Chapter 1117 Man, You Are Playing With Fire (23)

The little wizard glanced at him, closed his eyes like an old monk in meditation, and said softly: "You don't think I'm interested in arresting you, do you?"

Recently, he hadn't caught Su Kou for so long, and he also admitted that Su Kou had a little bit of ability to escape, and it was more because he sent some orcs to secretly inquire about the snake beast tribe.

Ever since the snake girl suddenly asked him how long he had traveled, he has been restless.

I think she might be the same as me.

Not like the two traversers in front of me.

is wearing.

Both he and Snake are soul-wearing, and have their own new identities.

So, does this mean that the two of them have new tasks to do?Can I go back after finishing it?
For example, to build a harmonious animal world society together?

Both he and the snake girl are "local beasts". If they want to develop the beast world, their words must be more effective than the words of Su Kou and Jiang Qi, two outsiders, right?

It's not that he discriminates against them. As the old saying goes, a strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake.

Didn't he and the snake girl properly dress up as "local snakes"?
And these two outsiders who seem to be able to change the world of beasts in front of them, without the help of local beasts, they really can't make any big waves.

"If you're not interested, let us go!" Su Kou squatted in the cage, picked up a small stone and threw it up and down in his hand.

"He can let him go." The little wizard pointed at Jiang Qi casually, "Just wait for the snake girl to come and let him go."

Speaking of which, he put down his hand and changed the subject, "You can't. I guessed that you are a sinner in this world a long time ago, so... hiss..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a small stone hit him on the head accurately.

The pain caused him to open his eyes immediately.

Su Kou patted her hands and sneered, "You're pretending to be your sister's little witch!"

Little wizard: "..."

He raised his head and stared at Su Kou, his youthful face of fifteen or sixteen years old was exposed from the hood, with resentment.

"Wow, he is really perverted!"

Jiang Qi next to him looked curious.

He had heard from Su Kou and Sang Jian that this little witch was a man before, but he had never seen it before, so he had been dubious about it, but now that he saw it this way, he didn't have any special hobbies, and he couldn't do such a thing!
The little wizard turned his head to stare at Jiang Qi again.

Not to be outdone, Jiang Qi stared back.

When the two of them were staring at each other, a crisp voice suddenly came from the stone wall behind the little wizard.

"He might really be pretending to be his sister."

Seeing a difficult look, Sang climbed to the top of the wall and sat down.

She waved to Jiang Qi, "mate, are you okay?"

"Ah Sang!" Jiang Qi jumped up excitedly.

I didn't expect her to come back so soon.

"How about you? Are you okay? Are you injured? I have some herbs on me. If you are injured, come here. I will bandage you first."

Jiang Qi was still worried that she had fought outside before.

I guess I just came back, and when I saw that he was gone, I immediately chased after him, without even taking a break.

"I am fine."

Sang Jian jumped off the wall.

The little witch immediately stood up vigilantly, retreated to the door of Jiang Qi's cage, and raised a dagger, "Don't come here again! Otherwise, I will be rude to him!"

Brightly threatened Sang Jian with Jiang Qi.

Sang Jian stopped, shrugged, and said helplessly, "Didn't you expect me to come? Why do you have this attitude when I come?"

Before the little wizard could say anything, he was suddenly slapped hard on the back of the head.

I heard Jiang Qi's voice behind me, "Be polite to my partner!"

As soon as this boy with special hobbies stepped back, Jiang Qi realized that he was a bit shorter than himself.

It can be regarded as allowing him to see a male shorter than him in this world.


The little wizard raised his dagger and turned around to point it at Jiang Qi, "If you want to die, I can fulfill you!"

"Give me back my things!"

At this moment, another small stone was thrown over and hit the little wizard's wrist.

He couldn't help but let go of the pain, and the dagger fell to the ground.

Su Kou, who was next to her, kicked open the door of the cage, walked out from the inside, and greeted Sang Jian, "Stop playing, I'm eating and sleeping in the open these days, I'm really uncomfortable!"

Hurry up and finish it, so she can go back and have a warm meal.

"You guys?" The little witch man didn't expect the sudden change.

Why did Su Kou come out suddenly?

Isn't this door locked all the time?

Even Jiang Qi couldn't open it, how could she open it as a girl?
Jiang Qi was also stunned for a few seconds.

He tentatively tugged on the strong rope tied to the door.

This rope is very difficult to untie without tools!
So he was really the only trash?

"Okay, let's talk!"

The two men were stunned, and Sang Jian grabbed the little wizard by the hood and dragged him aside.

The hood was pulled off his head, he was busy running away last time and didn't take a closer look, but now, he has long black hair, and it's really hard to distinguish between male and female when it hangs down.

No wonder he kept pretending to be dumb in Ten Thousand Beasts Kingdom, so he was not discovered by other orcs. Just by looking at his face, he would indeed confuse other orcs.

However, most orcs can distinguish between male and female by breath, but he has never exposed it...

This is somewhat related to what Sang Jian said before.

Su Kou also thought of what Sang Jian said just now. She picked up the dagger on the ground and cut off the rope on Jiang Qi's cage.

Then without even looking at Jiang Qi, he turned around and came to Sang Jian, watching Sang Jian push the little witch man onto the stone and force him to sit up.

The two stood on the side, one on the left and the other on the right, condescendingly examining the little wizard.

Little wizard: "..." I was terrified at the time.

"What did you mean when you said he was just pretending to be his sister?" Su Kou asked the doubts in his heart.

"On the way here just now, I suddenly remembered a very secret legend."

Sang Jian looked at the little wizard man and said: "Female orcs in this world can choose countless males to serve and protect themselves at first glance, but at worst, they are the reproductive machines of the male beasts."

"You have also seen the situation here. Part of the reason why females are so precious is that accidents are prone to happen when giving birth, resulting in the scarcity of females and the low survival rate of cubs."

"Especially... for the mother of the twins, it is even more difficult to give birth safely."

She looked away from the little wizard, and said in a low voice: "The legend goes like this. The old witch bled to death after giving birth to twins. The eldest son who came out first was weak and sick. own sister."

"This kind of frail and sickly cub is regarded as a disaster. It is unknown and cannot be raised. All the clansmen suggest throwing it away and focusing on nurturing the younger sister."

"So the eldest son, who was frail and sickly, was abandoned in the forest."

Having said that, Sang Jian stopped.

Su Kou also understood what she meant, "So you, a little pervert, were picked up and raised by someone later? Then you killed your sister and took her place?"

"After all, according to the law of inheritance, if you have not been thrown away, the position of the witch should be inherited by the eldest son."

Sang Jian raised her eyebrows and reminded, "Miko is not allowed to be a male."

Otherwise, why would it be called a witch?
"No wonder he looks malnourished." Jiang Qi had already come out of the cage, and looked at the little wizard next to Sang Jian.

"Are you any better than me?" The little wizard couldn't help but yell at Jiang Qi.

He looks weak too, doesn't he!

Jiang Qi: "..."

what happened!

The two of them talked for a long time, and he didn't refute a word, but whenever he spoke, he would hate himself?
how?Don't you dare to hate the two of them?

"A-Sang, look at him!" Jiang Qi wrongedly hugged Sang Jian beside him.

Sang Jian raised his hand and patted his back.Reassuring: "It's okay, it's okay, my partner has cooked delicious food recently, and my nutrition will keep up."

After finishing speaking, she said to the little wizard: "You are indeed malnourished. You existed at that time, my mother, right? It looks so small."

Little wizard: "..." Is it his fault that he looks young?
But Sang Jian was right, he did cross over very early.

He looks like a young man now, and he doesn't even remember his actual age.

The only thing he remembered was the prophecy his sister left him when he disguised himself as his sister.

He remembered the prophecy that Su Kou would destroy the world of beasts until now.

After all, there must be an explanation.

"So where's your sister?" Su Kou brought the topic back to normal.

"It's been dead for a long time." The little wizard didn't hide it.

"Hmm..." Su Kou touched her chin, and said seriously: "Then the legend Sang Jian just said is true, you were the orc who couldn't support you, and you unexpectedly survived until now, your sister is healthy and healthy Kang's orc died so early..."

"Are you really ashamed to call me a sinner? Obviously you are the orc who was called a disaster star since childhood, right? Because of your existence, your sister died."

She was obviously just an ordinary time traveler, yet she was given such a big hat.

The corner of the little wizard's mouth twitched slightly, "Do you have to say something so poisonous?"

What does it mean that his sister died because of his existence?
"You think your words are poisonous? When you slandered me, an innocent person, you didn't see yourself thinking that what you did to me was too much." Su Kou rolled her eyes.

Little Witch: "...Are you..."

He wanted to scold if he was sick.

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly looked up at Sang Jian, frowned and said, "Didn't you tell her?"

Sang Jian looked innocent, "What did you say?"

"I also time-traveled! This body was dead before I came here! That's why I am healthy now! Because this body has been replaced! So how can the real witch be regarded as my death? Obviously I just took over the tasks of their brothers and sisters!"

He thought that when Sang asked him last time, he had already seen it, and then he would tell Su Kou and Jiang Qi when he went back, but he didn't expect her to say anything.

"Yo yo yo~"

Seeing him so excited, Su Kou hated him to the extreme.

"Tsk tsk tsk~"

All kinds of disgusting voices make people want to hit people.

He is time-traveling, but she is not?
Everyone is time-traveling, why make things difficult for her!
The more Su Kou thought about it, the more angry she became, she couldn't help but raised her hand and gave the little wizard a middle finger.

"..." The little wizard took a deep breath, resisting the urge not to hit someone.

"It's the same root, so why be too anxious." Sang Jian said quietly.

"This story has been around for decades, and you should have heard it since you were a child." The little wizard gave up communicating with Su Kou, who only knows how to be eccentric, and said to Sang Jian seriously: "So there must be a solution, right? Otherwise If it keeps dragging, all orcs will feel uneasy."

"Have you ever thought that if you had seen Su Kou at that time and hadn't asked someone to arrest her, the matter would not have come to this point at all?" Just pretending that nothing happened, the worries deep in the hearts of the orcs would not be overwhelmed. Turn it out.

"She was the one who messed with me first!!!" The little witch growled anxiously, "I was taking a bath happily that day, and she came to peek like a rogue, so I can know whether she is good or bad Is it? If she appears, she must be arrested!"

Speaking of this, Su Kou silently made an intelligible H countryman's defense-breaking gesture next to him, expressing his sarcasm.

That's how big it is.

"Ah! I'll fight with you!" The little witch couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed towards Su Kou.

pissed him off!

His body is only about fifteen or sixteen years old, how big can it be! ! !
The two wrestled together in an instant.

Su Kou herself was also angry with the little wizard, so she just happened to beat him up!

Sang Jian and Jiang Qi watched the play silently next to each other, and had no intention of going up to fight at all.

After a while, Jiang Qi leaned close to Sang Jian's ear without looking sideways, and whispered: "Little Ah Sang, you still have a lot of things to hide from me."

I don't know if I don't hear it, I'm startled when I hear it.

In the conversation between Sang Jian and them just now, he seems to have figured out something.

His little Ah Sang didn't seem to be just a snake tribe empress.

Sang Jian leaned towards his head, pressed his head against his, and said in a low voice: "If I really wanted to keep it from you, I wouldn't have said those things in front of your face just now."

In normal habits, she sometimes respects the personality, but in fact, many times, she has exposed herself.

It's just that he didn't pay much attention to it.

Maybe I also thought about something wrong, but I still didn't suspect her.

If he hadn't heard what the little wizard said today, and some of her words, he would still think that she is an aborigine here.

"So does your partner have any ideas?" Sang Jian looked at the two wrestling on the ground and asked Jiang Qi softly.

"..." Jiang Qi was silent and didn't speak for a long time.

"I didn't tell you from the beginning, are you disappointed?" Sang Jian finally turned his head and looked at him.

"It's not disappointing." There was no emotion on Jiang Qi's face.

He blinked, turned his head and looked at Sang Jian, "I'm just a little jealous, Su Kou and this little pervert both know, only I was the last to know."

"Sorry." As for Su Kou, both of them are people who know everything about the last world, and they have memories, so they can only reach a cooperation after they get to know each other.

As for the little wizard, she only said it to deceive him at the time, and she was sure that the little witch would only treat her as a fellow villager and would not ask for other information.

And Jiang Qi...

In case he asked where he came from, she didn't want to make up nonsense to deceive him.

Could it be that he was his lover in the previous life?

It was kind of blind to say that when he had no memory.

Although she did not speak less nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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