Chapter 1105 Man, You Are Playing With Fire (11)

The two of them jumped out of the wall in an instant, and they didn't linger for a while.

Leaving the Kingdom of Beasts was also a small path, and he did not leave from the main entrance.

All the way back to the forest of the snake beast tribe, the two of them relaxed.

Su Kou suddenly realized something, "Where's Jiang Qi? Is he willing to leave you alone?"

She said that she seemed to have forgotten something along the way, and it turned out that she had forgotten Jiang Qi.

Isn't that guy inseparable from her?
"He has something to go elsewhere." Sang saw.

Su Kou glanced at her, "You really don't mind letting him run around in this unfamiliar place by himself."

She wouldn't really regard Jiang Qi as a person from this world, would she?

She glanced at Sang Jian again, and a certain vague memory emerged in her mind.

Wait a minute, when she just arrived, this female orc said something strange to that little witch man, right?
She mentioned time travel, right?
"You..." Su Kou narrowed her eyes dangerously, and looked up and down Sang Jian.

She felt more and more familiar with her breath.

She looked exactly like the woman she never wanted to see again.

It happened that Sang Jian tilted his head at this moment, and met her eyes.

The two looked at each other, and a smile flashed in Sang Jian's eyes.

Su Kou's heart tightened, she turned and ran subconsciously without any hesitation.

What a bad luck!With that smile, it was Sang seeing that woman again!

However, in the next second, a hand of fate grabbed the back of her neck, grabbing her back like a kitten or puppy.

"Don't go! Let's talk!"

Sang Jian dragged Su Kou back.

Originally, I wanted to grab her clothes, but she only had a thin piece of animal skin, which would fall off if I pulled it off, so I could only use this method.

"What are you talking about! Don't think that I really can't beat you!" Su Kou yelled.

After going back to the last world, she thought about it over and over again, why did she admit to being cowardly in front of Sang?

He has never tried it before, what if this person is a novice?What if she wins?

All kinds of thoughts made her regret at the beginning, and there was nothing she could do at that time, she had already given up.

This world originally wanted to make a big deal and bring back the place in the previous world, but unexpectedly ran into her again!

"You really linger!" Su Kou gritted her teeth and said.

"Don't say that."

Sang Jian walked around her body from behind her, walked in front of her, and stood face to face with her.

"Everything is easy to discuss, and I haven't cheated you, have I?" Sang Jian blinked at her innocently, "What's more, I went to save you just now."

No blush at all.

It’s okay if you don’t talk about this, but when you talk about this, Su Kou will get angry, “It’s okay if you don’t come, I know you are with me since I came here, let’s see when your snake clan will be wiped out! I’m going to run away .”

Su Kou stretched out her hand to push Sang Jian away in front of her with no expression on her face, and was about to leave without looking back.

Sang Jian staggered a little step by her push, and after standing still, he curled his lips into a chuckle, "Do you use this way to escape whenever you encounter something?"

"The aggressive method is useless, goodbye! No, never again!"

She never wanted to see this woman again!

It's not a good thing to meet her!
"Hey, have you forgotten your current identity? Mistress?"

Sang Jian walked towards her slowly.

Hearing this, Su Kou stopped, as if remembering something, turned to look at Sang Jian, with a smug smile on his lips, "That's right, I am the protagonist in this world, and my task is to take the protagonist's breath away." Take luck away, I will commit suicide right now! Not to mention luck, my life is in my own hands!"

As soon as she turned around, Sang Jian's cold arm wrapped around her shoulder, and she seemed to have a good relationship.

Su Kou frowned, but she didn't refuse, she wanted to see what other flowers she could come up with!

"Don't worry, do you know what my mission is?" Sang Jian tilted his head and asked with a smile,

"Your task is to catch foreign taskers like us?" Su Kou squinted at her.

I remember she said in the last world that she came to punish herself.

It's just that in the end, maybe seeing that she didn't do anything out of the ordinary, so let her go?
She is not a character who wants to run away when encountering something, mainly because she wants to run away when she meets her.

Sin!Nie Yuan! !

There are so many foreign taskers, why are they being targeted by her every time!

"No." Sang Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in a frivolous tone, "My task is to protect the protagonist."

Su Kou: "...You are crazy."

She couldn't hold back her disgust and said, "Why didn't you protect the protagonist in the last world?"

When she knew that she had bad intentions for the protagonist, during the recording of the variety show, she got along with the protagonist every day, and she never came to stop her.

On the contrary, as long as she makes a small move towards the man who is not the protagonist, she has to come out and interrupt.

Who is she protecting?

"In the era of the rule of law in the last world, he didn't kill himself, so he didn't need to protect him at all." Sang Jian said earnestly, "This world is not good, you were recognized by the big witch as the person who destroyed the world as soon as you came, after you have collected enough harem, Will be killed by him. There must be a way to avoid this plot, right?"

"It's just right to kill you." Su Kou folded her arms around her chest, and said angrily, "I just can leave you."

"Tsk, why are all these scumbags talking? Why do you keep thinking about leaving me? Is it because I'm not beautiful enough or attractive enough?"

Su Kou: "..." Isn't this pure disgusting person?

Before she could answer, Sang Jian said again: "It's already here, and it's still the protagonist, why don't you experience the treatment of the protagonist?"

Su Kou: "..."

If she said that, she was really moved.

The protagonist has always been whoever is cool, especially in this kind of world of cool texts.

Although she will be killed by the pervert pretending to be a witch later, but if Sang is there, she will help herself avoid this problem.

"Oh~ Your suggestion is actually very good." Su Kou suddenly smiled, with a bit of malice.

"You said just now, take over the harem, right? I remember that Jiang Qi is also one of the protagonist's harems, have you read all the plots? Then if this is the case..."

Sang Jianpi smiled and stared at her.

Su Kou was secretly refreshed, but asked: "Speaking of which, is he your lover? Does every world follow you through? If I also take him into the harem, you won't be angry, right? After all, according to Let's go with the plot!"

Thinking about it this way, she immediately understood why Jiang Qi had accepted the status quo in just one day, and was already inseparable from Sang Jian.

This kind of fetter in the depths of the soul, just a glance, can pour out the love hidden in the heart.

Seeing that Sang Jian's expression became more and more ugly, Su Kou felt more and more happy in her heart.

There is a feeling of finally winning her once!

But within two seconds of this feeling, Sang Jian smiled.

Still the kind that couldn't hold back.

"Pfft ha ha ha... You don't think I'm really going to get angry, do you?"

Su Kou: "?"

"The smiling face is a bit stiff, just rest for a while, I think it makes you happy." Sang Jian reached out and rubbed his face.

She let go of Su Kou's shoulders, rubbed her face with her hands, and said jokingly: "Don't worry, you are not his type, even if I agree, he won't let you succeed."

" are insane!!" Su Kou was angry.

What the hell is it that your face froze with a smile and rested for a while? !
"Is that why you trust him? In the last world, I didn't have the aura of the protagonist. It's normal for him not to be fascinated by me. This world is different, everyone will fall in love with me!"

This is not Su Kou's nonsense, all the protagonists she knows are like this.

Just like Da Tong, who was a little crazy at the beginning, when we met, he acted as if he wanted her. This kind of feeling is really too hypocritical.

"It's hard to explain the reason for this to you." You can't tell her that a certain person is a man-made human, and he doesn't understand feelings at all other than facing her, right?

That kind of feeling was cultivated by her since she was a child, and ordinary people can't replace it.

If she had to talk about a rival in love, she might admit to Yuan.

After all, Yiyuan is also the one who has been with him all the time.

"Then let's try?" Su Kou didn't believe in evil, "It's just that I didn't seduce him. My protagonist wants to seduce someone, so won't he be able to do it in minutes?"

"I advise you not to." Sang Jian smiled and looked at her.

"What?" Su Kou narrowed her eyes, "Are you scared?"

"Emmmm... I trust him very much, but this is not a reason for you to test him casually. Besides..."

Sang Jian paused for a moment, and said bluntly: "Although he will treat you as crazy, I will also be jealous."

Su Kou: "..."

It's really straightforward.

Think about it carefully, she is the protagonist in this world, what is she afraid of?
She went to hook up with Jiang Qi, would Sang Jian kill herself?
As if knowing what she was thinking, Sang Jian said softly, "The behavior is serious, it will kill you."

"You don't need to bother! I'll kill myself! I'll kill myself, okay? Cut, whoever likes to be the protagonist!" At worst, she ran again!
Since her task is to protect the protagonist, she doesn't believe that she can't handle Sang Jian!

At the end, she added, "Do you believe that I committed suicide for you?"

The attitude is very arrogant.


A dagger was suddenly thrown to the ground by Sang Jian, and Sang Jian made a gesture of invitation to her, "It's fine, you can do it yourself, after you die, I will take your head to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Beasts, maybe it can be done for you." We Snake Clan get some good rewards."

Su Kou: "...are you a human being?"

Where did she get the dagger?Su Kou quickly touched her body, isn't that the dagger she has been hiding on her body for self-defense?
Sang Jian said solemnly: "I am a snake, puff puff puff~"

"..." You are a dog!
Su Kou was furious, bent down and quickly picked up the dagger on the ground, put it back on her body, gave Sang Jian a hard look, and strode towards the snake tribe without looking back.

"Now that perverted witch already knows that I belong to your snake beast tribe, heh, I want to watch you destroy the tribe with my own eyes!"

This is a compromise, and I am still stubborn.

Sang Jian shrugged indifferently, and followed her back to the tribe.


Jiang Qi hasn't come back yet, Sang Jian guessed that he should come back soon after dark.

So I was busy with other things all afternoon, such as cutting a bunch of bamboo back.

This was what Jiang Qi discussed with her last night when he stayed up in the middle of the night, and asked her to take him to get some bamboo back when she had time, and make a door at the entrance of the cave, otherwise the wind would leak out when sleeping.

You can also make a bamboo bed and sleep on the ground all the time, which is easy to get rheumatism!
He didn't know if snakes would get rheumatism, anyway, he, a young man, couldn't stand it, so he had to start his health from a young age!Otherwise, I will regret it when I am old!

The habits of humans and snakes and beasts are different. Sang Jian knew that he was hypocritical, so he was more hypocritical. Anyway, he made it himself, because she "can't".

Su Kou was at the entrance of her own cave, eating a sour banana, watching Sangjian who was busy with Ona, not understanding what she was going to do.

This place is bad for everything, there are quite a lot of various fruits, but they are all primitive and unimproved fruits, and the taste is not very good.

But it's good to have something to eat.

"What did you learn when you went to the Kingdom of Beasts? Why is the Empress so busy when she comes back? Where's Jiang Qi?" Aona stood beside Su Kou, asking questions.

Su Kou glanced at Aona, and before she could answer, Aona looked thoughtful and muttered to herself, "Is this the current situation in the Kingdom of Beasts? Use this kind of tree to make things? See It sounds so complicated."

Su Kou snorted softly, "I'm afraid I didn't learn it in the Beast Kingdom, but some hypocritical men... hypocritical men asked for it."

"Only your empress is willing to pamper him. If it were me, I would kick him away! I love to sleep!"

As soon as Su Kou saw these things, she knew what Sang Jian wanted to do, no, it should be said what Jiang Qi wanted to do.

After all, Sang Jian still has to pretend to be her current identity, and she won't do things like using bamboo that don't fit this world.

You say Sang Jian obeys the rules, she dares to do anything sometimes.

Let's say she doesn't follow the rules, and she pretends to be very good at such trivial details, she is simply a showman!

Su Kou couldn't see through Sang Jian at all, and always felt that she was difficult to understand.

This world is facing Jiang Qi, and she has been acting. In the last world, facing her exclusive male lead, she is also acting.

Even before the two of them knew each other, the worlds where Sang Jian was doing missions were probably acting.

Accompanied by a person who doesn't remember herself in every world, it's really good of her patience to act for so long.

Su Kou thinks that she can't do this.

But how could such a patient person help the Space-Time Administration?

Su Kou couldn't understand it.


Sang Jian saw that the bamboo was almost done and stopped. Jiang Qi came back just before he could catch his breath.

Both of them were sweating profusely, as if they had just finished their work.

When they saw each other, they were stunned for a moment.

Holding a pile of things, Jiang Qi saw Sangjian's appearance and the bamboo piled up at the entrance of the cave, and instantly understood that she was going to work while he was away.

Quickly put down the things in his arms, and trot towards Sangjian.

"Didn't I say that the two of us will go together when we are free?"

"We did it with our help, she is not tired!"

Su Kou, who sat eating melons at the entrance of the cave opposite, helped Sang see the surrounding road.

At this time, in order not to worry their men, the gentle and caring women would say that they were not tired.

Old routine!So Su Kou helped Sang see first.

Hearing her voice, both of them turned their eyes to her.

Sang Jian rolled his eyes, threw himself into Jiang Qi's arms in the next second, and said aggrievedly: "Don't listen to her nonsense, I did it all by myself. I've been doing it all afternoon, but I'm tired."

Su Kou: "..." Why didn't this woman play her cards according to the routine?
The next second, she suddenly realized!
She just said what was weird all afternoon, so it was here!

She is obviously an empress and can order people around at will, but she doesn't!

I just want to sell miserably on purpose!
(End of this chapter)

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