Chapter 1086 Gossip First Sister (73)

He Qingfeng pursed his thin lips tightly.

I was a little shy and dissatisfied.

Why do you always describe him as cute?It sounds weird, and he's not a girl!

Without waiting for him to say anything, Sang Jian said to himself again: "Then I should talk about my own shortcomings, right?"

He Qingfeng: "???"

Isn't it a true confession?She is leaving completely according to the procedure given by the program team!

He Qingfeng slightly widened his eyes.

Sang Jian thought about it seriously, and finally said after a long time: "My biggest shortcoming... is my shortcoming of you."

I don't know why, Sang Jian blurted out this outrageous old stalk.

He Qingfeng: "..." The heartbeat was finally brewing, because this sentence almost turned into a myocardial infarction.

Why is she always able to break people's work in a second when the ambiguous atmosphere is about to reach its peak?
Seeing that He Qingfeng's face was a bit stiff, Sang Jian clenched his fists to his lips and coughed lightly, "Cough... Seriously, the only shortcoming is probably too much black material? I promise I will never associate with other little fresh meats in the future. Apart from you, I won't gossip with anyone anymore, is that okay? Are you... willing to believe me? "

This is what the program group advertised before.

Gossip first sister, dedicated to love.

But this is what she really wanted to tell He Qingfeng.

"If you are willing to believe me, then we..."

"Would you like to try it?"

Sang Jian took out a carefully packaged rose from somewhere, and handed it to He Qingfeng.

"When I came on the first day, my roses were not sent out. Will the roses on the last day be sent to the person she expects?"


He Qingfeng quickly put down the knife and fork in his hand, and seeing her serious look, he nervously wiped the sweat from his hands on his pants.

Then he stretched out his hands and solemnly took the roses that Sang Jian handed him.

"If it's me she's expecting, then of course it will be."

After He Qingfeng replied to Sangjian, he looked down at the delicate rose in his hand, and his cheeks were slightly red.

In the next second, he frowned, raised his head and whispered to Sang Jian, "Then I can't speak the lines I prepared?"

It seemed that she had taken her part of the scene, and he didn't know how to proceed with the process he should go through now.

"You can talk now." Sang Jian held his face in his hands and looked at him expectantly.

How can she just confess by herself?
Doesn't he express his feelings?
He Qingfeng: "(ω)"

Or forget it, anyway, this link is over.


He Qingfeng glanced at her secretly, if it's all over, wouldn't she be unhappy?

Do you think it's her own unrequited love again?

"I..." He Qingfeng hesitated for a while, and then said slowly: "I like you too..."

"You may not believe it when you say it, probably when we met for the second time."

At that time, he had a good impression of her.

He has always felt that Sang Jian's feelings for him are fast, and when he thinks about it carefully, his feelings for Sang Jian also come quickly.

In just two days on the set, her mood can already be controlled by her.

Even he can't believe it.

I have never thought about participating in variety shows, because I saw her saying that she would come to participate in this show, so he also came.

He naively thought that she came to this show because of her idol.

However, from the time she first chose herself, he realized that Tang Ge was never her goal, but he was.

In this way, he walked into her trap step by step, and then he was trapped by her tightly, probably he would never be able to escape again.

"I..." He Qingfeng lowered his head, seemingly absent-mindedly playing with the rose in his hand.

"I still have a lot of shortcomings..."

According to the process, it's time to talk about your own shortcomings.

Thinking that he had almost all unbearable shortcomings, He Qingfeng suddenly lost his confidence.

The time we spend together is so short now, and it's recording a show, so he hasn't shown his true nature. After the show, we've been together for a long time, will she despise him?
He Qingfeng was a little uncertain whether Sang Jian could accept it, and it was difficult to speak for a while.

"Why does He Xiaoyou have shortcomings?"

Seemingly seeing He Qingfeng's hesitation, Sang Jian suddenly stretched out his hand to hold He Qingfeng's hand that was so nervous that he had been playing with roses, "The flowers will be ruined by you, this is a gift from me, if it breaks, I won't give it to you." You gave the second one."

He Qingfeng: "..."

He quickly put the rose in his hand on the table, not daring to play anymore.

"I think you have no shortcomings, and neither do I. Two perfect people together are a natural match." Sang Jian said seriously.

That look didn't look like she was joking at all, as if she really thought they were perfect.

"This... this is what you said." He Qingfeng turned his head and whispered: "In the future, if you are like He Die who dislikes Bu Nannan, I... I will..."

After a long time, nothing came out.

He Qingfeng was a little annoyed, he grabbed Sang Jian's hand and said fiercely: "I want to try it with you, do you want to try it with me?"

After asking this question, as long as she agrees, this link will be completely over!
Sang Jian chuckled, "I thought about it a long time ago."

He Qingfeng pursed his lips.

how earlyShe really had a crush on herself three years ago!hum~

It must be because I fell in love with him after seeing the TV series he was popular at that time!
Thinking of this, He Qingfeng suddenly asked: "Do you know the name of the TV series I acted in three years ago? What did I act in?"

Sang Jian: "...Huh?"

Why are you asking this all of a sudden?

"Heh..." He Qingfeng sneered, let go of Sang Jian's hand, and said in a strange way: "I still can't compare to your idol~ You even remember the time of his debut clearly."

Sang Jian: "emmmm..."

Wasn't there an artificial system reminding me at that time?

They didn't remind her this time!
Regarding the matter of He Qingfeng, Gu should not remind himself that he does not count on him at all.

Sang Jian scratched his cheek, and whispered, "It's still recording the show..."

Save some face for her!

"Forgive you this time, you will memorize everything about me when you get back!" He Qingfeng ordered solemnly.

"Okay, I promise to complete the task!" Sang Jian promised.

He Qingfeng's face looked a little better now.

Although nothing happened between her and Tang Ge afterwards, He Qingfeng still had a bit of a taste when he thought of the clarification video that Tang Ge sent out at that time, she said everything about Tang Ge so quickly to prove her fandom.

If only her idol was herself.

Is it still too late to cultivate her into a fan of himself?
"Ka——It's over and we can call it a day!"

Just then, the director spoke.

"The two of you didn't follow the routine in the end, but that's fine too. Do you want to cut out the part where you two were arguing just now?"

"There's no quarrel?" He Qingfeng retorted: "We don't quarrel, haven't we ever seen jealousy?"

He Qingfeng picked up the roses on the table, grabbed Sang Jian's hand, and pulled her up from the chair.

Don't try to provoke their feelings!
Director: "..." He was just afraid that that segment would cause controversy if it was broadcast, so why didn't he know what's good and what's wrong!

"The next thing is the finishing touches. Just shoot a few private interviews. Go back when you're full." After he said that, the director couldn't continue, so he could only change the subject.

The next interview was to ask each of them whether they were satisfied with the result, whether the criteria for choosing a spouse at the beginning were the same as the current partner, and whether they met expectations.

Sang Jian and He Qingfeng naturally had nothing to say, the other party was his first choice.

It always has been.


After recording the program, Sister Liu drove to meet Sang.

He Qingfeng also had his little assistant to pick him up.

These people were not allowed to appear during the recording of the program group, because they were afraid that the guests would not be able to show their real situation.

So at this moment, these two people don't know about Sang Jian and He Qingfeng's situation. They only watched the first episode of the show, and they know that Sang Jian chose He Qingfeng, and He Qingfeng chose Sun Piaopiao.

It's embarrassing to say.

For example, now, Sister Liu and He Qingfeng's little assistant are standing at the door, waiting for their artists to come out of the villa.

Especially Sister Liu, if she hadn't been used to seeing strong winds and waves, she would have wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Because no matter Xu Sangjian or Sun Piaopiao, they are all artists in her hands!

After waiting for a long time, Sang Jian and He Qingfeng came out together.

He Qingfeng pulled two suitcases, and Sang Jian followed him empty-handed.

Sister Liu and the little assistant saw that the situation was not good, and there seemed to be something wrong with this situation!
"See you, Xu Sang, here!" Sister Liu hurriedly beckoned to Sang Jian.

Sang Jian waved to Sister Liu from a long distance away, indicating that he heard it.

In the next second, she turned her head and asked He Qingfeng beside her, "How to go back?"

"My little assistant is here to pick me up." He Qingfeng signaled Sang Jian to look in a certain direction.

"I know!" Sang Jian pouted, "Ah... so you mean we parted ways?"

"That's not what I meant." He Qingfeng stopped where he was, and quickly explained.

"Isn't it possible that what was said in the restaurant on the last day is uncountable?" He asked Sang Jian back.

Sang Jian folded her arms around her chest, turned her head and said, "I want to go with you, you want to go back alone! What I said in the restaurant at that time was sincere, if some people don't believe it, forget it. "

"I believe!"

He Qingfeng pursed his lips, and returned Sang Jian's suitcase to her, "You carry it yourself, I'm tired."

Sang Jian: "..." She reached out to take her suitcase, and in the next second, He Qingfeng grabbed her empty hand.

"Then you come with me."

He Qingfeng glanced at Sister Liu's surprised eyes, and under her murderous gaze, he pulled Sang Jian into his car bravely.

Assistant: "?"

Sister Liu: "?"

He Qingfeng pushed Sang Jian into the car, and handed over the luggage to the little assistant.

The little assistant hesitated for a moment, and seeing Sister Liu walking towards this side, he quickly put the two suitcases into the trunk, and then got into the car.

He stepped on the accelerator and left directly, blowing the exhaust fume on Sister Liu's face.

Sister Liu: "!!!"

Abducting someone in front of her in broad daylight? ? ?
Sister Liu hurried back to the car and asked the driver to follow.


In He Qingfeng's car.

He Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, glanced behind the window, and raised his breath again when he saw Sister Liu's car catching up.

"What should I do... Your manager won't be angry, will he?"

"She has already caught up, she must be angry." Sang Jian said sarcastic remarks beside him.

"It's only strange if the person who abducted her in front of her is not angry."

He Qingfeng: "..."

He was silent for a while, and retorted in a low voice: "It's not hers, you are mine."

"Then what are you afraid of?" Sang Jian tilted his head and approached He Qingfeng, raised his eyebrows at him and said, "After a while, tell Sister Liu loudly that I will be yours from now on, and she will not do anything to you."

He Qingfeng: "..."

Seeing Sang Jian's smiling face so close at hand, He Qingfeng swallowed, and avoided his gaze in a useless manner, "I'll tell you, don't be nervous when the time comes."

"Well...don't worry, if I get nervous, I'll hold your hand, okay?" Sang Jian held He Qingfeng's hand.

He Qingfeng grabbed it back, held it tightly, and said in a low voice: "Then you have to tighten up."

When he came out of the program group, he should have thought about what he was nervous about at this moment.

Sooner or later you have to face it!

The little assistant who was driving in front watched the two through the rearview mirror and didn't know what to say for a while.

Why does he feel... the obviously nervous person is He Qingfeng?

And Sang Jian is like an old fox, playing around with him.

Is this normal?

It's just that they haven't seen each other for more than a month. After they came out, they were really together?

When he was filming before, he felt that He Qingfeng's feeling towards Sang Jian was not right, plus Sang Jian's intentional or unintentional teasing, it's hard for an innocent man like He Qingfeng not to fall for him, right?

But he always felt that this was Sang Jian's trick. Who knew what she wanted to do?
What if when He Qingfeng fell into it, she dumped him again?
The assistant's mind is very active, and it's hard to say anything in this situation.

When the atmosphere between them was somewhat ambiguous, the little assistant asked inappropriately: "Should I go back to the company or go home first?"

"Huh?" He Qingfeng turned to look at Sang Jian, "Where are you going?"

"You abducted me, and you asked me where to go?" Sang Jian shrugged, "Where else can I go? You can't let me sleep on the main road, can you?"

He Qingfeng: "..." That's not what he meant!
But he understood what she meant!
She wants to go home with herself!
"Cough..." He Qingfeng coughed lightly, and said to the little assistant, "Go home first."

"Send Miss Xu home first?" The little assistant deliberately didn't understand what He Qingfeng meant.

Don't be what he thinks!
When the time comes, no one will comfort him when he is emotionally hurt!After all, Xu Sangjian's reputation is there, and if he is hurt by her, he will probably call him what he deserves.

Knowing what kind of person she is, she dared to plunge into it.

"Go back to my house." He Qingfeng frowned and said to the little assistant, "Let me introduce you, this is my girlfriend."

In other words, be more polite to Sang Jian in the future!

Assistant: "..."

This assistant can't last a day!I can't stop worrying!
It turned out to be exactly what he thought!
(End of this chapter)

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