Chapter 1118 Man, You Are Playing With Fire (24)

"You don't have to feel sorry." Jiang Qi raised his hand and touched Sang Jian's head.

The way she apologized earnestly made him feel flustered.

"In fact, I'm a little lucky." He quickly explained: "Before I was thinking, if there is a chance to go back, should I go or not? If I want to take you away with me, would you like to go together? Would you like to go back?" I will get used to a completely different life from here.”

"Later, I thought, since you've been living here, it must be difficult to adapt to a different environment. What's more, whether you can go back is also a problem. Slowly, I began to avoid these things."

"Now I know that you may come from the same world as me, so if one day we can go back together, will you go with me without hesitation?"

Since she is also time-traveling, some of his previous worries are not a problem at all.

"You're thinking a little bit wrong." Sang Jian stared at Jiang Qi's eyes, looking at him expressionlessly.

Jiang Qi was taken aback, his heart was beating non-stop, wouldn't she go with him?

Inexplicably a little nervous.

Before he could think about it, Sang Jian suddenly showed a smile, "Whether I come from the same place as you or not, as long as you want to take me away, I will go with you without hesitation."

Even if she doesn't take her away, she will catch up with him.

"..." The tension in Jiang Qi's heart was gradually replaced by other emotions.

He stared at Sang Jian intently for a while, and in the end he was embarrassed, and with a blushing face, he stretched out his hand and hugged Sang Jian into his arms.

I didn't expect her ideological consciousness to be so high!
It seemed that he was a little overwhelmed.

Jiang Qi was very happy, hugging Sang Jian and didn't want to let go.

Seeing her chin resting on his shoulder, Sang glanced at Su Kou and the little witch who had stopped at some point and was watching the play from the corner of her eyes.

The little witch with a bruised nose and swollen face was held in Su Kou's hands, and the two of them stared at her and Jiang Qi with indescribable expressions for an unknown how long.

"Is it good to show your affection on the spot?" Sang Jian asked quietly.

Su Kou smashed her mouth, "Generally, at this time, you should kiss affectionately. You two are still hugging here, and you can't let go."

Hearing Su Kou's voice, Jiang Qi opened Sang Jian lightly.

He seldom does this in front of outsiders, and he really can't let go.

However, just as he let go of Sang Jian, a hand of Sang Jian suddenly caught the back of his neck, forcing him to bow his head.

The latter stood on tiptoe and kissed his lips directly.

Jiang Qi: "..."

Just when he thought Sang Jian would continue, she let go of him.

"The two of us have to get full marks, and I don't accept general evaluations."

Sang Jian patted Jiang Qi on the shoulder.

"Cough..." Jiang Qi came back to his senses, raised the back of his hand to touch his lips, and turned his head with his face flushed.

Really... really!

Not mentally prepared at all.

"..." Su Kou looked at them, the corners of her mouth twitching slightly.

Why would anyone take it seriously!
Isn't that a casual evaluation!

If she said just now that she should fall down at this time, would Sang Jian perform a live version for her?

"Tsk tsk tsk, today's young people can't see it!" The little wizard who was still held by Su Ko couldn't help but said.

Everyone's thoughts finally returned to him from other places.

"What's next?" Su Kou threw the little wizard to the ground and asked Sang Jian.

Now that the little pervert has been captured, he only knows how to use crowd tactics and ask a large number of orcs to block her. If he is really singled out, he is a weak chicken and has no threat at all.

"Don't you ask yourself this?" Sang Jian glanced at the poor, helpless little wizard on the ground.

Although her mission is to help the hostess, the hostess must also have her own thoughts, after all she has no enmity with the little wizard.

You can't train the heroine to be your own puppet, right?

"Kill him." Su Kou took out the dagger without hesitation.

The little wizard flinched on the ground, and just about to say something, Sang Jian first raised his hand and grabbed Su Kou's wrist.

"Don't worry, before you deal with your own affairs, I'll ask something first."

Sang Jian squatted down, stared at the little witch and said, "You arrested my partner to lure me over?"


Sang Jian's question made everyone realize the purpose of the little wizard from the beginning.

A few people squatted on the ground, surrounded the little wizard, and examined him to prevent him from telling any lies.

Su Kou was puzzled and said, "Everyone is a time traveler, why do you only look for her? Do you look down on us?"

She pointed to herself and Jiang Qi.

The little wizard glanced at them both, and whispered, "This is different."

"What's the difference?"

The little witch man said seriously, "You are all dressed in clothes. After coming here, you represent Jiang Qi and Su Kou, yourself. After she and I came here, we no longer have our original identities, and have become witches and snakes." Empress, this is different."

So he and Sang Jian are the same kind.

Su Kou and Jiang Qi: "..."

He said it like there was nothing wrong with it.

Body wear and soul wear are indeed very different.

Only Sang Jian was alone in meditation.

In fact, according to the normal logic of the plot, her character is not a time traveler, but a real aborigine.

She now says that she is a time traveler because she is a foreign tasker.

But according to the plot and character design, even if she wears this body, she is still an aboriginal.

The little wizard felt that she was of the same kind as him, so in comparison, he trusted her more.

But these are not the main points, no matter whether her status in this world is considered a time traveler or not, the most important question is...

"Don't you think there are too many travelers in this world?" She raised her eyes to look at the three people in front of her.

There can be many foreign taskers like her and Su Kou, but most of the time, in order to integrate into the world, they will not reveal their identities to the aborigines.

This world is different.

Regardless of Su Kou's identity as a tasker, if she hadn't transmigrated into this body, the original heroine would have transmigrated into the animal world from another world.

So is Jiang Qi.

There are descriptions in these two original plots, two people who travel through inexplicably.

What happened to the little wizard?

And he even traveled decades earlier than Jiang Qi and Su Kou.

"And it's very inexplicable when traveling." Jiang Qi said quietly.

Recalling when I traveled through time, I thought I was separated from the main force, but ended up walking into another world.

No warning at all.

"Maybe this is a virtual world, and there is a pusher behind the scenes manipulating you." Sang Jian suddenly smiled.

The other three were deep in thought, unaware of the "you" in her words, excluding herself.

Su Kou raised her head and looked at Sang Jian.

She had told Sang before that all the small worlds were controlled by the Time and Space Administration, but she did not expect that there were small worlds in the small worlds, which were controlled by other people.

Do so many people want to be the master of the world?

Sang Jian seemed to understand Su Kou's eyes, and she said again: "Of course, whether there is a pusher behind it is another story. After all, I am just guessing, but there is definitely a problem in this world."

"I suddenly remembered another thing."

She turned to look at the little wizard, "When did your sister predict that Su Kou would destroy the world of beasts?"

"It was a long time ago, when I just crossed over, you should not have been born at that time." The little wizard said.

Sang Jian nodded, "I wasn't even born at that time, let alone Su Kou. The cause of your sister's death is likely to be obliterated because she guessed the so-called secret."

The little witch man lowered his eyes, "Probably... She knew that I was not dead at that time, she saw through the ending of this world, and her health is not good enough, so please let me pretend to be her, and pass on this matter, I hope I Find the person who destroys the beast world, and protect this world."

"I always thought that this was the task for me to travel into this body. As long as I complete this task, I can go back. So this time I caught your partner and attracted you to come here, just to ask what your task is, is it with Like me, after completing these tasks, you can leave."

That's all about him, nothing to hide.

"I don't have a so-called task, the real task is on her."

Sang Jian winked and made everyone look at Su Kou.


Su Kou pointed back at herself in surprise.

Sang Jian nodded, "At first, I thought that the so-called destruction of this world would be because of your status as a traverser, leading this world to a new animal civilization. When an old civilization falls and a new civilization rises, that once The Beast World is also considered destroyed."

"As it turns out, I may have been thinking too high about it."

"This destruction may mean that you, as the heroine of this world, finally discovered the truth of this world, thus destroying this world and liberating all traversers."

Everyone: "..."

"You mean, there may be other traversers in this world?" Jiang Qi asked.

"This possibility is not ruled out. They may be anywhere in this world, carefully hiding their identities, wanting to blend into this world, or trying to find a way to escape from this world." Sang Jian analyzed what he thought of .

"I agree with this statement." The little witch said: "The orcs in this world are far more accepting of novelty items than we imagined."

When he asked certain orcs for things from the New Age, they accepted them unimaginably quickly, as if they had been exposed to these things a long time ago.

It once made him doubt whether he was a time traveler, how could he accept it faster than him?
Later, he felt that it might be because of his identity that the group of orcs had to listen to him.

Now after Sang Jian's analysis, he realized that there might really be too many traversers hidden in it, and then everyone subtly influenced it.

"Then the key to breaking the situation is to find all these traversers." Su Kou, who has been silent since just now, said seriously: "Find everyone first, and then inquire about the common points of crossing. Maybe this is the key to going back!"

Su Kou stood up, as if she couldn't wait, "The Kingdom of Beasts has always been the place that all orcs yearn for. Let's hold some kind of conference in the Kingdom of Beasts to attract all the orcs, and we will screen them when the time comes. Much faster."

"Good idea." Sang Jian raised his eyebrows.

"But now there is a very serious problem." She had to pour cold water on it.

Everyone looked at her, waiting for her to continue.

Sang Jian pursed her lips slightly, and raised her eyes to meet Su Kou's gaze, "You don't think that you, a sinner who destroyed the beast world, will be forgiven by other beastmen so easily, do you?"

So Su Kou couldn't go out to show her face at all, and she would be caught if she went out.

Su Kou: "..."

Get angry about this!
She couldn't help but reached out and grabbed the little wizard's ear, "What a fool! I'll let you die as a foreigner!"

"Ahhh..." the little wizard yelled in pain, "Just because you can't go out doesn't mean I can't go out either!"

"If you don't reveal my identity, how can I be wanted! You still ask someone to arrest me!" Su Kou was angry.

"I'll ask someone to arrest you, and you'll be fine if you're arrested, and I won't do anything to you. It's you who insist on running around and showing off your face, so that all the orcs will remember your face!" The little witch retorted.

"I'll make you talk back!"

"Ahhh!!! It hurts, hurts, hurts..."

The consequence of refuting is to be beaten again.

The two of them were arguing.

Sang Jian took a deep breath, and suddenly one of her hands was gently hooked.

Turning around, it was Jiang Qi who was leading her.

Jiang Qi seemed to be in a good mood.

"I can go back soon. If we are not in the same place after we go back, Ah Sang, you have to remember. My name is Jiang Qi. I am at xx Agricultural University. You can come to me, or... I will go to you as well." Can."

Sang Jian smiled slightly, "Well, my name is also Sang Jian."


In the end, everyone decided that the matter would be handled by the little wizard, Su Kou would stay in his territory and give him advice, and he would go out to run errands.

Sang Jian and Jiang Qi returned to the Snake Beast Tribe first.

He promised that the orcs in the tribe would bring him back, so he had to go back first to report his safety.

Ona and the others saw that Sangjian really came back safely with Jiang Qi, and they let go of their hearts that had been hanging.

Although Sang Jian said that Jiang Qi was taken away by others, Aona vaguely thought that Jiang Qi wanted to run away, and was afraid that he would not come back.

It turns out she was overthinking.

It's better to think more, it's much better than her thinking right and causing other results.

After Jiang Qi came back, he did all the things that had been delayed before.

For example, planting wheat and going into the mountains to find other materials.

Now that there is no interference from other tribes orcs, they can do everything quickly, and the harvest is not small. Not only did they find wild Jerusalem artichoke and some other messy things, they also caught two pheasants and came back to make a cage to raise them and lay eggs for food.

After two or three days of these peaceful days, news finally came from the Wanshou Kingdom.

It probably means that the outsiders who endangered the beast world have been dealt with. In order to bless the future of the beast world with good weather, all major tribes are sincerely invited to celebrate.

And at the celebration meeting this time, the ranking of entry into the Kingdom of Beasts will also be released.

Although the Kingdom of Beasts allows all orcs to enter and exit, there are restrictions and requirements if they want to live in it.

Now that the rankings are open, it is indeed very attractive to other orcs.

  This chapter has been delayed for a long time, and there is another chapter that will be updated normally in the evening.

  Thank you for your rewards and votes, meme!
(End of this chapter)

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