Chapter 1116 Man, You Are Playing With Fire (22)

Jiang Qi thought for a while, "That's right, maybe it doesn't need that much."

After all, what he did was not an ordinary bow and arrow.

After discussing the follow-up things, the next things will be much easier to do, as long as you follow the plan, you will be fine.

Jiang Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and wanted to say something, but a spicy meat smell came from his breath.

The taste of chili stimulated the taste buds and secreted some saliva.

He really hasn't eaten anything with flavor for a long time!Even though he doesn't eat spicy food very much, in this world, being able to eat spicy food is a kind of happiness!

"The meat should be ready, let's go down."

Jiang Qi couldn't wait to pull Sang Jian down from the observation deck, and went back to watch his chili stew.

In the stone pot, the broth was bubbling. The broth was very white, and the animal meat was soft and rotten. There were green peppers in the soup, mixed with the milky white soup, it looked like The perfect decoration.

The aroma of meat and the pungent smell of chili stimulated the noses of all the orcs present.

Finally, I feel that Jiang Qi has made something delicious!
They couldn't help swallowing because of the smell.

Jiang Qi put out the fire, and then kept stirring the broth in the pot with a stick, hoping to cool it down faster.

The orcs next to them were envious for a while.

"Don't look at it, it's not for you, if you want to eat, you can cook it yourself." Jiang Qi said unceremoniously.

He can help with other things, but not this one.

He only cooks for his partner.

All the orcs: "..." It's no big deal.

It's just a little too much saliva.

This taste is really exciting.

When Jiang Qi and Sang Jian finally ate the chili stew, the first bite of Jiang Qi was too spicy.

But this is indeed the first time he has tasted other than the sweetness of fruit and the smell of meat after time travelling!
Even without other ingredients, this meat is delicious!
"If you're not used to the taste..."

While feeding Sang Jian, Jiang Qi wanted to say something.

As a result, after a few mouthfuls of feeding, Sang Jian's expression didn't change a bit.

Jiang Qi: "..." He was already sweating from the heat, why is she fine?
"Isn't it spicy?" He asked suspiciously.

Sang Jian blinked at him, "It's indeed much more delicious than before."

After speaking, he opened his mouth and continued to wait for him to feed.

Jiang Qi: "..."

I didn't expect her to be a spicy snake, I really underestimated her.

Jiang Qi wiped the sweat from his forehead, and finished the meat in the pot one by one.

This time I didn't even miss the soup.

It's cold soup, it's really not good.


In the next two days, other orcs went hunting wildly. Even with the hunting trap that Jiang Qi helped to make, the orcs did not rely solely on that thing.

In this way, more than a dozen complete animal tendons were finally assembled. After tanning, they were left in the sun for two days. Fortunately, the sun here has always been abundant.

Jiang Qi led other orcs to make more than a dozen bows and arrows. The arrows were not ordinary pointed arrows, but wrapped with animal skin layer after layer to make them round.

Afterwards, it was soaked in the boiled animal oil for a long time.

Since all orcs are afraid of fire, and simple wooden arrows can't pierce the skin of orcs at all, then they shoot rockets, which can make them feel scared even if they don't burn them to death.

You don't need too many of these things, otherwise it will easily set the whole forest on fire, more than ten will be enough.

Sang Jian and Jiang Qi selected those who were more accurate in archery in the tribe, and handed these things to them.

Then they took the initiative to attack.


"I want to go and you don't let me go, I will worry about you."

Before leaving, Jiang Qi complained a little.

Every time she fights she has to hide her feelings.

"Mate, have you forgotten what I told you?" Sang Jian was carrying the small backpack that Jiang Qi had prepared for him, which contained all the things he needed for this expedition.

She said seriously: "You have to do logistics at home, otherwise what if I get injured and no one takes care of me when I come back?"

"...You will use this set of rhetoric to accuse me, go, I will wait for you to come back!" Jiang Qi rolled his eyes, "But you'd better not get hurt, I will get angry, and when I get angry, I will be angry." I don't want to treat you."

"Okay!" Sang Jian raised his hand to hug Jiang Qi.

"Huh." Jiang Qi snorted lightly, but didn't say anything else.

This time, all members of the Snake Beast Tribe were dispatched, leaving only Jiang Qi alone to guard the tribe.

After all the orcs left, Jiang Qi felt unusually quiet.

He was already used to this kind of group life, and suddenly he was left alone, and he was a little lonely.


Sang Jian led a large number of orcs and went straight to the Leopard tribe.

The Leopard Tribe was passing through the former Tiger Tribe, and it happened that they didn't know what happened to the remaining females of the Tiger Tribe, so it wasn't a big problem to take a look.

But when a group of orcs came to the Tiger Tribe, they discovered that all the orcs from the Leopard Tribe had moved here.

The tribe is surrounded by leopard orcs, and several leopard orcs are hugging the former tiger female and kissing me.

The screen was invisible for a while.

"It really took no effort at all, and it happened to be a pot for them."

Sang Jian put down the small pannier on his back, took out the slingshot from it, picked up a small stone, and aimed at the orc who was about to kiss a certain female.

With a bang, a small stone hit him in the face!


The leopard screamed in pain, turned its head, and saw a group of snakes standing not far away.

"We didn't go looking for you, but you actually came to your door! Courting death!"

Leopard Beast saw them and remembered the previous shame.

He pushed the female next to him, "Go and inform the other orcs, we must destroy their snake beasts today!"

The female runs away.

Not far away, Sang Jian was rummaging for something in the back basket. After a while, a small torch was stuck in the oil pot under the back basket, which was specially made by Jiang Qi.

He gave her the lighter, which was stained with oil and could be easily ignited.

Snake beasts are actually a little afraid of fire, but recently they often see Jiang Qi setting fire to cook for Sang Jian, and they are not so resistant.

It's just that when I really let myself touch it, I still felt a little guilty.

But Sang Jian had already lit the torch and held it up in front of the other orcs.

They knew what she meant, which was to let their archers take the prepared arrows to ignite the fire, and then shoot it.

The war has already begun.

Although he had no special training, he had no reason to hesitate when he went to the battlefield.

Ona was the first to light the fire with an arrow, aimed at the haystack in the tiger beast tribe, and shot it with a whoosh.

"What are you guys doing? Did you do something weird again? I don't believe you can still throw stones at us this time!"

The orcs, who were waiting for other leopard beasts to come to support them, sneered when they saw Ona's actions.

Because the arrow was stained with oil, the ignited flame was not bright, and coupled with the sun's rays, he didn't see the fire on the arrow at all.

He didn't realize something was wrong until the haystack next to him ignited.


Sang Jian had already picked up the pannier, holding a torch in one hand and an ordinary stick in the other, and rushed over first.

Other orcs without bows and arrows also took the sticks they had prepared in advance, and rushed in after Sang Jian.

They came prepared, this group of leopard beasts had only experienced blows, they certainly did not expect them to take the initiative to attack, they were not prepared at all.

The outcome of this battle can be imagined.

The entire tiger beast tribe, where there is grass, is on fire.

These furry orcs, as soon as they touched the flames, the whole beast would be frightened and rolled all over the ground, without them doing anything at all.

A war didn't last long, and the leopard orcs of the tiger and beast tribe almost ran away.

"You don't have to go to other tribes to find rescuers, because we will fight back one by one."

Sang saw that they almost came to another tribe after chasing the fleeing leopard orcs.

Ona Bisang saw that she held more grudges, and immediately recognized that this tribe had bullied them, and the bullying was terrible.

Ever since, Sang Jian led the snake beasts in and ransacked the tribe.

The method of using fire is really tried and tested.

A torch, hit all tribes!
Burning is the most vicious punishment of the orc tribe, and no orc wants to touch this thing.

Unexpectedly, when Sang saw them, he was not afraid of death and attacked them with fire. He is indeed a vicious snake beast! ! !

This war lasted for five days, and Sang Jian led the orcs to loot all the tribes who had bullied them.

In the end, they took the initiative to hand over their prey for peace, and this matter was over.

And also made a verbal agreement, they are not allowed to go to the territory around the snake beast in the future, otherwise they will fight once they see each other.

The orcs of other tribes were completely outraged.

Only then did Sang Jian lead the large army and the spoils home with satisfaction.

I didn't expect that there would be so many tribes around, and some tribes were quite far away, so it took so long.

I don't know what happened to Jiang Qi at home, he must be worried.


In this war, because they all have weapons and listened to Jiang Qi's words, as long as there are orcs approaching, they can be hit with sticks, so that they are not injured much.

Everyone is very happy. After going back this time, they should be able to live a stable life completely.

Isn't that what they've been after?
It's just a pity for Axue, why can't I hold a meeting and join the Tiger tribe?Obviously their empresses have risen as adults, but they still can't think about it!

But these things are in the past.

"After you go back, you can discuss yourself, don't discuss me."

When he was about to reach the tribe, Sang Jian couldn't help but said to the other orcs.

Can't scare his partner.

Ona also agreed with Sang Jian and said, "Yes! Don't mention the empress' prestige, it will scare the timid Jiang Qi."

The other orcs responded.

Sang Jian squinted at Ona, "My partner seems to have a bad image in your eyes?"

"Ah?" Ona was stunned for a moment, and said innocently: "No, he is very weak, isn't he? But he is a person who relies on his brain, and his weak body can be ignored."

It is indeed relying on the brain to call them every day!
Sang Jian: "..."

emmm, I can't refute it.

"Empress, look!"

Just as Sang Jian was speechless, an orc called out behind him.

When Sang Jian looked up, the gate of the tribe came into view.

However, it is not as peaceful as imagined.

Half of the gate made of wood hangs loosely on the fence, and it looks like it will fall down at any time. You can tell who opened it violently at a glance.

Seeing that her pupils shrank slightly, Sang quickly rushed back to the tribe without caring about the orcs behind her.

The herbs that are all over the ground in the tribe should be picked by Jiang Qi himself in the past few days. He is afraid that they will be seriously injured again, so he picked them up for later use.

But the messy appearance of these herbs doesn't seem to have been dried by someone at all.

Sang Jian rushed back to her and Jiang Qi's cave to take a look, but there was no one inside.

Something went wrong.

She put down the small backpack on her body and exited the cave.

"What's going on? Could it be that some orcs took him away and threatened us by making noise?" Ona asked anxiously.

Sang Jian raised his hand and patted her on the shoulder. At this moment, he was unusually calm, and he was still in the mood to comfort Ona, "It's nothing."

"Ona, other tribes won't come here for a long time. You live here with peace of mind. Even if there are other orcs who don't have eyes, you can drive them away with your current ability."

"I have to find my partner. I will leave the rest of the tribe to you."

Ona: "..."

Her calm tone made Ona feel bad.

"You mean, he left by himself? Didn't the method given to you before work? Obviously it worked. Didn't he treat you much better afterwards?" Ona expressed her incomprehension.

"Are you stupid?" Sang Jian lifted his legs and walked out of the tribe, "The door is smashed like this, how could it be possible for you to walk by yourself?"

"Then where are you going to find him?" Ona asked.

Sang Jian said without even thinking about it: "Wan Beast Kingdom. Don't worry, I will bring him back."

She waved her hand without looking back, and headed in the direction of the Ten Thousand Beasts Kingdom.

"..." Ona stared at her back in a daze.


The reason why Sang Jian was sure that the orcs from the Ten Thousand Beasts Kingdom took him away was because in the past five days, all the orcs in this mountain forest ran away when they saw them, and they would not seek death. tribe.

And carefully counting the time, in the original world, it was time for Su Kou to completely accept Jiang Qi as his harem.

So is this where the plot is headed?

Must Jiang Qi meet Su Kou?

This is also good, there is an honest reason to go to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Beasts.


Kingdom of Ten Thousand Beasts, Miko Palace.

Jiang Qi was locked in a cage, staring at Su Kou in the opposite cage.

The "little witch" dressed as a woman sat on a rock, her eyes were on the two of them.

Jiang Qi couldn't help but asked Su Kou, "How long have you been arrested?"

Seeing Su Kou in a state of distress, it looks like she should have been imprisoned for a long time.

Su Kou shrugged, "Don't say it as if I was arrested as soon as I came here. I have only been locked up for a few days, otherwise you would have been arrested by this little pervert."

If she hadn't been dealing with this little pervert some time ago, Jiang Qi would have suffered a long time ago!
Jiang Qi: "Then I thank you?"

"You're welcome." Su Kou put her arms around her chest, leaned against the cage, and looked at the little pervert outside.

"Hey, you arrested us just to lock us up?" she asked.

The little wizard glanced at her, and said softly, "I was wondering...whether that snake girl will come to save you."

Jiang Qi grabbed the railing of the cage in an instant, and shouted: "Don't think of her!"

(End of this chapter)

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