Quick Transmigration Little Ancestor: Blackened male gods should be pampered

Chapter 1124 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article

Chapter 1124 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article (2)

Sang Jian's expression looked normal, which made Qin Lang, who was a little vigilant, relax a lot.

Maybe she just wanted to go out for a meal?
It's not like she didn't take herself out in the past just to show off. She basically left him somewhere and went out to play by herself.

Otherwise, it would be listening to a group of people mocking him and mocking her for finding a waste.

After returning home, she would lose her temper again, and after that, she would not take him with her for a long time, thinking he was ashamed.

When the outside world doesn't see him often and suspects that they are divorced, she will take him out to show his face again.

In the year of the flash marriage, he has almost gotten used to it.

After careful calculation, the two of them really haven't shown their faces together for too long.

After hesitating for a moment, Qin Lang nodded.

"Do you want me to change clothes?" He is now wearing home clothes, looking not very serious.

"No, it's just a casual meal. If you really don't want to go out, we can also order takeaway." Sang Jian didn't ask for anything, and took out his mobile phone after speaking.

"Let's go out to eat, takeaway is not healthy." Qin Lang gave up the idea of ​​changing clothes.

To be honest, he doesn't really want to change, this kind of clothes are comfortable to wear.

Sang Jian put down his phone, looked at Qin Lang and blinked, "We went out to eat, and we ate at a restaurant, and the takeaway was also packed by the restaurant, so why would it be unhealthy for others to deliver it?"

Qin Lang: "...you are right."

I forgot, as a rich young lady, when ordering takeaway, I naturally wouldn't order unhealthy things like those in small restaurants.

When he was still in the Qin family, he never bothered to eat that kind of small shop. Later, he came out and entered the society for a year, but he has grown a lot. Most of the time, it is good to have a stutter.

Missy hasn't experienced that kind of life yet.

But as long as the Gong family doesn't commit suicide, she should never experience it.

Qin Lang felt that he was thinking too far, so he withdrew his thoughts and asked again, "Then shall we go out?"

"Well, let's go, my sister has an appointment to do nails in the afternoon, you come with me."

Sang Jian didn't even look at him, turned around and walked out the door.

Qin Lang put his hands in his pockets and followed Sang Jian slowly.

Sang Jian was wearing a famous brand skirt, went to the hanger at the door, took a coat and put it on her body, and put on a pair of high heels about five centimeters.

The aura of the whole person was raised by a degree.

High heels are one of women's nirvana, and it's true.

Qin Lang had observed his wife a lot in the past. He only thought that she had a bad temper and ignored other things. It seemed that she had never paid attention to other aspects of her.

I couldn't help taking a few more glances today, and found that she looks good, and her figure is also one of the best in a million.

This kind of girl can be regarded as the top goddess level, what kind of man do you want?
How did you find him?
The thoughts of rich people are really unpredictable.

"Can you drive?"

At the entrance of the villa, Sang Jian stopped in front of a very flamboyant Lamborghini.

Qin Lang glanced at the red luxury car, showing the high profile and arrogance of the owner everywhere.

He nodded, and before he could speak, Sang Jian threw the car keys to him.

Qin Lang quickly reached out to catch it.

"Be my driver in the future." Sang Jian said, and got into the co-pilot by himself.

Qin Lang looked at the key and raised his eyebrows. He opened the door and got into the driver's seat without saying anything.

Qin Lang has driven a lot of luxury cars, and Sang Jian considered this car to be cheap in his eyes, so it was no problem to drive it.

However, in the eyes of others, he is now a bumpkin.

"Wife, why don't you just let me drive the car, so you're not afraid that I'll break it for you?" Qin Lang said "wife", very fluently.

This woman had bullied him a lot before, and the way he hit back at her was to call her his wife.

Because this marriage is an agreement in her eyes, as long as the time is up, they will be fine.

He called her that, and it was a poor dick taking advantage of her.

Every time I have to scold him angrily.

It's not that he has any masochism, he likes to hear people scold him, but he just thinks that he can make her angry and make her troubled, and he is very happy.

Unexpectedly, Sang Jian just glanced at him this time, and then put on the seat belt on his own, "If you like it, I can give it to you."

"...huh?" Qin Lang was surprised, he didn't expect her to answer him like that.

He moved his lips, thought for a long time, and choked out a sentence, "I want a new one, okay?"

He began to push his feet, no one can stand it.

Sang Jian nodded again, and said seriously: "After lunch, I will take you to pick up the car and go to the International Hotel in City A."

Qin Lang: "..."

This time he didn't say anything more, and drove to the restaurant silently.

The so-called international restaurants have cuisines from any country.

There are usually a lot of people inside, most of them are businessmen who have decided to discuss cooperation with foreign friends here.

There are not many people like Sang Jian who come here to eat casually. After all, the consumption here is not usually high.

The front desk of the hotel knew Sang Jian, and immediately asked someone to take her to the box upstairs, and served her with all her heart.

Everyone in City A knows the identity of this young lady.

The property left by her grandfather alone is enough to make people enviable, not to mention that the Miyashi Group, which has always been ranked among the top in City A, belongs to her family.

Although her acting character is very arrogant and high-profile, it is unpleasant, but she also has the capital of arrogance.

"Miss Gong, is today the same as usual?"

The waiter put a thick menu in front of Sang Mi.

She is a regular customer here, and she usually orders the things she likes when she comes here.

As for Qin Lang beside Sang Jian, they completely ignored him.

They also knew this man, Gong Sang's good-for-nothing husband.

A man who eats soft food has no family status at all, and Gong Sang also doesn't like him, so it's useless to ask him or not.

But this time they were taken aback.

Sang Jian actively pushed the menu in front of Qin Lang, "Order what you want."

At the end, I added another sentence, "Can you understand the foreign language above? If you don't understand, ask them to find you a Chinese menu."


Qin Lang: "..." Is this a little too sweet?

Although at his age, a normal person should still be in college, but he had already learned by himself in the Qin family.

It's easy to understand these foreign languages, but...

She asked herself so thoughtfully...

Qin Lang flipped through the menu casually, and finally shook his head, "I don't understand."

He wanted to see what this Sang Jian was going to do.

Sang Jian waved to the waiter behind him, "Come here for another Chinese menu."

Qin Lang: "..." It was actually for real, and it seemed that he didn't dislike him for not being able to understand.

When the waiter heard what Sang Jian said, he was a little confused: "Sorry, Miss Gong...we don't have a Chinese menu."

Isn't it embarrassing to bring a bumpkin here?
Sang Jian glanced back at him, dissatisfied: "Isn't this an international hotel? What's the matter? Isn't Chinese an international language? Why not? I need a reasonable explanation!"

The wayward young lady was angry.


With such a big hat buckled down, who can bear it!
"That's not what it means...we are here to take care of foreign friends."

"Oh, don't take care of your own people, take care of others?" Sang Jian's face was not very good-looking.

"..." How could he refute this?

Fortunately, Sang Jian didn't "difficult" him too much, and gave him a step down, "Go, translate for my husband one by one. If my husband can't eat well today, be careful and I will complain to you!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The waiter quickly nodded and stood beside Qin Lang.

Qin Lang: "..." There's no need to be like this, what the hell is she up to?
"Mr. Qin, this is..." The waiter really translated for Qin Lang.

When translating, he didn't forget to look at Qin Lang from the corner of his eye.

It seems that Miss Gong dotes on him very much, but why is he dressed so plainly?
Those who didn't know thought it was a servant.

However, Qin Lang seemed to be in good condition and did not appear to be wronged.

The wind may have really changed.

This Miss Gong may find that Qin Lang is handsome and has a good figure, so maybe she decides to treat him sincerely?

I hate it!
Hate the soft rice boy, and hate myself for not being a soft rice boy!
"Cough..." Qin Lang coughed lightly, feeling a little embarrassed, and it was enough to just order a few waiters to translate.

He really didn't expect Sang Jian to do this to this extent, what is he doing?

When he finished ordering, Sang Jian waved his hand and told the waiter to go down.

Qin Lang moved his lips, "You haven't ordered yet..."

"Eat the same food as your husband, can't you?" Sang Jian tilted his head and looked at him.

"Cough! Okay, why not?" Qin Lang turned his head and looked back at Sang Jian without showing any weakness, "It's just that my husband is rather rustic and has never eaten in such a high-end restaurant. My wife won't dislike me, right?"

The two looked at each other, and Qin Lang wanted to see something in her eyes, but he saw a little smile in her eyes.

"Of course I won't dislike you, you are my husband." Sang Jian smiled slightly.

Qin Lang: "..."

Dazed by this smile, her heart beat faster.

Qin Lang quickly looked away, avoiding her sight.

His hands in his lap clenched into fists nervously.

How could this be?
Is she fighting back against herself?One bite for one husband.

Qin Lang pondered for a while, and suddenly thought of the reason why Sang Jian was so abnormal.

He frowned and asked in a low voice, "Are you... wanting a divorce?"

Because when the agreement was signed before, it was written that whoever breaks the contract first needs to compensate the other party for a sky-high liquidated damages.

This sky-high price is not a small amount for Sang Jian.

For him who is a "poor guy", it is even more so that he can't afford to sell him.

Now that she is so kind to herself abnormally, does she want to break the contract in advance without paying liquidated damages?
"What are you talking about? We have to pick up the car after dinner, divorce? What kind of divorce!"

Sang Jian leaned on the chair, folded his hands on his chest, and smiled at the corners of his mouth, "I just found out that husband, you are a good-looking person, and you also have your own business acumen, so I suddenly like you."

Qin Lang: "..." Believe me, you idiot!
He has always been very talented, but she didn't notice it for a year, and it's too late to find out now!
"Don't believe me." Sang Jian supported his head with one hand, facing Qin Lang's direction, and said with a half-smile: "I decided to inspect you for a while, do you want to inspect me for a while? If we both agree If so, shall we do the fake show for real?"

Qin Lang: "..."

What on earth was she talking about? He knew all the words, why couldn't they understand them together?

She wants to make a fake show with herself?
Make no mistake!

"Don't try to take advantage of me, I'm a male college student." Do you understand the gold content of a male college student?
"Hey." Sang Jian sighed, leaned on the chair, raised his legs, and said quietly: "Male college students also have a time to graduate, don't you be young and not know the fragrance of a rich woman."

Qin Lang: "..." There was no way to refute it.

But if their family hadn't been supported by him secretly, she might not be a rich woman long ago.


Qin Lang looked a little reserved and shy on his face, but he was thinking about other things in his heart.

Before he could give another answer, the waiter who was serving food outside the door came in, finally diverting the topic between the two of them.

If you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with making a fake show.

It's just that he doesn't like her character very much.

Her previous style of doing things is really unlikable, and a person who has always disliked him suddenly said such things to herself, no matter how I think about it, I feel that there is a conspiracy.

It is indeed time to investigate her and see what she wants to do.


The waiters who served the dishes came in one by one.

After working on it for a long time, Qin Lang ordered some cold dishes, which filled the table.

The thing in the storybook where a local girl goes to a high-end restaurant and looks at the English menu and orders a bunch of soup, it actually happened to me!
And what he ordered was not as good as soup!
It is hard not to wonder if he pointed out these things when someone translated them for him!
Sang Jian turned to look at the embarrassed Qin Lang.

The waiters next to me wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

Miss Gong's husband is really an idiot.

When the dishes were all served, Qin Lang rubbed his hands a little embarrassedly, "I'm sorry... I didn't know it would happen."

Did you embarrass her this time?Should you be angry?

"Tsk." Sang Jian stood up from his seat, and Qin Lang shrank back subconsciously, as if afraid that Sang Jian would beat him up.

Sang Jian squinted at the showman, finally turned around and left the room, said something to the waiter at the door, and then came back and sat down again.

Qin Lang beside him breathed a sigh of relief, and asked cautiously, "Why don't you ask the waiter to come in again, so you can order again?"

"No need." Sang Jian refused sternly, "It's not that you can't eat these. Since it's what my husband wants to eat, it must be delicious. Don't worry, I've already asked someone to bring over two bowls of porridge It will definitely fill you up."

Qin Lang: "My wife, you are so caring!"

"I will be more caring in the future, think about me." Sang Jian smiled.

Qin Lang: "..."

Sure enough, after a while the waiter came in with two bowls of porridge.

What was supposed to be a big lunch turned into porridge and cold dishes.

It is also the first international high-end restaurant to eat this kind of food.


(End of this chapter)

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