Chapter 1112 Man, You Are Playing With Fire (18)


All the orcs looked at Jiang Qi, then at Sang Jian.

Their Empress really understands this partner well enough.

Even Sang saw himself a little surprised.

She just thought that Jiang Qi studied agriculture and should know some things like herbs, but she didn't expect him to be able to bandage.

The wound wrapped in animal skin was not air-permeable, and he also used a bamboo stick to poke some small holes in it, which looked barely usable.

In this world, he really knows a lot.

Sang Jian coughed lightly, and said loudly: "I just said that my partner is perfect, right? So everyone, rest assured, with us, the tribe will be fine. You all line up for him to show you."

Hearing Sang Jian's proud voice, Jiang Qi raised his head from the bandage, and saw the horrible orcs.

"What's going on? Why are you so seriously injured?"

Jiang Qi quickly dropped the wounded in his hands, stood up and trotted towards the orcs.

Just when the orcs thought he would care about them, they saw him go around all the orcs, walk up to Sang Jian, hold her by the shoulders, and look her up and down.

"It's enough to get the things back. Why are you beating so fiercely? You, a girl, are easily injured in the face of ferocious beasts!"

In Jiang Qi's eyes, Sang Jian is just a normal girl, and other orcs are beasts, especially those shameless orcs from the Tiger Beast Tribe!
Since she left, he has been very worried that something will happen, and he didn't let go until he came back.

After looking at her, he was relieved to find that she was not injured.

Jiang Qi reached out and took her into his arms.

"Next time, take me with you no matter what! Otherwise, I won't worry!" Before she left him indifferently, he didn't care, as long as she was fine.

Sang Jian hugged him back, and explained softly: "I don't feel relieved if you follow me."

"What are you worried about? I'm your partner! Everything should stand in front of you!"

Sang Jian said truthfully, "I'm afraid you'll be holding back."

"Pfft..." These words were like a knife piercing Jiang Qi's heart.

He couldn't refute for a while.

Sang Jian raised his hand and patted him on the back, and seriously comforted him: "So you can't go, you have to ensure your own safety, stay in the tribe well, and someone will help me treat me if I get hurt. Otherwise, If one day we both get hurt together, wouldn't we have to wait to die?"

Jiang Qi: "..."

Well, he still prefers to hear such words.

A person who listens to persuasion like this, of course he must listen to reasonable words.

"Yeah." Jiang Qi replied in a muffled voice, "Then remember to run away next time you are in danger."

"I ran so fast, you see, I'm not injured at all this time." Sang Jian let go of Jiang Qi, and turned around in front of him, expressing that he was really not injured.

Jiang Qi looked at her appearance, and then at the bloody orcs around him who were bitten.


In the end, he snorted coldly at Sang Jian Tiaojiao, turned around and returned to the place just now, "Come here first if you are seriously injured, there are not many herbs, I will stop the bleeding for you first. If you can still move, bear it, wait for me to give you the medicine." After they stop the bleeding, they go to collect some medicine."

Although Sang Jianhua said so, Jiang Qi knew that she couldn't run at all, and it was only because she was stronger that she didn't get hurt.

As long as they are weaker, they probably won't be able to come back based on their miserable state.

"I'll go pick it, what do you need?"

Sang Jian walked towards Jiang Qi and squatted beside him.

Jiang Qi was also polite, and handed her a few herbs, "That's it, our new hunting base has more and more lush ones."

He was angry for a while just now, but he couldn't help but came out to buy some time, and went to help carry back those orcs who had fainted in the wild.

I picked some herbs along the way. I thought it would be enough for these orcs for the time being, but I didn't expect so many to come back all at once.

Sang Jian nodded, got up and left with the medicines.

Jiang Qi stretched out his hand and pulled her, "You take this basket and put it in."

He took out a newly woven bamboo basket from the cave. Because there were no professional tools, the cut bamboo strips were of different sizes, but it was barely usable after weaving.

Sang Jian had to sigh again, this man is really ingenious!


Auna was afraid that Sang Jian would pick it too slowly by herself, and she was not seriously injured, so she went with Sang Jian.

Sang Jian handed the sample she took from Jiang Qi to Ona, and she could find it without comparing it.

Before dark, Ona and Sang Jian came back with a big basket of herbs.

When I came back, I found that there were snakes wrapped in animal skins all over the ground, a dense pile, and the picture was extremely horrifying.

"what happened!"

Aona and Sang Jian immediately put down the bamboo basket in their hands and looked at the snakes on the ground in front of Jiang Qi. Those who didn't know the situation thought that Jiang Qi had done something to them, causing them all to become their own bodies!

"Don't worry, don't worry." It was obvious at a glance that Ona was thinking too much, and Jiang Qi quickly explained: "I just thought that they would need less herbs to transform into snakes than humans, and it would be convenient to bandage them, so I just thought about it." Let them be like this..."

His own decision once made him think that he was a genius!

And after all, they are all female, in human form... He is a man, and their exposed wounds are easy to deal with. If they turn into snakes in some inconvenient places, he will be able to deal with them.

It's just that there are too many snakes, and it looks a little scalp numb.

Ona: "..." Ju...does this kind of operation still exist?

It looks like it does.

Originally, Jiang Qi said that he didn't find enough herbs, and she and Sang Jian came back a bit late, but after this situation, the herbs were just right, and there was still a little bit left.

"These herbs can be used to boil water and drink, and heal faster."

Just made a big stone pot today.

It's already a little hard to see clearly at night, the snake's eyesight is good, but Jiang Qi's is not.

Taking advantage of the time when he said that he was going to boil the potion for them, he skillfully lit the fire, and the fire illuminated the surrounding environment, making it look much brighter.

The other snake beasts were already 8000 meters away when he lit the fire.

Seeing them, Jiang Qi seemed to see his former self.

But now it was different, he was no longer afraid of fire!

Thinking of this, the flames in the earthen stove jumped, and Jiang Qi was frightened to take several steps back.

"..." Well, I'm still a little scared.

It's a good thing no one noticed, or else...

Just as he was about to say that no one noticed, he felt a fiery gaze.

When he looked up, he found that Sang Jian had been looking at him.

Jiang Qi pursed his lips, a little embarrassed.

He hurriedly walked towards Sang Jian, took the basket in front of her, and picked some medicinal materials by the firelight beside her.

"Ah Sang, you will go to the river with me later." He said to Sang Jian without raising his head.

Sang Jian nodded, "Yeah."

"There are still a few big bamboo tubes in the cave, take them out, and we'll come back with some water in a while," he said again.

"En." Sang Jian raised his legs and entered the cave.

Jiang Qi secretly glanced at Sang Jian's back, and breathed a sigh of relief.


How many things can a man who is forced to stay at home make in a day?
The answer is many, many.

In the cave, there are several bamboo tubes as thick as an adult man's arm. They are tied together with a rope made of straw to make a string of bamboo tubes, which is very convenient to carry.

There is also a large woven bamboo door on the ground.The size is just right for the entrance of the cave. It should be made up before I have time to install it.

There are also bamboo baskets containing herbs, which he also made today.

Not only is he ingenious, but he also works very fast!

Sang Jian came out carrying the bamboo skewers.

Jiang Qi happened to pick out a lot of herbs, wrapped them in animal skins in his arms, and then went to the river with Sang Jian.

As soon as they left, Ona immediately squatted in front of the snakes and asked, "How do you feel?"

It's not that she can't trust Jiang Qi's medical skills, but this is indeed the first male witch doctor she has ever seen, so she is somewhat curious.

"The bleeding stopped quickly, the wound was cold, and the pain didn't hurt much anymore," said a snake.

"The sisters who were knocked out before all woke up."

Ona pondered, it seemed that he was much better at medicine than Ashe!

In the past, when they were injured, it would take at least ten days and a half months for A Xue to treat them.

He made them feel less pain in such a short time?
"Sister Aona, I heard from them just now that the Empress twisted Da Tong's head off. Is it true? So majestic?"

The snake beast left behind in the tribe asked curiously.

It's not that they don't believe what the other snakes and beasts said, but they just want to confirm it. After all, no matter how many times they hear this kind of thing, it's so exciting!

I thought that Ona would talk about what happened at that time, but Ona's face turned pale, and she secretly cried out, "You guys told this story? The empress's partner also heard it?"

"Ah..." The other orcs didn't know why, "Of course we have to say something that inspires the hearts of the beasts, let's all have fun together!"

"Confused!!" Ona looked annoyed, "The Empress' partner is not very courageous, and she doesn't have much strength, so besides messing around with these miscellaneous little things that are of little use to us, what else can she do? "

"He can just help the empress do chores at home, and he won't have any other opinions on the empress."

"Our snake clan has always had a bad reputation. You have told him such bloody things. What if he is scared away? What if he thinks that the empress is very cruel and can twist his head off at any time, and then What should I do if I run away? You... are confused!!"

All the orcs: "..." I really didn't expect this, but looking at Jiang Qi's appearance, he doesn't seem to be frightened?

Ona obviously didn't think so, she had a terrible expression on her face, "No wonder he kept ordering the Empress as soon as we came back, he must be testing her! Sigh!"


The person involved, Jiang Qi, said that there are so many bells and whistles, and Ona is better than him.

At this time, Jiang Qi was holding Sang Jian's hand, squatting by the river, helping her wash her hands.

By the way, I washed the herbs and filled the bamboo tube again.

The water-filled bamboo string was very heavy, and Jiang Qi hung it on his body, and handed the washed herbs in the animal skin to Sang Jian, asking her to hold it.

On the way back, Jiang Qi remembered the matter that Aona was very concerned about.

"I heard from other orcs just twisted Datong's head off?"

When he heard this, he was shocked for a moment, but he quickly put it behind him.

Orcs like Datong are not worthy of sympathy in his eyes.

From the very beginning, his various operations were very embarrassing.

As long as he behaved a little bit more normally, it wouldn't be like this.

Sang Jian nodded and said solemnly, "Well, he provoked me."

If she beats her like that bear and still dares to provoke her, then there is nothing she can do.

"Are you scared?" Sang Jian turned to look at Jiang Qi.

"What's there to be afraid of?" He is her partner, she can't even kill her partner, can she?
If she really had this idea, she could have strangled him to death during the few nights they shared the same bed.

But she didn't.

"I'm just worried. You only killed one. Will the other orcs unite with other tribes to attack you?"

"..." Do you think she didn't really slaughter the tribe?

Sang Jian was rarely silent.

It took a few seconds for her to tell Jiang Qi what she was bragging about with Aona today.

"Is there any good way for my partner? I think you are very good at making tools. Maybe we can use tools to take the initiative."

Jiang Qi was startled, as if he had just realized this.

Yes, they can use weapons!

In this world of beasts who can only use brute force, if they make the first batch of weapons, their winning rate can be increased by more than half.

"It can be done!" Jiang Qi's eyes radiated a firm light, "This should not be difficult. If necessary, we can prepare materials tomorrow."

In this case, the things that need to be busy have increased again.

"Don't worry, wait until their injuries are healed, then you can teach them how to do it."

If I let him do it all by himself, I don't know when it will be done.

Make your own weapons yourself, this is the fastest.

"En!" Jiang Qi nodded, "That's fine, so Ah Sang, do we have many enemies?"

"...Except for the Ten Thousand Beasts Kingdom, this whole forest and some nearby hills, as long as there are orcs living there, they are basically enemies."

"Hmm... maybe it shouldn't be said that they are enemies. Some tribes may not have done anything to us, but if they hear that our tribe is being attacked, they will definitely rush forward."

"Hmm..." Jiang Qi pondered, and he said to himself: "Then we need to make some large weapons, the ones that can attack and defend..."

"Our tribe also needs to transform."

Thinking about it this way, things piled up, the busier he was, the firmer Jiang Qi's eyes became.

Only in this way did he seem to find the meaning of his time travel.

Not to mention fighting other tribes, even going to fight Wanshou Kingdom, as long as Sang Jian is willing, Jiang Qi will accompany her.

Having found the goal of struggle, Jiang Qi was in a good mood when he went back.

He put the washed medicine and water into the stone pot and started to boil the medicine.

He has never done this before, he only knows that these several kinds of herbs can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis when boiled together, and can also relieve pain and disinfect.

Anyway, just drink the undead beast.

Ona secretly observes the atmosphere between Sang Jian and Jiang Qi, and it seems that there is no change.

The more this happened, the more she felt that there was a ghost.

No, she has to find a chance to help Sang Jian, and she must keep Jiang Qi!

(End of this chapter)

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