Chapter 1122 Man, You Are Playing With Fire (End)
This is indeed not the world where her current body exists. She did not return to the original owner's world, but returned here?
Su Kou frowned and looked back at the uncle.

Finally, he saw some clues from his familiar eyebrows.

"Tang Ge?"

She ran away without staying in the last world for too long, and did not meet some new characters, so she had a deep impression on Tang Ge.

Especially, her goal in the last world was to bring him down.

If it wasn't for Sang Jian, she might have succeeded.

There will be another addition to the glorious history of mission completion.

It's a pity that she ran away in the last world.

Tang Ge's eyes lit up, "It really is you."

He was not sure if she was Sun Piaopiao, but he recognized Sang Jian in the beast world.

So he suspected that Su Kou was Sun Piaopiao.

Because the way she gets along with Sang Jian is similar to before.

"So, explain the situation?"

Su Kou crossed her arms and squinted at Tang Ge.

She always felt that this matter had nothing to do with him.

"What the hell are you doing?" Thinking of this, she also asked directly.

"It stands to reason that you should have died long ago."

The cover of the book in the newsstand is a photo of Xu Sang seeing He Qingfeng in his seventies, and they are definitely dead.

After all, He Qingfeng is not dead, and Sang Jian will not go to the next world.

Even if Tang Ge is younger than the two of them, it doesn't make sense for him to be alive now, even though he is a bit older.

" should I put it? Maybe it has something to do with me?" Tang Ge shrugged and walked towards Su Kou, "Let's chat in another place? The street is not a good place to talk."

Su Kou raised her hand to reject his request, "It's fine if you don't say anything, actually, I don't have much interest in knowing about it."

After originally planning to leave the animal world, she set off for the next world.

So the truth is not very important to her.

"It's still as unfeeling as before. I just leave as soon as I say it. I really don't miss it at all." Tang Ge sighed, seemingly helpless.

Su Kou frowned and looked him up and down, "You don't like me, do you?"

Tang Ge: "..."

In a word, he froze in place.

"Tch." Before he could speak, Su Kou waved his hand and continued: "You are not an ordinary person, you were born as a male protagonist, so it is normal to have some supernatural powers and so on."

"So I don't think it's strange that you said it has something to do with you, but I just don't know if it has a big impact."

Just like when she became a heroine in this world, many behaviors were inexplicable and irrational at all, but those who traveled through believed her unconditionally.

And she really brought back the group of traversers.

Tang Ge recovered from the embarrassment, "It's hard to say whether the influence is big or not."

He paused, then asked cautiously, "You said that Sang Jian would not die, is it true?"

Su Kou raised an eyebrow at him, but said nothing.

Tang Ge avoided her gaze, "If she doesn't die, the impact shouldn't be too great..."

"Okay, since you're not very interested, then you can go." Tang Ge said that, and waved to her, as if he didn't intend to continue talking.

Su Kou: "..."

play this set?
To arouse her curiosity, why don't you talk?
She was silent for a while, and then said: "Sang Jian will definitely not die, but whether Jiang Qi will die is not certain. If he dies, Sang Jian will fight for you next time."

She sneered, turned and left.

"Hey hey..." Tang Ge quickly grabbed Su Kou, "Okay, okay, I'll tell you, okay? Don't go anywhere else, at least find a public chair to sit on! Uncle is getting old and his legs It’s inconvenient, and I get tired after standing for a while.”

Really, I can't even say a few more words.

What are you in such a hurry for?It's not that there are ghosts chasing her.

"Hmph." Su Kou snorted coldly.

Tang Ge really dragged her to the public chair by the side of the road, and the two of them sat down, looking at the busy city, not knowing what to say for a while.

After a while, Tang Ge organized his words.

"I... have a problem."

He looked down at his aging hands, and thought of all the things that happened in the last world, which he still finds unbelievable.

"Needless to say, it can be seen that there is something wrong with your mind." Su Kou rolled her eyes.

Tang Ge said seriously: "It's not the brain."

Su Kou: "..." Just kidding, he actually refuted seriously.

She glanced at Tang Ge, and found that Tang Ge seemed to be lost in memory, with a dignified expression she had never seen before.

After an unknown amount of time, he raised his head and slowly looked at Su Kou, "I've actually died once, and this world is not the original world."

"It's just that I didn't expect that after I died, I would be reborn back to the time when I was just born."

Su Kou: "..."

"It was very peaceful when I died, without any resentment, and I don't know why I was born again."

"I thought that since it's all like this, I should get to know you as soon as possible... and I can be good friends for a few more years. But then I found out that Xu Sang in this world is completely different from you when he sees He Qingfeng and Sun Piaopiao. It's like being a different person."

He turned his gaze to the newsstand not far away, "The book in that newspaper is actually a novel written by me, based on the two of them. It took a lot of time to get them to agree. I wanted to Using this method to arouse the love between them, but after this book is published, the two of them will never communicate with each other."

"So I'm very curious why this happened. Before I was reborn, the two of them wanted to be together all the time. After that, I was researching this matter, and then one day I suddenly realized that I can be reborn , why can't you time travel?"

"Later, the direction of my research became time travel. The beast world before was considered a success, right?"

Having said that, Su Kou, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "So, the reason for the disturbance of the magnetic field in the small world is caused by you."

A firm tone without any hesitation.

Tang Ge leaned back on the chair, "Is this your official language? The magnetic field in the small world is disordered, should be my reason."

"However, there is one more important thing to tell you."

Tang Ge became serious again, "There is no beast world at all, that world is just an ordinary animal world. It is only because of a problem with time travel that too many humans have been sucked in, those beasts will become beastmen, and now that world All the traversers have returned, and the world will probably return to its original state."

Su Kou: "..."

This matter is really important, he only said it now! !
She turned her head to stare at Tang Ge, and suddenly thought of his behavior in the small world before, "You are pretty good at pretending? You know everything, and you understand what's going on in your heart, but you just pretend to be an innocent person .”

"Because I didn't expect to meet you there, and I wasn't sure it was you at first, so I have to be careful, otherwise I know that I did it, what should you do if you want to kill me?" Tang Ge shrugged.

He was obviously thinking about his own safety.

"Hehe." Su Kou sneered, thinking of Sang Jian and Jiang Qi in his mind.

What's the situation with them now?
Suddenly a little worried.

After being silent for a while, she reminded: "In any case, you'd better not do this kind of thing again, or you will be known by the people above, and you will be deprived of the aura of the leading role. Then you will not be so lucky."

He actually tried to time travel, and he succeeded!

Although this result was caused, if he continued to study, he would inevitably create a perfect time-traveling machine.

Hmm... But, isn't her mission to destroy the protagonist?

Tang Ge wants to fight against the Space-Time Administration, is this the result she likes to see?Why did she remind him to be careful?

Su Kou froze for a moment, a little puzzled, and she simply didn't think about it.

She stood up, this time she was really ready to leave, "I'm leaving, take care of yourself."

Tang Ge looked at her back, and replied lightly: "Ah, go slowly, I will try again. What if I die in this life and live again?"

Su Kou stopped and turned back to stare at him, "Whatever you want! You'd better pay attention, if you see Sang Jian next time, be careful that she will kill you!"

Tang Ge blurted out, "What if I see you again?"

"..." Su Kou was silent for a moment, then angrily dropped three words, "Pervert."

Tang Ge: "..."

From a pervert to a pervert.

Good for you.


Sang Jian now really has the heart to kill people.

"Are you happy now? Are you comfortable? Why don't you just listen to me!"

Sang Jian felt very suffocated.

Jiang Qi: "..."

Is he the one who should suffocate?
At this time, Jiang Qi, wearing animal skins, was squatting by the small river cleaning food, with a black snake wrapped around his neck.

It was about as long as an adult's arm, and it wrapped around Jiang Qi's neck, making Jiang Qi feel like he was being strangled.

He didn't say a word, silently listening to Sang Jian training himself.

It had been a while since Su Kou and the little witch had left. At that time, he thought that he would be sucked away.

That force felt like it was going to tear his flesh apart. In the end, without knowing what happened, the black hole suddenly disappeared, and he stayed behind.

He was lucky to be alive.

The only unfortunate thing is that he is the only human left in this world.

Even the orcs are gone, and all the orcs have returned to their original bodies.

Just like Sang Jian, he can only show people in the form of a snake.

But the little luck in the misfortune is that I can still hear her speak.

"Sang... much..."

Jiang Qi asked Sang Jian with difficulty.

Today's Sang Jian's appetite is not as good as that of the orcs. For such a thin snake, he can be full after eating a little.

"You're so strangled that you can't speak, won't you cry out for pain?" Sang Jian noticed that something was wrong with Jiang Qi, and his body loosened, from being wrapped around his neck to hanging around his neck.

"Just one leg." Sang Jian sighed.

What Jiang Qi held in his hand was a bird, enough for the two of them to eat.

The appetite is indeed much smaller.

Jiang Qi carefully helped her handle a bird leg.

" a while...Aona and the others...bring some bird eggs back." Jiang Qi glanced at the dozens of bird eggs beside him.

"En." Sang Jian responded perfunctorily.

She couldn't even turn back into a human being, let alone Ona and the others.

But their tribe is still there, and all the orcs are still living in their own tribe, but they no longer look like orcs, and all of them have turned back to ordinary animals.

Ao Na's group of snakes is naturally supported by Jiang Qi now.

He became a big snake breeder.

"Do you regret it now?" Sang Jian snorted softly.

If she was obedient and left here, she would probably have found a new body by now, and would be happy to find him!

Now he is the only one in this place, dealing with a group of animals every day, sooner or later he will become a savage!
No, he was already a savage.

Sang Jian saw him take a bite of the raw meat in his hand, and then handed a bird leg to her.


"You eat raw too? Are you crazy? Don't you keep healthy?" I still remember him at the beginning, he was very particular, but now he seems to be giving up on himself.

Jiang Qi paused, took the meat out of his mouth, and then shook his head.

He whispered: "I don't regret it."

After saying this, he looked at the meat in his hand and felt a little troubled, as if he didn't know how to eat it.

Sang Jian vomited the snake letter, stared at him with a pair of vertical pupils for a while, and called out softly, "Quantum?"

"Huh?" He responded quickly, with a little confusion in his eyes, as if asking her what's wrong.

Sang Jian sighed, "Why did you come out? Are you feeling unwell?"

She just said, she didn't strangle him anymore, she still stuttered, it's not normal, it really is not normal!
" let me go... that day, just, I became a little sober..." Quan Gu replied softly, "Just... I was suffocated just now... and I woke up completely..."

So the black hole didn't suck him away at that time, and it didn't have no effect on him, it actually forced his body consciousness out.

Don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Sang Jian: "..." She actually strangled her!
"Sangsang, I don't regret it." Quan Gu said seriously.

The words were spoken very smoothly, without even a single pause.

"I..." He opened his mouth, wanting to explain something, but he seldom spoke, and he didn't know how to organize his words for a while.

Sang Jian leaned over and rubbed lightly on his face, "I understand, if you can't say it, don't say it. I just want to be sarcastic, and I understand your thoughts."

She simply wanted to scold him, but in fact, she knew exactly what he was thinking.

In front of a person who has no memory and does not know the truth of the matter, how to convince him that a dead person will come back to find him?
At that time, in his eyes, she was going to disappear or die.

He only knew that if he wanted to die, he would die together, and if he wanted to stay, he would stay together, because they agreed to stay together forever.

Even if the final result is one man and one beast, he will not regret it. Such a result is better than the separation between heaven and man.

"En." Hearing that she said that there was no need to explain, Quan Gu nodded obediently, and said nothing more.

In the next second, he still put the raw meat into his mouth.

After thinking about it, he can only eat like this.

Sang Jian: "..."

Eat it, eat it, I was afraid of fire when I was unconscious, but now that I am conscious, I am even more afraid.

"When can we... meet?" Quan Gu asked suddenly.

"As long as you don't play tricks in the future, we will meet soon." Sang Jian said.

Quan Gu didn't seem to agree with her statement, and replied with a blank expression on his face, "I... the premise that I will not commit suicide is... you will not commit suicide."

If she made him worry, he would do something to kill him. She knew that, right?

"Okay, I promise you." Sang Jian replied seriously.

It seems that I have to take good care of myself in the future.

Otherwise, the children will be worried.

【No. 14 Worlds Complete】

(End of this chapter)

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