Why did the husband run away

Chapter 134 You Are a Failure

Chapter 134 You Are a Failure

Yao Yaoyao kept looking for the location of that strange beast.

In the past, if Yao Yaoyao wanted to find it, it would be very difficult.

Because although the water shadow secret realm can't be said to be too big, it is definitely not small.

But now, Yao Yaoyao is looking in the opposite direction from the direction the zombies came from, which can narrow down a lot.

But even so, it is still not that simple to find that strange monster.

And Yao Yaoyao was very anxious.

The more anxious you are, the more you can't find it, and the more you can't find it, the more anxious you are. This is a vicious circle.

Yao Yaoyao even wondered if he had passed by and wanted to go back.

But Yaoyao gave up.

Yao Yaoyao knows that every minute of the current time is extremely precious.

I have no time to go back and forth.

Thinking about it this way, Yao Yaoyao became even more anxious, and the girl was already jumping in a hurry.

"Where is it?"

In the woods, Yaoyao kept looking around, screaming out of her tightly clenched little hands.

"Know know know know!!!"

Just when Yao Yaoyao was at a loss, suddenly, Yao Yaoyao heard the cicada's cry.

There is nothing wrong with cicadas in summer.

The problem is that.

Why are there cicadas in the Water Shadow Secret Realm?
If so, why didn't I hear it before?

Could it be the signal left by Kisame and the others?

Yaoyao closed his eyes and listened carefully.

After determining the location, Yao Yaoyao hurriedly ran towards the direction of the cicada's cries.

Soon, Yao Yao got into a bush.

The girl's big blinking eyes looked towards the clearing.

In the open space, there are still seven or eight monks on guard.

These seven or eight monks surrounded a cage.

Inside the cage is a very strange, but somewhat cute monster.

Fat, dark circles, black and white fur!


Really cute!

If there is no accident, it should be this monster that disturbs the laws of this small world.

I now have two methods.

One is to directly give this monster to the shark.

One is to rescue the monster.

The first is the easiest.

I only need to secretly use Gu worms to kill this monster silently.

Yao Yaoyao saw another little monster again.

This little monster looked even cuter, it was a cub, about half the size of his own arm.

This little monster kept pulling on the fence, looking at its mother worriedly.

The mother Warcraft looked at her child lovingly.

"Don't be lazy, or I'll kill your child!"

A monk kicked the cage, and then put a long knife on the cub's neck!

The monster bared its teeth, wishing to tear the human being in front of it to pieces.

"You call again!"

The cultivator pressed the knife closer to the cub's neck, even the opponent's sharp long knife had already cut through the cub's fur, and traces of animal blood stained the blade.

Warcraft stared at each other.

But in the end, this Warcraft endured.

The monster closed its eyes and continued to interfere with the laws of this small world.


Yao Yao was so angry that his eyes narrowed.

I know what's going on!
This Warcraft is not voluntary!
But under the threat of the other party, they have to help these guys disrupt the laws of this world!
I can't kill this beast by myself.

It is not voluntary, but forced.

Everything is the other party's fault.

Yao Yaoyao took out a box from the storage bag, opened the box, and there were five centipedes inside.

These five centipedes are naturally not ordinary centipedes, but named "three-stepped", which is a kind of monster, and was specially cultivated by Yaowanggu since childhood, and fed with various poisons, extremely poisonous!

As the name suggests, as long as you are bitten by this centipede, you will die within three steps!

"Babies, kill them! I'll give you extra meals tonight!"

Yao Yaoyao patted the box lightly, then put the centipede on the ground.

Five centipedes got into the soil and crawled towards the monks.

Each of the five centipedes climbed onto the legs of the five people and stung them!

The severe pain made them scream.

"what happened?"

The other two monks looked over in fright.

"Centipede? Where did the centipede come from? Centipede"

"Hey! What's wrong with you! Wake up! Ah!"

In less than ten breaths, the people in charge of guarding the two monsters all died suddenly.

The whole process is indeed somewhat easy.

But this is also based on the fact that many people's attention is devoted to the plain battlefield.

Furthermore, this place is really hidden enough.

If it weren't for the cry of that cicada, I wouldn't be able to find this place.

Finally, thanks to Yao Yaoyao's professional counterpart.

In other words, Yao Yaoyao is the saint of the Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons, and she is best at assassinating secretly without anyone noticing.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for any one person to succeed in the face of these seven or eight people.

To sum up the above and other conditions, this is the success of Yao Yaoyao in exchange.

Hearing the surrounding movement, the giant panda opened its eyes and saw that all the monks guarding it were dead, its eyes were also a little confused.

But soon, smelling a strange smell, the giant panda grinned at the front again.

Yao Yaoyao ran out from the bushes.

The little panda also yelled at Yao Yaoyao in fear.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay."

Yao Yaoyao softly comforted her.

"Listen to me, it's all right, you don't need to interfere with the laws of this world, I will rescue you.

I am a good person. "

Listening to Yao Yaoyao's words, even though this giant panda couldn't understand what she meant, he still knew what Yao Yaoyao was talking about.

The giant panda stopped grinning.

Sitting down in the cage, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I'll rescue you now."

Yao Yaoyao drew out his long sword, and slashed towards this cage.

As a result, after hacking for a long time, there were only a few traces of this cage.

"Is this cage made of dragon black iron?! I @#!"

Yao Yaoyao was a little desperate, and even swears out of despair.

These swear words were all learned from Lin Bei.

Yao Yaoyao looked at his saber.

His saber is just a seventh-grade spiritual weapon, and the materials used for its construction are very ordinary.

This is not Guqiong, the king of medicine in his family.

But Yaowang Valley used Gu techniques, the reason why they brought swords was because they were afraid that there would be places where knives could be used.

So what if he carries a sword made of dragon black iron?I don't need that to kill the enemy.

But this time when I go back, I have to adjust my level.

If nothing else, sharpness is the most important thing!

Although I said that I don't need Long Xuantie's sword to kill the enemy, but what if I encounter such a situation that I can't split it in the future?
Having said that, the future is the future, but what about now?
What should we do now?

Yao Yaoyao felt stupid.

This cage has a lock, and if there is a lock, there is a key!

Why did I think of using chopping in the first place?

Yao Yaoyao seized the time and quickly searched for the keys from these attendants.

But ended up getting nothing.

Could it be that the key is on that blood tooth? !
"Lin Bei."

Yaoyao looked worriedly into the distance.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

Just when Yao Yaoyao didn't know what to do, the giant panda patted the cage, which caught Yao Yaoyao's attention.

"Do you have something to tell me?"

Yao Yaoyao withdrew his gaze to the distance and looked at the giant panda.


The giant panda pointed to its own child, then to itself, then to Yao Yaoyao, and finally to the distance again.

"You mean, you want me to take care of your child, and you will help me deal with that monster?"


The giant panda nodded.

"But, you can't get out, and you're so badly injured, you can't help."

Yao Yaoyao's expression was very moved.

"But don't worry, even if you don't help, I will rescue you out."


The giant panda shook his head, and then looked at his child.

The giant panda puts its paws on the edge of the cage.

"Miao Miao Miao"

The little panda called "Miao Miu Miao", with its small paws poking in, and the small paws covered the mother's big paws.

"Hoo ho ho ho."

The giant panda didn't know what he said to the little panda, but Yao Yaoyao saw the other's smile.

"Miao Miao Miao"

The little panda became even more anxious and kept shaking his head.


A tear flowed from the corner of the giant panda's eye.

The giant panda slowly closed its eyes.

The next moment, Yao Yaoyao felt the giant panda's breath getting weaker and weaker.

"Miao Miao Miao"

The little panda cried even more anxiously, and tears rolled down the corners of the little panda's eyes.

The giant panda raised its head and opened its mouth, a round crystal-like magic core emerged from the giant panda's mouth!
That is to say, the moment the magic core emerged, the giant panda's aura completely disappeared, and its life came to an end.

The magic core floated into the air.


A crisp sound resounded in the air.

The magic core shattered.

The shattered magic core turned into the giant panda's remnant soul!

The giant panda gave his child a tender look, and Remnant Soul patted the child's little head.


The giant panda looked back reluctantly, and roared in the direction of the bloody sky in the distance!

The remnant soul of the monster stepped into the air and ran towards Xue Yazi!

It wants revenge!

Even if it is death, it will bring the opponent into hell!


On the plain, saber energy and blood energy diffused.

Lin Bei was holding the Ice Soul Knife and the huge long sword in Xue Yazi's hand were slashing at each other!

In the sky, the permeating blood mist was split by Lin Bei, and the long knife that Lin Bei cut off was embedded in Xue Yazi's huge blood sword!
The long knife in Lin Bei's hand trembled under the impact of blood energy.

The Ice Soul Knife is a fifth-grade magic weapon, the most advanced magic weapon that can be used in the Linbei Cave Mansion.

Moreover, both the forging process and the materials used for the Ice Soul Knife have reached the highest level of a fifth-grade magic weapon.

But even so, the Ice Soul Knife couldn't bear it anymore.

Cracks began to appear on the blade of the Ice Soul Knife.


The blade of the Ice Soul Knife burst out a piece of blade.

Lin Bei's physical and spiritual strength were being consumed rapidly.

Blood flowed from Lin Bei's seven orifices!

Even if Lin Bei had comprehended the "Slaying God" knife, and used it.

But the difference between the realms of the two sides is really too big.

In the eyes of everyone, this is an extremely unfair decisive battle.

But how many fair things are there in this world?


Lin Bei tried his best!

Even if you die yourself, you have to die with a knife!

Knife and Fist!There is no way back!


Lin Dazhu, I, Xue Yazi, would like to call you the strongest in the cave realm! "

Blood spilled from the corner of Xue Yazi's mouth.

But he knew that this was Lin Dazhu's last afterglow!
After this knife, Lin Dazhu will surely die!

However, Lin Dazhu's cave state is the strongest he has ever seen!

Perhaps within hundreds of thousands of years, such a powerful cave realm will not appear!
"What are you! I need you to admit it?!"

Lin Bei picked it away with a single knife.

Behind Lin Bei, the golden Dharma image brought by Nirvana Golden Body Arhat Fist reappeared again!
The golden Faxiang held the Ice Soul Long Sword in his hand, and slashed at Xue Yazi with his sword.

Lin Bei combined the Nirvana Golden Body Arhat Fist with the "God Slashing" sword.

But this is not enough.

"go to hell!"

Xue Yazi slashed out with a sword.

"Little Bei!!!"

Lin Wenxue shouted in the plain.

Lin Bei had no one else in his mind, he just wanted to cut this knife down.

This is my last ripple.

In the eyes of everyone, this rare genius in the world is about to perish.

But at the moment of hand-to-hand combat.

There was a roar of a monster in the sky!

The giant panda's remnant soul passed through Xue Yazi's body!The remnant soul disappeared, and the magic core turned into dots of broken stars, shining light.

That is to say, in an instant, the blood beads burst in Xueyazi's belly!
Xue Yazi, who could have killed Lin Bei, immediately defended and barely blocked Lin Bei's knife.

Xue Yazi was cut to the ground by Lin Bei, creating a big hole three meters deep and ten meters long!
Xueya spewed blood from his mouth.

His realm is dropping sharply!

When Lin Bei walked in front of him, the realm of Xueyazi had already dropped to the early stage of Dongfu realm.

"Don't kill me! We might work together! We."

With that said, Xue Yazi took the opportunity to crush the amulet in his hand.

But there was no reaction at all.

"It's so shameless to be a villain, you've failed."

Lin Bei didn't talk nonsense, he slashed with a sword!
Xue Yazi's head rolled to the ground, this time, his blood finally spurted out.

Lin Bei put Xue Yazi's head in a storage bag alone, and then threw the storage bag into the storage ring.

At this time, the amulet on Lin Bei's waist glowed slightly.

Not only Lin Bei, but all the monks in the Water Shadow Secret Realm felt that the amulets on their bodies had responded!

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow" we can leave alive.

On the small plain, many monks hugged each other and cried.

But they hadn't been crying for a while.

The water shadow secret land shakes up!
Looking up, the sky of the Water Shadow Secret Realm is collapsing!
"No, the Water Shadow Secret Realm is about to collapse! Let's go!"

A monk shouted, and then, one by one, the monks crushed the amulets and disappeared in place.

(End of this chapter)

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