Chapter 1085 Gossip First Sister (72)

"I don't have the habit of being jealous." He Qingfeng said lightly.

He put the tissue to wipe his hands into the trash can and sat beside her.

The two sat next to each other, and neither of them continued to speak.

Even sitting quietly like this seems to be a good thing.

It would be fine if... it wasn't recording a show.

That way you can do something else.


"Are you still eating tonight?" He Qingfeng asked after an unknown amount of time.

"No more?" Sang Jian raised his eyebrows.

It's already past five o'clock in the afternoon, and even a few meals a day can't handle eating like this.

"Then go for a walk." He Qingfeng stood up.

Usually at this time, I basically go back to my room after eating.

He wanted to spend more time with her today.

The two left the villa again.

The program group wept with joy.

Finally saw the pink bubble between them!

When they didn't form a couple, whether it was Sang Jian and Tang Ge, or He Qingfeng and Sun Piaopiao, they couldn't feel the love atmosphere emanating from these two couples at all.

If it weren't for the other couples who didn't do anything other than what is not suitable for children, and almost finished everything else, they would have wondered if they had recorded a fake program!

It turned out that it was just a wrong person, but if it was He Qingfeng and Sang Jian, the strong atmosphere of dog abuse suddenly came up, and even Sun Piaopiao and Tang Ge were a little bit ambiguous!

This is really not easy!

When Sang Jian reminded the program team before, she was really sure, because He Die and Bu Nannan were too serious on the Internet, and the impact was so bad that the program team had to stop for two weeks. By the way, I helped Bu Nannan say A few words.

It's really not Bu Nannan's fault.

In the beginning, they were all good, but people who knew Bu Nannan's personality still chose him, but in the end they disliked him, so it couldn't be justified.

Moreover, it's already the last two days, so it's okay to be dissatisfied with the next round of replacements. She should at least pretend?

If you don't pretend to be pretending, you pissed off Bu Nannan, and it's not good-looking for anyone to make such a mess.

Because of the two weeks of rectification, when the second episode of the program aired, Sang saw that they had already finished recording.

In the third round of selection, Sang Jian and He Qingfeng firmly chose each other and continued on.

The other groups wanted to change but had no choice.

For the sake of face, he decided to go on.

The last activity of the program group was, "Do you want to give it a try?"

It means whether you want to try to be together in real life.

This link is affectionately called by the audience, whether to sign a contract couple with the program group.

It is not bad to promise the program team to be a contract couple, and the program team will arrange everything after it is exposed, so that they will continue to be popular in the next three months.

As long as his enthusiasm continues, then within these three months, many partners will come here admiringly.

The other two groups of guests are still looking forward to it. If they are selected by the program group, there will be many benefits.

They are very affectionate in the show this time, and they will definitely attract a large number of CP fans by constantly spreading dog food!
But there are exceptions to everything.

There are people like Sang Jian and He Qingfeng who have already secretly poked together.

There are also those like other guests who continue to be together for the sake of face and subsequent contracts.

Of course there will be people who don't want to continue.

The group of Tang Ge and Sun Piaopiao announced be.

When making the third choice, Sun Piaopiao abstained, because she felt that none of the men in it might be suitable for her.

Published some more official scenes, and then abstained.

The worst one is Tang Ge.

Because he still chose Sun Piaopiao in the third round, but the other party did not respond.

After the pair announced their be, they withdrew from the program group, which is deeply regrettable.

Before leaving, Sang Jian went to send Sun Piaopiao off on purpose, but the program team didn't know what the two of them were communicating with on their mobile phones.

When Sun Piaopiao left, both of them had solemn expressions.

In contrast, when Tang Ge left, it was not so serious.

Because everyone knew that he was just here for a formality, and it was only normal to announce that he was leaving.

I just didn't expect him to make a choice in the third round.

After all, someone who went through the motions like him should abstain like Sun Piaopiao in this round, instead of continuing to make choices.

But it is also possible that he and Sun Piaopiao discussed this.

What is the real situation, only the parties concerned know clearly.


On the last day of program recording, there were only three pairs of guests left.

Everyone is looking forward to who the contract couple selected by the program group will be.

Then... the director named Sang Jian and He Qingfeng in front of everyone.

"Why are they?"

Ye Yuman, who was dissatisfied with Sang Jian with He Die before, was the first to cry out when he heard this result.

"I don't see how the two of them look like a couple. Is there any sweet interaction? Will the audience love them?" She asked a series of questions.


The two of them are indeed not as straightforward and crooked as Ye Yuman and his couple, and they seldom even hold hands.

But the director always feels that the way the two of them get along makes people look very comfortable, it is the state of a normal couple, not a special performance.

So after hesitating for a long time, they still planned to fire He Qingfeng and Xu Sangjian as a couple.

"You are also very good..." The director was about to say something official.

Sang Jian also said, "That's right, what are you looking for with the two of us? Don't waste this opportunity."

"What do you mean?" Everyone looked at Sang Jian.

Sang Jian stretched out his hand to embrace He Qingfeng's shoulder beside him, pressed his head close to his own, and said with a smile: "Isn't this obvious? We are a real couple, and we signed your contract, so who are we? ?”

Everyone: "..."

Sang Jian's words are always sloppy and not upright, so the credibility of this sentence is not high.

So everyone turned their attention to He Qingfeng again.

He Qingfeng blushed slightly, frowned, and seemed a little embarrassed to break away from Sangjian's hand that was holding his head, and sat up straight.

It looked like he was refusing her touch.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Look, you know that what Sang Jian said doesn't count, maybe she didn't get He Qingfeng's consent at all, right?
Just when everyone was thinking this way, He Qingfeng suddenly stretched out his hand, imitating Sang Jian just now, he took Sang Jian's shoulder, let her approach him, stretched out his hand to hold her head, and let her head rest on his shoulder.

He clenched his other hand into a fist, put it against his mouth and coughed lightly, and said embarrassingly, "Well, they are real couples."

Sure enough, this posture is more powerful.

Everyone: "!!!"

When did this happen!
Why did the camera keep filming them and they didn't see it at all?

It was originally a show for couples, so they were used to any ambiguous things they did between them.

Anyway, most of the guests were acting, but I didn't expect a couple of real people to be mixed in!
"Okay, okay, the last part of the program team's filming, do you want to try it? It will be filmed in a while, everyone get ready! Wait a while between you two... No, He Qingfeng! You, you will confess to Xu Sang in a while, just ask her Do you want to give it a try. Let's pretend to arrange a surprise for her now, and act a little later."

The director immediately directed the play.

Hearing this, Sang Jian couldn't help complaining: "Are you a little too fake?"

Is it going to start right away?

"Tsk, it's been like this for a long time. We're all under the same roof. How can we not notice what the other party has done? So let's not make so many bells and whistles. You will act like you are very surprised after a while. Then just promise him."

"It doesn't matter whether you are acting for real or acting, as long as it has a program effect and makes people want to fall in love! The rest can be left to the editor!"

Sang Jian: "..." The editor of the program group is looking for someone to provoke.

"Okay, let's get ready now."

The director called the Venerable Master and prepared to leave, "He Qingfeng, come with us and pretend that you prepared it yourself."

He Qingfeng: "..." Life is indeed a drama.

"It's not the director, what about us?" The other guests were a little dissatisfied.

"It's the same for you too!" The director glanced at them, "Just follow the process in a while."

"Then the contract couple for this season hasn't been chosen yet."

The director gave her a strange look, "There are real couples, why do you need fake couples?"

Other guests: "..."

Damn, Xu Sangjian stole all the limelight again!

I remember that she was the one who stole the limelight on the first day!

The program team requested this, and Sang Jian and He Qingfeng had no choice but to do so.

In the last link, each pair of guests has a separate confession sanctuary.

They are also prepared by the program team.

In this issue, only Sang Jian and He Qingfeng's place is more luxurious and romantic, because they pretend to be prepared by He Qingfeng himself, and they are real couples, so they must put all their resources here.

Their place is in a music restaurant, which has been booked out.

A pianist in a white suit was sitting on the stage playing pleasant music, and Sang Jian and He Qingfeng were enjoying a candlelight dinner pretendingly.

He Qingfeng was a little nervous at this moment, and had never encountered such a situation before.

Moreover, after a while, he will have to speak his lines like the program group.

It's not a TV series, it's a bit embarrassing.

He sneakily looked down at the cheat sheet in his hand, and happened to be photographed by the program crew.

They felt that this detail was handled very well, which showed that he was "serious" at this time!
Sang Jian was eating steak, and looked at him from time to time.

Then he coughed lightly to remind him that she was about to start performing.

He Qingfeng immediately raised his head, sat upright, picked up the knife and fork, and cut the steak on the plate, waiting for Sang Jian to speak first.

"This is the last day, and I will leave the program group tomorrow." This classic farewell begins, implying that they will go back to their respective homes after recording the program.

It was time for He Qingfeng to speak.

He should have said that the title of the last issue was Do you want to try it out.

Then he began to tell how he felt about her, how he felt that the two of them got along well, and then talked about his own shortcomings, which he would correct in the future, and finally asked her if she wanted to try together.

At this time, Sang Jian only needs to agree.

This is the process of the last episode of the program group.

He Qingfeng put a small piece of steak into his mouth, looked at Sang Jian, and chewed the steak in his mouth, as if he was talking in this way.

The program group next to it was dying of anxiety!
This man speaks!
Are you shy?Are you shy just to act?Then when he was acting in a TV series before, how did he act in the confession scene?
They didn't know that He Qingfeng was very conscious of authenticity.

When acting, he knew it was fake, and the matter was over after he finished speaking the lines.

But now it's different.

It seemed that he was speaking a line, but he knew in his heart that the next thing was his confession to her.

I was so nervous that I was a little embarrassed to speak.

He Qingfeng has been doing psychological construction for himself.

Just when he was about to speak, Sang Jian on the opposite side put down his knife and fork, put his hands on the dining table, sat up straight, looked at him seriously and said, "But the name of the last episode of this program is: Do you want to try it?"

He Qingfeng: "...Huh?"

Isn't that his line?

Seeing the bewildered He Qingfeng on the opposite side, Sang Jian smiled, "Actually, when you chose me in the third round, you were ready for this part, right?"

" chose me too." He Qingfeng replied following her words.

Sang Jian nodded, "So I'm ready for this round!"

"Actually, I have always liked you very much. You have been my first choice from the very beginning. Oh, of course, you don't have to take the mate selection criteria I mentioned at that time as one thing. No matter what I said at the time, I Your first choice will always be you."

"As for why I like you so much...well..."

Sang Jian raised his hand to touch his chin, closed his eyes halfway, and began to think seriously.

He Qingfeng: "..."

Has she started following the process?

But shouldn't he go through this process?

It's the last issue, and let the girls take the initiative...

Mmm... great!
Now he really wants to know why she likes him so much.

Already started to look forward to it.

"Probably because... I think you are cuter?" Sang Jian combined some of his own thoughts and what the original owner did before, and continued: "The first time I asked you out for dinner, I was relatively innocent at that time. , I didn’t go to clarify it because I saw that the scandal was relatively popular later.”

"At that time, I was thinking, I have not clarified, will you be so anxious that you call me to beg me or something, you just posted a sentence on Weibo to explain, and you never cared about the scandal at that time Yes. Adhering to the attitude of believing it or not, the result has caused my popularity to drop so much... Poof..."

Speaking of this, Sang Jian couldn't help laughing out loud.

He Qingfeng: "..." Let's stop turning black history.

It was also the first time he encountered such a thing at that time, and he was new to the fire, and the team was immature, so he had to do that.

"Later, I met you for the second time in the crew. I was very happy to see you. After all, he was my first gossip boyfriend. It is not an exaggeration to call it my first love. I always thought that you would hate me and wanted to keep a distance from me, but you No."

"Afterwards, I participated in this program. The more we get along, the more cute you are, and then I feel that I can take care of you. What about you? Do you want to be taken care of by me?"

(End of this chapter)

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