Chapter 1109 Man, You Are Playing With Fire (15)

"Is that so..."

Sang Jian seemed to understand Jiang Qi's meaning, "If you said that earlier, I would not return to my original body."

"Partner, do you know that sleeping with the body is trust in you?"

"Ah?" Jiang Qi really didn't know this kind of statement.

Sang Jian explained solemnly: "It is said that the animal form is stronger, but at the same time it is also very fragile, especially when sleeping. If an orc with a heart finds out, it can easily kill me."

So when she slept with him, she always kept the animal shape, which is her trust in him!
"Sorry, this is the first time I've heard..." Jiang Qi was a little embarrassed.

He always thought that she liked to sleep with her body.

"Thank you for your trust." Jiang Qi said seriously: "But I still hope that you can become a human being when you sleep. After all, we are partners..."

Couples should do couple things!
"Well, I know, next time." Sang Jian agreed with Jiang Qi's words.

Ona, who was by Jiang Qi's side, glanced at Sang Jian, was there something she didn't say?
For example... Although the main body is easier to expose its weaknesses, basically no strange orcs dare to approach them?

Even while sleeping.

They will wake up when they hear a little trouble, and there will be no chance of being attacked at all!
Ona complained silently in her heart, not ashamed to say it out.

Maybe this is the reason why she has no partner until now, and the empress has completely taken down this partner in just a few days?

Always learn to open your eyes and tell lies.


After a while, Jiang Qi has arrived at the field he had been optimistic about before.

Weeds are overgrown and there are no trees around. Don't be afraid that the nutrients in the soil will be absorbed by other plants. Just clean up all the weeds in the soil.

Jiang Qi was still thinking about his own barbecue, but first drew a rough area with a hoe, then pulled out some grass, and then used the hoe to turn over the soil where there was no grass, demonstrating to other orcs.

Because Sang Jian was hanging on him the whole time, it made it a little inconvenient for him to move, but it was difficult to complete this.

"Just ask if you don't understand, do you have to stagger when digging?"

One of the orcs spoke silently.

Jiang Qi: "..."

Because he was a little tired after pulling the weeds, and there was such a big snake hanging on his body, when digging the soil, he couldn't stand firmly a few times...

"Don't ask, you can dig it any way you want, as long as it has this effect."

Ona hurried over to take a picture of the ignorant child.

A discerning eye can tell that the empress' partner is not in good health!He can't hold the empress a little bit!How did this kid ask such a question? It's really naughty!
"Cough..." Jiang Qi coughed lightly, and said perfunctorily, "Well, dig whatever you want."

Stop asking.

He raised his hand to support Sang Jian who was on his body, and he was determined not to let her be so willful in the future, and he would never go out like this again!

He left this sentence and let the other orcs be busy. He carried Sang Jian back to the stone just now, put Sang Jian down gently, and then turned to watch his barbecue.

Be sure to keep an eye on it this time, otherwise, if it burns a little, she will eat less, and she will starve.

Taking advantage of Jiang Qi not paying attention, Sang Jian swam away in a flash.

When she came back, she had turned into a human again, wearing the animal skin skirt that Jiang Qi made for her.

It's just that he didn't wear his coat today. He took a shower yesterday, and the coat got wet. Jiang Qi washed it by the way, and it's still drying.

Jiang Qi was still struggling to poke the fire with a wooden stick, so he naturally stood as far away as possible.

After stabbing the fire, he had to turn over the meat again. With his previous experience, he was not so scared this time, but he would still prepare himself mentally.

Just as he was about to get close to the fire, a small white hand grabbed the stick with the beast meat on it and easily turned it around.

The wild animal meat has been grilled until it is sizzling, and the original aroma of barbecue comes out. If it is sprinkled with seasoning, I don't know how fragrant it will be.

Too bad there's nothing here.

Or maybe there is everything, but I haven't found it yet.

Jiang Qi was stunned for a moment, and in the next second, he reached out to grab Sang Jian.

"Get away from here!"

I wanted to grab Sang Jian and stay away, after all, she was more afraid of fire than myself.

But he didn't think that this pull didn't pull her.

Instead, Sang Jian pulled her to her side.

"Actually, it's not that scary." Sang Jian stared at the jumping flames and said softly, "Is this the feeling of warmth?"

Jiang Qi: "..."

She herself is a snake without temperature, so she shouldn't feel the warmth, but when she got close to the firelight, she could feel the warmth.

Thinking about it this way, it's really not that scary anymore.

Standing beside Sang Jian, Jiang Qi fell silent for a rare moment, and his fear of the fire light was a little less in his heart.

As for why he is afraid of fire and high temperature things, he himself is not clear, as if he was born this way, obviously he was never burned by fire when he was a child.

This feeling of natural fear is wonderful.

But now after listening to Sang Jian's words, the feeling is even more amazing.

He could feel the temperature from being too close to the fire, as well as a slight burning sensation, as if... it wasn't that scary.

It's just that I feel a little flustered for no reason, and it's not a big deal.

Jiang Qi was immersed in the suggestion of convincing himself not to be afraid of fire in the future, and Sang Jian who was beside him suddenly turned to look at him, and said with a smile, "But I prefer the warmth of my partner's arms."

"..." Jiang Qi came back to his senses, he didn't know whether his face was scorched by the fire, or it was a little hot because of shyness.

He lowered his eyes, avoided Sang Jian's gaze, and responded softly: "Then I will hug you next time..."

"Is it okay to hug like just now?" Sang Jian tilted his head.

"No!" Jiang Qi refused without thinking.


It's okay in his own tribe, but if he still behaves like this when he goes out, then he will really be ashamed to face others!
"That's really a pity." Sang Jian raised his eyebrows.

"...If you really like that, you can only be in our tribe." Is this the head office?

Anyway, all these orcs in the tribe have seen him, he has already lost his face, and it's okay to lose his face again!
"Okay, then it's settled." Sang Jian slightly hooked his lips.

Jiang Qi glanced at her, and seeing her happy face, he couldn't help being a little happy.

Forget it, nothing is as important as her happiness!

It took a long time, and the two finally made decent food this time.

Jiang Qi put out the fire and waited for the barbecue to cool down. This link will take a little time.

He dragged Sang Jian over there to inspect the work.

Led by Ona, a group of orcs worked quickly.

They know how to divide the work, some weeding and some digging, and more than half of it has been done.

What makes Jiang Qi more strange is that he feels that his barbecue is very fragrant, and he can also smell the strong smell here. What's the matter with this group of orcs not responding at all?

I read novels before, and the protagonists cook some delicious food, and these orcs will love it after tasting it!
what happened!

Is it because I haven't tried it?

That's really embarrassing, he baked it for Sang Jian, and it's impossible for others to taste it.

The problem is that if they really wanted to eat it, would they ask him how to make it?No one came to ask.

Jiang Qi fell into deep thought, didn't he do enough to attract the orcs?

If he can't even attract the orcs, then his idea of ​​leading them to open a shop in the future will be in vain.

After going to the Kingdom of Beasts yesterday, although there is a lot of emphasis on bartering, they are all food that needs to be processed. He wonders if he sells cooked food that no orcs are familiar with, will the business be better?
There is no common currency, even if you use items to exchange, you should be able to exchange a lot, right?
But as of now, that doesn't seem to be the case.

What's the problem?
Jiang Qi couldn't figure it out by himself, so he could only ask the orc around him what he thought.

"Ah Sang... do you really like to eat barbecue?" Although she eats it with relish every time, now seeing the reactions of other orcs, he is not sure if she really likes it.

"Do you think they didn't respond and are doubting themselves?" Sang saw his thoughts at a glance.

She tilted her head and approached Jiang Qi, and said softly: "Actually, you don't have to worry about it. Carnivorous orcs like the smell of fresh blood. Although the barbecue is good, it is too clean and there is no bloody smell. For carnivorous orcs, this kind The food is inedible."

"..." The words awakened the dreamer.

He actually forgot about it!

Many orcs just like the smell of blood, but he is a human being, and cooking and eating are not allowed to have the slightest smell of blood, especially humans have come up with various methods to remove the smell.

For this alone, the road of gourmet food will not work.

and many more……

In this case……

Jiang Qi suddenly realized something, turned his head to look at Sang Jian, "Then you have been eating unpalatable food?"

Fortunately, he was full of confidence before and felt that she had never eaten delicious food!It turned out that the clown was himself!
Realizing this, Jiang Qi suddenly reached out and hugged Sang Jian tightly into his arms, feeling like he wanted to rub her into his bones.

It must be because she wanted to eat this kind of food, or because he baked it, so she resisted the unpalatable taste and ate it with relish, so as to comfort his soul.

His little friend is really touching!

Sang Jian: "..."

Being hugged is a bit inexplicable.

His current mood is also a little inexplicable.

But you don't need to guess, he must have come up with something strange again.

Sure enough, after being silent for a while, Sang Jian heard Jiang Qi whisper in her ear, "I won't force you to eat barbecue next time, you can eat whatever you want..."

You don't have to wrong yourself just to make do with him.

Speaking of which, she ate with him these few days, and after being hungry for so long, she looked weaker.

"Ah...Thank you partner for understanding, but I still have to eat today's food."

Psychologically, Sang Jian is still willing to eat cooked food. Physically, she is a snake beast now, and she really thinks that fresh and bloody beasts are better...

"..." Thinking of the scene where Sang Jian was about to swallow wild animals, Jiang Qi was still a bit unacceptable, but he still managed to say: "...Well, long live the understanding."

Long live the understanding!

Even if he finds it difficult to accept, he must understand Sang Jian!
Ona on the side: "...You two, go, go after eating, don't get in the way here, okay?"

After running here for a long time, I just got bored there and didn't know what to do!
Only then did Jiang Qi remember the purpose here, he paused, let go of Sang Jian, pretended nothing happened, and began to inspect the work.

"Well... when you dig the soil, you have to take out all the roots and other things that are turned up on the ground and throw them away, otherwise they will sprout after a while."

Ona: "..."

Sure enough, he would use his brain to order them orcs.

But this is really helpless, after all, this male looks weaker than them.

"What seeds did you bring back from the orc tribe yesterday?" Sang Jian asked curiously.

Speaking of this, Jiang Qi was a little excited, "Some wheat seeds, I thought there were no such things here! But they never watered, and the place where they were planted was also very dry, so the harvest has not been good."

It was the poor production that led them to think that this kind of thing could only be like this, so they gave Jiang Qi a lot.

And when they eat this kind of food raw, they don't think it's delicious, but it tastes a little sweet when chewed, so they are willing to grow it all the time.

Jiang Qi told them to water frequently. After all, the weather here is very hot, and if they are not careful, they will easily dry up, and of course the yield will be poor.

After teaching them some methods, they successfully obtained the seeds.

This is also the reason why Jiang Qi chose to open up land by the river. At that time, he can dig a ditch to bring water directly, which is much more convenient.

"There are too many things that this wheat can make. When the time comes, I will plant the first delicious one for you to taste."

Jiang Qi patted Sang Jian's head in a good mood, "I will definitely make cooked food that you really like."

He doesn't believe that there are so many Chinese delicacies, and they still can't catch her stomach!

Although she is a snake and has different tastes from normal people, he doesn't care!

He treated her like a normal person!
"I never questioned you." Sang Jian smiled.

Never question Chinese food!
"Ah, by the way, we have other things to do this afternoon." Jiang Qi suddenly remembered something.

"You guys do it first, we're going to do other things." After finishing speaking, he took Sang Jian back to eat.

If you want to make delicious food, you must have pots and pans. These things can only be made of stones at present, and you have to find stones in the afternoon.

There is also the cave door that has been delayed for a few days, and it will also be set up.

Suddenly I feel busy.

Jiang Qi carefully planned what he was going to do next, while tearing up the meat and feeding it to Sang Jian beside him, and occasionally giving himself a bite.

At his speed, it is estimated that he ate for more than an hour.

Sang Jian felt a little pain in her buttocks from sitting.

He said that he understands long live, and he can't let him feed after that, it's too slow!

After dinner, Jiang Qi told Sang Jian what he thought, and Sang Jian took him to find Shitou first.

Not far from the tribe, next to the Tiger Beast tribe, there is a stone mountain with many stones on it, which will definitely satisfy Jiang Qi.

Going to Stone Mountain, it is inevitable to be close to the Tiger Beast Tribe. Since the orcs of the Tiger Beast Tribe were beaten by Sang Jian last time, it has been quiet for a while.

However, the only witch doctor in the Snake Tribe, Axue, was in the Tiger Beast Tribe, so naturally their injuries would not cause any major problems, as Axue would treat them.

This is also the reason why this group of orcs are dissatisfied with Ashe, a snake beast, but they are also willing to let her stay in the tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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