Chapter 1103 Man, You Are Playing With Fire (9)

Su Kou watched the two of them leave, her teeth were about to be bitten.

After going out, Sang Jian couldn't help laughing, "I see, you are really not familiar with her."

Acquaintances can't do this.

Jiang Qi paused for a moment, then glanced back in the direction of Su Kou's cave, "This is still your territory, of course I want to discuss everything with you, if she wants to go tomorrow, she can take her with her."

In fact, it is really convenient to bring her along for many things. Su Kou can understand without explaining.

But he still prefers to explain, especially to Sang Jian.


After returning to his cave, Jiang Qi sat on the edge of the bed and refused to lie down.

He didn't sleep, so Sang Jian naturally didn't sleep either, sitting side by side with him.

The inside of the cave is very dark, only the faint light of the moonlight shining in from the entrance of the cave, and one can barely see the figure.

" seems a bit hot this you want to take a bath?" In the dark, Jiang Qi asked casually.

The purpose is to relieve embarrassment.

Before he realized what he said, he heard Sang Jian say, "Will you wash with me? Let's go then."

"Ah?" Jiang Qi finally realized, "No, I mean..."

He wanted to explain something, and when he thought about what he said just now, it really seemed like he was inviting her to take a bath together.


Sang Jian next to him has already stood up.

It seems that it is no longer possible not to go.

And she had a fight today, so she really should clean up.

Jiang Qi stood up and went out with Sang Jian again.

"Speaking of which, Ah Sang is very powerful."

Thinking of her fighting with the orcs of the Tiger Beast Tribe today, she doesn't look cowardly at all.

"Since you have this kind of strength, how can you be bullied into this kind of place?" He was puzzled.

"Don't ask, you don't like to hear it." Sang Jian refused to answer.

Jiang Qi: "?"

"What would I not like to hear? Could it be related to me?" The more he refused to listen, the more itchy Jiang Qi felt.

Sang Jian glanced at him, coughed lightly, and said solemnly, "This is what you want to hear."

"Because I became an adult last night. Before we become an adult, we will suppress our nature. After we become adults, we must release it. Once released, our strength will increase greatly. It just so happened that I had an extra partner last night, so I released it... um... ..."

Before she finished speaking, Jiang Qi covered her mouth with his hand.

"Okay, stop talking."

He already understood.

Jiang Qi stood behind Sang Jian, pressing her shoulder with one hand and covering her mouth with the other.

Needless to say, he understands what this release is releasing.

He really didn't like to hear this, it was too embarrassing.

So was it his fault or her fault last night?

Jiang Qi felt that his face was burning.

Maybe both of them are wrong?
Wait a moment……

"If it wasn't me yesterday, would you have found other males?" Jiang Qi asked seriously.

"Woooo..." Sang Jian wanted to say something, but he still covered his mouth.

Jiang Qi immediately released his hand.

Breathing fresh air, Sang Jian said honestly, "No."

If it wasn't for him, she would have taken the pill Gu prepared for her yesterday to restrain herself.

"Liar." Jiang Qi snorted lightly.

She herself said that she must release her nature when she becomes an adult, so how could she not find another male?
But luckily it was him.

Even knowing that she was lying, Jiang Qi was upset, but he was still a little happy in his heart.

"Ah Sang." He took Sang Jian's hand and called softly.

"Huh?" Sang Jian took advantage of the moonlight to lead the way to the small river.

Jiang Qi didn't know what he was thinking, he didn't look at the road at all, and relied on Sang Jian to lead him.

"I heard that one of your females will find multiple males as partners to protect themselves, is that true?"

Females are precious in this world, and a female will choose multiple strong males to take care of her.

At present, it seems that he is her first partner, in the future...

Without waiting for Sang Jian to answer him, he took the lead in expressing his attitude, "Our human rules, there can only be one female, so you..."

I won't be able to find them anymore.

"Don't worry, I'm not an ordinary female." Sang Jian squeezed his hand, stopped by the small river, and looked at him sideways, "There are very few of our snake tribe looking for a partner, only adults I will go out to look for them when the day is over, and most of them will choose to leave after that day, and a small number of them will be rejected by the males if they want to stay. So don’t talk about finding multiple partners, even if I want to find them, other males will not blindly look at me .”

"You mean I'm blind?" Jiang Qi said unconvinced.

"Yeah." Sang Jian nodded seriously.

Jiang Qi: "?" She really dared to say it!

Sang Jian pursed his lips and said: "If you are not blind, how could you eat so many love fruits, make yourself like that, and let me take advantage of you?"

Jiang Qi: "... If you say that, then I have nothing to say."

Having said that, Jiang Qi paused for a moment, and whispered in Sangjian's ear: "But I snake tribe often deceive males, let males leave cubs and then abandon males, is that true? I won't be deceived by you, will I?"

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking that he had heard what those tiger beasts said today, and he actually remembered them.

"Little Ah Sang, why don't you talk? You don't really want to lie to my cub, do you..." Jiang Qi wrapped one hand around Sang Jian's waist from behind, and placed it on her stomach.

Sang Jian: "..."

Let's say he has a thick skin, and he will feel embarrassed if he says a few dirty words.

Call him thin-skinned, what is he doing?
This kind of words can also be said!

Sang Jian stared straight ahead and said solemnly, "I'm infertile."

Jiang Qi: "?"

Suddenly, the hands on her stomach felt hot.

He paused, and immediately took his hand back.

"Ah... sorry." It's rare to be a bitch, and actually step on someone's pain.

"How do you know?" Jiang Qi wondered.

"Of course I know about my own body! If you don't believe it..."

Sang Jian, who was still serious just now, turned around suddenly when he said this, put his arms around his neck, looked up at Jiang Qi, and said with a smile: "If you don't believe me, let's try?"

Jiang Qi: "...don't, don't do this."

His voice became much hoarse.

I always feel that it is inappropriate, but I can't tell where it is inappropriate. They are already partners, aren't they?
What else is inappropriate?

Jiang Qi swallowed, stretched out his arms to wrap Sang Jian's waist, and when he was about to go further, the person in his arms suddenly softened.

"Okay, I won't be like this anymore, hurry up and go back to sleep after washing."

Jiang Qi: "!!!"

His eyes widened suddenly, and he wanted to throw the things in his arms, but he didn't dare to throw them.

After Sang Jian finished saying that sentence, his whole body changed back to the snake form, controlling the length to be about the same as his height.

The tail hovered around his waist, and the snake's head circled half a circle around his neck, hanging on his neck.

Just a little bit away, he was scared out of his mouth!
"Could you tell me before you change your body next time? I... I'm a little scared." Jiang Qi's mouth was trembling.

"But you said you have to get used to it." Sang Jian spat out the letter.

"..." Then don't be like this when other people are distracted!

"I'm afraid that you will be shy for a while, and I'm sorry to take a bath with me. I'm showing consideration for you." Sang Jian said in a serious tone.

"……thank you."

Jiang Qi hugged a snake expressionlessly and got into the water without even taking off his clothes.

By the way, I also washed the clothes.

Sang Jian wrapped around him the whole time.

When I went back, I was also hugged by him.

Coming out of the cold water, holding the cold snake in his arms, even in the tropical climate, he still felt a bit of coolness at night.

Of course, no matter how cold it is, it's not as cold as his heart!

She seems to like to sleep with her body, she woke up like this yesterday, and she probably will remain like this tonight.

What else can I do?Of course he chose to forgive her!


Early the next morning, Jiang Qi used the animal skins he got from the Tiger Beast Tribe yesterday to make himself a suit of clothes that fit the world.

Most of the male beasts in this world walk around the world in an animal skin skirt, and he can only do this, but he put a piece of animal skin on his upper body obliquely to cover his chest muscles.

Even though I have paid great attention to privacy, I still feel a little embarrassed.

Compared with fitness freaks, half of her abdominal muscles are exposed, and her two straight long legs are full of strength.

Sang Jian sat on the bed and looked him up and down.

In modern times, how many girls are fascinated by this figure.

In this day and age...

Weak chicken.

Really weak chicken.

The orcs of this era are much stronger than normal adult men, and they are muscular. Because they have been hunting outside for a long time, they are all tanned, shiny, and full of wildness.

And Jiang Qi should not have been exposed to the sun much, he is so white that he shines, even wearing such primitive clothes, he still looks like a big girl... less?

Just based on this point, the orcs here are disgusted.

Being swept by her eyes, Jiang Qi felt uncomfortable.

He tugged on his animal skin skirt and said in a low voice, "Isn't that okay? I also think it's weird to wear a skirt."

But this animal skin can't make pants!
Sang Jian coughed lightly, avoided looking, stood up from the bed, and said seriously: "It looks good!"

"Then you look at me and say it!" Look at other places and say it looks good, no matter how you think about it, you are lying to him, right?
Sang Jian turned her head, blinked at him, and said again: "It looks good!"

She just wanted to laugh when she thought of the word everyone's young lady.

Jiang Qi: "..." I looked at him this time, but I still felt that she was lying to me.

"Forget it, it's not appropriate to go to the Kingdom of Beasts today, at least in the eyes of other orcs, I'm not an outlier."

It was thinking of this last night that he took advantage of the opportunity to wash his clothes and pants.

Jiang Qi no longer struggled, stretched out his hand to hold Sang Jian, and was about to take her out together, when he saw from the corner of his eyes that she had just woke up, her hair was messy.

He pulled Sang Jian in front of him, "Squat down a little..."

"Huh?" Sang Jian didn't understand what he meant for a while.

Jiang Qi frowned, thought for a while, "Forget it, come and sit in front of me."

It suddenly occurred to me that the half-squatting position was too tiring.

He sat down on the animal skin bed, straightened his legs, "Come and sit."

Without further ado, Sang Jian sat on his lap with his back turned to him.

Jiang Qi combed her hair with his fingers.

Her hair is very long, reaching to her waist, and she usually doesn't know how to take care of it. It's black and smooth, and it's very plentiful.

Jiang Qi braided her a braid at the back for convenience.

Without a small rubber band, he directly pulled out a piece of hay from under the bed, wrapped it around a few times, and tied her in a tight knot.

very perfect!

"All right."

Jiang Qi looked at his masterpiece and was very satisfied.

Sang Jian stretched out his hand to touch it, and chuckled lightly, "Mate, you are really ingenious."

"Of course."

Jiang Qi was very proud at first, but in the middle of speaking, he suddenly remembered that this word usually describes girls!

How can he be described as a big man with ingenuity!
"Stop talking! Let's go!"

With a straight face, Jiang Qi got up with Sang Jian and led her out of the cave.


Outside, Su Kou had been waiting for a long time.

She also wore a fur skirt, and she looked no different from the females here.

The only difference is that she looks smaller and better-looking?The figure is also very good.

"I also need to go."

Seeing them, Su Kou said straight to the point.

"I guess you're going, but are you okay?" Jiang Qi was a little worried.

This trip, Jiang Qi was actually not sure.

Asan said that the orcs there might not welcome them.

He thought that it might be because she is a snake beast, and she might be prone to conflicts.

If Su Kou goes with her, the probability of accidents will increase again.

She is a beautiful female walking on the street, so she is easy to be spotted!
"You take care of yourself." Su Kou said angrily.

She looked Jiang Qi up and down, and finally sighed, her tone was much more serious this time, "You really have to take care of yourself..."

This figure is absolutely unique in modern times, but in this's easy to be punched flat.

Jiang Qi: "..."

"I'll take care of him." Sang Jian said aside.

Only then did Su Kou turn her attention to Sang Jian.

This snake girl, it was too late last night, so she didn't look at it very carefully. When I see her again in broad daylight today, the way she looks at her still makes her feel very familiar!

Su Kou was silent for a moment, nodded to Sang Jian, and said nonsense with her eyes open, "My brother is not in good health, thank you for your hard work."

Jiang Qi: "?" Who is in poor health?
"Let's go." Sang Jian held back his smile, calling the two of them to set off for the Kingdom of Beasts!

Wanshou Kingdom is not far from this forest, even if it is not far, they have walked for a whole morning.

The prosperity here is beyond Jiang Qi's and Su Kou's imagination.

They thought that this place was better than other scattered tribes, more organized and more regular.

Unexpectedly, a city-state has been established here, and there are big houses made of stones everywhere.

There are orc guards at the gate of the city.

There are orcs guarding it, but they don't restrict entry and exit, just to prevent orcs from making trouble.

So Sang saw a group of people go in easily, but when they went in, the orcs guarding the door took a few extra glances.

Normally, one female has multiple males, but this is the first time that one male has multiple females.

This male is doing well!

But no matter how you look at it, he is a little too weak, right?He doesn't even have the basic animal smell on his body!

The three didn't know what they were thinking.

Su Kou whispered: "I heard that everything here was planned and established by that witch."

So she thought she would meet the person who killed the heroine.

(End of this chapter)

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