Why did the husband run away

Chapter 185 I'm Easy to Talk About

Chapter 185 I'm Easy to Talk

Hong Ji raised her finger, gestured a "two", and slowly disappeared.

Lin Bei also didn't know whether Hong Ji compared "yeah" or the number "two".

If it's "Yeah", then this Hong Ji is too naughty and lively, and it doesn't match her glamorous expression just now.

And if it is "two", what exactly does it mean?

Could it be that the other party meant that he owed her two lives?

There is this possibility.

If the time in the ghost town is not counted, because Hong Ji did not come out.

So, only when he pulled out Hong Ji for the first time during the martial arts competition, Hong Ji saved him.

Then this time, Hong Ji appeared again and saved herself.

So I owe her two favors
And what Hong Ji meant was to remind herself to repay her these two favors.

Lin Bei felt a little strange in his heart.

Owe favors and repay favors.

This is indeed a natural and understandable thing.

Lin Bei is not the kind of person who doesn't pay back favors he owes.

The question is, aren't you my natal weapon?
Do you still have to accept my favor?

This is not to say that the natal weapon should be paid in obscurity for the owner.

It's that each of us has one knife, which should belong to that kind of interdependent relationship.

In other words, there should be no distinction between you and me.

It still feels strange for a weapon to collect favors from its master.

Forget it, if it is really a favor, then accept it.

After all, Hong Ji really saved herself, and she can't kidnap others morally.

At that time, let's see how Hongji wants to return her favor.

But before that, Lin Bei decided that after he went back, he would go to Zhujian Valley to ask about Hongji's situation.

Even if it is a fairy sword, a sword spirit cannot be born immediately, and the birth of Hongji is definitely very unusual!
This is definitely not an ordinary sword spirit.

Lin Bei and Gu Ling stepped forward and tied the man with an immortal rope, and Lin Bei pierced the opponent's acupoint with the soul-breaking needle to prevent the circulation of the opponent's true energy.

There is no need to make up the knife for the time being, I have to spare his life for the time being, and ask for information from this man.

I know too little about this secret realm.

However, Lin Bei felt that it was unlikely that he could get information from this day tiger's mouth!
Because this day tiger looks quite tough, and it looks like a tough-talking kind.


Making all preparations to prevent the other party from waking up and possibly fighting back, Lin Bei poured a bucket of water on him.

In this world, many people think that ghosts have no substance, but this is wrong.

At first, Lin Bei thought so too, thinking that ghosts had no substance.

But later, when he came to Tianmo Sect and read a lot of books on ghost cultivation in Tianmo Sect, Lin Bei knew that he was wrong.

Ordinary ghosts are indeed incorporeal, and they can walk through doors and other places at will.

But this is because the energy of the ghost is not enough to support the materialization of the other party.

But once the ghost cultivator has entered the ghost general realm (compared to the golden core realm among monks), then the energy of the ghost cultivator is enough, and the ghost cultivator can condense into an entity.

At this time, you can not only travel to any place, but also make yourself like a person and pick up any real objects.

At this time, ghost cultivators are actually similar to normal people, except that they do not have a body, but a soul is substantiated.

So the day tiger can naturally be tied up, and cold water can also be poured on it.

The rope Lin Bei used was also unusual.

Even if Day Tiger makes him gradually become illusory, this rope can still bind him, and it is impossible for him to escape.

However, Lin Bei admired this day tiger.

Ghost cultivators are basically mages, and there are very few martial arts cultivators.

That's because Wu Xiu's true energy is extremely yang, but the existence of the soul is extremely yin.

One yin and one yang restrain each other, it is very difficult for ghosts to follow the path of martial arts.

Even if you really come out, it will be extremely painful during the practice, but it is Zhiyang's martial arts true energy bumping into your body, which is no less than tearing your soul apart.

And this day tiger has used the body of a ghost to cultivate to such a level, which is really admirable!
Maybe this guy really has an inexplicable attachment to martial arts.

The dazed day tiger slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was the appearance of Lin Bei and Gu Ling.

Day Tiger was even a little dazed for a while, not knowing what happened before.

"Oh, right!"

After waking up, Day Tiger's consciousness also slowly recovered.

At that time, he almost killed the man in front of him with one punch.

But suddenly a woman appeared.

As soon as that woman kicked and knifed, she gave herself a second
That woman's aura is exactly the same as the long knife held in this man's hand, that is to say, it is the spirit of this man's knife!
"If you lose, you lose. If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you!"

Looking at Lin Bei, Dayhu turned his head, with a tough look of "No matter what you do to me, if I frown, I won't be called Dayhu".

"Lin Dazhu, as I said, don't waste time on this guy, just kill him with one sword. This ghost cultivator seems to have a tough mouth and won't give in."

Gu Ling on the side shook his head.

"Looks like it"

Lin Dazhu sighed.

"Forget it, if that's the case, let's kill it."

As he said that, Lin Bei's expression looked somewhat regretful.

Then Lin Bei raised the long knife in his hand, without saying a word of nonsense, he directly chopped it off at Rihu's neck.

In the process of swinging the long knife down, Zhou Hu was completely dumbfounded, and his heart was like thousands of grass and mud horses galloping past.

Ah no.

When I said that just now, I just wanted to show my persistence.

In fact, my mouth is not so hard.

You can torture me a little bit, or threaten me.

I'm good at talking.

You just cut at me with such a disagreement, and you didn't give me the slightest chance to surrender.

"and many more!"

Just when the fire knife in Lin Bei's hand touched Rihu's neck, Rihu shouted.

In other words, Lin Bei held the knife very steadily.

Otherwise, just a little slower, according to the inertia of this long knife, Hong Ji would be inserted into the opponent's neck.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Lin Bei looked at the other party with some doubts.

"I appreciate that you defeated me! So in order to reward you, if you want to ask anything, just ask, you deserve it."

Rihu straightened up, and said the most embarrassing words in the most proud tone.

(End of this chapter)

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