Why did the husband run away

Chapter 184 Comparing a "1"

Chapter 184 Comparing a "two"


A meteorite hit Lin Bei directly.

Lin Bei and Gu Ling jumped away in time.

After the smoke cleared, a man came out slowly.

This man is a ghost cultivator.

The easiest way to judge whether a person is a ghost cultivator is to see if the other person has a shadow.

Obviously, the other party did not
But this place is in Guiyuan Continent, so all monks are naturally ghost cultivators.

If there is a living person, that is the most abnormal.

"Are you the two intruders?"

The man stood on top of the meteorite, with his hands folded over his chest, his huge muscles looked extremely scary.

His muscles are not like Sett's, but like a world bodybuilding champion, a muscle is bigger than your head!

Proper fitness attracts the opposite sex, excessive fitness attracts the same sex, and this man is a model of excessive fitness.

Of course, Lin Bei felt that his XP was extremely normal, so he just thought the opponent's muscles were cool, and had no other superfluous thoughts.

"We strayed into this place, please redeem your sins, I wonder who you are?"

Lin Bei stepped forward and bowed.

In any case, courtesy first and soldiers later.

"Stayed here by mistake?"

The man named Day Tiger sneered.

"Do you think I'm a fool? Can this place be entered by mistake?
That's all, since you're here, don't leave!
My uncle is called Day Tiger, you should remember well, originally the uncle sent you to the underworld to reincarnate! "

After the words fell, this muscular man punched Lin Bei.

With this opponent's punch, Dao Xin warned Lin Bei that he must not take it hard!

Lin Bei dodged again.

This punch hit the ground fiercely, and a big pit with a diameter of ten meters was punched out by this day tiger!

Gu Ling held a long sword, Lin Bei held a long knife, and the two of them flanked one from the left and the other from the right!
"sulfuric acid!"

Lin Beidi's long sword and Gu Ling's long sword cut each other's arms as if they were cutting on steel.

"Didn't use your strength? It's too weak!
Look at the saber you used, which is also mixed with the true energy of martial arts, what kind of martial arts are you?Do you really exercise regularly?

You are simply discrediting Wu Xiu.

Looking so weak, like a thin dog, a man needs to have such big and hard muscles as me. "

Rihu yelled loudly, and the violent martial artist's true energy bounced the opponent away!

Lin Bei and Gu Ling flew out backwards.

This ghost cultivator turned out to be a martial artist in the Eighth Realm Far Traveling Realm!

A warrior who travels far away, if he is within ten meters of him, he can hoist most of the monks in the Jade Realm and beat them!

As for Lin Bei and Gu Ling, one is in the Sea Viewing Realm, and the other is in the Nascent Soul Realm. The realms are really different.

Even if Lin Bei and Gu Ling were sword cultivators and sword cultivators, they belonged to monks who exercised their bodies, not traditional mages, and their realm quality was amazing.

Otherwise, Lin Bei and Gu Ling wouldn't even be able to handle each other's move!
"No, no, no! It's too weak, it's too disappointing! Come on!"

Day Tiger beckoned to Gu Ling and Lin Bei, and asked the other party to make a move, looking extremely arrogant.

Lin Bei and Gu Ling looked at each other, and then disappeared in place. Both of them stepped on a big hole in the ground.

The long sword named "Slaughter Dog" in Gu Ling's hand was blue in color.

In fact, Gu Ling's natal flying sword is very beautiful, with the softness of a Jiangnan woman.

But the name is very strange.
Lin Bei naturally poured spiritual power into his long knife.

Hong Ji felt Lin Bei's thoughts, and under the highest limit of Lin Bei's body, the inscription on the blade flowed red liquid, like magma.

Hong Ji rubbed against the air like a match, and Hong Ji's body burst into flames!
Facing the long knife in Lin Bei's hand, Rihu frowned slightly.

Lin Bei's realm is far lower than Gu Ling's, but for some reason, in Rihu's heart, Lin Bei feels that Lin Bei is much more dangerous than Gu Ling!
And all of this stems from the long knife in this man's hand.

This long knife made me extremely disgusted.

It seems that this long knife has a natural restraint on his ghost cultivation!

The best way to overcome fear is to face it!
I, Day Tiger, want to overcome all my weaknesses and reach the legendary pinnacle state as a ghost cultivator!

Day Tiger burst out a strong martial arts true energy.

Wu Xiu's true energy formed an invisible protective shield, tightly surrounding Rihu!

The flying sword "Slaughter Dog" sword spirit appeared, and it was really a dog.

And this dog looks very cute, with a blue body, a bit like a husky.


The dog-slaying sword spirit yelled, and then turned into ten phantoms of blue long swords, constantly cutting the barrier.

As for the spirit of the long knife in Lin Bei's hand, it still didn't show up.

However, the scorching flames had already wrapped the opponent tightly.

This was already Lin Bei and Gu Ling's best move.

but still can't beat
"No, your current realm is not enough."

Day Tiger shook his head, his tone sounded a bit regretful.

"I really want you to leave, and you will come to challenge me when you have a successful practice in the future.

But now, His Majesty has ordered that you must die.

No wonder me! "

Rihu shouted loudly, and the furious warrior's true energy swept away.

Lin Bei and Gu Ling were thrown out again.

"Eat my punch!"

Rihu punched Lin Bei down.

The long knife in Lin Bei's hand really made Rihu feel uncomfortable.

But Rihu's punch seemed to lock Lin Bei's vitality, and Lin Bei couldn't move his whole body.

Gu Ling clenched his long sword tightly and flew in the direction of Rihu, trying to block Lin Bei's punch.

Otherwise, under this punch, Lin Bei would definitely be smashed into meatloaf.
But it was too late.

The opponent's fist had already reached Lin Bei's eyes.

And when Rihu's fist was only [-] centimeter away from Lin Bei's head.

The long knife in Lin Bei's hand was in flames!

Flames kept rising in front of Lin Bei, and finally a woman appeared in the flames.

A woman in a red dress stood in front of Lin Bei.

Looking at this red dress, Lin Bei had a kind feeling.

"Red Princess?"

Lin Bei shouted in his heart.

Hong Ji kicked Rihu away with one kick.

In the sky, the flames condensed into a huge fire knife.

Hong Ji stretched out her palm and lowered it down.

Huo Dao looked at Ri Hu's body and slammed it down heavily!

Day Tiger screamed in pain.

The waves of fire blew away.

When the fire wave dissipated, this day tiger had already fallen to the ground, his whole body was scorched black, he still had his last breath left, and he didn't lose his soul.

With just one move, Rihu was overwhelmed by Hongji.

Hongji turned her head slowly and looked at Lin Bei. Hongji raised her fingers and made a "two" to dissipate.

(End of this chapter)

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