Why did the husband run away

Chapter 122 Lin Bei can't have an accident

Chapter 122 Lin Bei can't have an accident


A giant panda kept bumping into the cage.

But this cage is forged from dragon black iron, and its strength is extraordinary.

"Stop arguing, stop arguing, and do things for me quietly! Otherwise, I will kill your child!"

A monk of the Hades Snake Sect hugged the little panda in his arms tightly, and the blade was already placed on the neck of this little panda!

This giant panda let out a low growl.

But looking at his own child, the giant panda closed his eyes and continued to change the laws of this small world!
The vitality of giant pandas is rapidly consumed.

The two monsters, one big and one small, are new species discovered in the wilderness, the suzerain of Hades Snake Sect.

The master of Hades Snake Sect discovered that this species had the ability to change the law, and was extremely pleasantly surprised, so he caught it back.

It's a pity that their ability to change the law is not directional, that is to say, they can't change into whatever they want.

In fact, it is not so much changing the law as it is disrupting the law!
However, the price for disrupting the law is the opponent's vitality.

The greater the law of disturbance and the longer the time, the greater the consumption of vitality!

Hades Snake Sect secretly brought them into the Water Shadow Secret Realm, and started to implement their own plan.

The giant panda was unwilling to do it, so they threatened it with its children!


The little panda kept screaming, and its little paws kept shaking.

It knows that the mother is wasting her own life for herself.

It's in a hurry.

But it couldn't break free.


The giant panda opened its eyes, looked at its child kindly, and then continued to disturb the laws of this world.

In fact, this giant panda already has intelligence.

It knew that even if it did something for them in the end, they would not necessarily let their children go.

But now, if I don't do things for them, then my children will definitely die.

"How much blood energy has been collected now?"

Xue Yazi asked.

"It's only 500 people, it's not enough."

The Hades Snake Sect disciple named Shi Jin shook his head.

"About [-] monks participated in the Water Shadow Secret Realm this time.

It is still a little difficult to kill all these fifty thousand people.

About [-] people will do.

At that time, Your Highness, your magical skills will be completed. "


Xue Yazi nodded in satisfaction, turned around and walked to the depths of the Water Shadow Secret Realm.

"Since this is the case, then I will speed up the progress, and I just want to exercise my muscles and bones.

Take a good look here, don't have any accidents, otherwise you will know the consequences. "


The monks of the Hades Snake School all responded, as if Xue Yazi was their boss.

In fact, in a sense, Xue Yazi is their boss.

Xue Yazi's mother is actually the suzerain of the Hades Snake Sect!

But this time, the plan of the Blood Demon Hall of the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Underworld Snake Sect is to let Xue Yazi practice the legendary blood demon magic!
As long as he has mastered the Gorefiend Dafa, Xue Yazi's strength will improve by leaps and bounds, and without accident, he can even ascend steadily!Even beyond the Ascension Realm!
One of the conditions for practicing the Blood Demon Dafa is to irrigate with the blood energy of a monk. The more genius blood energy, the more effective it is!
The Water Shadow Secret Realm is a natural farm!Those monks are lambs at the mercy of others.

No one can know what happened in the water shadow secret realm!
Furthermore, now.

The Hades Snake Sect and the other three sects have already assembled the strength of the soldiers!Attack on Winter City!

At the moment when the Water Shadow Secret Realm ended, three sect soldiers approached the city.

They have long known that the emperor of Qian Kingdom will come to preside over the closing ceremony of the Water Shadow Secret Realm, and then reward the monks of various sects who have performed well to win people's hearts!

And this time!What they want is to kill the emperor of the Qian Kingdom, and then use an ancient secret method found by the sect to transform the Qiyun Golden Dragon of the Qian Kingdom into the blood dragon of the Ming Snake Sect!
In this way, the Underworld Snake Sect and the luck of the Qian Kingdom are linked.

After that, just slowly map it.

Then the whole Lihuozhou is dominated by Hades Snake Sect!
"Jie Jie Jie Jie"

This monk of the Water Shadow Sect just had a little fantasy, so he laughed out loud.

He already saw a bright future.

As long as it can be done, then he is the great hero for this matter. In the future, it is not impossible to be appointed as a prince and minister, and even to establish his own sect.

"This is the first few."

"Miss Hui, this is already the No. 30 monk we killed. The blood in the body of the monks we kill will be less!"


Yaoyao nodded.

As the daughter of Wan Poison Valley and a genius of the younger generation, Yao Yaoyao naturally also participated in the Water Shadow Secret Realm.

After killing several monks, she knew that there must be many problems in this secret realm.

Cultivator Wan Poison Valley is very sensitive to the blood energy of the human body.

And every time a monk is killed, the blood in their body will instantly decrease.

At first, Yao Yaoyao didn't care about it, but later on, when they found that everyone was like this, they knew that someone must be playing tricks behind their backs!

"Keep going."


Yao Yaoyao took out a handkerchief, which was stained with Lin Bei's nosebleed at that time.

The blood was dried, but harmless.

A Gu worm sniffed the blood, then flew towards Lin Bei, Yao Yaoyao and others followed closely.

Whether the others are dead or alive, Yao Yaoyao doesn't care at all.

But Lin Bei can't have an accident.

I still have to go to double cultivation with Lin Bei.

"What exactly is going on?"

Lin Wenxue shook off the blood on the long sword in her hand.

A monk fell slowly in front of her, losing his breath.

"Xiao Bei, you must be safe."

Lin Wenxue took a deep breath and continued to search for Lin Bei aimlessly.

Even though Lin Wenxue didn't have any way to find Lin Bei.

But Lin Wenxue believes that she and Xiaobei have a good heart, and they will definitely meet each other.

"Your Majesty, there is one thing that is a bit strange. After thinking about it carefully, it is better to tell Your Majesty first."

In the City Lord's Mansion, Yu Jiang knelt down on one knee in front of Xia Yubing.


"About the Water Shadow Secret Realm.

In the previous Water Shadow Secret Realm, several people would definitely be sent out within three days.

But until now, no one has sent it out.

This fact is too strange, even if the monks participating in the Water Shadow Secret Realm are very strong this time, it shouldn't be like this.

In the end, the general suspects that something happened in the secret territory of the water shadow!As a result, the monks inside could not be sent out.

In the worst case, all the amulets will fail! "

(End of this chapter)

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