Why did the husband run away

Chapter 170 I Have 1 Condition

Chapter 170 I Have a Condition



"Woman, please spare me, girl!"


"Woman, we will never dare again, please spare our lives!"

In front of this woman in a dark white dress, one corpse after another fell down.

The death methods of these corpses are extremely simple, they were just waved by this woman, or their heads fell to the ground, or their internal organs were shattered.

Recalling that not long ago, when this beautiful woman appeared, these bandits thought they had the power to fight.

I feel that although this woman looks very powerful, she is just a prey.

And this woman is so pretty, if my group can catch her, then I can enjoy it, and this life will be worth it.

But later, they found that they were wrong.

In front of this woman, he was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

From the beginning, I wanted to tie her up and taste each other's taste.

Later, the other party killed people like hemp, and I began to be afraid.

Later, his mentality collapsed and he began to flee.

In the end, he couldn't escape and could only beg for mercy, but he was still killed.

This series of changes took less than half a stick of incense.

In their view, the woman in front of them is like a god of death!
It's just that this Grim Reaper looks too good-looking.

"Tell me, where is your village?

If you tell me, maybe I can save your life. "

The woman in the dark white dress smiled and put the branch around the other party's neck.

The branch in her hand was already stained red with blood.

But on her body, there was not a single trace of blood stained on her body, just like the ink lotus flower that came out of the mud and was not stained.

"Always. Keep going up one road, and that's our village."

The robber swallowed, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his crotch was already wet.

"Woman, please spare me, girl! From now on, I will be a good man, and I will never do this kind of robbery again.

From now on, I will do good deeds every day, female hero, please let me go, female hero..."

"Don't worry, as I said, I will let you go, let's go."

The woman turned around.

The only surviving robber quickly got up and kept running away.

Just when the robber ran into the woods and disappeared, the woman raised the branch in her hand and threw it in the direction of the robber.

The tree pool pierced through the woods and pierced the opponent's heart.

"I said I could let you go, but after letting you go, I wanted to kill you again after letting you go for so long, shouldn't that be considered repentance?"

Regarding the direction of the dead body in the woods, the woman smiled playfully.

Looking around, at the woman's feet, there were all corpses.

The rich businessman hugged his wife and daughter together, shivering.

Although this woman is his savior, the impression of the other party's murder just now has been deeply engraved in his mind.

Unconsciously, I feel afraid!
"Okay, you can go now, but be careful, next time you might not meet a 'hero' like me."

The woman smiled at the three of them, then turned around, hummed an unknown song, and walked up the mountain.

"Go quickly! Don't dawdle! Or I'll cut you off with a sword!"

On the other side of the mountain, Chang Jing put the sword on the opponent's neck, and drove the opponent forward in a very happy mood.

Lin Bei and Lu Lou followed Chang Jing boredly.

As she walked, Chang Jing felt that her hands were a little sore, so she put down the long sword, picked up a branch, and drove the opponent away.

It's like driving a cow.

After walking for about half an hour, Lin Bei and his party finally vaguely saw the village.

It's just that after a burst of mountain peaks blew past, both Lin Bei and Lu Lou frowned.

"Hall Master Lin."

Beside Lin Bei, Lu Lou reminded.

"Well, I know." Lin Bei nodded, "Be careful, there seems to be something wrong with this village."

Among the mountain peaks, Lin Bei and Lu Lou smelled a faint smell of blood.

This bloody smell is mixed with the smell of the soil and trees on the mountain, and it is not easy to detect.

But for the monks, the nose of the monks is very sensitive, so it is natural to be able to distinguish it.

The higher you go, the stronger the smell of blood.

Even Chang Jing wrinkled her little nose.

After half a stick of incense, the group finally came to the village.

This is a big stockade, and even has a watchtower.

There are people on the watchtower, but they are only dead people.

The two dead men who fell on the watchtower just hung there.

Blood dripped continuously from their necks.

"What's going on here?"

Even the robber who led the way for Lin Bei's group was stunned, not knowing what happened.

"You continue to lead the way, Chang Jing, follow me, follow me closely, don't wander around, understand?
Otherwise, if something happens to you, I will not be responsible for you. "

Lin Bei said to Chang Jing very seriously.

"Oh oh woo"

Chang Jing is not stupid, listening to Lin Bei's tone, and then smelling the strong smell of blood in the air.

Chang Jing naturally knew that something must have happened in this village.

Chang Jing hid directly behind Lin Bei, her little hands tightly clutching the corner of Lin Bei's clothes.

Go into this stockade.

What Lin Bei and his party saw were all corpses.

The soil was stained red with blood.

The further you go, the more corpses there will be.

Suddenly, a fragrant wind mixed with the smell of blood blew past.

"So there's another one here."

With a clear female voice falling to the ground, the head of the robber who was walking in the front fell off.

Before the robber could react, he went directly to see King Hades.

Looking at the bandit in front of him, blood gushed out of his neck, and Chang Jing's little face turned pale with fright.

She wanted to scream, but was too scared to scream.

"It's all gone, everything is safe, you can all come out."

The woman standing in front of Lin Bei's group greeted them, and then many women came out timidly.

Some women are well dressed.

But more women are in ragged clothes and disheveled hair.

Seeing some robbers who died on the ground, some women even picked up the long knives on the ground and chopped the corpses continuously to vent their anger.

After cutting, those women just sat on the ground and kept crying.

"I don't know what's the reason for the two fellow daoists and this little girl to come to this village?"

As if she didn't notice the movements behind her, the woman looked at Lin Bei and his party.

At this time, Chang Jing, who had calmed down slowly, noticed that this elder sister looks so good-looking!
"We encountered robbers on the way, so we asked them to lead the way, and planned to take this stockade away."

Lin Bei saluted, then glanced around.

"It's just that there seems to be no need for such a thing."

"It's really not necessary." The woman in the black and white ink skirt smiled gently, "I don't know how to call the two friends?"

"The Heavenly Demon teaches Lin Dazhu."

"Tianxuanmen Lu Tower."

"Princess Qian, Xia Changjing."

Chang Jing also mustered up her courage and said her name, which looked a bit cute.

"Tianmojiao and Tianxuanmen disciples walking together, plus a princess from Qian Kingdom, is rare, really too rare, it seems very interesting."

The woman looked at the strange combination of the three, and seemed to be full of curiosity.

"Don't know the girl's name?"

Lin Bei asked.

Looking at these people who died tragically on the ground, Lin Bei felt that the other party might have come from a certain demonic way. After all, it was hard to imagine such a cruel method as some decent people who cared about their own reputation.

As a result, when Qi Yun reported her family name, Lin Bei froze in place.

"My little Confucianist Qi Yun, I have met three of you."

Qi Yun bowed her body, the etiquette is extremely standard!
Confucian school Qi Yun?

Not only Lin Bei, but Lu Lou was also stunned.

Isn't Qi Yun the daughter of the most talented woman in the world and the current owner of the Confucian Academy?
Why is she here?
A person who is known as a female wife is killing people in this village? !
Could it be that there are two Qi Yuns in the Confucian Academy?
"Well, may I ask, who is the girl's father?"

Lin Bei continued to ask.

"Father Qi Xun."

Qi Yun nodded slightly.


Well, that's right.

This woman is Qi Yun from the Confucian Academy, known as the number one talented woman today, and may even become a teacher-like figure.

It's just that this lady's style of doing things seems to be very different from what I imagined.

From Lin Bei's point of view, Qi Yun, a female wife, should convince people with reasoning. Even when encountering such a thing, the first thought is to preach, and there may be some virgin whores.

But looking at it now, the other party looks like a monster!
"Did Miss Qi do all of this?"

Lu Lou looked at the corpses all over the floor.

"Yes." Qi Yun admitted generously.

"Miss Qi did this, isn't she afraid of being said to be the work of the devil?" Lu Lou continued.

He still can't accept it.

Although it is said that this village is full of robbers, there are also many people who should not be guilty of death.

In other words, monks shouldn't meddle too much in the affairs of the world, just catch them and hand them over to the government, and they shouldn't commit suicide privately.

"Magic way?"

Qi Yun blinked her eyes, tilted her head and looked at Lu Lou.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, what is the evil way? What is the righteous way?"

"The way of chivalry is righteousness! The way of evil is full of evil!"

Lu Lou expressed his understanding very seriously, even though it sounded like it was written in Secondary School.


Qi Yun covered her mouth and laughed lightly, letting out a hen-like laugh.

"Then, in Mr. Lu's opinion, how should we deal with this matter?"

"Catch these people! Hand them over to the government, and judge them for their crimes!"

"You Daoist Lu are really naive."

Qi Yun shook her head.

"A nearby county is called Qingshui County, and the leader of this robber is sworn brother to the county magistrate of Qingshui County.

Qingshui County provided protection for these robbers, and these robbers gave money to the county magistrate of Qingshui County.

So what if these people are captured?
Still not alive and kicking by then?
Furthermore, before I killed them, I used Confucianism to view their luck. "


"But this kind of thing shouldn't be done by a little girl like me, let alone I am the daughter of the master of the Confucian Academy?"

Qi Yun interrupted Lu Lou's words, and spoke out what was in Lu Lou's heart.

"Perhaps this is really the case in this world."

Qi Yun looked at Lin Bei.

"If Fellow Daoist Lin were to do it, it would seem natural for the disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect to massacre the robbers in a village.

Not only is it a matter of course, but it is also a kind of chivalry, which can easily make people feel good, and make people think that Fellow Daoist Lin is not such a bad person.

But if it were me, I wouldn't be able to do this. Others just think that I am bloodthirsty and add stains to my bright identity. "


Why can't I do this?
Why do I need others to judge my merits and demerits?
Confucianism emphasizes having no shame in one's heart, but this is one's own heart, not the hearts of others.

I live for myself, not die for others. "

"Been taught a lesson."

Lin Bei, who had been silent just now, saluted.

In fact, Lin Bei was surprised by Qi Yun's massacre of the entire village, and felt that it didn't fit her personality, but overall, he didn't feel much.

However, what the other party said made Lin Bei very admired, admiring that she, as the daughter of the Confucian school palace master, could have such a state of mind.

For this era, it is really not an easy thing.

Lu Lou on the other side couldn't talk to the other party, so he could only shut up.

And Chang Jing looked at Qi Yun with a look of admiration, thinking that this sister is so handsome!Those words are so powerful!
I also want to be like her.

"Okay, it's fate to meet each other. I look forward to the three of you coming to the Confucian Academy for a sit-down. Let's say goodbye first."

Qi Yun bowed and wanted to leave.

"Girl, please wait a moment!"

Lin Bei hurriedly called to stop.

"Is there something wrong with Fellow Daoist Lin?"

Qi Yun turned around.

"Miss Qi, I wonder if Miss Qi is going back to the Confucian Academy?" Lin Bei asked.

The main reason is that this road is the closest to Confucianism Island, and looking at the direction she was flying away just now, it seems that she is going back to the Confucian Academy.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"If possible, Miss Qi, please take Princess Chang Jing away."

Lin Bei pulled Chang Jing out, and took out the document in his arms.

This document is equivalent to the admission notice of the Confucian Academy.

It's just that Chang Jing is guaranteed
"Princess Chang Jing is going to the Confucian Academy to study. Originally, we escorted Princess Chang Jing to the Confucian Academy, and now it happens to be handed over to Miss Qi."

Lin Bei didn't feel embarrassed at all.

The Confucian Academy attaches great importance to the friendship between disciples. Although Chang Jing has not yet started, she is already a member of the Confucian Academy.

What happened when you brought your junior sister back?Isn't it a normal thing?

Qi Yun looked at Lin Bei, the corners of her mouth curled up.

"But I have one condition."

(End of this chapter)

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