Chapter 1001 The Princess and the Reborn Knight (78)

It's not that he surrendered to Losan so much, but mainly because he had awakened his bloodline, and the king had a strange weapon.

If anyone dares to oppose them, they may be killed in minutes.

The so-called person who knows current affairs is Junjie.

Sang Jian slightly clenched his lips, "It's good that you have this awareness, deal with the follow-up matters quickly, and I don't care about the things that wavered in your mind in the palace today."

Everyone: "..."

So, if it wasn't for their quick flattery, she actually planned to settle accounts after the fall?
too frightening.

little Prince:"……"

They said a few words, so they rejected him completely.

It seems that he can only go to Luo Si'an to ask in person. What if Luo Si'an really wants to go back to his hometown?


Luosian directly dragged Badhan to a place where no one was around, and blood flowed all the way.

The violence in his heart was fully revealed at this moment.

Just as he was about to crush Badhan's head, Badhan gasped for his last breath and laughed sinisterly, "Hahaha... Luosian, you don't really think that your little king is a good thing, do you? "

"She's much better than you. She pretends to be innocent in front of you. She has dark eyes. Maybe you've already been one of her schemes..."

"You should die." Losan ended Badhan's life expressionlessly.

For his words, there was no wavering in his heart.

Indeed, from what she said to Badhan just now, and after the strange thing in her hand gave Badhan his chest, he realized it.

Losan looked down at Badhan, who was headless on the ground. There was a blood hole in his chest.

It is indeed a foreign thing.

He has left this country in recent years, and he has gone out to see it for a year or two. Some overseas countries have this kind of weapon.

Although the shape is very different from the one in her hand, the effect is the same.

But how did she get it?

She seems to have a deep secret.

But so what?

During the years when he was not around, her heart has not changed. She has been bullied to death long ago, right?
Besides, he also has a secret that no one else can know.

He didn't care, and he hoped she wouldn't care that he had a secret from her.



On the way back to the palace, Luo Si'an saw Sang Jian running towards him from a distance.

Losan's expression softened a little, and he strode towards her, "Are you all right?"

Sang Jian nodded, "It's okay! My neck hurts so much, you accompany me to see a doctor... I won't be able to open my throat when I speak from now on."

"..." It was normal for him to hear her speak.

But Luo Sian still led Sang Jian to find a doctor.

He could see how hard Badhan pinched her just now.

When he got to the doctor, Sang Jian held down Luo Si'an and asked the doctor to treat Luo Si'an first.

It was only then that Luo Sian realized that her sore throat was a lie, and it was true that she wanted to coax him to treat the injury.

Luo Si'an was a little dumbfounded, it's fine to just talk about this kind of thing, he is not a person who does not cherish himself, of course he will heal any injuries...

Luo Si'an suddenly thought that he had been injured before, so he didn't want to come here.

Except when he was angry with Bakel, he would pretend to be injured if he wasn't injured.

He has changed a lot in the past few years, but her impression of herself should still be five years ago.

Rosen sighed softly.

Just now I thought of Bakel, and realized that Bakel was killed by Badhan himself.

He frowned slightly, and subconsciously looked at Sang Jian beside him.

He knew how much she liked Barcol!
  Haha has entered the 1000 mark, thank you for your support all the time, eh!
  good night!

(End of this chapter)

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