Chapter 1111 Man, You Are Playing With Fire (17)

In the previous era of great chaos, in order to compete for territory, there were indeed many beast lives.

But these years have gradually calmed down, even if they fight again, they will not be killed to the point of killing animals!

This was the first time they saw someone of their own kind die in front of them after peace for so long.

In particular, this orc is their leader.


After being quiet for a while, the Tiger Beast Tribe burst into screams, followed by various escapes.

The other serpents were also saved.

However, the tiger's head in the herd is still somewhat frightening.

Is their empress so ruthless?

Even Ona was dumbfounded, never thought that Sang Jian would do this to this extent, which was much more ruthless than the previous empress.

The previous female emperor was killed by other orcs because she was not cruel enough.

Her daughter is much stronger than her.

Sang Jian didn't know what the other orcs were thinking, so she walked towards Ona and pulled her up from the ground.

The other snake beasts also climbed up with the help of each other.

"Go and take all their stuff."

Sang Jian beckoned, "I'm going to find another person to settle the score now."

After finishing speaking, he picked up a piece of animal skin skirt on the ground who didn't know who lost it, wiped the bloody stick on his hand, and walked towards the tiger beast tribe step by step.

Ona followed her step by step.

Who else has to settle?
Ona always felt that this matter was not easy.

Other orcs started to search for the supplies of the Tiger Beast tribe one after another, even if they were wounded!

In the tribe, those males have been scared away long ago. Those with a bit of conscience know to run away with their females, and those without conscience even abandon their females and cubs, leaving the mother and child sitting at the door and crying loudly, and no one cares.

Sang Jian finds A Xue who is planning to run away with things in Datong's stone house.

Seeing Sang Jian suddenly, A Xue was startled, with a look of horror on her face.

But soon she came back to her senses, showing a pale smile, "Empress... Sis Aona, are you here to pick me up? I'm planning to go back!"

Ona frowned.

When the Empress said to find someone to settle the score, could it be that she was looking for A Xue to settle the score?
Did Ashe do something?

Before she could think about it, Sang Jian suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Ah Xue's neck, pushing her against the wall.

Sangjian leaned forward and leaned towards her, "What? You still have the guts to go back?"

"Cough..." Ah Xue felt suffocated for a moment, and soon she showed an innocent smile, "Empress, what are you talking about? I am also from the snake and beast clan... I was wrong when I wanted to come to the tiger and beast tribe, I I apologize to you, I hope you can forgive me. I... I am one of the few witch doctors among the orcs, and staying in the tribe is of great use..."

When Ashe spoke, she kept watching Sangjian's expression. When she first said those words, she had sarcasm in her eyes, knowing that she would not accept such a thing, so she could only speak out her own value.

She doesn't believe that she dares to touch herself like this?
Seeing no response from Sang, Ona hesitated, "Yes, she is a witch doctor after all..."

Just about to persuade Sang Jian, Sang Jian asked in a low voice: "Did you see me and my partner yesterday?"

Ashe froze.

"Just came out of the Snake Beast Tribe, and you are in a hurry to lead your new leader to bully your own people? How dare you say such a thing?" Sang Jian tilted his head slightly, and his hands tightened a little.

The place that Jiang Qi took her to yesterday, she can guarantee that no one except herself knows.

Only when I was going, I met Axue and a few people from the Hushou tribe on the road.

Those people from the Tiger Beast Tribe were counting on A Xue at the time, so they didn't notice them at all, but A Xue wasn't necessarily sure.

Didn't she look at herself at that time?
That's why the tiger tribe found their new place in such a short period of time.

It's not that that place is very hidden, but it will take some time for orcs who are used to hunting in one place to find a new location.

Unless someone takes them directly.

This person must be Axue who saw the two of them at that time.

It would not be difficult for her to find a new location afterward in the direction in which they had left.

"What did you say?" Ona, who wanted to help Axue, couldn't believe it when she heard this.

"Axue, you..." She said in a tone of hatred, "No one wants you, and you still help others bully your own? You are not worthy of being a snake!"

"You are not worthy to be snake beasts!"

Having been exposed, Ah Xue couldn't argue anymore.

She blushed and stared fiercely at Sang Jian in front of her, "Aren't snakes and beasts cold-blooded and ruthless? What's wrong with me doing this? I want to integrate into this group and do something for them, isn't it normal?" ?"

"Other orcs can say that we are cold-blooded and ruthless. If you think so, then you are a pure waste."

Sang Jian narrowed his eyes slightly, "Your behavior, in other places, is called...traitor behavior, and you will be shot."

Axue froze for a moment, "What do you mean?"

She didn't understand what Sang Jian meant by that.

Sang Jianpi smiled and said: "It's not interesting, that is, I can leave your whole body for the sake of treating many orcs for the snake clan."

Axue's eyes widened, and in the next second, she screamed, "You dare to kill me? I'm a witch doctor! Orcs have a witch doctor once in a hundred years! If a tribe doesn't have a witch doctor, they're not far from extinction !! You dare not... uh..."

Ashe wanted to say something, but before she finished speaking, there was a click, and Sang Jian's hand directly pinched her neck.

"I don't listen to aggressive generals the most."

She let go of Ashe, and Ashe's entire orc collapsed to the ground instantly as if he had lost his bones, turning into a beast shape.

One more solution.

Sang Jian patted his hands, turned around and prepared to leave.

When she turned around, she saw Ona's stunned face. Sang Jian thought for a while and explained casually: "She is no longer an orc from our tribe."

Ona swallowed, and raised her hand to touch her neck.

Was an orc's neck so fragile?As long as there is a click, you can die in an instant.

"I know."

Having said that, Ona still felt a little uncomfortable, "From the time she chose to betray our tribe, she is no longer a member of our tribe, but she has lived with us for a long time after all."

Just as Sang Jian said, she also saved many females of the tribe at that time.

"Aona thinks that in her situation, if she returns to our tribe, can she really think about our tribe?"

Sang Jian walked out of the stone house, and said to herself, "She won't, she will only obey and obey, and then find a tribe as a target, maybe she will hate me for killing the beast she chose. "

"There is a saying that goes well, if you are unfaithful once, you will not be faithful a hundred times."

Ona: "..."

She couldn't understand it a bit, but it made perfect sense!
"I didn't mean to blame the Empress for killing her." She quickly explained.

As soon as the words fell, a female of the Tiger Beast Tribe rushed towards Sang Jian, looking crazy, "You give us back all our things! What do we eat after taking everything away?! How do we live!!! "

The male ran away and the food was looted.

Sang Jian turned sideways to avoid the female's pounce. She turned her head to look at the female with a somewhat indifferent expression on her face, "What's none of my business?"

"You males ran away, and you want to be cowards, what does it have to do with me? Remember to keep your eyes open next time you find a male."

She raised her legs to avoid the fallen female, and took Ona to leave.

Another group of females chased after them, all with hatred on their faces, "That's not the reason for you to rob us of food!"

"Well...why not?"

Sang Jian stopped and shrugged, "A tribe without males should be bullied. Isn't this what you said when you bullied our tribe? What does it matter to us if you starve to death? You robbed our food At that time, you never thought about what we would do if we starved to death, right?"

Speaking of this, Sang Jian paused for a moment, and continued, "Ah... you should say, it is not a pity to die for a cold-blooded orc like you! I am tired of hearing it."

"Okay, it's time for the cold-blooded animals to go back, you can fend for yourself."

Sang waved his hand without looking back, and the orcs of the Snake Beast Tribe also came out one after another with their trophies, ready to leave together.

The females in the Tiger Beast Tribe were still a little bit dissatisfied, so they chased out a bunch of them, planning to fight Sang Jian with them.

Everyone is female, are you afraid you can't beat them?

When chasing to the gate of the tribe, he saw Sang Jian and stopped again.

In the next second, a bloody tiger's head was kicked by Sang Jian, flew in front of them, and hit the ground hard.

All the females: "..."

They saw the male being scared away just now, and they didn't understand what happened. Only now did they realize how serious the matter was when they saw this head.


A few of the group of females fainted, and the rest ran away without a trace of nostalgia.

This intimidation is very useful.

Seeing that the members of the Snake Beast Tribe felt a little physically uncomfortable.

"This time, the matter may become a big mess." Ona said with a frown.

"What?" Sang Jian looked at Ona.

Ona said seriously: "It's been a long time since there has been a conflict between the tribes... If the escaped orcs tell other tribes, there may be another wave of crusade against us."

"It's not a big problem." Sang said without changing his face when meeting: "We don't need them to attack this time, we will take the initiative to attack."

"Tell me all the orc tribes who participated in the crusade against our tribe, and we will fight back one by one."

"Ah... But we can't beat it? Other tribes are not as easy to bully as the Tiger and Beast tribe..."

One of the orcs said worriedly: "It's because they are easy to bully that they are so close to us. Those with strength from other tribes are staying in good places."

"We may not be able to beat the ability of fighting and biting, but we can make tools."

Sang Jian wanted to talk about weapons, but because the group of orcs couldn't understand, he switched to tools.

The things that Jiang Qi made recently are all tools. He often said that this group of orcs should be able to understand.

Sure enough, Ona asked with some doubts: "Is it like the one your partner made... that hoe? But I feel that it can't dig the soil as fast as we can dig with sticks."

Ona subconsciously questioned Jiang Qi's things.

"He doesn't only do that, he should be able to make other things." Sang Jian said, "Probably can help us create something lethal."

"Like the stick you used before?" Ona asked.

Strange to say, the stick was so long, it disappeared in the blink of an eye, and I don't know where she put it.

But seeing Sang Jian use that thing, it is really easy to use!

"I have to go back and ask my partner's opinion on this."

Of course it won't be like the stick in her hand, after all, there is only one stick.

Ona was lost in thought.

It seems good to fantasize about how you will fight with tools in the future?

But the next second, she began to worry.

"Speaking of which, we have injured a lot of orcs this time, and Ashue is gone. I don't know how long the injured orcs can last."

She wondered why Ah Xue felt so uncomfortable when she died. It turned out that there were no orcs to save their injured orcs!

The other injured orcs along the way became depressed when they heard Ona's words. They supported each other one by one, and continued to return to the tribe with their heads down.

The orcs who were not seriously injured were carrying supplies, and the expressions on their faces were not very good-looking.

"Okay, let's not pretend to be a showdown."

Sang Jian was a little depressed by the sluggish atmosphere, she took a deep breath, and said loudly: "Don't think that we are hopeless without her! If I dare to kill her, I have already figured out a way out!"

"My partner, except that he is a little weaker, a little afraid of fire, and doesn't eat hot food, he is the most perfect!"

All the orcs: "..."

So what does this have to do with Jiang Qi?
If you want to praise your partner, you have to divide the occasions!
Sang Jian glanced at the speechless expressions of the others, and knew that they didn't understand what she meant.

She coughed lightly, and said without guilt: "My partner is also a witch doctor."

Whether he is or not, blow it out first and then talk.

If not, there is still her.

The reason why it is inconvenient to talk about herself is because she was raised by this group of orcs, and they all know how much she weighs.

But in terms of strength, she has never shown it, and since she has become an adult, her strength has also increased greatly, so there should be no problem at all when she fought so fiercely just now.

But she didn't dare to spread her medical skills to herself, so she could only help Jiang Qi blow it out.

All the orcs: "..."

Sang Jian: "?"

Shouldn't you be happy to hear this news?Why are you all so speechless?
"Don't lose the beast." Ona couldn't bear it and said, "Since ancient times, no male has been a witch doctor."

Because most of the witch doctors stay in the tribe to take care of the weaker females, and the males basically go out to hunt and support their families. Isn't it a joke for the beast to be a witch doctor?
"Cough..." Sang Jian coughed lightly, and said loudly, "Superficial! Have you forgotten where he came from? Our scattered tribes don't have male witch doctors because we are short-sighted, and the Wanshou Kingdom already has them." ! We have to take a long-term view!"

All the orcs: "..." So they are short-sighted?But what she said is really not very credible.

When a group of orcs returned to the tribe with the spoils and saw that Jiang Qi was being stunned by the orcs of the Tiger Beast Tribe before wrapping up the orcs in the forest, they believed it completely!
  The number of this chapter is good, no one who has been single for decades can't write such a long chapter.

  Thank you for your rewards and votes during this time, meme!
  good night!

(End of this chapter)

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