Chapter 1114 Man, You Are Playing With Fire (20)

Jiang Qi's medicine was indeed very effective. After only two or three days, the orcs in the tribe were almost healed.

In order to save medicine, they were turned back into snake beasts. Now most of the orcs are healed, and under the leadership of Ona, they can go out to find herbs by themselves and come back to bandage other serious orcs.

In particular, Jiang Qi told them to pick more and dry them for later use.

When all the orcs were able to move freely, Jiang Qi and Sang Jian discussed the next move.

The so-called next step is to make weapons.

At present, Jiang Qi has not found anything like iron ore that can be used as a murder weapon, so he can only use ordinary stones instead.

Most of the time, this ordinary stone can't kill the orcs, but it can also make them peel off the skin.

Jiang Qi greeted the other orcs. Recently, he had cut down a lot of trees around the tribe.

He has always disliked that there are too many trees around the tribe. It is good to shade the sun if the weather is too hot, but it is not good to shade too much!

And it will appear that the whole tribe is crowded by trees.

After a few days, they cleared the surrounding trees and the whole tribe seemed to have doubled in size.

Jiang Qi taught them to weave wooden fences, surrounded the whole tribe, and clearly demarcated this territory as their snake and beast territory, and set up a watchtower. The orcs changed their guards every day to observe the situation around the tribe.

There will be orcs going to the stone mountain to carry stones every day, and Jiang Qi doesn't seem to have too many of them.

He spent several days studying what to do with the large catapult.

This thing may be too big to move out, but it can prevent others from invading by putting it in the tribe.

Without paper and pen, he used burnt charcoal to draw a sketch on the stone, and then slowly tried to assemble it by himself.

Jiang Qi didn't tell Sang Jian about this kind of thing, because he felt that she wouldn't understand if he told Sang Jian, so it's better not to trouble her.

After all, in his eyes, Sang Jian is just an aborigine.

He felt that he didn't understand, and Sang Jian would not show off in front of Jiang Qi.

Seeing how busy he was every day, and watching the excitement everywhere at his own leisure, he suddenly felt that such days were rare.

Looking back on the previous world, Sang Jian did most of the things he could do by himself, and didn't say much to him.

Because I feel that he may not be able to help, after telling him, it will not work for me, but it will make him worry and make him feel that he can't help anything, which creates a sense of anxiety.

Unexpectedly, in this world, many things are his strengths, he thinks the same as her before, he will do it himself, try not to trouble her.

Sang Jian basically made a hands-off shopkeeper. Others would not do it. Jiang Qi did it himself.

Sang Jian was somewhat bored to stay by his side every day.

Fortunately, after about ten days like this, Jiang Qi's first trebuchet was manufactured.

The fences in the tribe were made very high, so the catapults were also made very large. As long as a stone was put on it, a few orcs pulled the reserved rope hard, and no matter how big the stone was, it could fly out.

That's why Jiang Qi asked the orcs to move stones every day. This is their shell!
On the day after the completion, a group of orcs guarded Jiang Qi and conducted an experiment together. After the stone flew out, they dug a hole in the ground, which seemed to be quite powerful.

"With this thing, if an orc wants to break into our tribe in the future, won't it be smashed to death?" Ona's face was full of excitement, "Make more of this thing! Let's go get wood and come back tomorrow!"

Get a few more to form a circle around the tribe, whoever hits whom, she sees who will dare to come to their tribe in the future?

"It's not urgent, there is one to deal with first, we still need to make other weapons."

Jiang Qi made things under the sun for a few days, and his whole body was a little tanned. The young master who used to look white and clean finally had a trace of primitive wildness, especially when he was wearing animal skins.

"There are still some orcs outside. Tonight, Ona, go and inform them. You don't need to go out tomorrow. I will teach you how to make other weapons."

At the beginning, I discussed it with Sang Jian, and they made their own weapons by themselves.

"Okay." Ona nodded and agreed.

Soon, she thought of another thing, "Um...were you really from the Kingdom of Beasts?"

Looking at these things made by Jiang Qi in the past few days, they don't look like they came from the Ten Thousand Beasts Kingdom.

Even if there is a so-called omnipotent witch in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Beasts, they don't have these things.

She is a little worried now. When Jiang Qi said he was going to leave, he did not mean returning to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Beasts.

If you just go back to the Ten Thousand Beasts Kingdom, then it's okay, after all, the Ten Thousand Beasts Kingdom is not too far away from here.

If he was going to other places, then their empress would be completely abandoned!

"Ah?" Jiang Qi didn't expect Aona to ask this question suddenly.

He froze for a moment, and before he could answer, Ona had already seen some clues.

Sure enough, it is not from the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Beasts!

He hesitated!

In the next second, Ona stretched out her hand and pulled Sangjian who was beside Jiang Qi, and pulled her aside, "Come on, empress, let's talk about something."

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, and let her lead him away.

Jiang Qi looked at the back of the two of them leaving with a puzzled expression.


When she was sure that Jiang Qi couldn't hear them, Ona whispered to Sang Jian: "Didn't you say that he is from the Kingdom of Beasts? I asked him just now, and he is obviously guilty!"

Sang Jian blinked, "His identity doesn't matter anymore, right? It's already pretty good to lead our tribe to this level of development."

"You're right." If he had any purpose, why would he teach them to do this?
"But I don't care about his identity!" Ona said with a look of hatred: "I heard it last time! He is leaving, right? Empress, you are still young, use some means to keep him !"

Sang Jian: "..."

Oh, so Ona's weirdness lately is because of this?

Ona looked Sang Jian up and down, "In terms of beauty, I think that in the entire orc world, few can compare with our snake orcs, especially you are the most beautiful beast of our snake! With a little trickery, even if you don't No matter how much the orcs despise us as snake beasts, they can't help but want something to happen!"

"You have to rely on this to entangle him!"

I don't know if Jiang Qi is too busy recently to care about Sang Jian, or if he is indifferent to Sang.

I always feel that the atmosphere between the two of them is not as good as before!Ona is in a hurry!

Sang Jian squinted at her, "You clearly wanted him to go faster before."

"Didn't you know this kid was so useful before?"

While talking, Ona mysteriously handed two fruits to Sangjian.

"Love fruit, take it quickly. He was abducted into the tribe by me because he ate this in the first place. It works very well for him! You have to make him unable to leave you. It is best to give him a few cubs and tie him up." Stop him!"

Sang Jian: "..."

Seeing the two bright red fruits in his hand, Sang Jian was a little surprised.

It is indeed very similar to an apple, almost exactly the same, no wonder Jiang Qi admitted his mistake at first.

"I see." Sang Jian didn't want to discuss this with Ona anymore.

She was afraid to go on, Aona had other tricks that were not suitable for children to teach her.

Then there is no need.

Ona patted her on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Hey, little empress, you know, I have fought with your mother in my life and fought many battles with her, but I have never won. This time I think there is Jiang Qi leads, not to mention other tribes, even the Kingdom of Beasts can be defeated! Sure enough, there must be a male!"

In the past, they always thought that their females could be independent, but now that Jiang Qi exists, they realize that there are many things that their females would never think of.

"Well... although... I don't quite agree with what you said." Jiang Qi is indeed very powerful and has brought a lot of benefits to their tribe.

But if we really want to talk about it, women are more powerful in this world.

After all, in this world, the heroine is king.

It suddenly occurred to her that the mistress predicted that the heroine would destroy the world of beasts. Could this destruction be literal?
But the heroine used modern knowledge to lead the primitive animal world to a new civilization?

It's a pity that before she developed, she was hunted down by those orcs who thought that destruction was literal.

Sang Jian was not sure before, but after seeing Jiang Qi make so many things, and the orcs accepted it easily, Sang Jian felt more and more that his guess was correct.

This shows that the orcs are very receptive to new things, so it is not impossible to overthrow the old civilization and create a new civilization.

"Ah, that's right, the empress is the best!"

When Sangjian thought about it, Aona heard her words, thinking that she didn't hear her praise, so she was jealous.

Ona quickly boasted, after all, the little empress is still young, so she deserves to be pampered.

"..." Sang Jian came back to his senses and couldn't help laughing.

Holding the love fruit, she put her hands on her hips and said, "Of course, I will lead you to fight in the future! My partner won't do anything!"

"Yes, yes, so you need to find a chance to keep him!" Ona said seriously.

Sang Jian: "..."

She could tell that Jiang Qi had surpassed her status in Ona's heart!
But thinking about it carefully, she really didn't pay anything to the tribe.


This afternoon it is rare to take a rest, Jiang Qi is waiting for Sang Jian to come back in the cave.

When Sang Jian came back, he directly threw the two fruits in his hand to him.

Jiang Qi didn't even look at it, picked it up, took a bite, and asked casually: "I always feel that Aona is weird recently, does she have any opinion on me?"

Jiang Qi asked suspiciously.

From the first day he came here, Ona had a problem with him. Although she didn't say anything recently, she behaved so strangely that it was hard not to think about it.

Sang Jian sat down next to Jiang Qi, propped his chin with his hand, and stared at him leisurely, "My partner has done so many things for our tribe, why does she have any objections to you?"

"Then..." Jiang Qi said hesitantly: "Although it's not good to inquire about your secrets, I still want to know what she told you?"

After finishing speaking, he seemed to feel that this idea was immoral, and he felt a little embarrassed.

He quickly ate a few mouthfuls of fruit to suppress his shock.

The more he ate it, the more he felt the taste of this fruit was a bit familiar, but recently Sang Jian always fed him various fruits, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

"You really want to know?" Sang Jian stared at the half-eaten love fruit in his hand, already vaguely aware that he would not be able to get up tomorrow.

"Yeah." Jiang Qi nodded.

Just about to take another bite, Sang Jian stretched out his hand and snatched the half-eaten fruit from his hand.

"Hey, next time, even if it's something an acquaintance gives you, you should take a look!"

She held up the half of the fruit to Jiang Qi.

The original appearance could no longer be seen, Jiang Qi took a few more glances before he was sure what it was.

"An apple with a strange feeling after eating it!" He said how the taste was so familiar.

Jiang Qi frowned, "Aona gave it to you?"

Sang Jian curled her lips, "Yes, she asked me to feed you. What should I do, my partner ate a lot."

Jiang Qi frowned even tighter, "Why did she ask me to eat this in broad daylight?"

Turning his head to look at Sang Jian, seeing a playful flash in her eyes, Jiang Qi suddenly realized.

"She just asked you to feed it to me, she didn't say that you would feed it to me during the day, right? Little Ah Sang wanted to feed it to me during the day."

Having said that, he tilted his head closer to Sang Jian, and said in a low voice, "I've been too busy recently, have I neglected little Asang?"

"...It's not because of this." She just wanted him to hold it by himself, and he took a bite on the spot without even looking at it.

She continued: "I still prefer the night, when the night is quiet, my partner's voice is very good."

Jiang Qi: "..."

I wanted to tease Sang Jian, but I didn't expect to be teased by her instead.

Jiang Qi blushed slightly, and seeing Sang Jian's serious appearance, he suddenly grabbed Sang Jian's hand holding half of the fruit, lowered his head, and ate the whole fruit with her hand.

After eating, he picked up the other and ate it in front of Sang Jian.

"Are you crazy?" Sang Jian couldn't help but ask.

Half of it is enough for him to get up, how dare he eat two?

"Well, let me see how crazy I can be..." Jiang Qi got up, threw the fruit core on the ground, and closed the cave door by the way.

He probably guessed that Ona asked Sang Jian to eat this for him. Was it to enhance the relationship between him and Sang Jian?

It's a pity that the relationship between the two of them can be enhanced without this.

This thing can only enhance the interest between them.

After finishing everything, Jiang Qi lay down on the bed honestly, waiting for the strange feeling to appear.

In fact, there is no need to wait, just having Sang Jian by his side already feels strange.

I really want to... hug her.

Sang Jian: "..."

Seeing him lying down and waiting honestly, Sang Jian raised his hand and pinched the center of his brows, feeling a little headache.

For this kind of thing, she has never been reserved, and it can even be said that she is very active occasionally.


She squeezed Jiang Qi's small face, leaned over, and said softly: "I can do it anytime, and you don't need to eat this thing, and don't eat so much, it's not good for your health."

"Little Ah Sang, don't question my physical fitness." Jiang Qi raised his hand and grabbed her hand, his whole face was already turning red.

Sang Jian said solemnly: "I need to eat this to add to the fun. Are you in good health?"

In her eyes, this has the same effect as a certain brother.

Jiang Qi: "!!!"

A word to wake up the dreamer!

"Ouch..." Jiang Qi turned over and retched, wanting to spit out the fruit he ate, he really didn't need this thing! ! !

"Okay, no next time."

Sang Jian pushed him back and pushed him forward.

Jiang Qi: "..." I wouldn't eat it even if I beat it to death, I'll be questioned!
Ona really didn't like him, so she asked Ah Sang to give him this food!Shame on him!
This grudge is written down!


(End of this chapter)

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