Why did the husband run away

Chapter 169 You are Dead

Chapter 169 You are Dead
"Master Immortal, I don't know the name of Immortal Master, but there is a marriage."

Chang Jing walked directly to Lin Bei's side and asked.

"Chang Jing! You are in Gan Shenmo!"

Princess Chang'an hurriedly took her daughter away!
As a powerful princess, she took the initiative to ask if she was married, which is too ignorant to be reserved!
If this gets out, what will others think, and how will you marry in the future?

"Mother, I just want to ask. He is so handsome. If he can be my daughter's son-in-law, then my daughter is willing to go to the Confucian school!"


Chang An was so angry that his blood pressure went up.

"How many people want to go to the Confucian Academy, but they don't have such an opportunity!
Now this opportunity is in front of you, you must consider it!This may be your only chance in this lifetime!
In the end, you are still willful!I still want to recruit a son-in-law!

Are you worthy of His Majesty's good intentions for you?

Chang Jing!Are you trying to piss off your mother? ! "

"It doesn't matter! My daughter just wants him to be my son-in-law!"

Chang Jing started spitting.

And Chang Jing's mother reprimanded her daughter.

Then chaos began in the lobby.

Lin Bei felt a little pain in his head.

He finally knew why Princess Chang Jing gave people such a headache.

This is simply the template for a savage princess!
Lu Lou, on the other hand, was thinking about life.


I'm not bad looking either.

Why did the other party insist on asking Master Lin to be his son-in-law?

I don't want to be this consort either.

Just how to say.
Lu Lou felt that his self-esteem had been severely hit.

Obviously, he is also very handsome, and he is also said to have fascinated thousands of girls.

"Princess Chang Jing, please accept the order!"

In the end, Lin Bei had no choice but to take out the imperial decree.

Hearing the word "imperial decree", Princess Chang'an and her son-in-law immediately knelt down, and Chang Jing did not dare to disrespect the imperial decree no matter how violent she was.

"Chang Jing! Let me go to the Confucian school! Otherwise! I will throw you out of the imperial capital! Just find someone to marry you!"


After Lin Bei finished reading the imperial decree, the audience was silent, and even Lin Bei twitched his brows.

Lin Bei hadn't read the content of the imperial decree either.

Xia Yubing just told Lin Bei that when he really had no other choice and Chang Jing kept messing around, he could take out this imperial decree.

So Lin Bei never thought that the edict would be so straightforward.

"Submit's order"

No matter how straightforward the imperial decree is, it is still acceptable to receive the decree.

Before, Chang Jing could still be snarky. After all, Emperor Qian only verbally asked Chang Jing to go to the Confucian Academy, so there is still room for negotiation.

But now, with the official document of the imperial decree, there is no room for negotiation!

Chang Jing had to go to the Confucian school, otherwise, the scene would be disrespectful and challenge the authority of the emperor, which would be decapitated.

"In this case, then Princess Chang Jing, we are coming to pick up the princess tomorrow morning, please get ready.

By the way, princess, I appreciate your kindness for the time being.

But I'm afraid I can't accept it.

In fact, I'm already married. "

After handing over the imperial decree to them, Lin Bei and Lu Lou turned and left.

After hearing that Lin Bei got married, Chang Jing froze in place, like a salted fish without dreams.

Early the next morning, Lin Bei and Lu Lou came to pick up Chang Jing.

Perhaps it was because Chang Jing knew that Lin Dazhu was married yesterday, so Chang Jing seemed very silent today.

There is no such enthusiasm for Lin Bei anymore.

In fact, Lu Lou looks good too.

Chang Jing thought about whether to change her strategy.

When Chang Jing looked at Lulou and then at Lin Bei, she suddenly stopped.

She still thinks this man named Lin Dazhu is good-looking.

Although this Lu Lou is not bad in appearance, compared with Lin Dazhu, there is still a big difference.

It's just that such a good-looking man, how did he get married?
Confucian Academy offers accommodation in Ruzhou.

Confucian Continent is not too far away from Fire Continent.

It's next door to Lihuozhou.

It's just a matter of crossing an ocean.

Lin Bei's planned route is to go to Lihuo Port to take a cross-continental ferry.

If Lin Bei was traveling alone, it would not even take half a year to go back and forth.

But Chang Jing is an ordinary person after all, and he can't bear such a high-intensity rush, so in order to take care of Chang Jing, everyone needs to stop and go along the way, and the speed is naturally much slower.

What makes Lin Bei speechless the most is that this Chang Jing is really worrying!

After walking, Chang Jing was tired, so she stopped to rest.

After walking, Chang Jing felt thirsty again and wanted to drink water.

Then before it was lunch time, Chang Jing clamored for a drink of water.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that the storage bag couldn't store living things, otherwise, Lin Bei would have wanted to stuff the other party directly into the storage bag!

Finally, he walked out of the no-fly zone of Qian country.

Lin Bei sacrificed the flying boat, and directly threw Chang Jing onto the flying boat.

As a result, while flying, Chang Jing clamored to go down, feeling that being on the fairy boat was very boring.

How could Lin Bei get used to the other party, Lin Bei threw the other party directly into the room, locked the door, and set up a soundproof circle, so that the whole world fell silent.

But unexpectedly, this Chang Jing went on a hunger strike to protest.

Lin Bei thought for a while and released Chang Jing.

Chang Jing, who was released, raised her haughty little chin, folded her hands on her chest, and looked like "this princess is angry, you all kneel and lick me quickly".

But Lin Beili ignored it, and directly set up a barbecue grill with Lu Lou, and started the barbecue.

The smell of barbecue permeated the flying boat, and Chang Jing couldn't help swallowing.

But Chang Jing has already made up her mind!

Unless these two people admit their mistakes!
Kowtowing two heads in front of themselves, it means that they no longer dare to treat the princess so roughly.

Otherwise, even if I starved to death, even if I jumped from here, I would definitely not eat a bite of what they made!
half an hour later
Chang Jing sat on the other side of the flying boat and gnawed on a roasted chicken leg.

This chicken leg is really delicious!
It's not that I have never eaten barbecue, but this barbecue is really delicious!
It's not just Chang Jing who thinks so, but Lu Lou also thinks that Lin Bei's barbecue skills are simply amazing!

And after such a "tune-up" by Lin Bei, Chang Jing also became obedient immediately, at least not as willful as before.

In fact, Chang Jing is very smart.

Her self-willedness and unruliness are not only useless, but when she will be treated coldly by the other party, then there is no energy.

Because the other party won't pamper me at all, and it seems that there is no reason to pamper me at all.

So, Chang Jing knew that no matter how much she played and rolled, it was just a competition with herself.

But Lin Bei didn't leave Chang Jing on the flying boat all day.

After all, flying boats also need rest and maintenance.

Otherwise, it will run for too long, and the result will be overloaded, which will be very troublesome.
And although Chang Jing stopped making trouble, sometimes Chang Jing looked down eagerly and wanted to go down to play after seeing it, Lin Bei still couldn't bear it.

After all, this is Chang Jing's first time going out, and it's not good to stay on the flying boat all the time.

So every once in a while, Lin Bei would take Chang Jing down for a walk.

Then in the town, Lin Bei and Lu Lou were just going to buy some things, but when they turned around, they found that Chang Jing was entangled by several young masters.

Not only was Chang Jing not afraid, but she yelled at those young masters:

"I don't even look at what you guys look like, but you dare to tease this princess!
What are you guys!
Do you know who this princess is? !
If I were as ugly as you guys, I wouldn't dare to go out! "

Chang Jing lashed out at these young masters, and these young masters were so angry that they wanted to beat Chang Jing.

Fortunately, Lin Bei arrived in time and beat these young masters away.

Learned later.

It is true that these young masters strike up a conversation with Chang Jing, but they are also of the normal kind!

But this Chang Jing is yelling at others, and it is also an appearance attack.

How can people resist this.

So they wanted to teach Chang Jing a lesson.
But Chang Jing didn't intend to let them go at all, they were beaten away, and Chang Jing was still mocking behind them.

Lin Bei is very helpless
Then Lin Bei thought about taking Chang Jing out in the deep mountains and old forests.

Good guy.

As a result, while walking, Lin Bei and his party were robbed.

Originally they only wanted to rob money, but after seeing Chang Jing, they thought about robbing sex.

Chang Jing was still not afraid at all, she drew out her saber and rushed forward.

This directly made Lin Bei and Lu Lou dumbfounded.

Is this princess so fierce?
If Lin Bei hadn't made a timely move in the end, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Hum hum."

After trampling a bandit leader under her feet, Chang Jing snorted, looking very proud.

"Sure enough! This is the world."


Lin Bei and Lu Lou were speechless.

"Go! Take us to your village! You must have robbed a lot of folk girls! This princess wants to rescue them all!"

Chang Jing put her long sword on the opponent's neck.

"Okay, three heroes, I will take the three of you to the village immediately."

This person seems very cooperative.

Lin Bei knew that this guy must have felt that there was someone in their village who could defeat his group.

But it doesn't matter.

After all, Lu Lou was there.

This is No. 6 on the Qingyun list, there are not many people who can beat Lu Lou.

Since Chang Jing wants to play, let her play.

Chang Jing put the long sword around the opponent's neck, and then the bandit led Lin Bei and his party to their village.

at the same time.

On the other side of this mountain, robbers from the same village intercepted a group of chariots and horses.

This is a convoy of a wealthy businessman, and more than 100 people have been invited to guard their safety.

But this group of robbers is really too many, there are more than 200 people.

And the martial arts of these robbers are still very strong!

The sound of fighting continued to resound in the mountains and forests.

In the end, the rich businessman's guard was killed and he left the rich businessman and ran away.

"Hahaha!!! I made a lot of money!"

The headed one-eyed man opened these cars, and all of them were silk, gold and silver!

They have been waiting for this caravan for a long time.

They bought the magistrate, and only then did they learn that such a convoy passed by.

Finish this vote!
Hundreds of people in my own village don't do anything for a year, and they can't spend it all!

"Leader! Leader! How to deal with these people."

A robber with a big knife dragged the three of them out.

A fat middle-aged wealthy businessman, a woman who still has charm, and a woman who looks no more than sixteen or seventeen years old.

"Yo Yo Yo, not bad, not bad! These two girls are quite iconic."

The one-eyed man pinched the mother and daughter's chins and looked at them carefully.

"Master, this uncle, please be merciful and let our family go. These goods and money belong to you, sir. Please let us go."

The middle-aged wealthy businessman knelt in front of the one-eyed man, his eyes full of fear.

"Hahahaha! Your things are mine! Now even your lives are mine!"

The one-eyed man laughed.

"Come here, tie up this rich businessman, I want him to see with his own eyes, his wife and daughter are dying under my body!"


"Master, please do me a favor!"




"No! Ah!"

All kinds of shouts were intertwined, the mother and daughter were held down, and the one-eyed man was tearing their clothes.

And just when the one-eyed man was about to tear off the opponent's bellyband, a fragrant wind blew past.

Immediately afterwards, a branch fell on the one-eyed man!
The one-eyed man was thrown ten meters away, hit a tree, and died on the spot.

Before everyone could react, all the robbers holding the mother and daughter flew out, crashed into a tree and died.


As if facing a formidable enemy, everyone drew out their long knives.

In front of everyone, a woman appeared.

The woman was wearing a black-white long dress, her hair was rolled up and held by a black hairpin, and the rest of her long hair fell down the hairpin shawl, just barely reaching the woman's waist.

A pretty little face has not been applied with makeup, but it is still charming, delicate and elegant.

The delicate dimple is crystal clear like jade, the skin is better than snow, and the icy muscles and bones seem to be broken by blowing bombs. Thousands of thoughts are hidden in it, bright and moving.

Under the slender white Qiong nose, the pink and lovely cherry lips are like a beautiful flower, delicate and charming.

She is naturally beautiful, graceful and elegant, but also has the face of a fish and a wild goose, and the face of a closed moon and a shameful flower, like a fairy descending from the earth, she is unparalleled in beauty, and it is impossible to look at her.

Looking at the woman's face, everyone couldn't help being in a daze.

The woman put a coat on the woman's body, then stood up slowly, smiling like a flower.


The woman stretched out her green finger and pointed at the other party.

"You are dead."

(End of this chapter)

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