Chapter 1113 Man, You Are Playing With Fire (19)

A strong and bitter taste came from the stone pot, and it was very unpleasant to smell.

The other snake beasts were about to move, as if they wanted to escape.

As if seeing through their thoughts, Jiang Qi was standing by the stone pot, stirring the medicinal soup in the pot with a stick, like an old witch in a fairy tale who was brewing poison.

He said grimly: "If you don't want to drink, when it gets serious, you need gall to treat it."

"What is that?" A snake beast asked.

Jiang Qi: "It's snake gall."

All the orcs: "..."

I felt a colic in my gallbladder.

"How can anyone eat this kind of food to cure a disease?" Ona didn't believe it.

They themselves are snakes and eat their own guts. Isn't this purely a disease?

"Huh? Then you haven't experienced the era of being chased and ridiculed by others, and you are still living too happily!" Jiang Qi sighed pretendingly.

Then he said: "I heard that the gallbladder of a snake can cure all poisons. If your wounds cannot be cured, you can only sacrifice one orc..."

"Isn't it okay for us to drink medicine? I didn't say no to drink, so I wouldn't say such things to scare the beast!"

The snake beasts who wanted to escape secretly swam back slowly.

Just thinking about it already hurts.

Jiang Qi pursed his lips slightly, seeing that it was almost done, he put down the stick in his hand, "It's almost done, wait for the fire to go out, and the soup will be ready to drink when it's cold. Don't worry, the good medicine tastes bitter and works!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Sang Jian who was eating fruit and watching a play not far away.

Walked to her side in three or two steps, hugged her body, and whispered: "Ah Sang, shall we go take a bath?"

Sang Jian raised her eyes and glanced at him, then stuffed the half-eaten fruit into his mouth, "Let's go."

Jiang Qi has always had a psychological shadow on the fruit here. He let go of Sang Jian with one hand, took the fruit out of his mouth, took a bite, and said vaguely: "If you eat this, nothing strange will happen, right?"

"Do you want strange things to happen?" Sang Jian asked back, "Some strange things can happen without eating."

Jiang Qi: "Ahem..."

He almost choked on the fruit.

I don't know if she just left from the fire, or because of her words, her entire cheeks are hot.

"Then you won't be able to become a snake for a while." Jiang Qi raised a hand, and fished her into his arms with a serious face.

Thinking about it carefully, even if there is a strange reaction, it is not a big problem, after all, he has a wife now.


This time Sang Jian really didn't turn into a snake, and Jiang Qi didn't dare to look in her direction when taking a bath.

It's embarrassing.

His temperament is intermittently courageous, but most of the time he is still cowardly.

After finally washing, Jiang Qi's face was always red on the way back.

Her human figure is really good, and her skin is very fair, especially those long legs.

Jiang Qi glanced at it from time to time, thinking that he still had to make a long skirt for her.

The tribe is full of females, so it's okay to wear such a short animal skin skirt, but if you go to attack other tribes, you won't like this, and you will be targeted by other males.

When they went back, the snakes and beasts had spontaneously finished drinking the medicine and went back to rest. Only Ona was left by the stone pot, hesitating whether to try the medicine in the pot, after all, she also had injuries on her body.

"Drink, you'll be fine."

Seeing her hesitation, Jiang Qi encouraged her.

Ona was taken aback, and immediately put down what she was holding, pretending she hadn't done anything.

She put her eyes on Sang Jian, "I can still bear this injury, that empress... What should we do tomorrow? Do we need to prepare anything in advance?"

"No need for now, you drink the medicine first, there are still many things waiting for everyone to do after the injury is healed." Sang Jian talked with Jiang Qi, and they both decided to wait for the orcs in the tribe to recover before making the next step.

Ona: "..."

In fact, it's not that she doesn't want to drink it, the main reason is that she was a little flustered just now when she saw so many snakes and beasts drinking the medicine with painful expressions.

Just as he was hesitating whether to leave, he saw Sangjian and Jiang Qi standing at the door of their cave, staring at her.

As if waiting for her to finish drinking, it was time for them to go back to sleep.

Ona became cruel, scooped up a spoonful with a spoon made of a bamboo tube next to her, and drank it with her head raised.

She drank it in one breath, and the bitter taste spread in her mouth. Ona couldn't get used to the taste for a while, rolled her eyes, and passed out.

Jiang Qi: "..."

Sang Jian: "..."

"Is she okay? It's inappropriate to sleep here." Jiang Qi frowned.

"It shouldn't be a big problem, just wait until she recovers." Sang Jian said seriously.

Jiang Qi pondered for a moment, tilted his head close to Sang Jian's ear, "What if she heard us doing that kind of thing at that time? Shall I drag her aside?"

Sang Jian: "..."

After a second of silence, she said, "Didn't you make a door?"

Jiang Qi nodded, "Indeed, but it's not soundproof."

"It's okay, I won't call." Sang Jian was serious.

Jiang Qi frowned, "What do I want to call?"



Looking at each other, Sang Jian saw the seriousness in Jiang Qi's eyes.

"I'll drag her away." Sang Jian looked away and strode towards Aona.

Before she had time to bend down and drag Ona away, Ona had already stood up from the ground like a carp.

"I'm ready, you go ahead, I'll go back first."

What did she hear!
It really makes people blush!
Even if she is an old snake beast who has never thought of a partner, she still feels ashamed to hear such words!

Today's young orcs are really...

I don't see it!

As soon as Ona left, Jiang Qi directly pulled Sang Jian into the cave.

Borrowing the faint moonlight at the entrance of the cave, he groped for the bamboo door he made on the ground, hugged it up and blocked the entrance of the cave, completely blocking the light from outside.

Jiang Qi's whole body fell into the darkness where he couldn't see his fingers.

"Ah Sang, where are you? I can't see..."

He was groping for Sang Jian's position, and a hand caught him in the dark.

"Since your partner can't see anything, what else can you do?" Sang Jian's voice sounded beside him.

Jiang Qi froze for a moment, not understanding what she meant.

This is what she doesn't want to do?

But they couldn't see it at night and it was inappropriate during the day, so wouldn't they be very unqualified as a partner?

"I think I can do it!" Jiang Qi pursed his lips, a lot more courageous, and pulled Sang Jian into his arms.

"Although it is a bit troublesome not to see, I can give it a try."

The opportunity is rare, and he will not give up.

He raised his hand to grope for Sang Jian's face, held it up, and wanted to kiss it.

As a result, he lowered his head and kissed the back of his own hand.

"Pfft..." In the darkness, Sang Jian's untimely sneer sounded.

In the next second, Jiang Qi's face was cupped, "I mean, since you can't see, it's inconvenient to do anything, then let me, an orc who can see, do it."

"Mate, I'm not welcome."

After finishing speaking, he kissed Jiang Qi's lips accurately.

Jiang Qi: "..."

So... also... okay!


It was near noon the next day that Jiang Qi woke up, but Sang Jian was still asleep, as if he hadn't woken up.

The sunlight outside can penetrate through the gaps in the bamboo door, so the weather is fine today.

When I woke up this time, it was no longer a cold big snake in my arms, but a cold beauty.

It is estimated that a living person is not as cold as her body after three days of death.

Last night's hot and cold feeling...


Jiang Qi raised his hand and patted his face to wake him up, then got up and dressed, covered Sang Jian with the animal skin, then got up and opened the door to let the sun shine in.

I don't know if it was greeted by Ona outside, but there was no orc.

This is also good, so that no one disturbs them.

Such a warm early morning, you have to spend it quietly.

Jiang Qi went back to the bed and sat cross-legged, took out the animal skin in the corner, and made clothes for Sang Jian that he could wear today.

In short, to be long and thick, it is best to cover her whole body.

He took out his coat, looked at the stitches of the coat, thought for a while, the sleeves might not be easy to make, but the sleeveless vest seemed pretty good, and he could make one for himself.

When Jiang Qi woke up, Sang Jian had already woken up, and thought he would call her, but he didn't expect him to be so virtuous and start sewing when he woke up.

He is really a good man at home!

Sang Jian put his hands behind his head, lay on the bed and looked at the top of the cave, and heard the sound of Jiang Qi pulling the animal skin.

Obviously this world is not so prosperous, even a primitive society, but here there is no anxiety, no pressure, listening to this voice, I feel extremely at ease.

"Partner, have you thought about when to leave?"

In a very quiet morning, Sang Jian insisted on asking this sentence out of the blue.

Jiang Qi froze and looked back at Sang Jian who was still lying on the bed, not knowing how to answer her question for a moment.

"Actually, I think it's good that we are like this now." Sang Jian said to himself, "But you have your own pursuit, and I won't stop it."


Jiang Qi lowered his eyes, turned around and continued making clothes.

After hearing Sang Jian's words, he was silent for a long time before saying: "Will Ah Sang be afraid of me leaving?"

"Of course, after all, you have never belonged here, and it will be a matter of time before you leave." Sang Jian said truthfully.

"Well, I thought so too at first." Jiang Qi paused for a moment before continuing: "But after I thought about it carefully, the way to go back must not be easy to find, so I I probably won't take the initiative to look for it again, and if I encounter it by chance one day, it will probably be a long, long time later, but don't worry, Ah Sang, I won't abandon you."

Even if he did find it, he would find a way to take her with him.

From the very beginning, he thought about being responsible for her.

"En." Sang Jian responded softly, unable to hear the tone in her voice.

Jiang Qi helped her up from the bed, "Come and try this."

He put the newly made clothes on Sang Jian's body backwards, because the buttons were not easy to make, so he poked a few holes in the animal skin, and made a shrinking "button" with the animal skin rope.

The shrinking place is on the back, the two ropes will be tightened when pulled, but not too tight, and some of the back will be exposed, with a somewhat attractive feeling. Fortunately, Sang Jian's hair is long, Just braid her hair to block it.

This is better than putting it in the front where it should not be exposed!

The dress was so long that it covered her stomach, plus the long animal skin skirt that reached to her ankles before, wearing on Sang Jian's body revealed a bit of gentle and ladylike temperament, completely different from those wild orcs outside.

"It's beautiful!" Jiang Qi looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.

He won't do it himself, the clothes he wore when he traveled before are already dry, so let's just make up for it.


The two went out, and as soon as they went out, they saw Aona squatting in front of the earthen stove, poking the ashes in the stove absent-mindedly.

Jiang Qi was taken aback, "When did you come?"

He didn't even see her when he opened the door just now.

Ona rolled her eyes and said nothing.

She came quite early, since Sang Jian asked when he was leaving.

She said yesterday that this male must find a chance to leave Sang and see him, and it really is!

Her empress is so beautiful, why can't she keep him?

Or were the orcs in their tribe not treating him well enough?
Ona didn't hear what Sang Jian and Jiang Qi said at that time, because when she heard Sang Jian asked when he was leaving, her mind was already in a mess.

"She's already here." Sang Jian took Jiang Qi's hand and glanced casually at Aona.

I don't know where Ona thought of going again.

This female is more intelligent than Jiang Qi, I hope she will think about it and don't do anything strange.

Jiang Qi: "..." This is really hard to guard against!
Last night, she was afraid that she would listen to the corner, so she got up and ran by herself, but she didn't expect that she could still hear it in this corner this morning!


Jiang Qi coughed heavily, "Well... you go and remove all the other snakes and beasts, it's time to change their dressings. Even if the animal skin is poked, it doesn't breathe very well, so the dressing needs to be changed every day. "

"Ah, I see." Ona dropped the stick in her hand listlessly, and got up to look for other snake beasts.

"What happened to her?" Jiang Qi looked puzzled.

Sang Jian reminded in a low voice: "If Aona behaves strangely towards you recently, just don't take it to heart."

Jiang Qi: "..." The more he said that, the more flustered he felt.

Therefore, in order to prevent Ona from having time to look for herself, Jiang Qi taught Ona how to change dressings and bandages in the following time, and asked her to take care of these snakes and beasts.

He and Sang Jian happily ran to the river to look at the land.

The soil they dug was very good. Jiang Qi himself dug a small channel along the small river ditch and the land with his stone hoe, allowing water to seep in, and sprinkled wheat seeds in by the way.

The peppers transplanted back yesterday are not in a good spirits, probably because they haven't adapted yet, so we need to observe again.

Seeing the chili, Jiang Qi remembered that he said he wanted to give Sang Jian stew last night, but he was busy with the wounded and forgot.

And now that stone pot can't be used anymore, he doesn't want to eat dishes that taste like medicine.

So in the afternoon, Jiang Qi and Sang Jian went to move some big rocks back, planning to make a new one.

The trouble is that it is a little troublesome, but if they do it together, it will be a lot of fun.

(End of this chapter)

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