Quick Transmigration Little Ancestor: Blackened male gods should be pampered

Chapter 1123 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article

Chapter 1123 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article (1)

"Trash! If our palace family didn't feed you, clothe you, and marry you, you wouldn't know where to beg for food right now!"

As soon as Sang Jian became conscious, he heard a piercing voice coming from his ear, sour and mean, and his scalp was numb due to the loud voice.

"Brother and sister-in-law, this kind of man should get out of our palace!"

After saying this, Sang Jian felt that someone was pulling his arm, and the voice of the person who spoke just now was much softer, with a hint of flattery.

"Aren't you a niece? Qin Lang doesn't deserve you at all! You should find a man with more status, the prince I introduced to you earlier, he is rich and handsome, he can help us The Gong family has survived this crisis, you see... when are you going to meet him?"


Sang Jian silently withdrew her hand, rubbed her temples, and was quickly flipping through the plot of this world in her mind.

This time she has traveled to a very routine male novel, and it is still the kind of bloody plot of "War God with crooked mouth, son-in-law of the Dragon King".

Qin Lang is the hero of this world.

The Qin family was originally a reclusive wealthy family, and Qin Lang was the sole heir of the 28th generation of the Qin family.

In the Qin family 20 years ago, there was no one they didn't know in the world. They were powerful and powerful, and no matter who they met, they had to be courteous.

Later, because Mrs. Qin was pregnant with Qin Lang, the Qin family chose to retire because they were afraid that their enemies would plot secretly.

Qin Lang has always been well protected by his family, but he still left home that year, wanting to see the outside world and take a look at the current situation outside.

A person who grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth wants to see the world clearly, of course he has to hide his identity and start from scratch.

At the beginning, his life was not satisfactory. Putting aside his identity, he found that it was a bit difficult for him to live.

Later, I gradually got used to it, and with my own power, I could live with ease, and I also met many sincere friends.


A year ago, the old man of the Gong family was running out of time, and the two brothers of the Gong family were about to compete for property, but in the end the old man made a final decision and divided them according to population.

The two brothers of the Gong family are a family of three, that is to say, the property should be divided equally.

But Gong Laoer has a son, who is only 15 years old and a minor.

Gong Sangjian of the old master Gong is different. She is an adult, and in order to share more property, she casually finds Qin Lang to marry.

At that time, she thought that Qin Lang was a poor boy, so she could handle it better, so she let him marry into the Gong family.

And signed a three-year contract. After three years, she will give him a large sum of money, and he will leave with the money.

During the marriage period, the two of them only used to put on a show in front of outsiders, and did not interfere with each other in private.

It was because of these rules that Qin Lang agreed to marry, just to see what the so-called wealthy families are doing now.

Unexpectedly, in just one year, he has already been rejected countless times.

The one who disliked Qin Lang was none other than Gong Lao Er's family, that is, Gong Sang's second uncle and second aunt.

The person who kept talking just now was Second Aunt Gong.

Back then, because Gong Sang saw this little girl suddenly found such a man back, the property that was originally divided equally became four or six points.

Who made their family have one more person?
Four or six cents doesn't seem to make much difference, but the property left by Mr. Gong is just that share, which is enough for ordinary people to live for several lifetimes.

Why should this impoverished son-in-law who suddenly appeared?
Gong Laoer's family naturally didn't like Qin Lang, and they hadn't said bad things about Qin Lang this year.

The boss and his wife usually don't say much, after all, Qin Lang was chosen by their daughter.

But recently, Gong Sang saw that she was about to be persuaded by Gong's second aunt.

Since Mr. Gong passed away, Mr. Gong's family stopped interacting with Mr. Gong's family. They were angry that Gong Sangjian used this method to divide their property more.

Later, the two companies opened their own companies, and now the second company of Gong Lao had a problem with the funds, so he came back to ask the boss of Gong for help.

Boss Gong is also a businessman, so he feels that it is difficult to help this time, and now that the company is occasionally helped by the son-in-law, the advice given by the son-in-law is not helpful.

After Second Aunt Gong found out about this, she continued to speak ill of him in front of Gong Sang, saying that a son-in-law of his would ride on the head of the master, and that she couldn't tell her own status or something.

And he introduced her to a wealthy second generation named Wang Gu.

Second Aunt Gong thought that as long as Wang Gu was hooked up, the Wang family would help them.

But she doesn't have a daughter herself, so she can only play Gong Sangjian's idea.

In the past few days, it was obvious that they were about to talk about it, and Second Aunt Gong felt that today was an excellent time.

In the original world, today is indeed an excellent time, because Gong Sangjian really left Qin Lang and his parents behind after listening to Second Aunt Gong's words, and went to see Wang Gu with Second Aunt Gong.

Later, she was attracted by Wang Gu's rhetoric, broke the contract early, dumped Qin Lang a large sum of money, and told him to get out of the Gong family.

When Qin Lang left the Gong family, no one came out to expose his identity, so he took the money and left silently.

But before he left, he predicted that the Gong family would not last a year.

Sure enough, after Gong Sang saw that she was with Wang Gu, she thought it was the end of a strong alliance, but she fell into a big pit.

Then Wang Gu is not a good person, he is a pervert with special hobbies, he likes other people's wives, not his own.

When Gong Sang saw that she was Qin Lang's wife, he salivated. After Gong Sang saw that she was his own wife, he hated her to death, and continued to look for other people's wives.

He is no different from Cao thief.

Seeing that Gong Sang was so angry, she originally wanted to divorce, but later found out that since she married Wang Gu, Wang Gu had used various reasons to evacuate their palace family.

If she divorces, she will only be a poor person in the future.

Gong Sang, who was used to living a rich life since she was a child, could not bear the gap naturally, and continued to follow Wang Gu in humiliation.

But the Wang family's retribution came very quickly.

He flirted with a certain bigwig's woman, and the whole family ended up being buried with him.

And this boss is Qin Lang.

When Qin Lang was kicked out of the Gong family, Wang Gu made a lot of sarcastic remarks.

Later, knowing Qin Lang's identity, no matter whether it was Wang Gu or the second aunt Gong, his guts were filled with regret.

The one who regrets the most is Gong Sangjian.

After learning of Qin Lang's true identity, he kept apologizing to him and begging to get back together.

At that time, Qin Lang had already looked down on her. He was surrounded by beauties, all of whom were better than her and more beautiful than her.

This is the final direction of most male frequency articles, opening a harem.

The final impression left on Gong Sangjian in the book is that she is a lunatic who doesn't know what to do or what to do.

Because Gong Sangjian went crazy in the end.

She was really envious of the women around Qin Lang, who had done a lot of crazy things, but those women had some means to stand beside Qin Lang.

If it weren't for the fact that she was Qin Lang's ex-wife, she would have been killed a long time ago. How could it be as simple as driving her crazy?
Later, there was no scene where Gong Sang met.

And Qin Lang in the book was a low-key and awesome existence from beginning to end.


So the heroine of this world has grown up, so her mission is...?
Sang Jian frowned slightly, but didn't understand why. After all, judging from the current plot, this is a counterattack and a slap in the face, with a happy ending for the protagonist.

No one can destroy his aura, and no one can kill him, it's a normal development.

After Sang Jian absorbed the plot, he raised his eyes and looked in Qin Lang's direction.

This glance made her dispel her doubts.

Regardless of what to do with the tasks in this world, she won the hero anyway.

After all, this is also the hero in her life.

At this time, Qin Lang was wearing home clothes, standing tall and straight in the living room, with black broken hair, which was still smooth, slightly covering his eyes, and looked very cute.

He lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xu Shi felt Sang Jian's gaze, he raised his head and looked back at Sang Jian, their eyes met.

Qin Lang didn't respond, but Sang Jian raised an eyebrow at him and smiled.

Qin Lang: "..." Did this woman take the wrong medicine?
Before he could think too much, Sang Jian said to the second aunt beside him: "Second aunt, what you said is wrong, the problem is your company, right?"

"What happened to your Gong family, what does it have to do with our Gong family? You came here to complain about my husband, and openly asked me to cheat on another man. Why? You want to shame our family?"

Second Aunt Gong: "...?"

She knew that Gong Sangjian had been cultivated to be unruly and self-willed, but her mind was not as good as her words, but the relationship between her and her had eased a lot a few days ago, and she also expressed that she could go and see Wang Gu.

Why did you regret it at this time?
"No, niece, that's not what you said before..." Second Aunt Gong was a little annoyed, but she still patiently communicated with her.

Sang Jian looked her up and down, curled her lips, and said, "I gave you face earlier, and I'm perfunctory for you. Who knew you took it seriously, and even made trouble at my house. My parents and husband are here, what do you want to do?" you?"

"What does something wrong with your family have to do with my husband? It's worth you chasing him home to scold him?"

Qin Lang: "..." This was the first time he heard her speak for him.

In the eyes of others, he was just a little boy who entered into the palace. He was ridiculed by others more than once. This was the first time she spoke for herself.

It's really surprising.

"Isn't it just this soft rice guy who's teasing you behind your back, telling you not to help us!"

Second Aunt Gong said angrily: "You can't write two palaces in one stroke. We are a family, but now you listen to a son-in-law with a foreign surname and refuse to save your relatives! I can't scold him anymore?"

Sang Jian said solemnly: "You can't write two palaces in one stroke, one palace is nine strokes, and two palaces are eighteen strokes. After the distribution of grandpa's property, your family has long since stopped interacting with us. Do you know what it means to separate a family?"

"..." The Second Aunt Gong stared at Sang Jian, knowing that she couldn't speak up to her, she turned her head to look at Boss Gong in the next second, "Brother and sister-in-law, look at the good daughter you have taught!"

"Siblings, why bother with a child?" Gong Boss said indifferently.

Second Aunt Gong: "..." What the hell is this child?Both married or have kids?
A woman with eight hundred eyes can still be called a child?

Not to mention anything else, in terms of pampering children, the boss's family did a very good job.

As long as it is their daughter's choice, they will unconditionally support it.

It's like she suddenly pulled a strange man back for a flash marriage, wanting to share more property.

They don't care much about the amount of property, but since it was done by their daughter, they can only silently support it.

It's the same until now, do you want them to say that Sang Jian is not good?Then they really can't tell.

"Second aunt, go back if you have nothing else to do." Sang Jian folded his arms around his chest, "After all, for such a big matter, Second Uncle asked you to come alone, you should also take back the words Ruanfannan. "

"Well... I heard you said that the prince can help you, so you send your own child to him, what are you doing to trick other people's children? If you do this again, I will call the police. "

Second Aunt Gong: "..."

She raised her finger and pointed at Sang Jian, trembling with anger, "You... you wait for me!"

Putting down the harsh words, he left angrily.

I thought I knew Gong Sang and met her these few days, but I didn't expect a big reversal for her!


As soon as Second Aunt Gong left, the palace father and palace mother looked at each other, and stood up from the sofa, "We're leaving if there's nothing else."

In order not to be discovered by others, Gong Sangjian and Qin Lang agreed to get married, so they moved out after they got married. This is their current home.

The palace father and the palace mother also came to see them because of the recent incident with the second aunt's family.

Now that they knew Sang Jian's attitude, they were more at ease.

They didn't say anything, but they were actually afraid that Sang Jian would listen to the Second Aunt Gong's words and go to see some prince.

In contrast, they prefer the current son-in-law, although he is usually silent, he has a good way of doing things.

Regardless of the mismatch of status, he is very good in other areas.

"Xiao Sang, you two are fine, if you really want to have a baby."

Before the palace father and palace mother left, they left such a sentence.

They think that if their daughter has other crooked thoughts, it's just that they are free, and they just want a child to be busy!

After all, in the eyes of their adults, getting married and having children is always the most important thing.

It was also the same sentence. After they left, the living room was plunged into confusion and embarrassment.

I don't know how long it has been quiet. Qin Lang, who has been silent for a long time, explained: "Their company is not very clean. If you help them, your family may also be involved."

That's why he suggested not to help.

Sang Jian nodded, "I understand."

They signed a three-year agreement, but Qin Lang did help the Gong family a lot secretly.

Considering her parents' reckless attitude, if it weren't for Qin Lang's secret help, their family would not have been stable until now.

So in the original world, after Qin Lang was kicked out of the Gong family, he would definitely say what the Gong family couldn't hold on to for a year.

"You just understand."

Normally, the two of them didn't communicate much, and Qin Lang didn't know what to say. Seeing that she wasn't angry, he left this sentence and was about to go back to his room.

He hadn't walked a few steps when he heard Sang Jian behind him suddenly shout: "Would you like to go out for dinner together?"

Qin Lang stopped in his tracks and looked back at her with some doubts.

Didn't she always feel ashamed to take him out?
The eldest lady, who was usually high above and never looked down on others, suddenly became approachable.

Not right, very wrong!
Little Fifteen is here! !

Some time ago, I was brainwashed by the son-in-law of the crooked God of War, the Dragon King, so I really wanted to write a book about the son-in-law. After thinking about it, I will try the water in the small world first.

Laughing to death, I can't forget it at all.

Thank you for your rewards and votes, eh~

good night.

(End of this chapter)

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