Chapter 1078 Gossip First Sister (65)

Sun Piaopiao was stunned, did she guess wrong, or was Sang Jian just pretending?

Soon she calmed down, sat down on the rock again, and asked tentatively: "I heard that your relationship with He Qingfeng is not very good, why did you suddenly come to participate in the show and became interested in him?" ?”

"What are you talking about?" Sang Jian smiled, "He was the first man I fell in love with, and now I can't stop my heart beating when I see him. I have always been interested in him."

The corner of Sun Piaopiao's mouth twitched slightly, "The one whose heart doesn't beat is dead."

"I always feel like you're talking gibberish."

It looks serious, but it's actually fake.

I always feel that something is weird, but I can't find it.

If it weren't for her personality, she would be too good at pretending.

"So what do you mean by non-interference? Did you give up He Qingfeng in the next round?" Sang Jian asked knowingly.

"No, I'll still pick him in the next round." Sun Piaopiao said intentionally.

"Ah, that's really a pity. I really want to choose him. Last time he chose you, I was so sad." Sang Jian lowered his head.

If it weren't for the grass still dangling in his mouth, he would be a bit pitiful.

It's just that a piece of grass made her look extra artificial, and it was obvious at a glance that she was faking it.

Sun Piaopiao: "..." Speechless.

This woman really made her speechless!
"Can you be normal?" She couldn't help but said, "Your place sent you to work, did you really think about the consequences?"

She seemed to be very speechless and asked this sentence very casually.

But his eyes were fixed on Sang Jian's expression, as if he wanted to see something from her face.

"We belong to the same company. Participating in this show is a resource I finally got. As for the consequences, I think I performed very well. The company probably won't say anything about me..."

Sun Piaopiao: "..."

She asked east, she answered west.

The bull's head is wrong with the horse's mouth.

Completely overturning all her previous conjectures, Sun Piaopiao is a little suspicious of life now.

Anyway, he is also an old tasker, so there shouldn't be any problems in terms of people...

"Ahhhhh!! Help!"

At this moment, Bu Nannan's cry for help came from not far away, "It hurts so much..."

"What the hell are you doing? You're a boy, why can't you do anything well?"

He Die's complaining voice sounded again, but this time, the more he spoke, the lower his voice became.

Disgusting is disgusting, it seems that something really happened to Bu Nannan.

Sang Jian and Sun Piaopiao looked over there at the same time.

There is a half-deep ditch next to this mountain. There is not much water in it, but it is very clear, so the program team chose this place.

Not knowing what happened, Bu Nannan fell into the ditch.

It seemed that I had fallen on my leg, and half of my body was sitting in the ditch, crying from the pain.

Sang Jian and Sun Piaopiao jumped off the rock and walked over there.

"Stop taking pictures, save people!!" He Die greeted the surrounding photographers impatiently.

The rest of the program team went to shoot the boys, leaving only these few guests to follow along.

At the moment, everyone is carrying the camera, unable to let go.

Sang Jian and Sun Piaopiao jumped down into the ditch at the same time without saying a word, and they took Bu Nan Nan's arms and pulled him out of the ditch.

The two threw him on the ground, and Bu Nannan sat on the ground and wept loudly, venting the grievance that He Die disliked just now.

Sang Jian and Sun Piaopiao stood aside and looked at each other. The next second, Sun Piaopiao couldn't help but took a step forward and grabbed Sang Jian's collar.

"Are you still pretending?"

It made her almost doubt herself!
(End of this chapter)

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