Chapter 1108 Man, You Are Playing With Fire (14)

"I can't help it..." Jiang Qi felt a little headache.

There is no way to do things.

When a normal person sees this situation, he may think that he is holding a pet snake and has no other thoughts.

But this tribe is all snake beasts, so in the eyes of other snake beasts, it must be different.

Do you think he is doing things inappropriate for children in broad daylight?

"Do you think I'm heavy?" Sang Jian didn't seem to understand the meaning of his words, and decided to hang on to him no matter what.

"I don't mean that..." Jiang Qi couldn't say anything more.

"Then get out quickly, Su Kou will be sent away."

The two of them hadn't gone out early in the morning, and they had been struggling with this matter.

Jiang Qi dawdled, reaching out to hold Sang Jian's tail wrapped around his waist, this tail seemed to bring him a swimming ring.

But this is really shameful! ! !

I should have known that I would not have said that kind of thing last night.

There was no other way, Jiang Qi had no choice but to bite the bullet and go out.

Everyone else in the tribe was waiting for Sang Jian to come out and prepare to send Su Kou away.

When it was Jiang Qi who came out and Sang Jian was entangled with him, the expressions of all the orcs were indescribable.

Su Kou was so startled that the corners of her mouth twitched all the time.

"Cough...then what..." Ona had to be in charge of the overall situation.

"Don't watch it, you guys, it's easy to dream if you watch too much."

To be honest, this kind of operation is still normal in the eyes of their snakes and beasts, and it can only prove that they have a good relationship.

And the man who made Snake Beast emotional is also so tolerant of Sang Jian, which shows that he has good feelings for Sang Jian.

It is really difficult for the snake beast to have a true relationship.

So it's really easy to dream if you see too much of this situation.

"..." Jiang Qi blushed slightly, and gently scratched Sang Jian's snake body, indicating that it was time for her to speak.

Seeing that the snake eyes swept over Su Kou who was being escorted by several orcs, Sang spat out the letter and said, "You can send her away, go back early and give her to the orcs at the gate of Wanshou Kingdom. You don't have to go in and mess with her." Unnecessary trouble."


A few orcs responded solemnly, and pushed Su Kou away, which seemed to be a prisoner.

Before leaving, Su Kou rolled her eyes at them, expressing her disdain for their behavior.

Sang Jian and Jiang Qi saw it and didn't take it seriously, so they could only wish her good luck.

After sending Su Kou away, Jiang Qi tilted his head and whispered to Sang Jian who was leaning on his shoulder: "Can you come down? It's time to get down to business."

He was too embarrassed to speak to this group of orcs all the time.

"But what should I do? I didn't sleep well last night, and now I don't have much energy, so I don't want to come down." Sang Jian remained motionless, like a dead snake.

"Why didn't I sleep well..." Jiang Qi frowned, recalling last night, he didn't do anything!But he was almost suffocated by her again!
"It's just boring." A big python acted like a baby on him.

The picture is extremely scary.

"...Let's go, the remaining orcs follow me to the river."

Jiang Qi endured it, and finally let Sang Jian go.

He supported Sangjian with one hand, picked up the hoe at the door with the other, and led the orcs to the river, ready to find a plot of land for farming.

"By the way, did the orcs who went hunting today go to the place where we dug the trap yesterday? How long did it take? They should be back soon, right?"

He remembered what happened yesterday when he dug the trap. There were not many orcs in the whole tribe, so some of them should have gone out.

Ona nodded, "They went early in the morning. If they can't catch their prey, they won't come back."

That is to say, they haven't come back now, which has a high probability of proving that his trap yesterday failed.

Ona didn't say this kind of thing clearly, after all, Sang Jian was still there, so she always wanted to save some face for Jiang Qi.

However, just as Ona finished speaking, from another direction of the tribe, two orcs were carrying a prey.

This beast was several times bigger than what they usually fight by themselves, and an orc couldn't carry it at all.

"Come and help!"

The returning hunting team yelled at the orcs here.

Ona's eyes widened, and she immediately brought the orc over to help.

One of the orcs said: "There is another end in the pit. We really can't lift it anymore. We have to go back after putting these down. This trap is really useful!"

Ona: "..."

Slap her in the face.

But that's fine, as long as the orcs in the tribe can eat enough.

Jiang Qi silently breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this little trap didn't embarrass him!

"It turns out that the partner's method is useful, and they will trust you more in the future." Sang Jian said in Jiang Qi's ear.

Jiang Qi felt her snake letter slipping past his ear, which made him shiver uncontrollably.

"Hmm..." He blushed in response.

It's going to kill her, she's just a snake now!

I used to think that she would be very shy when she became a human, but why can't even snakes be tolerated now?
"Let's go, partner, I'm looking forward to what you will do with them next." Sang Jian said softly.

Only then did Jiang Qi come to his senses. He nodded, and then, as if remembering something, he reminded the orcs who were about to enter the forest again, "When you come back in a while, get some pointed bamboo knots like the one I made yesterday. The ones in it need to be replaced from time to time, otherwise the prey will be flattened if there are too many sharp points, and then it will not be lethal."

The other orcs didn't have any objections, after all, his method really made it easy for them to obtain prey.

"So what are you going to do next?" Ona walked over again leading the other orcs.

This time is different from the casual look just now, and finally has some trust in Jiang Qi.

"Learned from the vegetarian orcs yesterday and prepared to plant the land." He dumped the fact that he knew how to farm to the vegetarian orcs.

Otherwise, it is easy to be questioned.

Even so, Jiang Qi was still questioned.

Ona, who was full of expectations, immediately said when she heard this, "We don't eat grass."

They are carnivorous orcs!
"A combination of meat and vegetables is the only way to be healthy!" Jiang Qi said disapprovingly, "Look at your empress who eats meat every day, her body will soon fail at a young age... This is nutritional imbalance!"

There's no way, he can only talk about Sang Jian, who is not working hard on him now.

Ona frowned, glanced at Sang Jian, and couldn't hold back, "Is there a possibility that you gave her too little food?"

Jiang Qi: "?"

"Usually our empress has three mouthfuls and one little beast. Ever since you came, she has to eat something that has been burnt. It's fine if it's been burnt. I still make a little bit of it every time. It's not enough for the empress to squeeze between her teeth. Can she work hard?" ? You haven’t passed out from hunger yet, so you’re considered to be in good physical condition!”

Jiang Qi: "..."

Sang Jian: "..." What nonsense are you talking about!

She is indeed very hungry now, and she is still tolerable.

What's more, it feels good to hang on to Jiang Qi without doing anything.

" that so?" Jiang Qi remembered that the day he first came here, he asked her how much she wanted to eat, and she hinted that she was a whole beast.

In the end, half of it was charred by him, and she only ate a small half. She didn't eat much until today.

No wonder I just said that I can't get up, because I'm hungry.

Jiang Qi pursed his lips, tilted his head to look at Sang Jian expressionlessly, and just bumped into Sang Jian's snake eyes.

He hesitated for a moment, then turned to Ona and said, "The prey just now, I want the biggest end."

"You are the queen's partner, so naturally you should be given the best, but wasting food will be cursed by the beast god." Ona reminded.

Burning half and eating half like last time, if it happens again, he will really be cursed!

"I see."

"Shall we eat first?" Jiang Qi asked Sang Jian softly.

There is strength after eating.

"I'll eat with you." Sang Jian said.

"I... I can't eat raw meat." But if he can eat it, he won't be hungry.

Now he can't even eat the cooked ones.

"Then roast it with fire." Sang saw.


Jiang Qi was silent for a while, and finally nodded, "I will try my best to overcome it."

Isn't it just burning fire?

Their whole tribe is afraid of fire, and adding him is no shame!
But he can overcome this fear, then he is the best!

Jiang Qi encouraged himself in his heart.

He asked Ona to help carry a beast to the river, skin it and clean it, gather wood to make a fire, just like the first time.

But this time, he didn't throw the lighter as soon as he used it, although he still had to light it several times before lighting it up.

In order for Sang Jian to have a complete meal, he was able to stay one meter away from the fire this time without any protection.

In this way, the status of the food can be observed at any time.

Jiang Qi looked afraid and tried hard to overcome it, and Sang Jian looked at it happily on the stone next to him.

It can be seen that he is not really afraid of fire, but just a psychological effect.

He is a human being now, and the high temperature will not affect him other than feeling a little hot.

At present, it seems that he has improved a lot from completely adapting to the appearance of a human being.

"Let's just say, is this necessary?" Ona felt that the scene was very familiar.

He just came that day, isn't it the same?
Later, Sang Jian went to help.

Although Sang Jian was not asked to help this time, she can obviously eat it alive!What do you have to do if you have to go through the fire?
"Don't you think he's cute?" Sanjian asks Ona.

"..." Ona fell silent in confusion.

She just felt that she was cheated by Jiang Qi.

Obviously she can eat raw meat, but if she is forced to eat roasted meat, she will have bad intentions at first sight!

"I suddenly felt that it was not a wise move to bring him back." Ona was a little annoyed.

"No." Sang Jian looked in Jiang Qi's direction, "If you hadn't brought him back then, my coming-of-age ceremony might not be able to go on."

Ona: "? I'll bring you another male."

"I'm talking about other males."

"If it wasn't for him, the next day you will find that the other males you brought will be eaten by me, leaving only a puddle of blood." Sang Jian said seriously.

Ona: "..."

I don't understand what Sang Jian meant by this, could it be that she still picks on men?

But why is this male... no matter how you look at it, he is weaker than other males.

And it's a strange habit.

To eat, you have to eat fire, and you have to learn vegetarianism. The orcs began to grow grass to eat.

Ona couldn't figure it out.

In the end, Yu Sangjian just likes this kind of weird male, and she doesn't want it normally.

While thinking about it, Jiang Qi over there suddenly beckoned to this side, "The meat will be roasted for a while, Aona, you bring someone over here, I just picked up firewood and saw a good geomantic treasure land, I will teach you how to open up wasteland, you I will bring other orcs out in a while."

Ona: "..." Who gave him the courage to use himself like this?

Even the empress dare not shout at her!
"Go quickly, he will grow delicious things." Sang Jian said to Ona.

"It's not a question of whether it tastes good or not, the problem is that we eat meat." What grass to eat!
Ona complained in a low voice, stood up and walked towards Jiang Qi.

But because he has no malice towards the tribe and is Sang Jian's partner, he is only willing to follow her.

But for now, since he joined the Horde, it seems that every day has something to do.

In the past, the other orcs in the tribe were just waiting for the orcs who went out to hunt to come back every day. They had nothing to do and worried about whether other tribes would attack.

Now... I am almost used to being ordered around by Jiang Qi every day.

It would be a good thing to keep other orcs in the tribe from being busy in fear.


As soon as Aona walked towards Jiang Qi, she saw Jiang Qi coming towards her, thinking in her heart that this kid finally knew a little bit and knew to pick her up.

As a result, in the next second, he brushed past him, quickened his pace and walked to Sang Jian, and reached out to hug Sang Jian, the snake coiled on the stone.

Sang Jian also cooperated with Jiang Qi.

Although this position is inconvenient for working, Diusang couldn't bear to see a person coiled here, so he felt better with her.

"Ah Sang, promise me that you will change back when you have strength after eating, okay?" Jiang Qi said seriously while hugging Sang Jian.

"I... I like your human form better... Ah, of course it's not that I don't like your current appearance, the main reason is that I can hold your hand in your human appearance... It's easier to hold your hand when you are sleeping. , it’s still a little inconvenient to hold you, but if you become a human, I can hold you for whatever you do.”

Afraid that Sang Jian would set him a trap again, he said the two possibilities that he thought she would say.

Now she can't say anything, can she?
Jiang Qi felt that he was smarter this time, but the next moment he heard Sang Jian's lost voice sounded again.

"It turns out that you like to hug me like this when you sleep... Then we can't do that kind of thing in the future? We are partners, and you don't like it after doing it once. What is the difference between me and the widow snake? I'm so pitiful..."

"No, no... I don't like it! It's just that you... I..." Jiang Qi was a little incoherent.

His face was flushed with anxiety. This topic was a bit too sensitive. When she brought it up like this, he wanted to explain something, but he was too embarrassed to speak.

After holding back for a long time, he whispered back: "If you don't turn into a snake when you sleep at night, there will be another time..."

There was a bit of grievance in his tone.

It is obvious that she turns into a snake every time she sleeps, so he has no chance to do it!

(End of this chapter)

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