Chapter 1002 The Princess and the Reborn Knight (79)

"What are you looking at me for?"

Just glanced at her, and Sang Jian's eyes had already caught her.

Losan averted his eyes and said nothing.

She didn't look that sad either.

Although he knew it was unconscionable, it did make him feel better.

Sang Jian didn't get an answer from Luo Si'an, so he didn't ask any more questions.

She stayed beside him quietly, and Sang Jian asked the doctor to show her neck after he treated the wound.

It was early morning when I left the doctor.

With such a big event, there are still people in the palace who are dealing with business.

"I may have to work for a while, you go back and rest first." Sang Jian still has to preside over the overall situation.

"..." Losan was silent.

He stopped and didn't go any further.

I wanted to say that the rest can be handed over to Barker.

As soon as the idea came to him, he realized that Barcol was no longer there.

...Only in this kind of time will he feel that it is really good to have Bacol.

"We haven't seen each other for five years, you...can't you go back with me?"

There are actually many people who can manage things.

After such a big thing happened, it was understandable for her to go to rest, and there was no need to do the finishing work.

Or, after five years, her feelings for him have faded?

Well, that's probably the reason.

Losan hesitated for a moment, sighed softly, and was about to let her go.

Unexpectedly, Sang Jian suddenly said, "Yes!"

Los Ann: "?"

"What expression? I said I can go back with you. Let's go!"

She stretched out her hand to hold Rosean, and walked towards her castle.

Losan was still a little confused, "You...are not going to..."

He thought that she only had the country in her heart now, and it was against the rules to make such a request.

Didn't expect her to agree?

"Ah...that's to test you." Sang Jian led Luo Si'an, turned around, and walked backwards.

She looked at Luo Si'an's face, chuckled and said, "I thought five years later, you don't like me anymore."

Losan: "..." That's what he thinks, right?

"Just now in the clinic, you didn't tell me anything." Sang Jian's tone was a little aggrieved.

"I..." Losan lowered his eyes, "I don't know what to say."

"Tell me how you have lived these past few years. You can say anything, but you have been silent all the time, making me think that you have nothing to say to me." Sang Jian sighed sadly.

"You've always been very clear about how I've lived, right?" Losan continued, "But you, the, the didn't say anything just now."

He also wanted to know how she had spent the past five years.

"You don't know how I live. Do I know how you live? What's the reason?" Sang Jian was a little confused by his words.

How did he know that his life was being watched by her all the time?
Doubt her?
Should not be ah.

Sang Jian thought for a moment, then heard Luo Si'an say: "Those guards sent to protect me have followed me all the time."


To protect his guards?

"Don't pretend, king. I know you have been worried about me. You secretly sent people to train my skills and protect me by the way. So I have tried my best not to get hurt in the past five years."

"Thank you." If he hadn't known that there was someone who was always worried about him, he might have been unable to hold on.

Sang Jian: "..."

She finally figured out what was going on.

This kid arranged for her to "assassinate" his bodyguards, and regarded her as a "good person"!

(End of this chapter)

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