Quick Transmigration Little Ancestor: Blackened male gods should be pampered

Chapter 1125 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article

Chapter 1125 Raising a son-in-law in a male channel article (3)

Coming out of the restaurant, Qin Lang still felt a little embarrassed.

Embarrassed, he followed behind Sang Jian, vividly interpreting a bumpkin who had never seen the world.

A look of being curious about the surroundings, but not daring to look too much.

Sang Jian didn't care about it. After going out, he planned to take Qin Lang to pick up the car as agreed.

As soon as he reached the parking space, a yellow supercar parked in the next parking space.

Drifting into the parking space with one hand, it looks very handsome.

She almost bumped into Sang Jian, but fortunately, Qin Lang behind her gave her a hand.

"Miss, be careful." Qin Lang reminded her.

Sang Jian glanced at him, and in the next second, shook off his hand, stepped on high heels and walked towards the supercar.

"Dude, if you don't need eyes, you can donate them to those who need them. Can you not see two people standing here?"

The unruly and willful eldest lady will go up and say something whenever there is something that doesn't suit her, especially for such unreasonable things, she will be unreasonable.

Qin Lang rubbed his temples with some headaches.

Every time I go out with her, I will definitely do something.

But this time it's okay, it's rare that she didn't make trouble first.

The man in the car was wearing sunglasses, and the co-pilot sat a hot girl.

Seeing Sang Jian approaching aggressively, the man first looked her up and down, and before he could speak, the beautiful woman beside him spoke first.

"Aren't you okay? So what if I hit you? Brother Wang can't afford it, right?"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Niao leaned on the man next to her in a comfortable manner.

Wang Gu looked at Sang Jian wearing sunglasses, and felt that she looked familiar.

Hearing what the beautiful woman beside him said, he stretched out his hand and pushed the woman on him, took off his sunglasses and looked at Sang Jian again.

Instantly recognized her identity, "Yo? Miss Gong! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"What? Miss Gong?" The beauty in the car widened her eyes when she heard this address, and looked at Sang Jian in disbelief.

I didn't look at her seriously just now, but now I take a closer look and find that it's really Gong Sangjian!

"Get out! How can you talk to Miss Gong? She is short of this money?"

Wang Gu raised his leg and kicked the woman beside him, making her get out of the car.

"Brother Wang~~" the woman yelled unwillingly, causing goosebumps all over her body.

Wang Gu's voice also softened a lot, "Hurry down!"

It's a pity that this woman hasn't played yet, but the most important thing right now is Sang Jian in front of her.

Put this woman aside, she can't say too much.

"Huh!" The woman snorted coldly, glared at Sang Jian, and got out of the car angrily.

Sang Jian folded her arms around her chest, glanced at the woman, and said expressionlessly, "It seems that you really don't want your eyes anymore."

"No... I didn't mean that..." The woman immediately bowed her head and apologized.

I am used to following all kinds of bosses, and I want to stare at people at every turn.

But this time this person can't afford to offend him.

"Miss Gong, don't be as knowledgeable as her. She's just a whore for money. Are you interested in having a drink?"

Wang Gu opened the car door, got out of the car, leaned against the car door thinking he was handsome, and invited Sang Jian, "Second Aunt Gong said before that she would introduce us to each other, now it seems that we are really destined."

"Wang Gu?"

From their conversation, Sang Jian tentatively said the name as if he just knew his identity.

Wang Gu smiled, "It's rare that Ms. Gong remembers my name, I'm so lucky."

"Ah, that's indeed a predestined relationship." Sang said expressionlessly when they met.

She looked back at Qin Lang, who was standing behind her, indifferent, as if he didn't dare to intervene.

Seeing her actions, Wang Gu followed the trend, as if he had just seen Qin Lang, "This is Miss Gong's husband, right? He really looks... young enough."

He really wanted to say boy, but for the sake of his own image, he held back.

Qin Lang turned his head to prevent Wang Gu from looking at him.

A flash of disdain flashed in Wang Gu's eyes, and he raised his hand in the next second to meet with Lu Sang, "Miss Gong, choosing a date is worse than bumping into it, since we are so destined, it doesn't make sense if we don't go for a drink, come on and get in the car , let's go... ah!"

bang! !
Before he finished speaking, Sang Jian in front of him suddenly raised his leg and kicked him into the convertible sports car behind him. He was on all fours, looking extremely embarrassed.

"See you, Gong Sang! What do you mean!"

Sang Jian sneered, and said confidently: "You almost bumped into Miss Ben just now, and you still ask me what I mean?"

Wang Gu: "..." Because of this?

Kicked him in public?
He tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and said patiently: "I just apologize to you, why bother?"

He climbed out of the car with difficulty.

Sang Jian raised his chin arrogantly, "Then you should apologize!"

"..." Wang Gu's face darkened for a moment.

But he still apologized to Sang Jian after regaining his footing, "I apologize for what happened to me just now, I'm sorry...then Miss Gong, should you also be responsible for kicking me just now..."

Before he finished speaking, Sang Jian turned around and was about to leave.

As soon as he turned around, he almost ran into Qin Lang's arms.

"When did you run behind me?" Sang Jian looked up at Qin Lang who was close at hand.

"Ah? Haha, seeing that Missy is leaving, the driver is ready to drive for you." Qin Lang said with a smile.

He came over when Wang Gu was about to touch her just now.

Although they have no relationship, but before the divorce, he resolutely does not allow her to cuckold him!
It's just that she stepped a little faster, so that he didn't have a chance to make a move.

Qin Lang was chatting with Sang Jian, and the next moment he took the initiative to open the car door for Sang Jian.

Sang Jian sat up naturally, completely ignoring Wang Gu.

She just wanted an apology, and she would leave as soon as she finished, with a very clear purpose.

Qin Lang didn't hesitate much, and turned around and went to the driver's seat.

The corner of Wang Gu's mouth twitched slightly, "Miss Gong..."

He took a step forward and wanted to say something.

Qin Lang had already stepped on the gas pedal. He didn't know if it was on purpose, but the car barely passed Wang Gu.

If he took a step forward, he would probably be knocked into the air.

Wang Gu hurriedly took a few steps back and leaned against the door of his own car, staring fixedly at the car that was sprinting away.

It's fine for Gong Sang to see him, how dare a dead son-in-law with a bad face ignore him!
"Brother Wang~ Let me tell you that Gong Sang saw that she has a husband, she must... ah!!"

The hot beauty was about to come over to comfort Wang Gu, but Wang Gu slapped her backhand with a slap.

"Damn it, I brought you out so she could see it! She must have been jealous to shake my face!" When the second aunt Mingminggong introduced Sang Jian to him, she said that she had a good impression of him.

I must have lost my temper today because I saw him taking another woman.

How unlucky!

Wang Gu's good mood of the day was ruined.


Sang Jian could clearly see Qin Lang's little tricks of using the car just now.

Now she was leaning on the cushion, looking at the constantly receding scenery outside the window, she said in a good mood, "For the sake of avenging me, you can have any car you want later."

Qin Lang was taken aback for a moment.

What she meant was that she really wanted to take him to pick up the car?

"You're going to the nail shop, right? Go to the car dealership first. There's no room for regret about what I promised." She cast her gaze on Qin Lang.

"Okay." Qin Lang turned the car in a different direction.

"Why is Missy so willing to spend money on me today?" Qin Lang still couldn't help asking.

"You're not called wife now?" Sang Jian sneered.

Qin Lang: "..."

"But if you're sincere, you can call me whatever you want. I don't feel comfortable hearing the fake one." Sang Jian looked out the window again.

Qin Lang pursed his lips and remained silent.

I thought I knew this woman a long time ago, she was just a woman with a bad temper and no brains.

Only now have I discovered that this is not the case.

Poor temper is true, and the item of lack of brains will be cancelled.

"What do you think of Wang Gu?"

After being quiet for a while, Sang Jian suddenly changed the subject.

"Not very much." Qin Lang replied without thinking.

It looks obscene.

"If I abandon you because of him, will you feel inferior?" Sang Jian asked again.

"Huh?" This question is really a bit inexplicable.

Sang Jian explained: "I would rather choose a not-so-good wretched man than you. Would you find it hard to accept?"

In the original world, she kicked him just because of Wang Gu.

Although she knew that he in the original world was not the same person as he is now, but she still wanted to know how he would feel if he encountered such a thing.

"Ah... Maybe you'll feel inferior and want to die." Qin Lang followed her words.

If you think about it carefully, you will really feel that there is something wrong with you, that you are not as good as Wang Gu?

But more people still think she is blind.

Of course, Sang Jian would not let Sang Jian know about such words.

Sang Jian nodded and changed the subject again, "What kind of girl do you like?"

Qin Lang: "...Your appearance today makes me feel that what you said before is true."

Let him think about her in the restaurant, plus these messy questions now.

At the same time as being abnormal, I couldn't help but think too much.

Sang Jian blinked, "It's true, why? You didn't take it seriously? Then you should remember now that I am serious, and you should think carefully about it."


Qin Lang was silent for a moment, and choked out a few words, "It's not like you anyway."

This is answering her question just now.

I thought that upon hearing this answer, Sang Jian would be very angry and scold him for being blind.

Unexpectedly, Sang Jian nodded thoughtfully, "Is that so..."

Then stop talking.

Qin Lang frowned slightly, and a thin layer of sweat broke out in the hands holding the steering wheel.

Out of the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but glance at Sangjian.

what does she mean?
What is this?
They are husband and wife, and she reacted so calmly when she heard him say such words?
No matter how much he thought along the way, Sang Jian didn't speak any more.

When he came to the car dealership, he just let him choose by himself.

Adhering to the idea that he is a local dog, Qin Lang pretended not to understand and chose randomly, and finally chose a car that was the same as Sang Jian, but the color was black.

Sang Jian paid the full amount very readily, and asked Qin Lang to go through the formalities by himself.

When signing, the staff next to me couldn't help but whisper enviously, "Your wife treats you so well..."

Qin Lang said expressionlessly, "I'm just eating soft food."

The staff whispered: "Hey, you can't say that, eating soft rice is also a skill!"

Qin Lang: "..." Do you all see it this way now?
Then why are there so many people who scold him?
I don't understand.


"I asked the driver to come and drive my car away. Can I sit in the co-pilot of your new car?"

After picking up the car and standing in front of the new car, Sang Jian seemed to ask politely, but in fact his hands were already on the door.

The meaning is obvious, no matter whether he lets him sit or not, she will sit still!

"Of course, I will be your exclusive driver from now on." Qin Lang offered to open the car door for her.

Satisfied, Sang Jian sat up.

This was the first time she talked to herself after the previous topic. She didn't talk to him just now when she was choosing a car.

Then there was the group of sisters who sent her to meet her.

They are all daughters of rich families, and they look down on him the most on weekdays.

Isn't she buying a car for herself just to make him look better?

But her group of sisters already knew what kind of person he was, so it's too late to pretend to be face-saving now?

Qin Lang really couldn't figure out why Sang Jian was so abnormal today.


It is said to be doing manicure, but in fact it is for beauty treatment, which includes manicure items. Every week, Sang Jian basically comes to do beauty treatment with this group of sisters, go shopping and drink afternoon tea.

This is the necessary life for ladies like them.

When Sang Jian and Qin Lang arrived, the group of sisters were already sitting in the rest area, waiting for Sang Jian.

Qin Lang glanced at them. There were five sisters here, and one of them didn't know each other.

It's like their new friend.

In fact, Sang Jian didn't know the new sister either.

To be precise, it should be that the original owner didn't know him, but Sang Jian did.

This is one of Qin Lang's future harem.

The other four sisters felt unlucky when they saw Qin Lang as usual.

"You came late today, isn't it because of him?"

"It's so late and I don't know how to ask him to clean up, shame on him!"

"I've wasted so much time, you can ask for our beauty fee in a while!"

They seemed to dislike Qin Lang very much, and quickly dragged Sang Jian away.

Sang Jian only had time to look back at Qin Lang, and she was relieved when she saw that Qin Lang had already found a place to sit down and waited obediently for her.


"Why doesn't your new friend come?" she asked the sister beside her.

Qin Lang's harem did not keep up with them.

Several other people also glanced back at the woman who was still sitting in the rest area, sitting very elegantly, and said softly: "She, I'm done, I happened to meet for a few words, and I will go to drink tea with us later, so I decided to wait Let's go."

"Which one?" Sang Jian asked.

"The Yang family's name is Yang Shu, you should have heard of it."

Sang Jian nodded.

Sure enough, it was her.

This Yang Shu can be regarded as Qin Lang's first harem. In the original plot, Qin Lang met her after she was kicked out of the palace house by her.

Also a rich daughter, Yang Shu's temper was in stark contrast to Gong Sangjian's, so Qin Lang paid more attention to her.

The two people who came and went saw each other right.

(End of this chapter)

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