but don't worry, I'll repeat it again, as long as you cooperate with us well, we won't hurt you guys .”

"Senior Sister Ruolan, don't you want to save us?"

Lin Bei looked at Ruolan who had been standing next to a man who was being hugged by him.


The man touched Ruolan's waist.

"Why, Xiaolan, do you know them?"

"If you say you know it, you know it, and if you say you don't know it, you don't know it."

Ruolan tapped the man's shoulder lightly.

"When I was in Tianmo Town, these three people from Tianmo Cult approached me.

If you can't strike up a conversation, you want to moleste me. Fortunately, I have a magic weapon to escape.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

beep beep

As if thinking of something sad, Ruolan started to cry directly, crying very sadly, even a little bit moving.


Lin Bei and the others frowned instead.

We'd rather you pretend you don't know us than spread rumors that we're trying to molest you!
How could we insult you?
Are we so bad at seeing people?

"If that's the case, then it can't be good."

The man holding Ruolan looked at Lin Bei coldly.

"The other two can leave, but this person must die!"

"Really?" Yue Hui said, looking a little excited, "As long as Lin Dazhu dies, we don't have to die?"

"Really." The man nodded, showing a wicked smile.

"OK then."

Yue Hui quickly untied the storage bag at his waist, as if he was in a hurry to survive.

Then throw the storage bag towards the opponent.

And just when the opponent was about to catch the storage bag, the storage bag burst open!

Four huge mechanical monsters rushed out.

They are - mechanical crocodile, mechanical python, mechanical rooster, mechanical bear!
When the four mechanical beasts came out, the three of Lin Bei immediately showed their weapons and rushed up.

Can you avoid death by handing over your belongings?
Ha ha.

Do you really think you are a fool?
This group of guys didn't even cover their faces, which meant that they wanted to kill them all.

Otherwise, what if a group of you go out and seek revenge on them?
As long as you are not a fool, you will definitely consider this aspect.

The other party asked him to hand over the treasure, just because it would be more convenient when the time comes.

Lin Bei held a long knife and slashed through it, and a head fell to the ground.

Lin Bei used Shunpo and Shenmoyin to the extreme, and used the meditation mantra to keep himself calm enough to make accurate judgments in the instant kill.

Yue Hui sacrificed a mechanical arm, covering his left hand, holding a mechanical soft sword in his hand, driven by spiritual power, coupled with a mechanical head and hundreds of mechanical mice, to bring the beauty of mechanical violence to the extreme!
Kisame also pulled out his mace, and then yelled.

Kisame is gradually turning into a werewolf!
Ghost shark turned out to be a wolf demon.

But why didn't he feel the slightest evil spirit on him?
During the jump, the ghost shark bit and smashed the throats of one person after another.

Everyone is also in the early stage of Dongfu Realm.

But the three of Lin Bei killed people like stepping on ants!

In less than ten breaths, the three of Lin Bei killed all 15 people without leaving any hands.

Ruo Lan, who was stained with blood, stood in place, looking at the three of Lin Bei in surprise.

"Don't, don't kill me." Ruolan fell to her knees, begging for mercy, "I'm willing to do anything!"

"Brother Lin, what are you doing?" Guixiong scratched the back of his head.

"How about killing him?" Yue Hui suggested.

"Forget it, Ruolan's Qinyinfeng is a firm leader faction, and if we kill her, Qinyinfeng really won't say anything.

But there will definitely be estrangement.

The master of Qinyin Peak seems to value her quite a bit.

I just recorded the whole incident with a photo stone.

When the time comes, return to the Demon Sect and leave it to the leader to make the decision. "

"Well, let's go." Guixie nodded, and also felt that this way of handling it was good.

Although Ruolan is very disdainful, he doesn't want to kill his fellow disciples either.

"No hurry, lick the bag first!"

"Lick the bag?"

"It's just to collect our trophies, be quick, we have caused too much noise, and another monk will come later."

"Okay! Lick the bag, lick the bag!"

The three of Lin Bei didn't pay any attention to Ruolan who was on the side, and just licked their bags with their buttocks sticking out.

at the same time
Another part of the Water Shadow Secret Realm.

A group of Hades Snake Sect pointed a knife at a little monster.

The appearance of the Warcraft is almost exactly the same as that of the Iron Eater.

And in the cage, another giant panda is roaring non-stop!

Beside these people, there is a blood bead, and every time a person dies in the secret realm, a ray of blood flows into it.

(End of this chapter)

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