Chapter 1107 Man, You Are Playing With Fire (13)

The two looked at Jiang Qi at the same time.

Seeing his blank eyes, Sang Jian couldn't help but smiled, raised his hand and patted his head, "We're discussing how to help your sister escape the sanctions."

These words made Jiang Qi even more confused, "What's wrong with her?"

Jiang Qi looked at Su Kou suspiciously.

He didn't know the plot in the original world, and he didn't know much about what the group of orcs said just now. After all, he didn't hear anything about the matter between the witch and Su Kou.

This matter is not something worth hiding, Sang Jian hesitated, and explained: "Before you appeared, the witches of the Beast Kingdom predicted that there would be an alien female who would destroy the world in the future. If found They must be arrested and executed."

"Today she went to the Kingdom of Beasts together and was discovered by the witch, and now the witch is sending orcs to hunt her down."

"It sounds good to be a witch." Su Koo said disdainfully: "It's just a pervert who disguises himself as a woman! His own gender is a lie, and what he said has an orc letter, which is strange."

Su Kou gets angry when she thinks about it.

So the original owner died at the hands of this kind of person?
She expressed incomprehension.

Were the harem collected by the original owner all trash?The witch has such a big flaw, but none of her companions found it.


Hearing what Sang Jian and Su Kou said, Jiang Qi fell into deep thought.

There is such a saying.

Is that witch really that powerful?Even Su Kou's arrival could be predicted.

So does it mean that the so-called witch will also know the information of traveling back?
Thinking of this, Jiang Qi immediately threw this thought out of his mind.

No, he cannot leave at this stage.

"Actually, your sister-in-law is right. You can use your tricks to inquire about the situation."

After thinking about it, Jiang Qi felt that what Sang Jian said just now made sense.

Since the witch is so powerful, asking her to inquire about the situation may really reveal some unknown secrets.


After finishing speaking, he suddenly realized something, turned his head and looked at Sang Jian, "How do you know this word?"

Does this term already exist in this age?

"..." Sang Jian blinked, a little confused by Jiang Qi's question.

His focus is on this?

"I taught her."

Su Kou explained impatiently, "We escaped back today, so I talked to her a few more words."

"Okay, I will do as you said." When it was time to cover, Su Kou never hesitated.

Jiang Qi glanced at Su Kou strangely, always feeling something strange.

But Su Kou looked displeased, and if she continued to ask, she would probably hit someone.

But Sang Jian's face was full of innocence, which made him feel embarrassed to continue questioning her.

It's not a question, it's just a little weird.

Without asking any more questions, Jiang Qi threw the lighter to Su Kou, "Then let's start cooking."

Su Kou: "?"

"I really convinced you two, the more you live, the more you go back? You can't even cook, why don't you starve to death?"

She cursed and picked up the lighter, and reluctantly went to barbecue.

Okay, the two of them can't touch each other, when she leaves tomorrow, she will see how the two of them will live their lives in the future!
I hope that by the time she comes back, the two of them will have starved into two corpses. This would be a great joy.

Jiang Qi found the firewood, found a small pile, and Su Kou sat at the door of his cave to light the fire.

Jiang Qi and Sang Jian were sitting far away from each other, discussing matters with other orcs in the tribe.

Jiang Qi found a few solid stones by himself and made a stone ax and a hoe. I don't know how long it will last, but it should be fine to use today.

He picked out two of the bamboos that Sangjian brought back today, chopped them into equal lengths with a stone ax just made, and made the two ends into sharp shapes.

The stone ax is blunt, but it is much more convenient to use than ordinary stones.

"A few orcs who are going to hunt tomorrow, come with us in a while, I will teach you how to hunt, and a new place to hunt."

"With this method, your empress will not be with you in the future."

Jiang Qi had thought about it for a long time before. As the leader of the tribe, Sang Jian should lead them to hunt and rush to the front in everything.

But if there is a simple and trouble-free way of hunting, if you only need to send someone to pick up the prey every day and bring the prey back, then she doesn't have to follow.

Sure enough, she was still reluctant to let her go hunting, what if she got injured?
"You just use these things? Can it work?" Ona expressed doubts about the things Jiang Qi made.

"Try it and you'll know." It's useless to explain something, but to prove it with facts.

When everything is done, Su Kou's barbecue will be ready.

But Jiang Qi was not in a hurry to eat, and Sang Jian was not in a hurry either.

Both of them eat cold food, and there is still time to eat when they come back.

So under the leadership of Jiang Qi, the group returned to the forest that he had hoped for before.

There were almost no orcs in this forest, but a lot of animal feces could be seen around, which was enough to prove that there were traces of animal life in this area.

Jiang Qi observed the traces on the ground, and began to dig holes with stone hoes where there were many footprints.

He is very proficient in digging, but his physical strength is not good enough, and he is a little tired after digging for a while.

"I'll do it." Sang Jian reached out to grab the hoe in Jiang Qi's hand.

Jiang Qi avoided her hand, "Don't make trouble, little Asang, you go and sit on the side."

The orcs who came around were basically sitting beside him, watching him busy alone.

He didn't call anyone else, so how could he let her come?
"So what does this mean?" Ona followed, completely ignoring what Jiang Qi was going to do.

Jiang Qi just stood to catch his breath, and pointed to a large circle of land that he had dug out around him, "Dig a hole in this place, and then insert these bamboos, and then some wild animals will fall in."

"Are you a fool when you think of a beast? When you see a pit, you don't go around it?" Ona expressed her incomprehension.

"So you need to find some vine-type weeds and spread them on top to cover the pit."

Ona: "..." His explanation sounded somewhat understandable.

"Then why don't you tell us earlier, just leave this kind of thing to us, and go find weeds."

Ona called other orcs to help.

I didn't know what he wanted to do before, but now that I know, it's easy to start.

The thing in his hand dug up the soil so slowly, it was not as fast as they dug with sticks.

Jiang Qi: "..."

"Let's go, they are females, but not the females in your impression."

Sang Jian forcibly pulls Jiang Qi away.

She can understand Jiang Qi's thoughts.

Because this tribe belongs to her, and all of them are female, and as the only male, he should be able to do many things by himself.

Even if it is not to take care of other females, it must also fulfill the responsibility of being her only partner.

However, this tribe has always been female, and the existence of such a long time is enough to prove the strength of this group of females.

It's just that he is rejected by too many tribes now, so he has to retreat here and want to live a stable life.

When it comes to doing things, they are not necessarily worse than males.

"..." Jiang Qi saw the orcs who were sitting just now, and under the leadership of Aona, they were already looking for sticks to dig holes.

Because there are no orcs in this forest, and there are many weeds around, it is easy to find a large area.

After walking a little further, Jiang Qi whispered: "Actually..."

He paused, hesitating whether to speak or not.

"What's the matter?" Sang Jian stopped pulling weeds, and seeing his hesitant expression, she said softly, "You mean, Aona is more suitable to be an empress than me?"


She guessed it right.

After two days of his observation, he found that the orcs in the snake tribe seemed to trust Aona more.

But he was afraid that if he said it, Little Ah Sang would think that he was a bad male who was trying to provoke her relationship with Ona.

"Don't look at how young she is. She is from my grandmother's generation. Later, when my grandmother had an accident, she put me in this position. Before I was an adult, I didn't understand many things, but she took care of them. It's normal for me to have prestige."

" that's the case." Jiang Qi scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

Sang Jian looked up at him, and said amusedly, "You were brought back to me by her own hands. You must know that in our tribe, almost every single male he encounters will be killed by himself. How could he give it up to others? female?"

Jiang Qi: "..."

So if he bumped into a selfish lizard that day, he was done?
Thinking of this, Jiang Qi shivered inexplicably.

"She treats me very well, so you don't have to worry. Even if she wants my position in the future, I can give it to her." Sang Jian said indifferently.

"Yes." Jiang Qi replied softly, "Sorry."

He shouldn't be guessing.

"There's nothing to apologize for, it's just that you've only been here for a few days and you haven't figured out the situation of our tribe. You'll know in the future, you can leave many things to Ona, and you don't have to do everything yourself, you will be exhausted of."

"I see." Jiang Qi nodded solemnly.

Because of these words, Ona was later arranged by Jiang Qi to do a lot of work, causing Ona to wonder all the time, who gave Jiang Qi the courage to order her all the time?

After Jiang Qi and Sang Jian finished pulling the weeds and went back, Ona had already led people to dig a big hole, and the speed was so fast that no orcs even cried out that they were tired.

This physical fitness is indeed higher than him.

Seeing that the dug was more than one meter deep, it should be almost the same.

"It's almost enough to dig to this extent, and insert the bamboo in."

For things like planting bamboo, Jiang Qi went there himself, he was afraid that other orcs would not handle it well.

The bamboo should not be inserted too neatly, otherwise if the force bearing surface is too uniform, the beast will not be stabbed to death at all.

A group of two sticks are inserted sparsely, but it is guaranteed that the large beast will be killed no matter where it falls.

Normal people can stand through these gaps.

After finishing it, Sang Jian pulled him up, and he arranged for other orcs to gently spread weeds on it.

That way you can pick up the beast tomorrow.

It's a very simple hunting technique, it's already dark after finishing it,

The other orcs are not very optimistic about this method, but they have been arguing with Jiang Qi for so long, so they can only believe it once.


After going back by the moonlight, Su Kou had already fallen asleep, and there was still Jiang Qi and Sang Jian's dinner on the simple barbecue grill at the entrance of her cave.

The weather is very hot, even if it has been so long, it will not feel very cold to eat, and it can even be said to be just right.

Jiang Qi tasted like chewing gum.

Although Su Kou's craftsmanship is better than her own, the tasteless barbecue is still hard to swallow.

Sang Jian next to him ate with gusto.

Every time he saw this situation, Jiang Qi would feel emotional in his heart.

His poor little friend, who has lived for so long, has never had a real meal.


He must find some seasonings and cook a real meal for the little friend!

Thinking of this, Jiang Qi only ate a small piece, and the rest went into Sang Jian's stomach.


After dinner, the two took advantage of the moonlight to go to the river to take a bath again.

This time when he came to the river, Jiang Qi squinted at Sang Jian beside him, as if he was waiting for something.

"Why don't you leave?" Sang Jian reached out and tugged at him.

"You..." Jiang Qi opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but didn't know how to speak.

According to the normal situation, should she turn into a snake?

She's almost in the water, why hasn't she moved yet?

"What's wrong with me?" Sang Jian blinked, pretending to be stupid.

Jiang Qi avoided her gaze and asked tentatively, "I... Shall I wash it for you?"

"Is what your partner said true? Since you are so active, come on."

Sang Jian pursed his lips slightly, and after speaking, he let go of Jiang Qi's hand and went directly into the water.

She raised her hand and splashed a handful of water on Jiang Qi, "Come on!"

"'s not like this..." Jiang Qi was stunned.

Become a snake!He can help her wash it!
It's a bit embarrassing for people...

"What's that like?" Sang Jian put his hands on the shore and looked up at him, "I can't do it like this now? Don't you like my animal shape better? But you said you were afraid yesterday."

"..." She wasn't ready yesterday, but if she was ready today, she wouldn't be the same again.

He wanted to explain something, but didn't know how to explain it.

After a long silence, he slowly got into the water.

I didn't take off my clothes. Fortunately, I won't be shy.

Really not!

"Ah...mate, you are so coy." Sang Jian sighed in disappointment, an imperceptible light flashed in her eyes, and in the next second, she leaned towards Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi was startled, and then, a soft and cold snake wrapped around him.

"Since you like my animal shape, that's fine." Her tone sounded a bit helpless.

"Hmm..." Jiang Qi replied in a daze, heaved a sigh of relief and felt a little lost.

With her like this, he doesn't have to be embarrassed, but he can't take advantage of anything.

Very tangled mood.

"So you really like beasts..." Sang Jian murmured to himself.

Jiang Qi didn't pay much attention to the meaning of her words, he just wanted to go back quickly after washing.

It was a sentence that he subconsciously ignored, which led to a snake wrapped around him everywhere he went the next morning.

A certain big snake was black from inside to outside, its tail wrapped around his waist, and its upper body half wrapped around his neck, and it refused to change back no matter what.

"Little Ah Sang, I still have to go out to do something..." Jiang Qi's tone was somewhat pleading.

"But partner, you said you like my animal shape... Can't you go out to meet people with me?"

Jiang Qi: "..." There are traps everywhere inside and outside the words!
(End of this chapter)

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