Why did the husband run away

Chapter 183 Zombie Creature

Chapter 183 Zombie Creature
Lin Bei and Gu Ling had been walking for five days on this endless wilderness.

During these five days, Lin Bei and Gu Ling did not meet a single person, nor did they encounter any kind of magical beast.

It seems that a place is the real dead zone, it is so quiet that people feel scared.

That is, fortunately, I have a companion.

Otherwise, Lin Bei felt that if he walked alone in such a place for five days and five nights, with no end in sight, his whole life would be bad.

And it was during these days that Lin Bei learned a lot about Wan Jianzhou and sword skills from Gu Ling.

Although it is said that Lin Bei uses a knife, the knowledge of swordsmanship is of no use to Lin Bei.

But boring.
In this place, there are no shops in front of the village or behind the village.

The two parties can only chat.

If you want to chat, you have to find a topic, and the other party can be said to be a sword idiot, so the only way to find a topic is to talk about swordsmanship.

However, Lin Bei is also really curious about the way of swordsmanship.

In fact, about the sword, it is mainly divided into four aspects.

Sword move.

Sword Qi.

Sword intent.


Sword moves form sword energy.

Strands of sword energy gathered into sword intent.

And the sword intent is deep enough to form one's own way of the sword.

It sounds like there is a difference between superior and inferior, but it is not.

Sword moves are not lower than sword energy, and sword energy is not lower than sword intent.

Each sword cultivator focuses on different points of practice.

Anyway, Lin Bei listened very well.

What surprised Lin Bei the most was that Gu Ling said that she actually traveled in Wanjianzhou.

He even thought that Lin Bei was Wan Jianzhou who came from Lihuozhou.

That's when Lin Bei was stunned.
Gu Ling entered this ghost city from Wanjianzhou.

And Lin Bei entered this ghost city from Lihuozhou.

This also means that it is that ghost town that caused the distortion of space.

And that ghost town happens to be on the node of the distorted space, and this node is connected to several ports, one of which is Lihuozhou and Wanjianzhou.

And if you think so.

Lin Bei guessed.

I should not be in Lihuozhou now, or maybe not in Wanjianzhou.

It is very possible that I and Gu Ling have already come to a certain ghost country in Guiyuanzhou.

As for which ghost country it is, it is not clear.

The Nine Continents of the World exist independently of each other, but they are divided into Nine Continents according to their regions.

In fact, the relationship between each continent is not so good.

For example, Yaozhou often finds trouble with the other eight continents, trying to annex the other eight continents.

And Guiyuanzhou is even more so.

To some extent, Guiyuan Continent is more troublesome than Yao Continent.

Because there is a large stone tablet in Guiyuanzhou, which reads - the living stop.

The existences on Guiyuan Continent, except for some wild beasts and monsters, are basically dead souls and ghost cultivators.

And these ghost cultivators and the living are extremely difficult to deal with.

The division of power in Guiyuan Continent is not as complicated as other continents.

In Guiyuanzhou, there are actually four forces.

These four forces formed a situation where the world was divided into four parts.

They are four ghost countries!
Lin Bei and Gu Ling didn't know which ghost country they were in.

Keep going.

Finally, Lin Bei and Gu Ling finally saw the living thing.

It's just that this living creature is extremely strange.

This is a tiger.

The whole body of this tiger is pitch black. It is three meters tall, not counting the tail, and its body length is more than six meters.

Why do you say that this tiger is extremely strange?

That's because this tiger split from the head to the neck, and suddenly split into two halves!

In the middle of the two halves of the head and neck, there are black mucus and dense fangs.

Lin Bei and Gu Ling chopped off the neck and head of this extremely disgusting tiger.

But even without its head, this tiger can still move!
Then Lin Bei and the other two chopped the tiger's body into many pieces, and every piece of the tiger's body was still able to move.

It's just a long time to see.

In the end, Lin Bei and the two tried to burn the tiger with fire, and it was over after the tiger was burned to ashes.

Lin Bei and Gu Ling thought that this tiger might just be a special species with extremely tenacious vitality.

But later, Lin Bei and Gu Ling encountered a similar existence.

A goat has three heads, and then the three heads split off and three heads grow back!

A giant mouse with six hands, each with extremely sharp claws!

There is a pack of wolves, and every wolf in the pack is rotten all over, and can drop rotten flesh and blood every time they take a step.

But the flesh and blood of these wolves can still be regenerated, but the regenerated flesh and blood are still rotten.

These magical beasts have a characteristic, that is, they have no vitality at all, they are all dead things.

Moreover, it can still be moved after being dismantled into eight pieces. It must be completely burned, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

And the closer to the place pointed by the map, the more this kind of strange creature is, and the stronger it is.

Even at the back, Lin Bei and Gu Ling met a zombie giant!
This zombie giant is 30 meters tall!The figure is extremely huge, and there are three giant swords stuck in his back!

His chest has already been pierced, and he can see the heart that has stopped beating or even rotted.

If we talk about this place, those strange monsters are special products.

Then this giant is very difficult to explain.

This giant is obviously from the kingdom of giants in Qianguozhou!

And now it has become what it is today.

Suddenly, a bold idea popped up in Lin Bei's mind!

So is this place a testing ground?

Specially used to make this kind of strange creature?

Then a certain force in Guiyuan Continent wants to use these creatures to unify the entire Guiyuan Continent, and even attack other continents?
Lin Bei was taken aback by such an idea, but it is not impossible!
The question is, how did the other party create such a zombie-like existence?
And the fighting power is so strong?

There is no such thing as a drug developed by an "umbrella" company in this world.

And even the drug developed by the umbrella company is unlikely to achieve this effect.

Is it difficult?
Was it caused by something left behind by the previous leader of Tianmo Sect?
No way?
What kind of things did the former leader of the Tianmo Sect leave behind!

And why would it be exploited in this place?

Just when Lin Bei's head hurt.

Suddenly, a meteorite hit Lin Bei!

(End of this chapter)

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