Chapter 1110 Man, You Are Playing With Fire (16)

When the two first arrived, they saw a group of tigers and beasts walking in the direction of the hunting forest in a panic, including their leader Da Tong.

But this group of orcs seemed to be in an emergency, and they didn't notice Sang Jian and Jiang Qi at all.

They looked at each other, seeing confusion in each other's eyes.

Could it be that an orc was injured in the woods?
But didn't they have Ashe following them?
I can't figure it out, and I have no interest in continuing to think about it.

The two didn't pay much attention to it, and went to the mountain to move two big rocks down.

Jiang Qi was afraid that Sang Jian would be tired, so he asked her to move a smaller one, but he was the only one who suffered.

I thought that a small rock would be heavy for Sang Jian, but she lifted it up easily, and even freed up a hand to support him from time to time.

Jiang Qi: "..."

How could this be?
A world where only he was injured appeared!

"Aren't you tired?" Jiang Qi was sweating profusely.

"Are you tired?" Sang Jian asked back, "You can give me all the stones."

"Don't be brave." Jiang Qi withdrew his gaze, refusing to admit that he was weak.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, a snake tail suddenly flung out, easily rolling up the big rock in his arms.

This is the power of the orcs!
Jiang Qi: "..." He forgot that their orcs have different strengths from his.

"Do you need a hug?" Sang Jian said seriously: "You can step on my tail, and I will take you away."

"No need..." He wasn't at the point where he couldn't walk!

However, at the next moment, Jiang Qi suddenly moved towards her, and silently stretched out his arms to hug her waist.

Well, he's trash.

When Sang saw her lips curled up, she immediately hugged him and put him on her tail.

Sometimes it's not a bad thing to have an extra giant tail.

"You are indeed different from other... females." Jiang Qi whispered.

Most females are more dependent on males, especially in their world.

That's why there is a situation where one female has multiple males, and the purpose is to let these males protect themselves.

But little Ah Sang is different, let's talk about relying on him... Sometimes I feel this way.

But more often, such as when strength is needed, he is mostly dependent on her.

Are their positions reversed?
Why do I feel more and more that he is a good wife and mother?Sew clothes and cook at home, and she does the rest of the work?

Jiang Qi shook his head hastily, and threw this terrible idea out of his mind.

He let go of Sang Jian, jumped off her tail, coughed lightly, and sorted out his emotions, as if the person just now was not him.

"Uh... Ah Sang, I'm usually very strong, but today... um... I didn't eat enough, so I'm bored, just like you in the morning. Haha... You see, you've had enough food today, and your strength is great. "

Make a lame excuse and get this out of the way.

"Well, you're right." Sang Jian didn't expose him, but instead said: "After you finish everything you said, your partner should also eat well!"

"Hmm..." Jiang Qi responded, obviously out of breath.

With a guilty conscience, he lowered his head and followed Sang Jian, and stopped talking.

After a while, his eyes didn't know what he saw, and he stopped.

"Wait a moment……"

He pulled Sang Jian's arm, then let go, and quickly ran in a certain direction.

"This thing is wild chili!" He said that in such a primitive place, it is impossible to find any seasoning food, right?

He grabbed a small chili pepper, ran to Sang Jian, and confirmed to her, "Have you ever eaten this thing?"

Sang Jian also recognized it, it was indeed Pepper.

But she still looked at the things in his hand, and replied seriously: "We eat meat, so we don't eat these things."

Jiang Qi blinked, broke open the chili pepper, smelled it, it was very pungent, very authentic spicy taste.

"I just want to ask, won't there be any strange reaction after eating this?"

He still remembers the day he first came here, and after waking up for a while, he picked a few "apples" and ate them, and he had a strange reaction.

So much so that now that he sees things in this world, he doesn't dare to eat them at all.

"Probably not?" Sang Jian said with an uncertain tone.

"Hey, don't worry, I'll dig a few back and plant them."

Even if there are other reactions, he is not afraid now, he has a partner!
There were only a few trees around, and Jiang Qi carefully dug them out with the soil and roots.

In this way, he did not return empty-handed.


When they went back, Ona and other orcs had turned the ground, and Jiang Qi was very satisfied.

Immediately planted a few peppers that I dug out, ready to give it a try.

Before planting, I did not forget to pick off the ripe peppers on the top. Tonight's barbecue can finally have a little taste.

After thinking about it, Jiang Qi asked Aona and the others to dig out another piece of land a little further away.

Since we can find wild chili peppers, there may be other foods as well. I will often go up the mountain for a walk in the future, and dig up more pieces for preparation. What if the plants are full one day?
After arranging everything, he went back with Sang Jian, ready to break the stone and slowly polish it into shape.

There are no grinding tools in this world at all, so you can only smash what it looks like. Although it is not beautiful, you can still see the prototype of a plate and a bowl.

He also built a stone pot, a real stone pot, the kind where the broken stones can't be scraped clean.

It can only be used first.

This whole afternoon, Aona and the others couldn't wait for Jiang Qi and Sang Jian to inspect the work, so they couldn't help but come back first.

At this time, Jiang Qi and Sang Jian had already set up the stove at the door.

The stone pot is just right on top, so you don’t have to go to the river to light a fire next time.

But tomorrow I have to get a stone back, make a tank, and fill it with water.

But Jiang Qi himself won't go, it's shameful not to be able to lift a rock.

He had to find a way to get Ona and the others to go.

Ona: "?"

After thinking about what he should do tomorrow, Jiang Qi was in a good mood, and he spoke to Sang,
"I'll cook the beast soup for you at night, and make up for it."

"Use this?" Sang Jian was playing with a small pepper in his hand.

Jiang Qi's eyes widened immediately, and he slapped the little pepper in her hand away.

He taught Sang Jian like he was teaching a child, "You can't play with this thing! It's going to be hot, and if you rub your eyes with your hands again, you'll go blind! Don't play with it anymore, do you hear me?"

Sang Jian: "...I heard it."

"Oh no!"

Just when Jiang Qi was a little dissatisfied with her attitude and was about to say a few more words, the orcs who went to the forest to fetch the beasts this morning just came back now.

It's just that one came back with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and he couldn't see his previous appearance at all.

"Empress, our things were robbed by the orcs of the Tiger Beast Tribe!"

She ran back stumbling, fell to the ground and started crying.

"Originally there was another wild beast. When we were about to carry it, we happened to meet the orcs of the Tiger Beast Tribe. They insisted that they picked up the beast. It was unreasonable. After a few arguments, they called their leader over. We don’t give them a direct hand, and the other sisters have been knocked out and still haven’t woken up yet.”

She ran back as soon as she woke up!
Sang Jian: "..." So this afternoon they saw Da Tong running into the hunting forest in a panic, because of this?
"They've done so many times, but they really didn't pay attention to us!" Ona was so angry that she beat her chest and stamped her feet.

Jiang Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, "I'm afraid he is venting his anger."

"I haven't beaten Ah Sang before, and we took half of their granary away, so I picked this time to attack our people."

I didn't expect that even the orcs would use such a despicable method.

Sang Jian beside her stood up suddenly, she patted her hands expressionlessly, and said coldly: "Now come with me and slaughter the tiger beast tribe."

The original owner had endured so much and led the tribe back to such a place, and this group of orcs dared to invade.

She is not the original owner, and if she is wronged, she has to get the place back.

"Has this day finally come?" Ona said excitedly.

She had long wanted the little empress to rise up like her grandmother and lead them to attack the orcs who had bullied their tribe!
Her waiting was not in vain!

"I am coming too!"

Jiang Qi then stood up, picked up the hoe placed by the door, and prepared to follow Sang Jian to fight.

Sang waved to the other orcs without looking back, "Keep a few of you here, take good care of him, and don't allow him to go anywhere."

"A Sang?" Jiang Qi was taken aback.

And let people watch him, how is this different from watching a prisoner?

The key is that a few orcs really responded.

"let's go."

Sang Jian greeted the remaining orcs and rushed to the tiger beast tribe without giving Jiang Qi a look at all.

Jiang Qi wanted to say something, but looking at her indifferent back, he couldn't say anything.

"..." You didn't take him with you, did you think he was too weak?
Well, he is indeed too weak.

But her attitude is too cold!

As everyone knows, Sang Jian is just afraid that if she looks back at him with aggrieved eyes, she will make an exception and take him there.

Kill the tribe!

This is not a fun thing, she can't take him there!

Arriving at the Tiger Beast Tribe, Datong took all the young and middle-aged men of the Tiger Beast Tribe to guard the door, as if he had been waiting for Sang Jian for a long time.

"I knew you would come a long time ago, but I didn't expect you to come so slowly." Da Tong glanced from Sang Jian's face to the other orcs behind her one by one.

"Oh, so you provoked me on purpose so that I could bring someone over to kill you? I've never seen such a request."

"Hahahaha! Kill me? It's up to you? Last time, you were just fooled and accidentally let you win. This time, the little female is not here. How can you win against me?"

Da Tong's eyes flashed with sternness, mixed with a trace of disappointment.

He said in a rough voice, "I heard that you gave that little female to Wanshou Kingdom? Didn't you say that she is your partner's sister? You took her away from me just to give her to Wanshou Kingdom, can you restore the peace of your snake beast tribe!"

"Hey, she never belonged to you, why would you snatch her away from you? Pu Xinnan is really down!" Sang Jian sneered.

"Since I saved her, she is mine!" Da Tong didn't care what Sang Jian said.

He roared, his already well-developed muscles became even more bulging at this moment, and his muscles were congested with blood. He walked towards Sang Jian step by step.

"Today I will avenge my future partner!"

It was indeed his plan to intentionally provoke the Snake Beast Tribe and invite Sang Jian to come.

Wasn't the plan very successful?

"Looking at your appearance, I suddenly thought of something." Sang Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, "Every step you take seems to be on the verge of death."

"But it's not my death line, it's your own."

Throwing out the long stick in his hand, Sang Jian went to meet Da Tong.

"There is no need to step on the death line anymore, I will send you to death directly."

What can you do to win him?
Sorry, she can beat him with anything, after all, he has already been defeated by her, isn't he?
"Kill! Kill this group of tiger beasts today, and avenge our sisters who died before!"

Ona also got excited, greeted the orcs behind her, and rushed to the other orcs in the tiger and beast tribe.

The war is about to start.

The tiger beast and the snake beast became one, and Datong couldn't help but turned back into a tiger beast. Only Sang Jian was the only one who kept his human form, holding a strange thing in his hand.

That's the thing, it hurts like hell.

It's all over now, and Datong can only bite the bullet and continue.


Jiang Qi was alone at the entrance of the cave and continued to do the unfinished business with Sang Jian just now, absent-minded.

The orcs guarding him next to him were also a little anxious at this time. The orc who escaped was still sitting on the ground at this moment, and she didn't want to move at all because of the pain.

But she did not forget those sisters who were still lying in the woods.

"There are still some who haven't woken up in the woods, go to two orcs and bring them back."

"It's a pity that Axue is gone. Now we are injured and no one can treat us..."

It's okay not to mention this, but when it comes to this, all the orcs complain about Axue in their hearts.

She actually went to the tiger beast tribe, that tribe often bullied them!
Jiang Qi came back to his senses when he heard this, and stopped thinking about Sang Jian.

"I have some experience with this kind of injury... If you believe me, I can go pick herbs and apply it to you."

This Jiang Qi is not lying, he does have some experience with bruises,

But it is also limited to bruises.

"No, you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

His words were immediately dismissed.

He promised the empress that he was not allowed to go anywhere, even if he was not allowed to go, even if they hurt him to death, he would not be allowed to go!
Jiang Qi: "..." Just as ruthless as your empress!
No matter how you say it, he can be regarded as a husband!How shameless it is!snort!

The more Jiang Qi thought about it, the more angry he was, he dropped the things in his hand, turned around and went back to the cave to sulk.


Sang saw that on this side, the other snake beasts couldn't hold on anymore, the battle seemed to be one-sided, the snake beast was crushed and bitten by the tiger beast.

Only when Sang saw this, Da Tong's face was covered with blood, and he was still struggling to hold on.

"Hehehe...look at the people of your tribe, you...uh..."

Even though Da Tong was seriously injured, he still insisted on laughing at Sang Jian.

Even if he was injured, her subjects would not be much better off!
In the next second, the stick in Sang Jian's hand pierced straight through his neck without mercy.

He only had time to utter an uh, and then he couldn't make any more sound.

Sang shook the stick expressionlessly, and Datong's tiger head separated from his body in an instant, and flew into the sky.

Sang Jian raised his leg and kicked his head towards the tiger herd that was still fighting like a ball.


The battlefield that was chaotic just now was as dead silent as before.

(End of this chapter)

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