Chapter 1115 Man, You Are Playing With Fire (21)

It was near the afternoon of the next day that Sang Jian opened his eyes.

Although there are many things to do today, but no orc came to disturb her, it must be Aona who said something to the group of orcs again.

She sat up, glanced at Jiang Qi who was still sleeping beside her, and couldn't help poking his face with her hand.

I already guessed this kind of result a long time ago, so I still have to go crazy. Now that it's all right, let's just say that his body can't bear it.

Jiang Qi didn't sleep very well, and woke up when Sang Jian lightly poked his face.

Opening his eyes in a daze, he saw Sang Jian sitting beside him, and his consciousness became a little clearer.

My brain also short-circuited for a second, and then I recalled what happened last night.


Jiang Qi silently pulled up the animal skin on his body, wrapped it around his whole body, then turned over and turned his back to Sang Jian, as if he was angry.

Sang Jian: "???"

"Partner, are you angry?" Sang Jian raised his hand and poked him on the back.

"No." Jiang Qi snorted.

He was just angry at himself, as if he was really useless, otherwise, how could he leave the impression that he was not good enough to test him with fruit?

That apple has really strong stamina, he just remembered that he lost his strength not long after last night, and was manipulated by Ah Sang for a long time...

This should not be the case!
He is the one who eats the fruit, so he should become very fierce, right?
"This kind of thing, every male has to go through it, so don't be too shy." Sang Jian said with the tone of someone who has experienced it.

Jiang Qi: "..."

The more you say that, the more embarrassing it is!
"I'm not shy." Jiang Qi stood up, without even looking at Sang, and began to put on his clothes.

He muttered in his mouth: "Next time you eat, I won't!"

He wanted to see if she still had the strength by then.

She will definitely be like him, get bored soon, and then let him dictate!
"Okay, okay, if you're happy, you can eat anything." Sang Jian replied helplessly.

Jiang Qi got excited for a second, turned his head and approached Sang Jian suddenly, raised his eyebrows and said, "You can eat anything?"

His face was still blushing, but he said this kind of thought-provoking words.

Isn't he shy now?

Sang Jian blinked at him, wondering if they were thinking the same thing?
After all, with Jiang Qi's brain circuit, if it's what she thinks, he probably wants to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Dare to look at him like that, it shows that his thoughts are very upright!

Sure enough, Jiang Qi blinked at Sang Jian, and immediately said: "Recently, I have studied a new way to eat animal meat, and I will make it for you later! You must tell the truth when the time comes, and you are not allowed to say that everything is delicious!"

The stewed meat I made before was delicious because the soup tasted good when it was hot. Neither of them ate it hot. It tasted very greasy after it cooled down.

But that kind of food is also delicious in Sang Jian's mouth.

At that time, Jiang Qi felt that she was perfunctory, as long as it was made by him, she would probably say it was delicious.

"...Mmm." Sang Jian looked away and put on her clothes silently.

Sure enough, she was the only old bastard, and her partner was very pure.


When Jiang Qi and Sang Jian went out, the door was full of orcs.

The leader is Ona. If you read correctly, she just escaped from the door as soon as it opened?

Is she eavesdropping?
He gets angry when he thinks that Ona asked Sangjian to eat fruit for him.

So when she came out, she didn't give Ona a good look.

Ona rubbed her nose awkwardly, and stayed away from them.

He said that he wanted to make food for Sang Jian, so Jiang Qi would naturally make it for her first.

The previous chili was useless, he was afraid that Sang Jian would not get used to the taste.

This time, he couldn't control so much, so he directly made a pot of chili stew.

I have eaten too much of the tasteless ones, and my mouth has no taste.

During the stew, Jiang Qi didn't forget his business. All the orcs were guarding here, so he naturally wanted to teach them how to make weapons.

There are only stones and countless logs here, and I really can't make any cold weapons I want.

He taught the orcs how to make slingshots, which they could carry with them at any time, and they could just pick up small stones on the ground to shoot them.

This kind of thing is not very lethal, but it still hurts when it hits someone, and it will be even more serious if it hits the eyes or something.

When making a slingshot, Jiang Qi thought of bows and arrows. It's not like he hasn't thought about this thing.

But if the arrow is made of wood, even if it is sharpened, it may not be able to pierce the orc's skin.

While he was thinking, his eyes fixed on the earthen stove where the meat was being stewed, and a raging fire was burning in the earthen stove.

"All orcs are afraid of fire, right?" he suddenly asked Sang Jian beside him.

Sang Jian was also making his own slingshot. Hearing this, he nodded, "Yes, no orcs can use fire. This is unlucky for every orc tribe."

Jiang Qi froze for a moment.

So even if it is an unlucky existence, does she still tolerate herself playing with fire?

Other traversers can use fire to make delicious food to conquer the orcs, and the orcs forgive them for using fire.

But even if she used fire, she couldn't make delicious things, and every time she made dark dishes, she ate them.

"I know what to do!"

Jiang Qi couldn't hold back and leaned over to kiss Sangjian hard on the face.

Sang Jian raised her eyes to look at him, Jiang Qi avoided her gaze, and took away the things in her hand at the same time.

"You don't have to do it, I've made it for you." The demonstration weapon he used to teach other orcs was made for her.

Although it was used as a demonstration for other orcs, he was serious about what he did, okay?

" still have to pay attention to the impact!" Ona reminded seriously beside her.

However, both Sang Jian and Jiang Qi lowered their heads and continued to work, and no one paid any attention to her.

Ona: "..."

Although the two of them are very cold towards themselves, the relationship between the two of them has heated up!

It seems that her method is still feasible!
How could Jiang Qi kiss the little empress in front of all the orcs before?

This is progress!
"Starting from tomorrow, after you hunt wild animals, you will not only have to peel off the skin, but also take out the animal tendons, which can then be used to make bowstrings." Jiang Qi reminded everyone.

Usually, when they ate wild animals, they would eat the skins and swallow them raw, leaving no tendons at all.

That thing can be tanned like animal hide, and it has a lot of uses.

"You also need to have a stick, preferably longer and stronger. If you fight, don't change back into the animal body if you can't change it..."

Jiang Qi explained his views to other orcs, "Although your beast body may be very strong, if you encounter a four-legged beast, it seems that you have no other advantage except to entangle them with your body. They can use their claws Scratching you, biting you, these are their advantages."

"Using human form, you will have two more hands and two legs. You can use weapons to hit them with your hands, and your winning rate will be much higher."

After treating their injuries a few days ago, Jiang Qi discovered this problem.

Most of them will turn back into snakes to entangle the enemy, but if they are not strong enough to entangle the enemy to death, they can only be manipulated by enemies with limbs.

Regarding Jiang Qi's statement, all the orcs nodded silently.

They pretty much decided to do what he said, even if he didn't say it.

Because in the last fight, Sang Jian was in human form throughout the whole process, and had not changed into a beast, and even pressed Da Tong to the ground with a hammer.

Thinking about it this way, they are worthy of being partners, but they both think the same way about their enemies.

"Just remember it."

Jiang Qi had already tied the slingshot, he picked up a small stone on the ground and pointed it at a bird flying in the sky.

The slingshot is made of tree branches and animal skins, and its elasticity is not bad.

Pull away, aim, let go, all in one go.

With a bird cry, the bird he aimed at fell from the sky.

The orcs widened their eyes.

Is it so powerful!
Jiang Qi is very satisfied with how aggressive he is!

Fortunately, he often played like this when he was a child, it is really the same as before!

"Hitting these small animals may kill them, but the orcs can't. At most, hitting them will distract them, so you must learn to cooperate."

Jiang Qi handed the things in his hand to Sang Jian, "Ah Sang uses this."

Sang Jian reached out to take it, and also picked up a small stone, ready to try it.

Jiang Qi felt that his chance had come, and was planning to teach her how to use it.

Seeing that Sangjian had imitated his example, he launched a small stone.

The stone didn't know where it went, it flew too far, Jiang Qi vaguely seemed to see something hit, but he couldn't be sure.

Unexpectedly, the other orcs beside him suddenly applauded, "Good!!!"

Jiang Qi: "..." What happened?
Sang Jian slightly hooked his lips, "The shooting range is not bad."

It is said that the eyesight of snake beasts is not very good, but it is actually not the case. Their eyesight is not only good, but they can also see very far.

Sang saw that the stone hit the fruit of a tree that normal people couldn't see clearly with naked eyes.

The fruit is smashed into pieces.

"It's really good, it's a good thing for sneak attacks!" Ona said.

The other orcs also got excited, imitating what Jiang Qi and Sang Jian had done, and began to practice, while those who hadn't finished also speeded up.

Jiang Qi: "..." Happiness belongs to them, it's his fault that he can't see far enough to share their joy.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the gate of the tribe, as if someone was smashing their fence gate.

Today I was teaching all the orcs how to do things, so that the guarding orcs came over, and only now did I know that there was an enemy coming.

"It's a familiar smell."

Sang Jian stood up and looked in the direction of the door.

"There are still quite a few." Ona also became vigilant.

"Don't worry, just try the catapult." Jiang Qi also got up and stood beside Sangjian.

Sang Jian looked back at him, then nodded, "Well, good idea."

Because the other orcs had to cultivate, they hadn't had time to find trouble with other tribes. Unexpectedly, the remnants of the tiger and beast tribe suddenly came to the door with orcs from other tribes.

Several watchtowers were built in the tribe, and Sang Jian and Jiang Qi quickly went up to one of them, just in time to see a group of orcs outside, who were violently trying to tear down the gate for them.

Fortunately, it was made strong, otherwise it would really not be able to withstand their toss.

"Are you the refugees who took over the Tiger Beast Tribe?" Sang Jian looked down at a group of orcs outside the gate.

The group of orcs heard Sang Jian's voice, looked around for a few times, and finally looked up at Sang Jian on the observation deck.

"Do you think that if the tribe is surrounded like this, we won't be able to attack it? Leader of the snake tribe, the story of you killing Da Tong has already spread among all the orc tribes. You have reached the point where heaven can't tolerate it! Come out and plead guilty as soon as possible, maybe you can save the lives of other orcs in your tribe!"

"Since you are with the remnants of the Tiger Beast Tribe, you will end up like them, so don't worry, you will have what they have." Sang Jian said coldly.

"Hahaha..." The orc in the lead laughed, and was about to say something when Sang Jian raised his hand and waved.

The next moment, before they could react, a big rock fell from the sky and smashed into their pile of orcs.


The stone falling from the sky was caught off guard, and several orcs who hadn't escaped in time were accurately smashed under the stone.

Instant blood splashed on the spot.

The other orcs' eyes widened, but before they could react, another big rock fell from the sky!


The leader of the orcs panicked, and hurriedly ran back with the other orcs, so that they seemed to be able to stay away from the snake and beast tribe, and would not be hit by big rocks.

I thought the stone was only as far away as the door, but after they retreated more than ten meters, another big stone flew out.

This time they saw clearly that the boulder flew out from the snake beast tribe!

What did they do?How can you throw a big rock so far?

"You wait for us!!!"

Unable to understand what was going on, the leader of the orcs left this cruel sentence and ran away with the other orcs.

It's a bit of a bad start, wait for them to figure out a countermeasure before coming back!

"The effect is good." Sang Jian looked at the fleeing orcs, and rarely praised him sincerely.

Although the damage of stones is higher than that of bombs, it is more than enough to deal with orcs.

"Those stones can be moved back, what about the orcs at the gate?" Jiang Qi frowned and asked.

The few orcs who didn't avoid it were more miserable. Even if they had bad skin and thick flesh, it would be terrible to be smashed down like this.

Even half of the orc's body was smashed into meat paste.

Sang Jian glanced down and called out, "Aona, take the orcs to deal with the door, and carry those half-dead orcs to the forest near the leopard tribe, and let them take them back by themselves."

Jackals, tigers and leopards belong to a family, and the orcs who seemed to avenge the tiger tribe just now belonged to the leopard tribe.

"Yes!" Ona replied.

This method is good!

It can not only let other tribes see that the Leopards wanted to seek revenge from them, but failed, but also let them realize that not only failed, but they were beaten like this by them.

Next time, I shouldn't dare to commit a crime easily!

"They didn't have too many orcs this time. Next time they think about it, they should be well prepared. One catapult may not be enough." Jiang Qi thought for a while, hesitating to make a few more.

Sang Jian said, "They have no chance to come again. Mate, when will the bow and arrow be ready?"

Jiang Qi thought seriously, "If there is a hand, I'm afraid there won't be enough animal tendons. If there are enough animal tendons, it will take about three or four days?"

Tanning tendons also takes several days.

He didn't realize at all that he obviously didn't say that he could make bows and arrows, but only said that he could make bow strings. How did Sang Jian know about this weapon?
"We can do as much as we can, and we'll fight back when we're done," Sang Jian said.

Now that the leopards have already launched an attack, they can't continue to sit still.

After they finish dealing with these tribal issues, there will probably be news from Su Kou.

(End of this chapter)

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