Why did the husband run away

Chapter 133 Slay God!

Chapter 133 Slay God!

One punch and one knife is Lin Bei's most powerful form at present.

Boxing and swords are both domineering roads.

And this also symbolizes the avenue of Linbei in the future!
If Lin Bei wants to prove the Tao in the future, he must push down all the enemies at that time.

This is Lin Bei's way.

This may be a kind of destiny.

When Lin Bei's boxing and saber techniques were formed, everything was decided.

Lin Bei attacked from both sides, regardless of the injuries on his body, all he wanted was to kill the opponent!
The people on the small plain were stunned watching Lin Bei and that bloody tooth fight!
In the early stage of the Dongfu Realm, the Fighting and Sea Viewing Realm is complete!
This was supposed to be one-sided strength.

But Lin Bei was only at a slight disadvantage, and even the opponent was found a chance one after another, and was hit by Lin Bei!
Who is this man?

Why have I never heard of it myself?
Is his name on the Qingyun list?

There are a total of [-] young geniuses recorded on the Qingyun List.

Whether this man can enter the top ten, I don't know.

But entering the top twenty, there is absolutely no problem!

In front of Lin Bei, they felt that their realm was like paper, as if it would be broken with a poke, and the gap between them was desperate.

"Little Bei?"

At the same time, feeling the endless killing intent and blood energy erupting from this place, Lin Wenxue also flew all the way to this place from a long way.

Looking at the man in the air, Lin Wenxue's eyes flickered.

Although Lin Wenxue hasn't seen her younger brother for seven or eight years.

However, from the man's eyebrows, I can see little marks of Xiao Bei's childhood.

And for Lin Wenxue, even if her younger brother turned into ashes, she would still recognize him.

It's just that I didn't expect Xiaobei to grow so tall?

Lin Wenxue looked around the chaotic surroundings.

Lin Wenxue has just arrived at this place, so she doesn't know what happened.

But she knows one thing!Anyone who is an enemy of Xiao Bei is his enemy!
And no matter what my little Bei does, it must be right.

Watching her younger brother duel with that cultivator who looked like a man and a monster in the sky, Lin Wenxue was very surprised that Xiaobei was so strong.
Xiaobei has only practiced for a few months, and he never expected to reach this point.

Lin Wenxue is very proud of her younger brother!

"Xiao Bei, I'll help you!"

Lin Wenxue drew out her long sword and flew up.

The dragon bird sword in Lin Wenxue's hand burst into flames, as if it wanted to burn everything in the world!
Seeing this woman, Lin Bei was also taken aback for a moment.

Who is this woman?

She looks very good-looking, and she is also a rich woman, because she has her own airport.

But these are not the key.

More importantly, why does she know her own name?
How did she recognize me?

do i recognize her
And why do I still feel somewhat familiar?

Forget it, regardless of these, it is a good thing to have someone to help, and this girl's strength seems to be very good, at least from the perspective of momentum.

But soon, Lin Bei realized that he seemed to be wrong.

This girl's strength is not enough.

The girl stabbed with a sword and was directly caught by someone's fingernails
Why don't you leave it here for people to do their nails?
Blood Yazi's sharp claws grabbed out one by one, and went directly to the opponent's heart, trying to dig out the opponent's heart.

Lin Wenxue used attack instead of defense, raised the long sword, and stabbed the opponent's palm with one sword, and Xue Yazi directly hit the tip of the long sword with his palm.

Xue Yazi's palm was not pierced by Lin Wenxue's long sword, but Lin Wenxue was sent flying to the ground, breaking several trees.

"Is the girl all right?"

Lin Bei was a little worried.

Speaking of which, how do I feel that this girl has a little food?

In fact, it's really not Lin Wen Xuecai.

Xue Yazi's palm just now was a blow with all his strength.

Moreover, the Longquan Sword Sect where Lin Wenxue belongs must be at the Longmen Realm in order to display his strength to the greatest extent, and many moves can only be performed with the strength of the Longmen Realm.

In other words, the Dongfu realm is just laying the foundation, and the Dongfu realm doesn't have much combat power at all, even if Lin Wenxue wants to use it, she can't use it.

That's why it seemed that Lin Wenxue was a bit better.

Xue Yazi locked his target on Lin Bei.

For Xue Yazi, the longer he fought Lin Bei, the more shame he felt!

With the blessing of that blood bead, I have reached the perfection of the Sea Viewing Realm, while the other party is only at the early stage of the Cave Mansion Realm!

Now I have used all my strength to kill him within three rounds, and the opponent can even pull him back!

What a shame!
"Lin Dazhu!"

Xue Yazi yelled, he raised his hands high, and on the plain, all the zombie monks fell down.

From the bodies of these zombie monks, the last drop of blood that maintained their actions turned into a wisp of blood and swam towards Xue Yazi's palm.

Endless blood gathered in his palm, like a stream flowing into the sea.

These blood energy kept condensing, and finally gathered into a huge blood sword!
Under the influence of this blood sword, the sky was filled with thick blood mist, covering the sky and covering the sun, and the world was reflected in the color of blood, just like the doomsday.

The coercion and evil nature brought by the blood sword made many monks feel timid, and they just wanted to leave.

And they did.

More and more monks left this small plain, for fear of dying under this sword.

Xueyazi is like a god here.

But Lin Bei was the only one standing in front of Xueyazi!
"Miss Jinshuang, when will I be able to learn the second knife?"

After surviving the thunder tribulation in the cave, Lin Bei asked Lin Bei during one of the saber practice sessions that Jin Shuang taught Lin Bei.

Jin Shuang blinked and looked at Lin Bei: "You have already learned."

Lin Bei pointed at himself: "Have I learned it?"


Jin Shuang nodded.

"The three knives I gave you are called Pishan, Zhanshen, and Tiantian.

Although it is said that there are three knives, there is actually only one knives.

When your heart energy reaches a certain level, you can use it for the next two cuts.

Simply put, the sword technique is the same, but the understanding of the sword needs to be higher, and the requirements for the realm and the spirit are higher. "

"Then how can I understand it?"


Jin Shuang looked at Lin Bei.

"When you face life and death for the first time."

Lin Bei opened his eyes, loosened his joints with his fingers, gripped the long knife tightly, and raised it high.

Lin Bei poured all his spiritual power into Tang Hengdao!
Lin Bei's sleeves were violent, and Wu Xiu's true energy was blessed on his arms.

The long knife trembled continuously, like a god crying.

"Slay God!"

Facing the huge blood sword that was slashing towards him, Lin Bei slashed down.

(End of this chapter)

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