Chapter 1077 Gossip First Sister (64)

At noon, the program team asked the boys to go to the forest on the other side of the mountain to find ingredients for the whole day.

Keep the girls in the camp.

But... Bu Nannan was left behind.

Because he is the youngest, the girls also need a boy to help.

It's just that this boy...may be weaker than a girl.

"If you are asked to carry two bundles of firewood, you can't even move them. I am really convinced."

Bu Nannan's CP, He Die, has almost had enough of Bu Nannan these days.

At first I thought this younger brother was cute, but after getting in touch with him for a long time, I realized that cuteness can't be eaten as food.

It’s really not good to do anything, and there is nothing left to eat.

"I haven't done it before." Bu Nannan followed behind He Die, carrying with her with difficulty two bundles of firewood that the program crew had hidden in some places for them to find by themselves.

"Don't do this with me, you should really choose Xu Sang to meet in the first place."

He Die complained softly.

Doesn't Xu Sang like his style?He tries to act coquettishly to pass the test every now and then, and he's a little trash who doesn't know anything.

Bu Nannan: "..."

He also regrets it.

Before, he was a little afraid that he would be scolded if he teamed up with Sister Sang as cp, but after these few days, he found that being in a group with Sang Jian is really free and at ease!
And she knows everything, as long as someone asks her for help, she almost never refuses.

What's wrong with Sister Sang?

A long time ago, she invited him to dinner and planned to stir up scandals with him. Although she didn't clarify it afterwards, she also took good care of herself when they went out to eat together.

Thinking of this, Bu Nannan raised his head and glanced in Sang Jian's direction.

Sang Jian was sitting on a rock at this time, with a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth, leisurely looking at the distant scenery.

It happened that Sun Piaopiao walked towards her and sat beside her.

Bu Nannan: "..."

He's a little weird.

I always feel that the interaction between Sun Piaopiao and Sister Sang seems to be more diligent than the interaction between the two of them and their CP?
Sun Piaopiao finally found a chance to get along with Sang Jian. Before, she was always surrounded by men, so it was not easy to test her.

At this time, it is the opportunity!

"It can be seen that you like He Qingfeng very much?" Sitting next to Sang Jian, Sun Piaopiao asked straight to the point.

Sang Jian turned his eyes back from the distant scenery, looked sideways at Sun Piaopiao, bit the dog's tail grass and slightly curled his lips, "I like you very much too!"

Sun Piaopiao: "..."

"Heh, don't do this with me." Sun Piaopiao approached Sangjian with a smile, but gritted his teeth and said, "If your target is He Qingfeng, how about we not interfere with each other?"

Anyway, her goal is the male lead, and she originally wanted to train He Qingfeng to compete with the male lead, but now that He Qingfeng is someone else's target, she can give up on him.

It is not surprising for these small worlds to meet other taskers in the small world.

After all, more and more people in the fast-traveling industry are doing it. Sometimes it is not a problem to encounter two or three in a world.

As long as they make sure that their goals are different, they will not interfere with each other, and they will be able to live in peace.

This is also the default rule for so many taskers.

Sun Piaopiao originally thought that Sang Jian would understand what he said.

Who knew that Sang Jian blinked at her, "What are you talking about? Why don't you interfere with each other? The seven-day couple is not over yet. My goal is that he can't do anything to him, he will be scolded."

She had an innocent face, as if she couldn't understand what Sun Piaopiao said.

(End of this chapter)

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