Chapter 1104 Man, You Are Playing With Fire (10)

Sang Jian also knows the plot, and she understands Su Kou's thoughts very well.

For example, if she herself knew who killed her body, she would immediately want to see the level of the person who killed her.

It turns out that people who hold grudges have similar ideas.

But Jiang Qi didn't know the little girl between the two of them. Hearing Su Kou's words, he followed suit, "If an orc with a position like a witch has no ability, how can she sit in such a position?"


He looked at the streets where animals came and went, and he still felt that the witch's ability was too great.

There are many orcs setting up stalls on the street, and the orcs are trading in the form of barter, which seems to be very happy.

A world of orcs seems to have stepped into a harmonious society.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't it be them who traversed to lead these orcs to glory?
He hesitated for a moment, and said his guess, "Is this witch also a time traveler? The heroine who has been here before you?"

He said this to Su Kou.

Su Kou froze.

Even Sang Jian was a little surprised.

Has this person noticed it?She actually knew that Su Kou was the heroine!

Su Kou even shot at the past with a knife eye.

No wonder since she came to this world, when she saw him and Sang, she felt that they were weird!

"How do you know I'm the heroine?" Su Kou asked with narrowed eyes.

Jiang Qi blinked, "This is similar to the matriarchal society in the past. You are a girl, you have the absolute right to speak here, or you are a time traveler, what are you not a heroine? Unlike me, you are just a beast-shaped There are no boys. It’s written like this in novels!”

Su Kou: "..."

Sang Jian: "..."

Well, I overestimated the IQ of this person.

What kind of messy novels has he been reading before?

The corners of Su Kou's mouth twitched slightly, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you, go shopping by yourself, I'll walk around, and gather at the gate of the city later."

After speaking, he left Sang Jian and Jiang Qi aside and acted on his own.

It's not convenient for Jiang Qi and Sang Jian to know about her.

Jiang Qi looked at her leaving back, hissed angrily, and then looked at Sang Jian, "What does this person mean?"

"Let's go, what do you want to go shopping?"

Sang Jian pulled him regardless of his anger, and walked towards the surrounding stalls.

Jiang Qi snorted softly, and went shopping seriously with Sang Jian.

The more I walked around, the more frightened I felt. Even Sang Jian felt that the development of the Ten Thousand Beast Kingdom was too good.

Very polite and civilized, just different from their wild tribes.

I thought that Sang Jian would be the focus of this time, after all, she is a snake beast.

But I didn't expect that the person who received attention was Jiang Qi.

Along the way, there were orcs who kept looking at Jiang Qi, making Jiang Qi at a loss and uncomfortable.

At first, I thought it was strange that I was covering my chest. He covered everything that males like to compare with.

After walking all the way, I found that some males were more tightly covered than him.

That is, isn't that what he's wearing?
Is it really because of his figure?
They are bigger than normal people, and there are also people with normal body like Jiang Qi!Why are you staring at him one by one!
Could it be that he is too white?
Be puzzled.

In the end, Jiang Qi couldn't take it anymore and didn't want to go shopping anymore, so he dragged Sang Jian away.

Out of the city gate to wait for Su Kou.


Jiang Qi and Sang Jian were sitting under a big tree not far from the gate of the city, next to a small river.

There are not many trees here, and there is no shade. It is much hotter than Sangjian's snake beast tribe, especially when it is approaching noon.

"Su Kou won't go to the witch, will she?"

After waiting for a long time before Su Kou came out, Jiang Qi expressed his conjecture.

"Actually, I'm also a little curious about this witch." After visiting the Kingdom of Beasts, I felt more and more that my guess was correct.

That witch is likely to be a time traveler too!
"What do Ah Sang think of witches?" He asked Sangjian, "For example, when did she become a witch, and when was the Kingdom of Beasts established?"

"I don't have any opinion." Sang Jian leaned on him and said lazily: "The Kingdom of Beasts existed before I was born, but the scale was not so large at that time, and this witch also existed very early."

"Actually, many tribes have this kind of orc who is similar to a witch, just like Ashue in our tribe, she is a witch doctor."

"As long as you can cure diseases and save animals, and make contributions to the tribe, you can take that position, but there are not many orcs who can heal diseases."

So his conjecture was wrong, but not entirely wrong.

The witch may not be wearing it, but if she and Su Kou are wearing it, it's not certain.

"Is that so..." Jiang Qi held Sang Jian in his arms, lowered his eyes and pondered.

It's a hot day, but it's normal, no one wants to stick together.

Sang saw the difference, her whole body was cold, holding her was like holding a piece of ice, it was a magic weapon to relieve the heat, and she was reluctant to let go.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Qi said again, "Actually, I watched for a long time just now, and what they bartered was some meat and animal skins. There are all carnivores in Wanshou... Carnivorous orcs, right?"

"Well, after all, only meat can replenish energy, and the vegetarian orcs are very timid, and they don't want to live with these meat-eating orcs."

"Do you know where the vegetarian orc tribes are?" Jiang Qi suddenly had an idea.

Finally know how to develop.

He is a student of agriculture, so he can use it completely.

"Do you want to go there again?" Sang Jian looked at him.

Jiang Qi looked sincerely, "Is it okay?"

"..." Sang Jian hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Yes, but I can only tell you the general direction, and you and Su Kou will go together."

"? Why?" Jiang Qi frowned.

"The orcs over there are timid, and they will hide when they see carnivorous orcs. Neither you nor Su Kou have any animal smell, so you can relax their vigilance." She probably already guessed what Jiang Qi wanted to do next.

It is indeed a good idea. There are also many vegetarian orcs who farm their own land. Due to the weather, very few can be planted.

If he was willing to help, it would not be difficult to gain the trust of those orcs.

"..." Jiang Qi was silent for a while.

Finally agreed.

"I'll go by myself. You wait here for Su Kou. I'll go now and try to go back earlier." Since she didn't go, he didn't want to bring anyone else.

So as not to be misunderstood.

"fair enough."

After all, let him go out to exercise by himself.

Sang Jian sent Jiang Qi to the road of the vegetarian orc tribe, told him how to go, and then let him go alone.

After watching Jiang Qi leave.

Sang Jian returned to the gate of Wanshou Kingdom, looked at Su Kou who hadn't come out yet, hesitated for a moment, and re-entered Wanshou Kingdom.

This time she came alone, without wandering around, and went straight to Miko's residence.

According to the class system, the place where the miko lived was in the imperial palace.

The so-called imperial palace is just a stone house that is several times larger than the stone houses of other orcs, and it can be seen at a glance.

The more you go there, the more open it becomes. Usually, other orcs are not allowed to approach at all, and there are orcs guarding around.

Su Kou probably hasn't found a chance to sneak in yet.

Just as Sang Jian was thinking about whether to go in and see the witch, or go to Su Kou.

A loud noise came from not far away.

"Catch this female! She is the one who fell from the sky that the witches predicted before!"

With a yell, the male beasts who were exchanging items rushed out to intercept, while the females quickly found a place to hide.

Sang Jian saw Su Kou, who had a gloomy face, quickly shuttled among the orcs to escape.


This prophecy was not predicted when Su Kou came?But did you expect this kind of thing a long time ago?
So much so that all the orcs in the entire kingdom of beasts know about it.

If this is the case, then she probably knows why Jiang Qi was watched by so many people just now.

He doesn't smell like a beast, just like the "man" predicted by the witch from heaven.

It's just that the witch predicted a female, but he was a male, so the other orcs didn't act strangely towards him.

It was a good trading conference, but now it turned into a group of males chasing Su Kou.

Su Kou herself was petite, so she could easily navigate through this group of big men.

In an instant, almost all the orcs guarding the witch's residence chased her.

Sang Jian took advantage of the chaos and slipped in.

As an excellent tasker, she believed that Su Kou would not be caught.

Then go and see about the Miko, and leave it to her!


Sang Jian avoided the eyes and ears of all the orcs and sneaked into a stone courtyard.

This style of building a yard is very modern, but the stones here are all uneven and piled up ugly.

It will be more beautiful if it is made of wood.

One advantage of the uneven stone wall is that it is very easy to climb up.

Sang Jian jumped down from the top of the wall, and just as he jumped down, his shoulders were held down.

"Are you so courageous? Do one or two dare to run to my territory?"

A magnetic voice sounded behind him.

is a man.

Sang Jian suddenly turned around and slapped his hand away, stepped back a few steps, and only then could he see the person in front of him clearly.

He was wearing a cloak made of white tiger fur, which he wore on a hot day to cover himself tightly.

With the hood on, his face could not be seen at all.

Compared with other male beasts, his figure is too petite, even smaller than Jiang Qi.

If he hadn't spoken just now, Sang Jian would have thought he was a girl just like this.

So...the witch is a man?
Sang Jian couldn't believe it and asked: "Are you a witch? Are all witches so perverted now?"

Witch: "..."


He actually spoke just now!

I was so angry that I couldn't hold back, so I spoke, and it was exposed!

The witch endured it, and raised her finger to the door, "Get lost!"

Anyway, I have already spoken, and it doesn't matter if I say another word.

"Tsk tsk tsk, why are you so grumpy? I'll go out and tell the other orcs that you're a male!"

Sang Jian made a gesture to leave.

The witch trembled, and sneered in the next second, "Who would believe a snake beast? Ridiculous!"

"It's true that no one will believe it, but it's nonsense, anyone can! You can tell others that you are the one who destroyed the beast world, and I can tell you that you are a male who deceives the beastmen! What's more, what I said is the truth!" Sang Jian Shrugging his shoulders, he looked indifferent.

She doesn't care whether others believe it or not.

"Oh~" The witch realized something when she heard this, "So you were with that woman, so I can't keep you."

Originally, she was an orc and wanted to save her life.

Since you are in the same group as the woman just now, let's all die here!

After saying this, the maiden flicked her tiger robe, and a white hand stretched out from under the robe to catch Sangjian.

The attack was fierce, but Sang Jian grabbed his wrist as soon as he raised his hand.

"Look at your hands, you are so young!"

Not more than twenty tender.

"How many years have you traveled?" She asked bluntly.

The witch froze.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" He raised his other hand and hit Sang Jian on the back of the head.

"Go away!"

Sang Jian just wanted to shake him off, but as soon as he let go, the whole body of the witch flew out.

Su Kou, who ran away just now, came back at some point.

As soon as she climbed to the top of the wall, she saw that the pervert was going to beat Sang Jian, so she quickly jumped off the wall with a flying kick and kicked the pervert flying.

At the same time, it landed firmly beside Sang Jian.

She frowned and said impatiently, "Why are you here?"

"I still want to ask you!" Looking at Su Kou who ran back, Sang Jian was also very irritable, "What are you doing running back? I will be surrounded and suppressed soon!"

She came here while Su Kou was attracting firepower. Now, all the orcs know that she is with her!
"If I don't come over, he will shoot you to death!" Su Kou said angrily.

She glared fiercely at the miko who fell to the ground.

After being kicked by her kick, the witch flew out and lay on the ground, the hood on her head fell off, revealing his young and immature face.

It is said that he is too old in his twenties, and he is about fifteen or sixteen years old.

"You didn't learn well at such a young age, pretending to be a witch to deceive people! You dare to spread such rumors, trying to kill me, it seems that there is a lack of social beating!"

Su Kou lost her temper, and regardless of Sang Jian beside her, she raised her leg and walked towards the witch, making a gesture to beat him up!

She sneaked in here just now to take a peek at the witch, but she happened to see this young man taking a bath. At first, she thought he was not the so-called witch.

She was planning to look elsewhere, but forgot that orcs have sensitive noses, so she was quickly discovered.

It was only later that I found out that this young man was the so-called witch.

He didn't speak just now, he put on his clothes and came out and gestured to the orcs outside. Those orcs understood in seconds, and then started her big escape moment,

The more he thought about it, the more he got angry, and decided to come back and beat him up!
There are still orcs chasing her, but she can't control that much.

However, before Su Kou had time to fight, Sang Jian grabbed her wrist.

"Let's go! I really can't run away in a while, there are too many people on the other side!"

Hearing the yelling and yelling outside, it is estimated that all the beasts in the entire Ten Thousand Beast Kingdom are chasing after them.

She doesn't want to be surrounded here!

"..." Su Kou was a little unconvinced.

Before leaving, he stretched out his leg and kicked the little witch man hard.

(End of this chapter)

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